introduction to computer science and programming pdf

Tài liệu tập trình Python programming an introduction to computer science (261 trang)

Tài liệu tập trình Python programming an introduction to computer science (261 trang)

... is Computer Science? You might be surprised to learn that computer science is not the study of computers A famous computer scientist named Edsgar Dijkstra once quipped that computers are to computer ... turned a couple computer programming classes into a lucrative career option Computers are so commonplace in the business world today that the ability to understand and program computers might ... 2, 150 level 3, 151 top-level, 148 RAM (random access memory), random, 145 random library, 145 functions random, 145 randrange, 145 random numbers, 144 random walk, 159 randrange, 145 range,

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2017, 17:07

261 545 0
UNESCO Module: Introduction To Computer Vision And Image Processing

UNESCO Module: Introduction To Computer Vision And Image Processing

... presentation Objectives, Brief Discussion Prerequisite Introduction and and Content to Lectures Conclusion This presentation summarizes the content and organization of lectures in module Image Processing and Computer Vision. Objectives The ... 10 related to Image Processing: well known techniques to enhancement images. ✦ 6, 7, 8 related to Computer Visions Image presentation (1) 1.1 Image capture, representation, and storage: digital ... compression Reasoning, facts and inference (1) - Moving from the standard IP approach to CV to make statement about the geometry of objects and allocate labels to them. - Enhancing by making

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 19:42

48 460 0
introduction to polymer science and technology

introduction to polymer science and technology

... Click on the ad to read more Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology To my parents (Rahmetullahi Aleyhima), to my wife, and to Mevlüde, Latifa and Melek, the apples of my eye ... to read more Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology Introduction PS – hard domain... safety at work introduce further demands to improve/modify existing polymers and ... eBooks at Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology Introductions Introduction 1.1 History of the development of polymers “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2016, 10:21

269 740 0
Introduction to food science and food systems 2nd edition by parker pace solution manual

Introduction to food science and food systems 2nd edition by parker pace solution manual

... Standard 5: Conserve and Seek Energy Resources Standard 6: Create and Conserve Healthy Soil Standard 7: Conserves and Protects Water Resources Standard 8: Recycle and Reduce Waste Products Standard ... sustainability Standard 1: Base Direction and Changes Based on Science Standard 2: Follow Market Principles Standard 3: Increase Profitability and Reduce Risk Standard 4: Satisfy Human Need for Fiber and ... standards to ensure consistency and uniformity a To evaluate the sustainability of an operation b To make changes in an operation or a system, standards are needed Reference: Introduction to Food Science

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2019, 16:32

17 87 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 7 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 7 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter Classes and Methods III: Static Methods and Variables Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, ... is stored on the system heap • A client is program that uses an object         Client Rights • To declare variables of the class type • To create instances of the class using constructors • To ... c1 to c2     Class Association • Used to achieve certain desired behavior • Association (or acquaintance) – classes and objects are linked in a manner that allows the object to remain visible to

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 18:40

39 75 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 6 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 6 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter Iteration Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, E Reingold     Chapter ... the use of repetition (iteration) in programming algorithms • describe the Java while, for, and do-while statements • demonstrate the use of loop invariants to verify the correctness of loops • ... use of loop invariants to verify the correctness of loops • show the use of loops in data entry and computer animation     while Loop • Repeated executes body of the loop which can be a single or

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 18:43

20 58 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 12 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 12 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter 12 Inheritance and Exceptions Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, E ... throw e is used to signal the occurrence of an exception and return control to the calling method and e refers to an exception object The statement try/catch allows the calling method to “catch” the ... (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds ae) { … } … } void p() { … A[I] … }     Deferring Exception Handling to n’s Calling Method void n() { … try { … p() … } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds ae) { if ( able to handle

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 18:45

39 74 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 14 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 14 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, , E Reingold Chapter Preview In this chapter we will: • introduce recursion as a programming ... technique is to divide a problem into smaller subproblems • These subproblems may also be divided into smaller subproblems • When the subproblems are small enough to solve directly the process stops ... used to simplify the design of complex algorithms • present several well known recursive algorithms (e.g quicksort, merge sort, Guaussian elmination) • introduce the linked list data structure and

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 18:46

37 48 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 11 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 11 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... driven programming show how a program can respond to mouse events (e.g clicks and mouse movements) demonstrate how to implement a listener Interface show how mouse events can be used to build ... Send the message addMouseMotionListerner(this) to the mouse event manager (should be done in the constructor method) Define methods mouseMoved and Trang 9 Mouse Motion Listener Template import ... this chapter is labeled optional, itis not possible to be a complete Java Trang 4 Java Events Events are occurrences outside of the program to which the program must respond (e.g user key press)

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 18:47

11 78 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 5 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 5 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter Classes and Methods II Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, E ... variables are initialized to the reference value null     Hose Class Methods void getData() // Reads and stores the height and // weight data void compute() // Computes and stores hose size void display() ... getData() Reads and stores the hour and minute data String toString() Returns string version of time suitable for printing void setHour(int h) Sets hour to h void setMinute(int m) Sets minute to m int

