influence on student s motivation to write

Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

... negatively In this case the responsibility of teachers is to find some methods as extrinsic/ instrumental motion to push their students to learn I.1.4 Vietnamese students’ motivation in learning ... types teachers use in classroom and their influence on students’ motivation to write 3&4 The way teachers give written feedback in classroom and their influence on students’ motivation to write ... teachers and their feedback in inspiring students to learn in those frameworks It is all considered as an extrinsic motivation In conclusion, in order to stimulate students, teachers should mind...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 07:57

89 794 2
Co-relationship between teacher-related factors and student's motivation in the context of Lomonoxop school, Hanoi = Quan hệ tương hỗ giữa yếu tố giáo viên và đ

Co-relationship between teacher-related factors and student's motivation in the context of Lomonoxop school, Hanoi = Quan hệ tương hỗ giữa yếu tố giáo viên và đ

... organize lessons; instructions for activities; way to convey knowledge to students; diversity from lesson to lesson; the amount of English used in class; tests; feedback from student s activities and ... diversity on student s motivation Table 5: Distribution of teacher s tests on student s motivation Table 6: Distribution of teacher s feedback on student s motivation Table 7: Distribution of classroom ... teachers have on student s motivation 3.3.2 On classroom management factors The 28 questions concerned with classroom management factors were designed to collect student s ideas on motivation to...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:42

63 578 0
A discussion proposal on people''''s adaptability to floods in the Mekong river delta

A discussion proposal on people''''s adaptability to floods in the Mekong river delta

... in the soil in the coastal areas and flushes toxicity released from acid sulfate soil Also, floods kill the insets and rats population Otherwise, flood brings natural fishes, brings plankton which ... dams and irrigation systems in upstream to the low parts of the basin Estimate the role of floods in the people s lives; notice the effects to the women and children in the flooded areas Assess ... Mekong river: find out the general rules of the seasonal flows, forecast the relation between the warm atmosphere and the storms in the tropical monsoon Asia Survey and forecast the effects of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15

2 482 0
The Student''''s Guide to Transfer of credit - Distance Education and Training Council doc

The Student''''s Guide to Transfer of credit - Distance Education and Training Council doc

... Institution Course Syllabus Course Number and Title: EET 471 Control Systems I - Three Semester Hours Course Description: This course is designed to explore industrial controls and emphasis on ... CHEA also states that institutions need to assure that the “transfer decisions are not made solely on the source of accreditation of a sending program or institution.” (See “A Statement to the ... courses across state institutions The Florida plan is a little more aggressive It has legislatively mandated the acceptance of transfer credit among state institutions and is supported by a statewide...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:21

15 394 0
A Student''''s Introduction to English Grammar ppt

A Student''''s Introduction to English Grammar ppt

... commentary at this point Person contrasts st person (I and we), 2nd person (you) and 3rd person (all other NPs) Thus the 3rd person singular present form occurs with 3rd person singular subjects and the ... things, such as requests, orders, instructions and so on They usually have the subject you under­ stood rather than overtly expressed Subjunctives occur as main clauses only in a few more or less ... occurs with a following past participle) When it occurs in clauses describing states, expressing such meanings as posses­ sion (He has enough money) or obligation ( You have to sign both forms),...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 07:20

320 1,1K 0
Effects of teacher's feedback on freshmen's motivation in speaking lessons  A survey research at Hanoi University of Business and Technology = Ảnh Hưởng từ phản

Effects of teacher's feedback on freshmen's motivation in speaking lessons A survey research at Hanoi University of Business and Technology = Ảnh Hưởng từ phản

... collection procedure, and data analysis Chapter – Findings and Discussions consists of a comprehensive analysis of the data and a discussion on the findings of this study Part C: Conclusion, offers ... questionnaire Part I: Motivational Questionnaire The Motivational Questionnaire (Question 1) includes two compositions: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation consist ... activities during English lessons, teachers should focus on diversifying their activities in class so that students can get involved in lesson more Besides activities to motivate freshmen 's speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:16

