... iSQL*Plus 11 -15 Debugging PL/ SQL Program Units 11 -16 Summary 11 -17 Practice 11 Overview 11 -19 12 Creating Packages Objectives 12 -2 Overview of Packages 12 -3 Components of a Package 12 -4 Referencing ... Functions 11 -10 USER_ERRORS 11 -11 Detecting Compilation Errors: Example 11 -12 List Compilation Errors by Using USER_ERRORS 11 -13 List Compilation Errors by Using SHOW ERRORS 11 -14 DESCRIBE in iSQL*Plus ... Privileges 11 -3 Granting Access to Data 11 -4 Using Invoker’s-Rights 11 -5 Managing Stored PL/ SQL Objects 11 -6 USER_OBJECTS 11 -7 List All Procedures and Functions 11 -8 USER_SOURCE Data Dictionary View 11 -9 List...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 22:15
Sybex - OCP Introduction to Oracle9i SQL Study Guide
... requires you to pass two exams that demonstrate your knowledge of Oracle basics: 1Z0-007: Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL 1Z0-0 31: Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I The 1Z0-007 exam, Introduction ... components are required to run iSQL*Plus from your PC? (Choose all that apply.) A. SQL* Plus installed on the PC B. Oracle Net on the PC C. HTTP Server D. iSQL*Plus Server 5. When ... Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL, is offered on the Internet. The 1Z0-0 31 exam, Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I, is offered at a Sylvan Prometric facility. Oracle9i Certified Database Administrator ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15
Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL
... Views Objectives 11 -2 Database Objects 11 -3 What Is a View? 11 -4 Why Use Views? 11 -5 Simple Views and Complex Views 11 -6 Creating a View 11 -7 Retrieving Data from a View 11 -10 Querying a View 11 -11 Modifying ... Lesson 15 -4 The UNION SET Operator 15 -7 Using the UNION Operator 15 -8 The UNION ALL Operator 15 -10 Using the UNION ALL Operator 15 -11 The INTERSECT Operator 15 -12 Using the INTERSECT Operator 15 -13 The ... 11 -11 Modifying a View 11 -12 Creating a Complex View 11 -13 Rules for Performing DML Operations on a View 11 -14 Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Clause 11 -17 Denying DML Operations 11 -18 Removing a View 11 -20 Inline...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu An Introduction to Windows Server 2008 Server Manager pdf
... Knowledge courses: Migrating to Server 2008 Updating Your Active Directory Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Updating Your Application Platform Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 ... and tips that you can immediately put to use. Our expert instructors draw upon their experiences to help you understand key concepts and how to apply them to your specific work situation. Choose ... configured. Y ou'll need to access the specific administrative tools for each role in order to do that. For example, you could now go to your Start menu, choose Administrative Tools, and see that...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Introduction to oracle 9i : SQL ppt
... UNION ALL Operator 15 -11 The INTERSECT Operator 15 -12 Using the INTERSECT Operator 15 -13 The MINUS Operator 15 -14 SET Operator Guidelines 15 -16 The Oracle Server and SET Operators 15 -17 Matching ... Function 17 -11 GROUPING Function: Example 17 -12 GROUPING SETS 17 -13 GROUPING SETS: Example 17 -15 Composite Columns 17 -17 Composite Columns: Example 17 -19 Concatenated Groupings 17 - 21 xix Defining ... TO_ TIMESTAMP_TZ 16 -12 TO_ YMINTERVAL 16 -13 TZ_OFFSET 16 -14 Summary 16 -16 Practice 16 Overview 16 -17 17 Enhancements to the GROUP BY Clause Objectives 17 -2 Review of Group Functions 17 -3 Review of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:17
Tài liệu Giáo trình SQL và PL SQL part 1 pptx
... và tự động disconnect. Để thực hành phần SQL và PL/ SQL gọi ứng dụng SQL* Plus. 1. 3 Giới thiệu ngôn ngữ SQL 1. 3 .1 Lịch sử phát triển của ngôn ngữ SQL Mô hình cơ sở dữ liệu (CSDL) quan hệ do ... phát triển công nghệ - FPT Giáo trình SQL và PL/ SQL Đào tạo cơ bản: SQL và PL/ SQL Trang 9 Control Language) 1. 7 Giới thiệu về ví dụ thực hành 1. 7 .1 Mô hình quan hệ dữ liệu EMP DEPT ... Công ty cổ phần đầu t phát triển công nghệ - FPT Giáo trình SQL và PL/ SQL Đào tạo cơ bản: SQL và PL/ SQL Trang 6 1 Giới thiệu 1. 1 Mục tiêu khoá học Kết thúc khoá học học viên phải nắm đợc...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Giáo trình SQL và PL SQL part 3 pdf