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:00

22 67 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 13 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 13 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... { Button buttonname; public classname() { buttonname = new Button(“button label”); add(buttonname); but tonname ActionListener (this): } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { what to do ... fixed size (e.g two rows and three columns) — Components are placed in the grid left to right and top to bottom BorderLayout — Frame is divided into north, south, east, west, and center — Components ... as well Trang 5 Frame Example public class TwoButtons { Frame f; Button redButton, blueButton; public TwoButttons() { f = new Frame(“Two Buttons Frame”); Trang 7 UML Notation The filled diamond

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:02

36 81 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 2 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 2 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter Classes and Methods I Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, E ... source listings to make things more readable • comments – lines beginning with two slashes // – single or multiple lines enclosed by /* */ – that allow the programmer to insert notes to help other ... programmer to insert notes to help other people understand the program • documentation   – program comments and data files describing a program’s structure and behavior   Program Elements – Part • import

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:06

22 89 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 8 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 8 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter One-Dimensional Arrays Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, E Reingold     Chapter ... for storing large amounts of data • discuss common array operations • introduce algorithms for searching and sorting arrays • show how multiple images can be painted from an array to use in programming ... error – trying to access variable outside counts Expressions as Subscripts • Array subscripts not have to be constants • Array subscripts need to be integer expressions that evaluate to valid subscript

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:27

29 81 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 1 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 1 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Trang 1 Chapter 1 What is Programming? Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by Trang 2 Chapter Preview ... needed in programming ¢ design an algorithm to solve a problem ¢ write a program to implement an algorithm ¢ discuss the importance of object-oriented programming * discuss some basics of computer ... * program — a set of directions telling a computer exactly what to do * programming languages — languages for specifying sequences of directions to a computer ¢ algorithm — a sequence of language

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 19:29

22 71 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 3 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 3 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... It is legal to assign a char to an int variable int i = ‘a’; // assigns 97 to i • It is legal to assign an int to an char variable char c = 97; // assigns ‘a’ to c • It is possible to perform ... /, or % before + or – b Evaluate sequences of *, /, and % operators from left to right c Evaluate sequences of + and – operators from left to right     Precedence Examples • Example + 37 % / ... type int is not infinitely large and it is possible to compute a value incorrectly because the value is too large to be stored in an int variable storage location • Unlike the real numbers in mathematics

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 20:03

25 63 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 9 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 9 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter Nested Loops and Two-Dimensional Arrays Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, ... of two-dimensional arrays to represent grids of information • show how computer graphics are generated using pixels     Nested for Loops • Nested loops frequently used to process twodimensional

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 20:21

17 66 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 15 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 15 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter 15 Text Processing and File Input/Output Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, D Mickunas, ... StringBuffer class • show how files can be read and written • discuss how to handle file input and output exceptions • demonstrate how to perform console input and output Strings • Java provides a number ... objects Java provides constructors for each class • The StringBuffer class also contains a ToString method to allow easier output Sequential Files • Files are stored are stored on disks • In this

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 20:25

20 54 0
Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 10 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

Lecture An introduction to computer science using java (2nd Edition): Chapter 10 - S.N. Kamin, D. Mickunas, E. Reingold

... Chapter 10 Classes and Methods IV: Static Methods and Variables Lecture Slides to Accompany An Introduction to Computer Science Using Java (2nd Edition) by S.N Kamin, ... as a message to an object • The class method f in the class C is invoked using the notation f.C( … ) • It has no receiver and cannot refer to instance variables • It can refer to and manipulate ... will: • introduce class variables and class methods – class variables have only one instance and are not contained in any object – class methods have no receiver and can only access class variables

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 20:29

14 49 0
Tài liệu Global Warming A Mind Mapper''''s Guide to The Science and Solutions pdf

Tài liệu Global Warming A Mind Mapper''''s Guide to The Science and Solutions pdf

... is the only way and the best way to live, when there are many other ways. We have a choice and we should choose not to be laboratory rats. Let’s wake up from our deep slumber and free ourselves ... This motivated her to study Environmental law and International Environmental law at university. Shortly after, she created the “Global Warming: Too Hot to Handle?” workshop and this book with ... meaning to our lives (e.g. watching television and shopping for items we ‘think’ we need and can’t live without). We can reschedule our days to free ourselves up, so we are no longer slaves to...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 02:15

103 745 4
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Exchange 2000 and the Web Storage System pdf

Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Exchange 2000 and the Web Storage System pdf

... Exchange 2000 and the Web Storage System 7 Storage Groups ! Storage Groups contain Multiple Stores Storage Group A Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Transaction ... Log Transaction Log Storage Group B Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Store Transaction Log Transaction Log Transaction Log You can group Exchange 2000 stores into logical constructs ... the number and placement of stores and storage groups. Exchange 2000 supports multiple storage groups. You can configure up to five stores in one storage group. Topic Objective To depict...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

50 671 0

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