investigating a generic paraphrasebased approach

Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology: A Force Balance Approach

Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology: A Force Balance Approach

... - assembled aggregates). An alternative way is to treat the surfactant mole- cules in bulk (usually aqueous solution) and the surfactant micelles as a different phase ( pseudo - phase separation) ... organic, polymeric, metallic, and biological materials in vacuum and in water. Material Hamaker Constant, 10 − 20 J Ref. Vacuum (air) Water BaTiO 3 18 8 Bergstr ö m, 1997 α - Al ... book and specifi cally disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials....

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:12

361 414 0
5 DS07 10 14 bai da sua A Control-Theoretic Approach_v8_

5 DS07 10 14 bai da sua A Control-Theoretic Approach_v8_

... application-aware adaptive middleware architecture as a viable approach to control the adaptive behavior of applications so that the best possible application-level QoS is achieved under any ... the applications. In this paper, we present a control-theoretic algorithm for QoS adaptation in the application-aware middleware architecture to enhance the effectiveness of QoS adaptation ... J.SEO, A Gateway-Assited Approach Toward QoS Adaptations”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Aug. 2000, pp.855-858. [9] C.H.YOUN, H.SONG and J.E.KEUM, “A...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2013, 16:31

9 346 0
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

... variable a data type and then assign a value to it (as in languages such as C++ and Java), PHP automatically assigns a data type to a variable when a value is allocated to it. This makes PHP rather ... regular arrays, multidimensional arrays, and even the handy associative array. Unlike the string functions available to PHP, the array functions are actually rather well organized and follow fairly ... always assigned by value, since the PHP 4 release (and including PHP 5), you can now assign variables by reference. This means you can create something of an alias to a variable that will change...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

673 367 0
Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in an ASP.NET docx

Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in an ASP.NET docx

... Name Label Caption Contact Label Caption Contact Title Label Caption Address Label Caption City Button Name btnZ Caption Z Button Name btnAll Caption All DataGrid Name dgSearch AllowPaging ... to narrow down the records to look for. A data adapter is passed a SQL String made up of the Session object entries just mentioned, a data table is filled, and the data grid's DataSource ... the form. Taking the strCustID passed from the results of the search, a data adapter is created, and a data table is filled. Last, each of the TextBox controls is loaded with the value from...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

12 451 0
Tài liệu Creating a Generic Class docx

Tài liệu Creating a Generic Class docx

... instance is greater than the value of the parameter Creating a Generic Class The .NET Framework Class Library contains a number of generic classes readily available for you. You can also ... the CompareTo method compares Circle objects based on their areas. The area of a circle with a larger area is greater than a circle with a smaller area. class Circle : System.IComparable { ... IComparable<T> { } 6. Add three private variables to the Tree<T> class; a T variable called data, and two Tree<T> variables called left and right: 7. private T data; 8....

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:16

12 298 0
Tài liệu Creating a Generic Method pdf

Tài liệu Creating a Generic Method pdf

... BuildTree<char>('Z', 'X', &apos ;A& apos;, 'M', 'Z', 'M', 'N'); charTree.WalkTree(); 3. On the Build menu, click Build Solution. Verify that ... Program class. This should be a static method that takes a params array of T elements called data, and returns a Tree<T> object. The method definition should look like this: static ... BuildTree<T>(params T[] data) { } NOTE The params keyword was described in detail in Chapter 11, “Understanding Parameter Arrays.” 5. The T type used for building the binary tree must implement...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:16

4 293 0
Tài liệu An Evaluation of A Participatory Research Approach in Rainfed Lowland Area of Vinh Trach Village, B pptx

Tài liệu An Evaluation of A Participatory Research Approach in Rainfed Lowland Area of Vinh Trach Village, B pptx

... own action plan. Through these S&CWGs activities, regalar 6 An Evaluation of A Participatory Research Approach in Rainfed Lowland Area of Vinh Trach Village, Bac Lieu Nguyen Duy Can 1 , ... are Vietnamese. Natural area of of the village is about 4,229 ha, of which the rice land area occupies about 2,855 ha, vegetables area about 232 ha and some 1,400 ha of rice land has been converted ... research approaches to support the small-scale household farming in utilizing and managing of agricultural and natural resources reasonably. Central elements in this participatory research are...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20