... CEIL(99.9) CEIL (10 1.76) CEIL( -11 .1) 5000 10 0 10 2 -11 3000 10 0 10 2 -11 3000 10 0 10 2 -11 Ví dụ hàm FLOOR(n) SELECT FLOOR (SAL), FLOOR (99.9), FLOOR (10 1.76), FLOOR ( -11 .1) FROM EMP WHERE ... 2850 1 -2850 -1 -15 0 -1 150 1 13 00 1 -13 00 -1 15 00 1 -15 00 -1 950 1 -950 -1 750 1 -750 -1 4.2 Các hàm ký tự CONCAT(char1, char2) cho kết hợp của 2 chuỗi ký tự, tơng tự nh sử dụng to n ... 7788 12 - 01- 1983 11 00 20 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09-06 -19 81 2450 10 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03 -12 -19 81 3000 20 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-04 -19 81 2975 20 7839 KING PRESIDENT 17 -11 -19 81 5000...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Basic Ship Theory K.J. Rawson E.C. TupperMSc Vol 1 pdf
... 000 =10 9 giga G 1 000 000 =10 6 mega M 1 000 =10 3 kilo k 10 0 =10 2 hecto h 10 =10 1 deca da 0 :1= 10 1 deci d 0: 01= 10 À2 centi c 0:0 01= 10 À3 milli m 0:000 0 01= 10 À6 micro 0:000 000 0 01= 10 À9 nano n 0:000 ... between ordinates 1 and 2 is given by A 1 1 12 h5y 1 8y 2 À y 3 28 Basic ship theory //SYS 21/ //INTEGRA/BST /VOL1 /REVISES 21- 7-20 01/ BSTA 01. 3D ± 14 ± [1 24/24] 26.7.20 01 4 :11 PM Introduction In ... 4 :11 PM Pre®xes to denote multiples and sub-multiples to be axed to the names of units are: Factor by which the unit is multiplied Prefix Symbol 1 000000 000 000 =10 12 tera T 1 000000 000 =10 9 giga...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 20:20
Module 3Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) pdf
... Conclusion The objective of Module 3 • To improve the library staff to know about how to use ICts as computer including using internet … Good Afternoon! Module 3 Introduction to Information and Communication ... Afternoon! Module 3 Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) - Lesson 1: Why do librarians need to know about ICTs and acquire skill in their use? - Lesson 2: How do computer work? - Lesson ... affecting libraries? The level of student • Students who will come to study might have basic about using computer before Teaching Plan • By 3p -Presentation -Practice -Production ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure pdf
... 34 306 Art. 40 306 Art. 41 306 Art. 52 280 Art. 56 296 28.06 .19 19 Treaty of Versailles 11 2 BFSP 1 (19 19) Art. 227 10 9 10 Art. 228 11 0 Art. 229 11 0 17 .06 .19 25 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition ... al. 4 TWC 411 234 US v. Sissoko (19 97) 12 1 IR 599 536 US v. von Leeb XII LRTWC 1 2 71, 274, 318 , 411 , 418 US v. Weizsäcker (Ministries Trial) 14 TWC 1 234 US v. Yamashita 327 US 1 120, 388, 392 US ... Instruments US v. Brandt (Doctors’ Trial) IV LRTWC 91 238, 258, 3 91 US v. Calley (19 69) 41 CMR 96; (19 73) 46 CMR 11 31; (19 73) 48 CMR 19 49, 66 US v. Flick IX LRTWC 1 234, 411 14 US v. Krauch and others...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social history pdf
... National Affairs from 13 38 to 14 61 96 28. The Black Death and its Effects 99 29. The Statutes of Laborers 10 6 30. The Peasants' Rebellion of 13 81 111 31. Commutation of Services 12 5 32. The Abandonment ... Ltd. 19 16 All rights reserved Copyright, 19 01, By The MacMillan Company. Set up and electrotyped. Published April, 19 01. Reprinted January, October, 19 05; November, 19 06; October, 19 07; July, 19 08; ... February, 19 09; January, 19 10; April, December, 19 10; January, August, December, 19 11; An Introduction to the Industrial and Social by Edward Potts Cheyney 2 narrowest limits. In addition to the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:20
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe pdf
... Malta.] [Sidenote: The Templars.] Before the Hospitalers were transformed into a military order, a little group of French knights banded together in 11 19 to defend pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem from ... the energetic Emperor Alexius (10 81- 111 8) ascended the throne he endeavored to expel the infidel. Finding himself unequal to the task, he appealed for assistance to the head of Christendom, Urban ... to obey him. [Sidenote: Henry triumphs over Gregory.] CHAPTER XIII 86 XXVI COURSE OF THE PROTESTANT REVOLT IN GERMANY, 15 21- 1555 405 XXVII THE PROTESTANT REVOLT IN SWITZERLAND AND ENGLAND 4 21 XXVIII...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 23:20
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