interfaces and abstract classes making classes keep their promises

Programming in C# - Abstract Classes and Interfaces docx

Programming in C# - Abstract Classes and Interfaces docx

... concepts of abstract classes and develop a program which will help the core team of Blueprint Garments to the presentation and audit successfully Using the concepts of abstract classes and its implementation, ... Africa and stand up to 4m and weigh around 7000kg Asian elephants are 3.4 m tall and weigh 5,400 kgs Body Characteristics: a Trunk: Is used to tear up their food and then place it in their mouth ... implementation, create an abstract class Clothing and its abstract methods include Sales, Materials, CommonWear Also, derive subclasses TrendSetting, ClimateControl, Sports and display the required...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 10:20

3 332 0
Lecture 10: Documentation, Garbage Collection, and Nested Classes/Interfaces pptx

Lecture 10: Documentation, Garbage Collection, and Nested Classes/Interfaces pptx

... problems Nested Classes and InterfacesClasses and interfaces can be declared inside other classes and interfaces, either as members or within blocks of code Static Nested Classes /Interfaces — ...    Public classes and interfaces Public and protected methods Public and protected fields Packages Details on the Doc Comments  Doc comments star with the three characters /** and continue ... acct.permissionsFor(owner); Nested interfaces  Nested interfaces are always static (omitted by convention) since they don’t provide implementation 11 Non-static Classes — Inner classes  Inner classes are associated...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

20 967 0
The Dictionary, Hashtable, and Properties Classes

The Dictionary, Hashtable, and Properties Classes

... in the dictionary Because Dictionary is an abstract class and you'll likely never use it directly, let's look at a subclass that implements all of the abstract methods of the class: Hashtable Hashtable ... generate hash codes and is frequently overridden in subclasses If the hash code is the same for unequal elements, it is called a collision If there are many collisions, the insertion and searching ... implementation and not just another hash table Two maps are defined as equal if both of their entry sets are equal (thisHash.entrySet().equals(map.entrySet()) Two entry sets are equal if their sizes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 12:20

21 365 0
The Vector and Stack Classes

The Vector and Stack Classes

... changed from Object to AbstractList (which subclasses AbstractCollection, a subclass of Object) Besides the obvious methods inherited from Object, Vector inherits three methods from AbstractList that ... removeAll() and retainAll() The contents of the starting vector are the first five ordinal numbers repeated a second time The acting vector for removal and retention consists of the elements 2nd and ... trimToSize() This will remove any excess capacity and reduce the capacity to the vector's size To help you visualize how size and capacity are related and how this affects the internal length of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 12:20

26 374 1
Tài liệu Packages and Importing Classes ppt

Tài liệu Packages and Importing Classes ppt

... introduced to a lot of new concepts up to this point, and now it's time to get your hands dirty In this exercise, you will create a simple custom class and use it in a Flash document Open Flash Select ... a new instance of the class and used it to perform a task 12 Close the test movie and save your work as CurrencyConverter2.fla In this exercise, you created a class and then used it in a Flash ... this case, our custom CurrencyConverter class This function accepts two parameters—convertTo and amount and returns a numeric value that represents the converted value The convertTo variable is...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

9 245 0
Tài liệu Abstract Classes ppt

Tài liệu Abstract Classes ppt

... purpose An abstract class is all about common implementation, whereas an interface is all about usage It's usually best to keep these two aspects separate, and to let the non -abstract classes (such ... convenient abstraction for classifying the actual animals To declare that you're not allowed to create instances of a class, you must explicitly declare that the class is abstract, by using the abstract ... non -abstract classes (such as StringLiteralToken) determine how to implement their interfaces: • • They can inherit from DefaultTokenImpl and IToken, in which case DefaultTokenImpl.Name becomes the implementation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 15:20

4 138 0
Tài liệu Working with String and Selection Classes pdf

Tài liệu Working with String and Selection Classes pdf

... text field and pressing the button Close the test movie and save your work as wordProcessor2.fla You can see how easy it is to use the methods associated with the String and Selection classes a ... using many of the String and Selection class methods we've discussed Open wordProcessor1.fla in the Lesson04/Assets folder This file has three layers: Background, Buttons, and Actions The Background ... inputField_txt text field and displays a message about the character count results in the message_txt text field The Length property of the inputField_txt text field is determined and inserted in the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

10 290 0


... obsolete Husband and wife are not connected in origin Husband is a Scandinavian word (Anglo-Saxon hūsbonda from Icelandic hús-bóndi, probably meaning house dweller); wife was used in Old and Middle ... Special Lists 43.Material nouns and abstract nouns are always singular When such words take a plural ending, they lose their identity, and go over to other classes (Secs 15 and 17) 44.Proper nouns are ... rest; and only Vice and Misery, to prowl or to moan like night birds, are abroad.—CARLYLE A halfway class of words Class nouns in use, abstract in meaning 17 .Abstract nouns are made half abstract...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:22

386 641 1
Báo cáo toán học: "Spanning Trees and Function Classes" docx

Báo cáo toán học: "Spanning Trees and Function Classes" docx

... Let IB and IS be subsets of [k] and let B = {Ci : i ∈ IB } and S = {Ci : i ∈ IS } We refer to the sets B and S as the bases and summits of G respectively A set Ci ∈ B is called a base of G and its ... line, and then we connect n to the lefthand endpoint of the first cycle, the righthand endpoint of each cycle to the lefthand endpoint of the cycle following it, and we connect the righthand endpoint ... known techniques [10, 11, 12] for ranking and unranking function classes and hence the bijections provide ways to rank and unrank spanning trees of Kn and Kn1 , ,nk In this paper, we define a...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

