... sending membership reports. Type Group Address Meaning 0x1 1 unused (zero) General membership query 0x1 1 used Specific group membership query 0x1 6 used Membership report 0x1 7 used Leave ... multicast forwarding. Hosts marked with a dot parti- cipate in one multicast group while those marked with an "x" wcipate in another. 17.17.1 Need For Dynamic Routing Even ... report 0x1 7 used Leave group 0x1 2 used Membership report (version 1) Figure 17.6 IGMP message types used in version 2. The version 1 member- ship report message provides backward
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
... datagrams is known as ZP-in-ZP. Figure 17.1 1 illustrates the concept. I DtgiE I MULTICAST DATAGRAM DATA AREA I Figure 17.11 An illustration of IP-in-IP encapsulation in which one datagram ... routed is the UNIX program that implements RIP. Sec. 17.24 The Mrouted Program 34 1 net 1 net 2 (with no support Figure 17.10 An example internet configuration that requires ... tree. 346 Internet Multicasting Chap. 17 net 1 f source X net 2 net 3 net 6 - member Y I net 7 I Figure 17.12 A set of networks with a rendezvous point and a multicast
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P58 pdf
... Mealling [RFC 21681 considers how to store URLs in the Domain Name System. Bemers-Lee and Connolly [RFC 18661 contains the standard for version 2 of HTML. Nebel and Masinter [RFC 18671 specifies ... specifies HTML form upload, and Raggett [RFC 19421 gives the standard for tables in HTML. Fielding et. al. [RFC 26161 specifies version 1.1 of HTTP, which adds many features, including ... the header: If-Modified-Since: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 05:00:01 GMT with a GET request to avoid a transfer if the item is older than January 1, 2000. 28.1 4 Support For Proxy Servers Proxy
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P61 pdf
... field in the IP address table entry corresponding to address, one uses the name: iso.org.dod. internet.mgmt.mib. ip. ipAddrTable. ipAddrEntry. ipAdEntNetMask. which, ... . mib . ip . ipAddrTable . ipAddrEntry . ipAdEntNetMask which, in numeric form, is: The server returns the network mask field of the first entry in ipAddrTable. ... values to ipAddrEntry and to each item in the IpAddrEntry sequence. For example, the definition: ipAddrEntry { ipAddrTable 1 ) specifies that ipAddrEntry falls under ipAddrTable
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P79 pdf
... SIP 547, 548,601,710 SIPP 601, 710 site 616 site-local address 619, 710 size of datagram 102 size of routing group 27 1 slash notation 166 sliding window 213, 219, 710 SLIP 189, ... SLIP 189, 710 sllrp 399 slow convergence 298, 299,7 1 1 slow-start 233, 234, 71 1 small infinity 298 SMDS 362, 71 1 SMI 558, 71 1 SMTP 518, 711 SNA 711 SNAP 363, 71 1 SNMP ... 577,711 SOA 711 sockaddr 418 socket 7, 415 socket API 7 11 socket function 415 socket interface 14 socket library 44 1 socketpair function 416 soft state 81, 143, 265, 71 1 soft-start
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P14 potx
... 7.2 General form of an IP datagram, the TCP/IP analogy to a network frame. IP specifies the header format including the source and destination IP addresses. IP does not specify the ... a datagram from a network with a large MTU and must send it over a network for which the MTU is smaller than the datagram size. Net 1 1 1 Net 3 MTU=1500 MTU=1500 Fire 7.8 An illustration ... I FRAGMENT31 HEADER data, I Fragment 1 (offset 0) FRAGMENT 1 HEADER FRAGMENT 2 HEADER Fragment 3 (offset 1200) data, Figure 7.9 (a) An original datagram carrying 1400 octets
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P15 pot
... sequence of IP addresses in the option as Figure 7.14 shows. 0 8 16 24 31 I CODE(137) I LENGTH I POINTER I IP ADDRESS OF FIRST HOP IP ADDRESS OF SECOND HOP Figure 7.14 The strict ... routes the datagram. 112 Internet Protocol: Connectionless Datagram Delivery Chap. 7 I FIRST IP ADDRESS I 0 8 16 24 31 FIRST TIMESTAMP CODE(68) 1 LENGTH Figure 7.15 The format of ... Braden [RFC 11221 further refines the standard. Hornig [RFC 8941 specifies 114 Internet Protocol: Connectionless Datagram Delivery Chap. 7 the standard for the transmission of IP datagrarns
