... variables and lets you calculate the mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation of your data Excel is really a useful tool for you in calculating and evaluating data As you manipulate data, ... writing (an argumentative research paper or an analytic research paper) To write an effective hypothesis, choose a statement that answers a general question about your topic Check that your thesis ... collecting data as well as your research schedule is on time Analyze data After having collected the right data to answer your research questions, it’s time for deeper data analysis Begin by manipulating
Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2019, 16:25
... to the Data Editor Window and save the filtered data as familyf.sav. Then select DATA, SELECT CASES and then ALL CASES. Run the command. 6. What happens to the status bar and the case numbers? ... data, create the new variable using the information below: Variable Name: HWRATIO2 Variable Label: Height/Weight Ratio after plan Data: see table 1 below To run the procedure, go ANALYZE, ... each score belongs to. So, in this case, there is the variable HWRATIO2 as the dependent variable and NSEX as the independent variable. To run the analysis, go to ANALYZE, COMPARE MEANS and
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
... procedure is remarkably similar to carrying out an unrelated samples t-test. Go: ANALYZE, COMPARE MEANS, ONE-WAY ANOVA As you can see, the layout of the dialogue box is basically the same as the ... Friedman‟s - Related ANOVAs This is similar to the nonparametric related samples ANOVA, where ranks are used instead of the actual scores. We will run the analysis on the same variables, ... is to run a single factor ANOVA by going: ANALYZE, GENERAL LINEAR MODEL, REPEATED MEASURES The dialogue box is different from the usual format. The first step is to give a name to the factor
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
... Scatter plots and Regression Lines A regression line can easily be added to a scatter plot. As before, to create a scatterplot go to GRAPH and SCATTER. You want to leave the graph layout ... font size to 12 pts. Type in the other characters, leaving a space between the character and actor names. Similarly, change the characters names to small caps by selecting the name and using ... the variable AGEGRP (age groups) - child, adult and elderly. You do this through: Analyze Nonparametric Tests Chi-Square To run a basic Chi-Square, just move the variable(s) to analyse
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
... formulae for the other coefficients. These are: Phi AA PP AP PA AA AP AA PA PP AP PP PA * * ( )*( )*( )*( ) (Looks vaguely familiar? It‟s Pearson‟s dichotomised. Squareroot is achieved ... a long list of variables on consecutive lines and wanted to sort them alphabetically (make sure there is a „hard return‟ after each variable, using Edit, Replace if necessary by replacing a ... to allow for consistent coding (this also relates to inter-rater reliability - more later). This data can be displayed in a number of ways: as percentages, ratios, in a bar chart, cumulative
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
An introduction to a class of matrix optimization problems
... thankful to him for his professionalism and patience. His wisdom and attitude will always be a guide to me. I feel very fortunate to have him as an adviser and a teacher. My deepest thanks go to ... optimization algorithms and software. I would like to thank all group members of optimization in mathematics department. It has been a pleasure to be a part of the group. I specially like to thank ... K. Toh, Spectral operator of matrices, Manuscripts in Preparation, National University of Singapore, (2012). [30] C. Ding, D. Sun, and K. Toh, An introduction to a class of matrix cone programming,
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58
Second lecture the new capital introduction to a japanese reading of state nobility (Pierre Bourdieu)
... performs a truly magical operation, the paradigm of which is the separation between the sacred and the profane according to Durkheim's analysis T h e act of scholastic classification is always, but ... gradual annihilation of "authentic" differences in the dull, flat banality of the "average") As a matter of fact, the social agents, students choosing an educational track o r discipline, families ... New Capital 647 culture were combined, a body anxious to affirm its independence in and through a cult of the national State and characterized by an aristocratic sense of superiority relative to
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 09:15
A Research Paper Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Master Of Science Degree In Career And Technical Education
... http://www.educause.edu/apps/eq/eqm05/eqm05312.asp?bhcp=1 American Psychological Association (200 I) Publication manual ofthe American Psychological Association (5 th ed.) Washington, DC: Author Arhin, A 0., & Johnson-Mallard, V (2003) ... categories; Active/Reflective, Sensing and Intuitive, Visual and Verbal, and Sequential and Global (Munro & Rice-Munro, 2004) A study conducted by Tonay Grasha began in 1976, and later led to ... creation of yet another learning style theory The Grash-Riechmarm, Learning Style Inventory; created by Sheryl Hruska-Riechmarm and Tony Grash, has been used by educators for over 30 years to assist
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 15:29
Introduction to behavioral research methods 6th edition leary test bank
... that is related to variables that an investigator is investigating is * a systematic variance b standard variance c error variance d total variance e none of the above 13 Variance in a behavior ... behavioral variability b behavioral variability is eliminated c variability among participants is maximized d behavioral variability is due to only one factor e participants’ behavior does not vary across ... behavior that is not related to the variables that an investigator is investigating is a systematic variance b standard variance * c error variance d total variance e none of the above 14 In an experiment
Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2017, 10:41
Introduction to operations research 10th edition fred hillier test bank
... (G7:G8), and SalesForecast (C13:D13) are added for these data The decision to be made in this problem is how many of each type of backpack to make Therefore, we add two changing cells with range name ... hours of labor per week Management wishes to know what quantity of each type of backpack to produce per week (a) Formulate and solve a linear programming model for this problem on a spreadsheet ... cowhide leather Comfortable Hands has a long term contract with a supplier of the leather, and receives a 5,000 square feet shipment of the material each week The material requirements and labor requirements,
Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2017, 10:42
