introduction to visual studio net ppt

Introduction to Visual Studio 2008

Introduction to Visual Studio 2008

... Figure 2-7. CHAPTER 2 ■ INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL STUDIO 2008 14 The History of Visual Studio Visual Studio has quite a history. The first version was called Visual Studio 97, which was most ... support to Visual Studio 2008. This allows you to use Visual Studio 2008 for a specific targeted version of the .NET Framework. Therefore, your Visual Studio 2005 projects that are using .NET 2.0 ... targeted to that version of the .NET Framework. Figure 2-15. Muti-targeting support in Visual Studio 2008 If you open a Visual Studio 2005 project in Visual Studio 2008, you will be prompted to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

26 341 1
Tài liệu A Programmer''''s Introduction To Visual Basic .NET doc

Tài liệu A Programmer''''s Introduction To Visual Basic .NET doc

... and the debugging tools work dif- ferently. VB .NET is part of Visual Studio. NET (or VS .NET) , which finally consolidates all the development languages into one place: VB .NET, C++ .NET, and C#. You ... cover the basics of what you need to know to get started using VB .NET. For those questioning whether to move to .NET, it is important to understand the benefits .NET gives you. Having a unified ... is VB .NET, which is the new ver- sion of Visual Basic. There is Visual Studio. NET, an Integrated Development Environment that hosts VB .NET, C#, and C++ .NET. Underlying all this is the . NET Framework...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

223 562 0
Tài liệu Accessing a Database Using Visual Studio .NET ppt

Tài liệu Accessing a Database Using Visual Studio .NET ppt

... CustomerID column of the Customers table. Figure 3.30: Properties of the CustomerID columns You've only scratched the surface of the Server Explorer in this section. If you have VS .NET, ... from the Customers table. Figure 3.27: Viewing the rows in the Customers table using the Server Explorer You can enter SQL statements by clicking the Show SQL Pane button in the toolbar, as ... you have VS .NET, you should feel free to experiment with the Server Explorer-that's the best way to learn. Once you've connected to the database, you can view things such...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

3 448 0
Tài liệu Introducing Visual Studio .NET pptx

Tài liệu Introducing Visual Studio .NET pptx

... you can see, VS .NET has already created some starting code for you. This code is a skeleton for your The VS .NET toolbar contains a series of buttons that act as shortcuts to some of the menu ... ã Tools Connect to a database and customize your settings for VS .NET. For example, set the colors used for different parts of your program lines or set the initial page displayed by VS .NET ... properties of objects, such as the size of a button). You can also use the View menu to select the toolbars you want to display. ã Project Add class files to your project and add Windows forms and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

7 279 0
Tài liệu Creating a DataView Using Visual Studio .NET pptx

Tài liệu Creating a DataView Using Visual Studio .NET pptx

... Creating a DataView Using Visual Studio .NET In this section, you'll learn how to create a DataView using Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET) . You can follow along with the steps ... tab of the Toolbox to your form. This creates a DataView object named dataView1. 6. Set the Table property of your dataView1 object to dataSet11.Customers using the drop-down list to the right ... section: 1. Open VS .NET and create a new Windows application named myDataView. 2. Display Server Explorer, connect to your Northwind database, and drag the Customers table to your form. This...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

3 331 0
Tài liệu Create a New SQL Server Database from Within Visual Studio .NET pptx

Tài liệu Create a New SQL Server Database from Within Visual Studio .NET pptx

... this chapter's introduction. Comments The Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server teams have gone to a lot of effort to make VS .NET the only design tool you need to use to create databases ... Sometimes you will need to perform tasks that are beyond what you can accomplish in the Server Explorer, but this chapter will stick to VS .NET. Now it's time to see how to create some of the ... the database you want to create-in this case, Chapter2. 3. Choose the type of security that you want to use with this database. If your network is strictly a Windows 2000 network, you can leave...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

3 461 0
A Programmer’s Introduction to Visual Basic.NET docx

A Programmer’s Introduction to Visual Basic.NET docx

... is VB .NET, which is the new ver- sion of Visual Basic. There is Visual Studio. NET, an Integrated Development Environment that hosts VB .NET, C#, and C++ .NET. Underlying all this is the . NET Framework ... buttons along the bottom of the form, you didn’t want people to resize the form and suddenly have this bottom row of buttons in the middle of the form. VB .NET allows you to anchor controls to ... addition to changes to the core language and some of the tools, there are some completely new features to VB .NET. The major new items include such features as constructors and destructors, namespaces,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