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P16 potx
... sidered often. Leiner [RFC 11241 considers policies for interconnected networks. Braun [RFC 11041 discusses models of policy routing for internets, Rekhter [RFC 10921 relates policy routing ... Chou [1971] and Schwartz and Stem [I9801 discuss routing in general; Postel [1980] discusses internet routing. Braden and Postel [RFC 10091 provides a summary of how Internet routers handle IP ... network if their destination IP ad- dress is the limited IP broadcast address or the directed IP broadcast address for that network. As we will see in Chapters 10 and 17, classless, subnet,
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P18 pot
... 957, and 13051. The Internet Control Message Protocol described here is a TCP/IF' standard defined by Postel [RFC '7921 and updated by Braden [RFC [1122]. Nagle [RFC 8961 discusses ... Figure 9.11 illustrates the format of the advertisement message a router sends. I TYPE (9) I CODE (0) I CHECKSUM I [ -NUM ADDRS I ADDR SIZE (1) 1 LIFETIME I ROUTER ADDRESS 1 PREFERENCE ... I ROUTER ADDRESS 1 PREFERENCE LEVEL 1 ROUTER ADDRESS 2 - PREFERENCE LEVEL 2 Figure 9.11 ICMP router advertisement message format used with IPv4. Routers send these messages periodically.
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P19 pot
... Subnet 0 1 65534 2 2 16382 3 6 81 90 4 14 4094 5 30 2046 6 62 1022 7 126 51 0 8 254 254 9 51 0 126 10 1022 62 11 2046 30 12 4094 14 13 81 90 6 14 1 6382 2 Figure 10.6 ... example. Network REST OF THE Network 128.1 0.2.0 all traffic to 128.1 0.0.0 Figure 103 A site with two physical networks using subnet addressing to la- bel them with a single ... datagrams with value 1 to the network labeled and those with value 2 to the network labeled Conceptually, adding subnets only changes the interpretation of IP addresses
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P20 pptx
... 001 1 101 10000 11 01 01 00 highest 128.21 1.176.215 10000000 1101001 1 101 10000 110101 11 Figure 10.12 An example of CIDR block 128.21 1.176.212129. The use of an arbitrary bit mask ... 128.21 1.176.212129, which covers the address range that Figure 10.12 specifies. Dotted Decimal 32-bit Binary Equivalent lowest 128.21 1 .l76.212 10000000 11 01 001 1 101 10000 11 01 01 ... 1.1 68.0 1 0000000 1 101 001 1 101 01 000 00000000 highest 10000000110100111010111111111111 Figure 10.10 An example CIDR block of 2048 addresses. The table shows the
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P21 pptx
... 10.15 provides an example. Prefix 128.1 0.0.0 I 16 128.1 0.2.0 124 128.1 0.4.0 124 128.1 0.4.3 132 128.1 0.5.0 124 132 Next Hop ... 00000000 10110000000000100000000000000000 10111011 000010100000000000000000 Unique Prefix 001 01 00 01 01 01 1 101 0 10110 10111 Figure 10.13 A set of 32-bit binary addresses and ... 01 0001 1 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 01 01 01 1 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 01100001 0000000000000000 00000000 1010101 0 11 110000 00000000 00000000 10110000000000100000000000000000 10111011
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P22 pps
... organized as Figure 11.4 shows. Layer Functionality 7 1 Application I 6 I Presentation I 5 1 Session I Transport I 3 1 Network 2 Data Link 1 Connection Figure 11.4 The IS0 ... 11.5.1 The TCPAP 5-Layer Reference Model The second major layering model did not arise from a standards committee, but came instead from research that led to the TCPIIP protocol suite. With ... . Layer 2 Layer 1 Network 180 Protocol Layering Chap. 11 Conceptual Layers Software Organization Internet I Protocol Layer I Protocol 1 Protocol 2 I IP Module I Protocol
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P23 ppt
