... strategy practically difficult for many applications All these test data together with the • results for the other three parsing strategies 2-4 are listed in Table for comparison Test Results (1I) ... case the correct sentences very often appeared as the second or the third constructed sentences, if not the first Therefore, the parsing strategy is proposed below, in which everything is the ... lexicon (word entry) contains such information as the word name, the pronunciations (the phonemes), the lexical categories and the corresponding feature structures Information contained in each word...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
... in the position has no effect on the performance, be it only for the earlier detection of vehicles and the length of the vehicle path On the other hand, the rotation of the camera would affect the ... along the direction d, tangential to the road The axis d p is parallel to the camera plane; the projection x of the vehicle position on d p is thus proportional to the position of the vehicle on the ... the position of the vanishing point Xvp in the image to find the position of the vehicle in terms of pixel location, which yields x= Xvp Xvp x(r) = x(r) limr → ∞ x(r) H (12) (The position of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo toán học: " A Specht Module Analog for the Rook Monoid" pot
... irreducible Rn -modules, and hence are analogous to the Specht modules for the symmetric group Rn-modules The goal of this section is to show that for each λ such that |λ| ≤ n, Rλ is an Rn -module For that, ... with the boxes filled with distinct entries from the set {1, 2, , r} The following is an example of a tableau of shape (4, 2, 1, 1) Tableaux are at the core of the Specht module construction for ... consist of all the elements in Rn that fix the columns of t For each λn -tableau t, we will generate the following element of M λ : r et = sgn(σ)σ{t}, σ∈Ct where sgn stands for the sign of the permutation...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23
báo cáo khoa học: " Occlusal adjustment using the bite plate-induced occlusal position as a reference position for temporomandibular disorders: a pilot study" ppsx
... closed mouth position with the patient in an upright position was used as the MCP and as a reference position; in these studies, the displacement from that position to the clenched position was ... treatment for TMD were selected for the present study All the patients provided their informed consent to the BPOP equilibration procedure The patients were examined and diagnosed for signs and ... dentist performed the examination and made the diagnosis, and the treatment outcome was evaluated by the same dentist Another dentist fabricated the anterior bite plate for each patient and performed...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20
Integrating the Lucene Search Engine
... a search form so the user can query the index After the user queries the index, the portlet displays the search form (SearchForm.jsp) again, along with any results (SearchResults.jsp) The processAction() ... and the search results, displaying in the same portlet Our portlet asks the portal to maximize the search portlet to display the results and the content If the user selects one of the hits in the ... top of the page The JSP tag takes the name of the field to search as an attribute: field="contents" The tag also takes an attribute for the analyzer, analyzer="standard", for the StandardAnalyzer...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part I
... knowing how it works because they don’t have to Rather than the criminal rising to the skill set needed for the crime, the skill set for the crime has now lowered itself to the criminal Dumpster diving ... you don’t make an effort to tell them what the rules are to begin with Let them know the best ways to handle information securely, and tell them the consequences of poor information handling Finally, ... awareness efforts to let users know how they can protect your information Let them know how important they are in the process, and let them know the consequences of failing to enforce your policies...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part II
... Hdr Data Information Security: The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 29 The data packet has two basic parts, the header and the payload The header is the part of the packet that contains information ... they would contact the operator at the central office and tell them the name of the person they wanted to talk to The operator would then connect the caller’s plug to the plug of the person being ... of the cans, the sound can be heard through the other can The can you talk into is the transmitter, the can you listen from is the receiver, and the string is the medium How does it work? The...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part III
... the packet to the Transport Layer The Transport Layer takes the packet and adds a header to it The header has all the information that the Transport Layer on the other side of the connection ... with the packet Once the transport header is put on the packet it is given to the Internet Layer The Internet Layer puts another header in front of the packet Like the Transport layer before ... own information to it, then sends it to the next layer down the stack Once the packet reaches the bottom of the stack, it travels along the network wire to the remote host, then travels up the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
the oxford picture dictionary (từ điển bằng hình ảnh) - phần 2
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:12
The oxford picture dictionary (từ điển bằng hình ảnh) phần 3
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:25
The oxford picture dictionary (từ điển bằng hình ảnh) phần 4
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 12:29
Write Better Essays - Revising - The Big Picture
... REVISING: THE BIG PICTURE If you think professional writers work alone, think again They know how important it is to get feedback before they send their work to the publisher—it’s not uncommon for them ... connects the previous example (the man who bought a stolen necklace for his girlfriend) to the next example, the writer’s own silent lie Then, the beginning of the second sentence uses the transitional ... silence.” For each paragraph, note the idea and function in the space provided The first two paragraphs are done for you Then, answer the questions that follow PARAGRAPH IDEA FUNCTION When was the last...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part IV
... to all the other hosts on that network, which then act as the agents for the attack Being good little agents, they want to reply to the request However the only information they have is the spoofed ... it who the real Victim is, how long the attack should last, and any other information the Agents will need The Handler then relays that information to the Agents and off they go What the Victim ... putting this information into the formula you get a unique mathematical value for each file The values for all the files are then stored for future reference You also recalculate the values every...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part V
... allows the browser to send some information to the server, usually information from a form the user fills out POST transactions send the information from the browser to the server The server will then ... ran them, they interacted with a server somewhere on the network, they did the work on the server, you got the results, and you were done Then with the advent of the web, we started seeing the ... Retrieving Information – GET • Sending Information – POST Information Security: The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 The World Wide Web has become the de facto communications medium for the Internet...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15
Intrusion Detection The Big Picture
... click on forms to get the knowledge-based risk assessment forms for WinNT, Unix, Win95, Mac 8.X, etc Intrusion Detection - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 The SANS website is home to GIAC, the ... Is there a business case for intrusion detection? Intrusion Detection - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 26 One of the threads we want to stay aware of during the course is whether or not the ... - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 28 A threat vector is the method a threat uses to get to the target For example, mosquitoes are the vector for malaria A countermeasure against malaria (the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 12:15
Information Security: The Big Picture – Part VI
... © 2000 If the world is moving toward the use of certificates, there must be some formal standard for specifying the use and format of certificates There is, and it’s called the ISO Authentication ... As they are discovered, the anti-virus vendors develop methods for detecting and removing them They then put these new methods into updates to their software and distribute them to users of their ... challenge When the response comes back from the user, the server will compare the user’s response to the one it generated and is expecting If the two match, the user is authenticated and the processing...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu Intrusion Detection The Big Picture – Part III docx
... at the top Then summary information about the packet The trace begins with the content of the detect RPC attacks like this are part of the Top Ten list (www.sans.org/topten.htm) Notice all the ... Detection - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 Libpcap is the de facto standard for Unix-based intrusion detection systems It is a software interface for acquiring the collected information from the ... Intrusion Detection - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 22 22 Deception Can Drive the Picture S S CIRT Meta CIRT S S CIRT S Intrusion Detection - The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 23 The point of this...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Information Security: The Big Picture – Part V pdf
... allows the browser to send some information to the server, usually information from a form the user fills out POST transactions send the information from the browser to the server The server will then ... ran them, they interacted with a server somewhere on the network, they did the work on the server, you got the results, and you were done Then with the advent of the web, we started seeing the ... Retrieving Information – GET • Sending Information – POST Information Security: The Big Picture - SANS GIAC © 2000 The World Wide Web has become the de facto communications medium for the Internet...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15