223 395 0
Tài liệu Use Visual Studio .NET Tools to Speed Up Writing ADO.NET doc

Tài liệu Use Visual Studio .NET Tools to Speed Up Writing ADO.NET doc

... this section, the code that Visual Studio .NET creates is repetitive to write and tedious to maintain. With just a little bit of direction from you, Visual Studio .NET can save you hours of mundane ... dsCustomers.xsd. 2. Visual Studio .NET opens dsCustomers.xsd in Design mode. Expand the Server explorer and drill down to Data Connections, Northwind, Tables. Drag the Customers table onto the ... Visual Studio .NET Tools to Speed Up Writing ADO .NET Code The code you've written up to this point doesn't do that much. It doesn't even access the database. The next task is to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

15 371 0
Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

Tài liệu LINQ to SharePoint DSL Extension for Visual Studio 2010 ppt

... content type to list relation  Content type to content type relation: to add a content type to content type relation To add a tool in your schema, just drag and drop tool from the toolbox to the ... relational tools  List to list relation: to add a relation between two lists  List to content type relation: to add a list to content type relation  Content type to list relation: to add a ... 3.2.3 Toolbox Picture: the items of the LINQ to SharePoint toolbox The LINQ to SharePoint toolbox contains the following tools, organized by 3 categories: The entity tools  Enumeration: to...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 02:20

90 457 3
65 tips for migrating to visual studio dot net

65 tips for migrating to visual studio dot net

... Using .NET Framework SDK Tools Beyond Visual Studio .NET, the .NET Framework SDK includes a variety of useful tools many of which are command based. For example, you could use xsd.exe to create ... path. Fortunately Visual Studio .NET installs a shortcut to a command prompt that has all the right environment settings. You can find this shortcut in the Visual Studio .NET Tools Folder as shown ... forces it to frequently load topics and can slow down Visual Studio .NET significantly. 2. Need an easy way to build a SQLDataAdapter object against a table at design time, without even having to use...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:39

22 433 0
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_3 ppt

Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_3 ppt

... Creating an Entity Data Model in Visual Studio The easiest way to create an EDM is by using the ADO .NET data model wizard in Visual Studio. 1. Open up Visual Studio. 2. Create a New C# Console ... (EF is too tightly coupled to the underlying data store) ã EF has too many dependencies and lacks the ability to create entities as standard .NET classes (you will hear this referred to as ... Table 7-1. Default Protocol Mappings for Different Types of Addresess Address Bindi ng http basicHttpBinding net. pipe netNamedPipeBinding net. msmq netMsmqBinding net. tcp netTcpBinding  TIP...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

45 582 0
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_4 ppt

Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_4 ppt

... possible to map EF model properties to individual AtomPub elements. In our film example you could map a director's name to AtomPub’s author element. It is also possible to create custom classes ... the data is returned in AtomPub form. This is not very helpful for us, so to see the raw XML we need to change a setting in IE: 1. Open IE and go to the ToolsInternet OptionsContent tab. ... [CustomerCustomerID] in table 'Addresses' ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Addresses] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_CustomerAddress] FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerCustomerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Customers]...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

45 890 0
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_6 pptx

Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_6 pptx

... please refer to http://blog.codeville .net/ 2008/09/01/prevent-cross-site-request-forgery-csrf-using-aspnet- mvcs-antiforgerytoken-helper/. Extending MVC ASP .NET MVC is very easy to customize and ... pretend repository BobsMoviesMVC.Support.FakeFilmRepository PretendRepository = new BobsMoviesMVC.Support.FakeFilmRepository(); //Add a film to pretend repository PretendRepository.Films.Add(new ... class to get an instance of the FilmRepository: BobsMoviesMVC.Models.IFilmRepository filmRepository; public FilmController() { filmRepository = new BobsMoviesMVC.Models.FilmRepository();...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

45 470 0
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_7 ppt

Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_7 ppt

... need to modify the MainMenu control to enable it to take you to the stack panel page you have just created. Wiring up a button in Silverlight is similar to performing the same task in ASP .NET ... <Button x:Name="cmdGrid" Content="Grid"></Button> <Button x:Name="cmdAnimation" Content="Animation"></Button> <Button x:Name="cmdCallJS" ... JS"></Button> <Button x:Name="cmdMediaTest" Content="Media"></Button> <Button x:Name="cmdDataBind" Content="Data Binding"></Button>...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

45 748 0