... 188 Protocoi Layering Chap. 11 11.7.1 Layering in a TCPnP lnternet Environment Our statement of the layering principle is somewhat vague, and the illustration in Figure 11.6 ... guide processing. Consider an example of demultiplexing shown in Figure 1 1.10. Frame Arrives a IP Module ARP Module Figure 11.10 Demultiplexing of incoming frames based on the type ... the basic layered structure. 11.1 1 The Basic Idea Behind Multiplexing And Demultiplexing Communication protocols use techniques of multiplexing and demultiplexing throughout the layered
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P24 pot
... from IP. 12.8 UDP Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, And Ports We have seen in Chapter 11 that software throughout the layers of a protocol hierarchy must multiplex or demultiplex among multiple ... the destination IP address without interacting with the IP layer. However, the source IP ad- dress depends on the route IP chooses for the datagram, because the IP source address ... the IP header, assemble them into the pseudo-header format, and recompute the checksum. Sec. 12.5 UDP Pseudo-Header 201 SOURCE IP ADDRESS DESTINATION IP ADDRESS Figure 12.2 The 12
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P26 ppsx
... " C;.,~A A",h , -A,.,4L.*ll., Sec. 13.11 TCP Segment Format 22 1 13.1 1 TCP Segment Format The unit of transfer between the TCP software on two machines is called a seg- ... (, 1184) and (, 53). It might seem strange that two connections can use the TCP port 53 on machine simultaneously, but there is no ambiguity. Because TCP associates ... Service (TCP) Chap. 13 13.1 4 TCP Checksum Computation The CHECKSUM field in the TCP header contains a 16-bit integer checksum used to verify the integrity of the data as well as the TCP header.
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Tài liệu CCIE Professional Development: Routing TCP/IP, Volume I pdf
... 11 111 111 111 111 110 000000000000000 C 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 100000000 For each bit of the IP address, the device performs a Boolean (logical) AND function with the corresponding bit ... of IP address. Table 2.3. Address masks for class A, B, and C network ad dresses. Class Mask Dotted Decimal A 11 111 111 000000000000000000000000 B 11 111 111 111 111 110 000000000000000 ... ways to represent the 32 bits of an IP address. For instance, the 32 -bit IP address 000 010 1 011 010 110 010 1 011 110 000 011 could be represente d in decimal as 18 1, 819 ,267. The binary format is cumbersome,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Internetworking with TCP IP vol i
... And Multiplexing 362 18 .13 IP Address Binding In An ATM Network 363 18 .14 Logical IP Subnet Concept 364 18 .15 Connection Management 365 18 .16 Address Binding Within An WS 366 18 .1 7 ATMARP ... Active Opens 21 8 13 .9 Segments, Streams, And Sequence Numbers 219 13 .10 Variable Window Size And Flow Control 220 13 .11 TCP Segment Format 2 21 13 .12 Out Of Band Data 222 13 .13 Maximum ... Types 278 15 .11 BGP Message Header 278 15 .12 BGP OPEN Message 279 15 .13 BGP UPDATE Message 280 15 .14 Compressed Mask-Address Pairs 28 1 15 .15 BGP Path Attributes 282 15 .16 BGP...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:35
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P1 ppt
... Contents 2.9 ANSNET 44 2 .10 A Very High Speed Backbone (vBNS) 45 2 .11 Other Technologies Over Which TCPIIP Has Been Used 46 2 .12 Summary And Conclusion 50 Chapter 3 Internetworking Concept ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21
Internetworking with TCP/IP- P2 pps
... Subnets With Masks 15 6 10 .10 Subnet Mask Representation 15 7 10 .1 1 Routing In The Presence Of Subnets 15 8 10 .12 The Subnet Routing Algorithm 15 9 10 .13 A Unified Routing Algorithm 16 0 10 .14 ... 16 1 10 .15 Broadcasting To Subnets 16 1 10 .16 Anonymous Point-To-Point Networks 16 2 10 .1 7 Classless Addressing (Supernetting) 16 4 10 .18 The Effect Of Supernetting On Routing 16 5 10 .19 ... 3 61 18 .11 Datagram Encapsulation And IP MTU Size 3 61 18 .12 Packet Type And Multiplexing 362 18 .13 IP Address Binding In An ATM Network 363 18 .14 Logical IP Subnet Concept 364 18 .15 ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:21