The psychologist as detective an introduction to conducting research in psychology 6th edition smith test bank
... some researchers advocate using animals in research? Why are some animal-rights activists opposed to using animals in research? 18 Describe some of the APA guidelines regarding the humane care and ... and the reader does not have access to the original article d that has been plagiarized from another source ANSWER: c (p 47) 57 According to the APA Ethical Standards on publication credit, a ... Discussing animal rights and animal research in the classroom In M E Ware & C L Brewer (Eds.), Handbook for teaching statistics and research methods (pp 148-153) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Plagiarism
Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2017, 08:59
An introduction to Business Research Methods
... An introduction to Business Research Methods Dr Sue Greener; Dr Joe Martelli Download free books at Dr Sue Greener & Dr Joe Martelli An introduction to Business Research Methods Download free ... bookboon.com An introduction to Business Research Methods Contents Contents Research problems and questions and how they relate to debates in Research Methods 10 1.1 Chapter Overview 10 1.2 Introduction ... knowledge and research which 40 3.3 Identify difering research paradigms for business 42 3.4 Key diferences between qualitative and quantitative research methods and how and why they may be mixed 43
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 07:50
An introduction to business research methods
... in qualitative data analysis 101 9.3 the range of qualitative research methods applicable to research topics 102 9.4 how qualitative data can be prepared for analysis 106 9.5 computer based methods ... need to learn enough about research methods to write an assignment of appropriate standard and/or to pass the examination This is your academic role, and this means we must look at research methods ... line graphs of a variable against time (horizontal axis), shows trends in historical data, special events, cyclical or seasonal patterns (latter from monthly data) A seasonal plot will use a line
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2018, 10:39
Introduction to operations research 10th edition by hillier and lieberman solution manual
... what was to be done to achieve a particular percentage decrease in phosphate concentration The Dutch strategy was based on the fact that large amount of phosphates and other nutrients accumulated ... Data validity deals with raw and structured data, where structured data is manipulated raw data Raw data validity is concerned with measurement problems and determining if the data is accurate, ... user interface makes OMEGA easy to use All input data can be entered by hand OMEGA can interface with refinery data acquisition system The user can access stock qualities, stock availabilities, blend
Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2019, 14:59
Introduction to Market Research
... Statistical and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Offers statistics for metropolitan areas, central cities and counties. ã Statistical Abstract of the United States. Data books with statistics from ... industrial development, and so on. Among the best commercial sources of information are research and trade associations. Information gathered by trade associations is usually confined to a certain ... develop an advertising campaign, set prices or select a business location. Types of Market Research Market research methods fall into two basic categories: primary and secondary. Your research...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 09:25
Tài liệu Module 2: Introduction to a Managed Execution Environment ppt
... language runtime uses metadata. Definition of Metadata Metadata is a set of data tables, which fully describe every element that is defined in a module. This information can include data ... that pertain to later modules. Encourage students to start reading the .NET Framework SDK documentation. Key Points String literals in an application are stored and transported as clear ... contain a manifest and cannot be executed by the common language runtime. A managed module can be added to an assembly by the C# compiler, or by using the .NET’s Assembly Generation Tool, Al.exe....
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15
... concerned (as opposed to rats or atoms), the investigator is always investigating `second order' matters. It is a fundamental category mistake, then, to treat humanly produced data as `natural' ... had been, as some suspected at the time, a media-generated `crime wave.' We had a neutral reader/ research- assistant type the articles into a relational database program (QSR NUDEIST) and, ... Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy, 86 (February): pp. 122±52. BALNAVES AND CAPUTI 8 INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS AN INVESTIGATIVE APPROACH MARK BALNAVES...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20
... candidates (or brands) Now let's go to another and more complicated causal diagram, again start- ing with the statement as read: This passage is from an article in Higher Education Research & ... variables vary in magnitude, they are referred to as quan- titative data. Variables measured on interval or ratio scales can be described as quantitative. Interval and ratio measures are often called ... scales also have categories that are greater than or less than each other in magnitude and are therefore quantitative. Ordinal scales, however, are normally treated as discrete variables (Agresti and Findlay,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20
... overall causal significance. Social science has the same problem. Causality is not easy to establish. The idea of `causation' is approached with care by quantitative research- ers. Causation ... be manipulative and at the service of power- ful interests. Critical research was a necessary correction. While Adorno was opposed to quantitative research as `instrumental' and `manipulative', he ... `Populations' are analytically defined by the social scientist. A `sampling frame' is a list of all members of the researcher's population and can be used to draw a random sample. Questionnaires...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20
... indicator of values in your area? Or is this statistic `contaminated'? BALNAVES AND CAPUTI 13 4 5 `DATA! DATA! DATA!' Analysing data from the inquiry 'Data! data! data!' ... One way is to make use of the data analysis tools available in the Analysis ToolPak. The data analysis procedures are available from the Tools menu. The following example uses the `housinc' ... arguments, but the good data snooper always asks for the data and checks the validity of the claims being made. The data from a study normally go into a variable by case matrix ± a dataset....
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20