24 183 0
Optimal control policies for make to stock production systems with several production rates and demand classes

Optimal control policies for make to stock production systems with several production rates and demand classes

... case and lost sale case Evans [9] and Kaplan [16] derived essentially the same results, but for two demand classes Nahmias and Demmy [22] considered a single period inventory model with two demand ... Moon and Kang [21] generalized Nahmias and Demmy’s results for multiple demand classes Cohen et al [6] considered a periodic review (s, S) inventory model in which there are two priority demand classes ... inventory model with two demand classes, Poisson demand and fixed lead time The main result is the approximate expressions for the service levels of the two demand classes Ha [12] considered a...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 12:23

96 238 0
c interfaces and implementations techniques for creating reusable software

c interfaces and implementations techniques for creating reusable software

... terminology, and tours two simple interfaces and their implementations Chapter describes C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software C Interfaces and Implementations: ... it is possible to use standard interfaces and to create interfaces that are useful elsewhere Examples include interfaces for memory management, string and symbol tables, and list manipulation But ... positive operands The standard library functions div and ldiv take two integers or long integers and return the quotient and remainder in the quot and rem fields of a structure Their semantics...

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2013, 22:04

533 647 3
Business economics and managerial decision making

Business economics and managerial decision making

... world is also di⁄cult and expensive making for partial and imperfect information for decision making Rational decision makers capable of making perfectly rational decisions and precise economic ... bene¢cial to the ¢rm to keep in line with ethical, social and cultural norms, because this keeps workers, customers and suppliers happy and minimizes the risks to the reputation and pro¢tability of ... of their corporate governance systems According to Franks and Meyer (1992), there are fundamental di¡erences between the corporate control systems of the UK and the USA and France, Germany and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 11:33

501 559 3
The major factors affecting speaking skill of first year english major students at vinh university and some suggested solutions tions improve their communicative competence

The major factors affecting speaking skill of first year english major students at vinh university and some suggested solutions tions improve their communicative competence

... spelling, semantics and sentence formation It focuses on the knowledge and skill needed to understand and express the utterances’ meaning Grammatical competence is the ability to recognize and produce ... speech easy to understand is making sounds that are easy to recognize Secondly, to help to make learner’s speaking skill better, they also should use stress and rhythmic patterns, and intonation patterns ... three areas of knowledge: They are Mechanics, Functions and Social and cultural rules and norms Mechanics including pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary is the basic aspect of speaking skill that...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

96 3,6K 32
Báo cáo khoa học: WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 bind growth factors TGFb1, BMP2 and BMP4 but do not inhibit their signalling activity docx

Báo cáo khoa học: WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 bind growth factors TGFb1, BMP2 and BMP4 but do not inhibit their signalling activity docx

... and lM) with TGFb1; (D) WFIKKN2 (250 AND 500 nM, and 1, and lM) with TGFb1; (E) WFIKKN1 (400 and 750 nM, and lM) with BMP2; (F) WFIKKN2 (50, 100, 250 and 500 nM) with BMP2; (G) WFIKKN1 (500 and ... 750 nM, and 1.5 lM) with BMP3; (H) WFIKKN2 (100, 250 and 500 nM, and lM) with BMP3; (I) WFIKKN1 (250, 500 and 750 nM, 1, 1.25, 1.5 and lM) with BMP8b; (J) WFIKKN2 (250, 500 and 750 nM, and 1.5 ... affinity and block their interaction with their receptors [9] Recent studies have expanded the list of TGFb antagonists to include WFIKKN1 and WFIKKN2 proteins: these proteins bind GDF8 (myostatin) and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20

11 456 0
Kids and Money - Teaching Children to Manage Their Finances pdf

Kids and Money - Teaching Children to Manage Their Finances pdf

... your children what their favorite items really cost Start when kids are younger and try to teach them about stretching their dollars, impulse purchasing, sales, quality and making good decisions ... to sort and count the money This activity shows how small change (and even forgotten paper money in pockets) can add up (Hint: This activity works best when family members keep their hands out ... chance to talk about your household budget, wants and needs, and where their purchases fit into that budget Start Saving By now you have set some goals and have taken a hard look at the family budget...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

8 324 0
Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

... identify and profile regional food hubs across the country and collect and analyze data on the scope and scale of food hub operations in order to more clearly understand their potential role and impact ... 46 18 expand and improve their production and handling methods, increase sales, and strengthen their ties to local supply networks In the past years, ... specialized support and training in business planning and management designed to help growers better understand their real costs of production, manage their cash flow, set prices, and gauge their expected...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

92 469 0
foundations of real and abstract analysis - axler , gehring , ribet

foundations of real and abstract analysis - axler , gehring , ribet

... if and only if y −1 > x−1 > .11 max{x, y} ≥ if and only if x ≥ or y ≥ 0; max {x, y} > if and only if x > or y > .12 min{x, y} ≥ if and only if x ≥ and y ≥ 0; min{x, y} > if and only if x > and ... x ≥ y and z ≥ 0, then xz ≥ yz .6 If x > and y > 0, then xy > 0; if x > and > y, then > xy; if > x and > y, then xy > 0; and these results hold with > replaced everywhere by ≥ .7 x2 ≥ 0, and x2 ... g(x) are both defined; and that the (pointwise) quotient of f and g is given by (f /g)(x) = f (x)/g(x) if f (x) and g(x) are defined and g(x) = If X = N+ , so that f = (xn ) and g = (yn ) are sequences,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:13

328 423 0