Background and Introduction
... no exception Many new standards groups were formed, and the standards industry pioneers such as ITU-T and IETF formed special study groups and work groups to develop standards for evolution of ... progress time and to automate VoIP call setup for tests and measurements Appendix B explains a technique that can be used to evaluate the bulk call handling performance of 14 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION ... DSL- and IP-based technologies to support multimedia communications 8 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION Figure 1-6 PSTN switch evolution using the AIN model (Note: Elements such as SSP, SCP, SS7, and...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 07:20
... H.P "Logic and Conversation" in Syntax and Semantics, Vol 3, New York: Academic Press, 1975, pp.41-58 [Grosz 1977] Grosz, B "The Representation and Use of Focus in a System for Understanding Dialogs" ... misrepresentations, and have implemented and evaluated them in a partial tutorial dialogue system The implemented system concentrates on the function of the misrepresentation expert, and therefore ... misrepresentation expert and the PMM structures, the blackboard communication architecture, the student model, and the domain knowledge (see Figure 1) The content planner and other system components...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20
... respect to ICANN and the DNS, and examine to what extent ICANN is positioned to ensure Internet stability and security, competition, private and bottom-up policymaking and coordination, and fair representation ... November 25, 1998, DOC and ICANN signed an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), whereby DOC and ICANN agreed to jointly design, develop, and test the mechanisms, methods, and procedures necessary ... Names: Background and Policy Issues Background and History The Internet is often described as a “network of networks” because it is not a single physical entity but, in fact, hundreds of thousands...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "cdec: A Decoder, Alignment, and Learning Framework for Finite-State and Context-Free Translation Models" potx
... generic addition and multiplication operation, ⊕ and ⊗, and their identities and Multiplication and addition must be associative Multiplication must distribute over addition, and v ⊗ The design ... 15 was used, and all decoders were configured to use cube pruning with a limit of 30 candidates at each node and no further pruning All decoders produced a BLEU score between 31.4 and 31.6 (small ... function, and sentence pairs are mapped over The reduce function aggregates the results and performs the optimization using standard algorithms, including LBFGS (Liu et al., 1989), RPROP (Riedmiller and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Making Lexical Ontologies Functional and Context-Sensitive" pdf
... with some final remarks in section six Functional Context- Sensitive Categories We take a wholly textual view of context and assume that a given context can be implicitly characterized by a representative ... their own members in a particular context while demonstrating a flexibility with categorization and a genuine competence with metaphor References Alexander Budanitsky and Graeme Hirst 2006 Evaluating ... De Leenheer and Aldo de Moor 2005 Contextdriven Disambiguation in Ontology Elicitation In Shvaiko P & Euzenat J (eds.), Context and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications, AAAI Tech Report...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Determining the Specificity of Terms using Compositional and Contextual Information" pptx
... If two terms X and Y are terms in same category and X is nested in Y as W1XW2, then X is base term, and W1 and W2 are modifiers of X For example two terms, “diabetes mellitus” and “insulin dependent ... Spec(W1), and Spec(W2) are specificity values of X, W1, W2 respectively α and β , real numbers between and 1, are weighting schemes for specificity of modifiers They are obtained experimentally 2.2 Contextual ... γ )( ) I Cmp ( xk ) I Ctx ( xk ) where ICmp(xk) and ICtx(xk) are normalized I(xk) values between and 1, which are measured by compositional and contextual information based methods respectively...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22
Báo cáo khoa học: "an experimental study of ambiguity and context" ppt
... contexts; each context had all the words in it; and no person faced the same word in more than one context Thus each subject made two interpretations of each word: once in the null context, and ... varied at random, to avoid overemphasis on the special contexts constituted by opening and closing phrases The first and last two words of the sentence were never selected, so that contexts could ... was + and not significant By the reduction of a context will be meant the ratio of the number of senses assigned to a word occurring in that context to the number assigned to it in the null context...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Deciphering Foreign Language by Combining Language Models and Context Vectors" pdf
... between each context vector step For both cases we run EM +Context cycles 6.1.2 Results Figure and Figure show the evolution of B LEU and T ER scores for applying our method using a 2gram and a 3-gram ... (Ravi and Knight, 2011) The best performing methods in (Ravi and Knight, 2011) use the full 411 × 579 lexicon model and apply standard EM training Using a 2-gram LM they obtain 15.3 B LEU and with ... 411 cand p source word (Ravi and Knight, 2011) ≈850h6 15.3 −7 19.3 − EM +Context, 2-gram LM 50 cand p source word (this work) 50h8 15.2 66.6 EM +Context, 3-gram LM 50 cand p source word (this work)...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
MBA 604 Introduction Probaility and Statistics Lecture Notes potx
... future (immediate future, and in the long-run)? Brand Switching Data This week Last week Brand Brand Brand 90 10 Brand 40 160 40 Total 100 200 Brand Brand Brand 90/100 10/100 Brand 40/200 160/200 So ... experiment, and if, , then there are a total of n1 · n2 · · · nr possible outcomes of the r experiments Examples (i) There are routes available between A and B; between B and C; and between C and D ... and P (B) = 4, are A and B mutually exclusive? independent? (ii) If P (A ∪ B) = 65, P (A) = 3, and P (B) = 5, are A and B mutually exclusive? independent? (iii) If P (A ∪ B) = 7, P (A) = 4, and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer, Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German" pdf