51 933 1
tài liệu vật lý  the student s guide to hsc physics

tài liệu vật lý the student s guide to hsc physics

... have several implications for space travel Mass increase shows that as speed increases towards c, mass increases up to infinity What this means is that as a spacecraft gets faster, its mass increases ... provides constant thrust, F is a constant As the rocket burns fuel, its mass decreases, and so for ma to remain constant the rocket s acceleration must increase This means that as the rocket takes ... motion You’ll need to memorise what Galileo said and how he devised his vector analysis This is a history lesson, but it also tests whether you understand how the component system works so make sure...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2016, 20:55

165 446 0
A student s introduction to english grammar

A student s introduction to english grammar

... commentary at this point Person contrasts st person (I and we), 2nd person (you) and 3rd person (all other NPs) Thus the 3rd person singular present form occurs with 3rd person singular subjects and the ... things, such as requests, orders, instructions and so on They usually have the subject you under­ stood rather than overtly expressed Subjunctives occur as main clauses only in a few more or less ... occurs with a following past participle) When it occurs in clauses describing states, expressing such meanings as posses­ sion (He has enough money) or obligation ( You have to sign both forms),...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 11:29

320 457 0
Ebook A Student’s guide to fourier transforms (3rd edition) Part 1

Ebook A Student’s guide to fourier transforms (3rd edition) Part 1

... mathematical sense Nature abhors singularities as much as she does a vacuum When an equation has several solutions, some are discarded in a most cavalier fashion as ‘unphysical’ This is usually quite ... extends to all sorts of measuring instruments and has various names, such as ‘impulse response’, ‘point-spread function’, ‘Green s function’ and so on, depending on which branch of physics or ... by inversion This is the cornerstone of Fourier theory because, astonishingly, the inversion has exactly the same form as the synthesis, and we can write, if (ν) is real and F (t) is symmetrical,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2017, 08:40

81 296 0
Ebook A Student’s guide to fourier transforms (3rd edition) Part 2

Ebook A Student’s guide to fourier transforms (3rd edition) Part 2

... Poisson distribution about some average value The resulting spectrum line then shows ‘pressure-broadening’, which increases as the intercollision time diminishes, i.e as the pressure increases ... you see an exponential function with a sine or cosine in the exponent, there is a Bessel function 4.5 Modulations 75 lurking somewhere This is no exception The second factor in the expression ... l (s) , where l (s) D e γ 2s γ e (s s) ds s D    γe γ  γ   e 2s γ s γ > 0, γ < Autocorrelations are necessarily symmetrical and so we can write l (s) D γ jsj e2 γ For positive values of s, ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2017, 08:40

81 726 0
A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

... related to the study with specific instructions The students’ interest in speaking tasks Students’ evaluation of the effectiveness of speaking tasks at school Students’ desire for several types of speaking ... questions Asking questions is the leading technique employed to enhance students to speak or, to be more specific, ideas and responses from students Questioning 23 offers a number of benefits As ... a list of suggestions for a sick friend Student preparation time: The students write while the teacher monitors Modeling: T -S, S- T, S- S This is perhaps the most crucial element for successful...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

98 808 6
Influence of different breeds, feeding and housing systems on sow reproductive performance and piglet''''s resistance to diseases in Central Vietnam pdf

Influence of different breeds, feeding and housing systems on sow reproductive performance and piglet''''s resistance to diseases in Central Vietnam pdf

... breeds The figure was showed the strong effects of ecosystems and suggested the alternatives for region, which are suitable for each ecosystem to avoid infected diseases There were also relationships ... 10 sows (only 1.6%) and 20 sows (0.5%), so we can think how many sows farmers in this areas can raise for project models, in strategies, we advise them to raise in their system from 10 sows depend ... multi-factors of different ecosystems, education, ages and expriences on sow breeding types, table conducted the relationship between education and ecosystems are significant effects, P < 0.01, so...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