8 492 0
Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET docx

Tài liệu Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET docx

... LoadIndividual(frmSearch.ResultValue) 8.4 Make a Generic Search Form in a Visual Basic .NET Desktop Application Another useful utility that takes advantage of being data driven is a standard search ... strFilterLetter As String) Dim odaSearch As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim dtSearch As DataTable = New DataTable() odaSearch = New _ OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select " & Me.KeyField & ... ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAccept.Click Dim dtFromGrid As DataTable Dim drCurr As DataRow Try ' Using the DataRow and DataTable objects of the DataGrid control,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

13 341 0
Tài liệu A Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health - A Conceptual Framework pdf

Tài liệu A Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health - A Conceptual Framework pdf

... (SAMHSA), in conjunction with the vii A Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health :A Conceptual Framework Acknowledgments 1 A list of participants and their organizations is available at C. ... on mental health can have just as many societal benefits as those that focus on physical health. 12 CHAPTER 1: Introduction A Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health :A Conceptual Framework Multiple ... where a public health approach to children’s mental health can be envisioned and achieved. viii A Public Health Approach to Children’s Mental Health :A Conceptual Framework ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

141 470 0
Tài liệu A Client-Centered Approach to Reproductive Health: A Trainer’s Manual docx

Tài liệu A Client-Centered Approach to Reproductive Health: A Trainer’s Manual docx

... clients. Having said that, the fundamentals of participatory training are repeated and reinforced throughout the manual as a reminder, and to encourage those who may have had less advanced training ... client- centered approach is its applicability to any client and any provider in any location. The manual has been revised slightly from its use in Pakistan to enhance its broad appeal and trainers are ... Gul Rashida and Zakir Hussain have been the heart of this training and development of the manual. Dr.Ali Mir has been a core member at various stages of the course development. Mr.Fayyaz Khan...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

287 500 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A systems biology approach for the analysis of carbohydrate dynamics during acclimation to low temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A systems biology approach for the analysis of carbohydrate dynamics during acclimation to low temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana doc

... measured with an infrared gas analysis system (Uras 3 G; Hartmann & Braun AG, Frank- furt am Main, Germany). A whole-rosette cuvette design was used as described in [31]. Gas exchange was ... Whereas many tropical and subtropical species have only limited capacities to cope with low temperature, plants from temperate climates, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, grow at low temperature and can ... demonstrated [21], and it was shown that acclimation does not take place in total darkness. Strand et al. [22] found that cold acclimation was sig- nificantly enhanced in plants with increased SPS activ- ity,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 22:20

13 707 0
Tài liệu COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY with ARABS and MUSLIMS A Culturally Sensitive Approach doc

Tài liệu COUNSELING and PSYCHOTHERAPY with ARABS and MUSLIMS A Culturally Sensitive Approach doc

... earth. “Wabtagi fema a tak Allah al-dar el-aakhera wala tansa nasibak men al-dunia” (Al-Qusas #77). [But seek, by means of that which God has given you, to attain the abode of the hereafter and ... and avoid hopelessness, by employing the verse, “Faasa an takrahou shaiaan wayajaalu Allah menhu khayran kathera” (Al-nisaa #19). [It may well be that you dislike a thing which God has meant ... katab Allah lana howa mawlana waala Allah falyatawakal el-moamenin” (Al-tawbah #51). [Say: Nothing will befall us except what God has ordained. He is our Guardian. In God let the faithful put...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 15:20

187 333 0
Tài liệu Understanding Potential Changes to the Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) System - A Regression-Based Approach ppt

Tài liệu Understanding Potential Changes to the Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) System - A Regression-Based Approach ppt

... presence or absence of affiliations with medical schools. The goal of Phase II was to conduct a quantitative analysis aimed at evaluating the impact of a wide range of patient and facility characteristics ... from the Phase II analysis. Our analytic approach closely resembles the approach that we took in the Phase II analysis. The analysis was structured to yield clear, policy-relevant, practical conclusions ... each patient was as- signed the average value for each characteristic (the “unadjusted average allocation”) with the simulated allocation that occurs when a characteristic of interest (e.g., health...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

136 411 0
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