... tagging and context sensitive lemmatization was introduced The morphological analyzer is based on the standard Duden grammar and provides wide coverage due to a lexicon o f 324,000 word forms and ... possible prefixes and suffixes and reverses the process of vowel mutation if umlauts are found (shifts between B and ss are treated analogously) Each root is looked up in the lexicon, and - if found ... dust corners); and the linking letters e and s are not always determined phonologically, but in some cases simply occur by convention (e.g Schwein-e-bauch but Schwein-s-blase and Schwein-kram)...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20
... to TAG's, HG's, and LIO's We this by showing the Inclusion of CCL's in L1L's, and the inclusion of TAL's in CCL's It is know that TAG and LIG are equivalent [13], and that TAG and HG are equivalent ... Y Bar-Hillel, C Gaifman, and E Shamir On categorial and phrase structure grammars In Language and Information, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964 [4] J Friedman, D Dai, and W Wang The weak generative ... following form include A °/Ai E on the terminal and nonterminal alphabet of the TAG, and are independent of the elementary trees f(e), AC/Ai E f(e) and Ai E f(al) f is defined on the basis of the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20
airport passenger screening background and issues for congress pot
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 11:22
picassos background and life experiences
... ·Picasso and Braque : pioneering cubism : [exhibition] Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 24, 1989-January 16, 1990 ·The Artist and the Camera : Degas to Picasso,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:49
Food Miles: Background and Marketing pot
... home refrigeration and preparation Food Miles: Background and Marketing Recent research at the University of Chicago has investigated the energy consumption of the food system and compared it to ... Carlsson-Kanyama in 1997 and takes into account the amount of food transported in weight and the distance that it travels from the place of production to the place of sale Fruits and vegetables and other items ... knows and cares little about climate change, especially with regard to food choices.(19) There has been increasing demand for food produced in accordance with ethical and environmental standards,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The pivotal regulator GlnB of Escherichia coli is engaged in subtle and context-dependent control potx
... the GlnB band was quantied as the sum of the concentrations of GlnB and GlnK and was denoted by PII* Note that PII* includes the modied forms of GlnB and GlnK as well, i.e GlnBUMP and GlnKUMP ... in the absence of ammonia and pulsed with ammonia, UTase catalyses the de-uridylylation of GlnB3UMP13 and GlnK3 UMP13 forming native GlnB3 and GlnK3, respectively GlnB3 and GlnK3 stimulate ATase ... substrates and products and the small molecule effectors, glutamine and 2-oxoglutarate, of the four reactions are not included Reactions catalysed by the bifunctional enzymes UTase (EC and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Part of Speech Estimation Method for Japanese Unknown Words using a Statistical Model of Morphology and Context" pptx
... thousand sentences We call the first test set (100 thousand sentences) "test set-l" and the second test set (5 thousand sentences) "test set-T' Table shows the number of sentences, words, and ... In this experiment, we randomly selected two sets of 100 thousand sentences The first 100 thousand sentences are used for training the language model The second 100 thousand sentences are used ... - f(ci, < W T > , ) and f(ci[ci-t, < W T > , ) are the relative frequencies of the character unigram and bigram for each word type and part of speech, f(ci) and f(cilci_l) are the relative...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20
German Landesbanken: Analytical Background and Methodology ppt
... SaarLB, and closed national and international partnerships with several domestic and international banks; and LBBW acquired a private bank (BW Bank) and the neighbouring Landesbank in Rhineland Palatinate ... shared by savings banks, Landesbanken and Landesbausparkassen, which are members of the SparkassenFinanzgruppe, the group of savings banks, Landesbanken, Landesbausparkassen and associated companies ... banks, Landesbanken and Landesbausparkassen (i.e the possibility of a “floor rating”).4 The Landesbanken-guaranteed ratings are predominantly driven by the rating elements (2) and (4) and will...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 09:20
Integrated Planning for the Air Force Senior Leader Workforce - Background and Methods pdf
... readiness, and support of current and future aerospace forces Research is performed in four programs: Aerospace Force Development; Manpower, Personnel, and Training; Resource Management; and Strategy and ... Selected GO and SES Competencies Filters for Determining SES-Only and GO-Only Positions Match Quality Before and After Job Additions, Deletions, and Migrations GO Job Characteristics and Their ... general officers (GOs) and some of the jobs they needed to fill Finding too few candidates with backgrounds appropriate for filling senior warfighting positions and many GOs with backgrounds too specialized...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
06 the korean language structure, use and context
... culture and language ix xii xiii xiv xv Geography: land and population History Culture and society: age, gender and chwulsin 10 Korean: the language and its wider relations 13 Sounds and their ... general introduction to the language, culture and history of their host country This book will help them to understand why Koreans speak and behave in the way they and thus avoid misunderstanding ... monarchy and Confucian scholars on the one hand and between orthodox Confucian and neo-Confucian scholars on the other, while the demand for absolute obedience gave rise to resentment and revolt...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 12:10