13 380 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Influence of cross section dimensions on Timoshenko’s shear factor – Application to wooden beams in free-free flexural vibration" ppsx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Influence of cross section dimensions on Timoshenko’s shear factor – Application to wooden beams in free-free flexural vibration" ppsx

... theoretical formulations on the basis of a three-dimensional state of stress The shear stress distributions σxy and σxz are derived from the function ϕ (y,z) In particular, it is shown that σxy could ... Formula (7) is used with equation (2) to obtain analytic expressions of shear factor K* for an orthotropic and homogeneous material when the dimensions of the cross section are in the same scale: * ... section [8] However, several authors have proposed other K value estimates [2–4, 10] and the consensus value seems to be 5/6 [11] The K value for a rectangular cross section can be calculated considering...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

3 301 0
The influence of reading topics on students’ motivation to read at Vinh Bao high school, Hai Phong = Ảnh hưởng của các chủ đề đọc tới động lực học kỹ năng đọc h

The influence of reading topics on students’ motivation to read at Vinh Bao high school, Hai Phong = Ảnh hưởng của các chủ đề đọc tới động lực học kỹ năng đọc h

... types of students’ motivation in learning reading, the students’ attitudes towards current reading topics and the influence of reading topics on students’ motivation to read have been discussed ... understand the contents of the text The reason for this was due to the students’ background knowledge on the topics or the students’ interests in reading topics As a result, the students’ reading ... attitudes on current reading topics and the influence of the reading topics on students’ motivation to learn reading skill Needless to say, it is necessary for the teachers to know what their students...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:34

52 1,1K 2
Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology

Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology

... study design, subject of the study, data collection instruments as well as data collection analyzing process - Chapter 3: ANALYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This part focuses on presenting, analyzing ... approaches To achieve this, three research questions were proposed: (1) What are the reasons for a change in approach to grammar teaching to students at Hanetco? (2) What are students’ expectations towards ... and discussing the results obtained from the study - Part 3, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, summarizes some major findings, provides recommendations for a possibly applicable approach to teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

11 620 1
The influence of reading topics on students’ motivation to read at Vinh Bao high school, Hai Phong

The influence of reading topics on students’ motivation to read at Vinh Bao high school, Hai Phong

... reading skill, the types of motivation possessed by students, the students’ attitudes on current reading topics and the influence of the reading topics on students’ motivation to learn reading skill ... the influence of the reading topics on students’ motivation to learn reading skill Research questions The study was carried out in order to find out answers to the following research questions: ... Needless to say, it is necessary for the teachers to know what their students like to read Significance of the study The study highlights the influence of reading topics on the motivation in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

3 310 0
The influence of knowledge sharing on motivation to transfer training a malaysian public sector context

The influence of knowledge sharing on motivation to transfer training a malaysian public sector context

... section is divided into four parts The first discusses the influences on motivation to transfer, the second discusses the influences on motivation to learn, the third addresses the influences ... supervision has significantly contributed to this research My appreciation also goes to Richard Gough for his assistance and suggestions in statistics I would also like to thank to Associate Professor ... expectations Motivation to transfer Motivation Elements Feedback Peer support Supervisor support Openness to change Personal outcomes-positive Personal outcomes-negative Supervisor sanctions Environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2015, 14:11

365 197 0
A study on how to write an effective cause and effect essay in english

A study on how to write an effective cause and effect essay in english

... experiences The essay could discuss both causes and effects, or it could simply address one or the other A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened An effect essay discusses what ... and only want to rest They can undo the exercises by going to bed Only responsible students will push themselves to finish their work before going to bed Consequently, responsible students might ... Cause and Effect essay, types of Cause and Effect essay and methods to help students write such essay effectively Design of the study This paper consists of three parts: Part one: Introduction-...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51

53 967 2