income inequality and poverty

Regional economic integration and its impacts on growth, income distribution and poverty in east asia; ACGE analysis

Regional economic integration and its impacts on growth, income distribution and poverty in east asia; ACGE analysis

... also Ahn and Cheong (2007), Table Distribution and poverty in Thailand Let us look at distribution and poverty in more detail for Thailand, Vietnam and China Table 2-1 indicates Thai income distribution ... Singapore are of the high income group, then, Korea and Taiwan of higher middle income, then, Malaysia and Thailand of middle income, then, China and other old ASEAN of lower middle, and finally the new ... See Nguyen and Ezaki (2005) and Nguyen and Ezaki (2006) for Vietnam, Wang and Ezaki (2006) for China, Chaipan, Nguyen and Ezaki (2006) for Thailand, and Hartono, Priyarsono, Nguyen and Ezaki (2007)...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2016, 12:56

33 503 0
Rising Income Inequality: Technology, or Trade and Financial Globalization? pot

Rising Income Inequality: Technology, or Trade and Financial Globalization? pot

... regions and all income groups during the recent period of globalization At the same time, however, income inequality has increased mainly in middle- and high -income countries, and less so in lowincome ... Quintile Income Shares Regressions…………………… ……… …………………….22 Income Inequality Panel Regressions (Regional Heterogeneity).…………………….…23 Figures Income Inequality Within Income Country Groups and Selected ... and Rodrik (1994), Benabou (1996), Galor and Moav (2004), Galor and Zeira (1993), Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990), Kremer and Chen (2002), and Persson and Tabellini (1994) Prominent contributions...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

38 450 0
the mit press poverty inequality and policy in latin america feb 2009

the mit press poverty inequality and policy in latin america feb 2009

... the emergence and transmission of poverty and inequality in Latin America It centers around, firstly, the relationship between land inequality, institutions, and income inequality and, secondly, ... variation in land inequality at the end of the colonial period, and how does initial land inequality relate to current income inequality? Frankema argues that postcolonial levels of land inequality ... impact on land inequality (Van Oss 2003, Bakewell 2004) 1.2.2 The Relation between Initial Land Inequality and Current Income Inequality Land is the most important production factor and source...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:48

333 297 0
essays on income inequality exchange rate and policy coordination

essays on income inequality exchange rate and policy coordination

... the determination of income inequality The questions regarding whether greater income inequality is conducive to China's growth and the role of degree of reform for growth and inequality have been ... paper We find a positive correlation between income inequality and growth, that reform plays a dominant role in determining growth and income inequality, and that steady growth can not be emphasized ... that should be considered in income distribution and growth Based on this framework, equations are developed for urban income inequality, rural income inequality, growth and inflation Contradicting...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2014, 07:54

241 255 0
Income inequality, education and intergenerational mobility a general equilibrium approach

Income inequality, education and intergenerational mobility a general equilibrium approach

... mobility and income inequality attract great attention from both economists and politicians Income gap and intergenerational mobility are interrelated and affect the social equity of current and next ... technology and inequality Galor and Tsiddon (1997) and Greenwood and Yorukoglu (1997) argue that the increase in the wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor reveals the increasing demand for ... Persistent Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility” in Anthony B Atkinson and Francois Bourguignon (eds.), Handbook of Income Distribution, Volume 1, pp 429-476 Zhang, Jie and Zhang Junsen and Lee...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:24

48 254 0
Poverty, inequality, and evaluation  changing perspectives

Poverty, inequality, and evaluation changing perspectives

... and Evaluation Capacity Is Critical to Understanding and Addressing Issues of Poverty and Inequality 209 Robert Lahey Introduction Measuring and Monitoring Progress on Poverty Reduction and Inequality: ... in and out of poverty and their poverty is variously described as deep seated, embedded, or deep rooted Poverty is about power, and the distribution of chronic poverty is about inequality Poverty, ... POVERTY, INEQUALITY, AND EVALUATION POVERTY, INEQUALITY, AND EVALUATION Changing Perspectives Ray C Rist, Frederic P Martin, and Ana Maria Fernandez, Editors © 2016 International...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2015, 20:01

313 681 0
Finance and Income Inequality: Test of Alternative Theories

Finance and Income Inequality: Test of Alternative Theories

... Greenwood and Jovanovic’s (1990) model predicts an inverted u-shaped relationship between income inequality and financial sector development, with income inequality first increasing and then decreasing ... indicators and data for financial intermediary development and income inequality as well as the set of conditioning information Table presents descriptive statistics and correlations The income inequality ... development and income inequality, might seriously exacerbate problems related to measurement error (Griliches and Hausman, 1986) Since income inequality tends to change relatively slowly over time and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2016, 08:16

25 346 0
Economic growth, International trade, government expenditure versus corruption, and other determinants of income inequality in countries with different income levels

Economic growth, International trade, government expenditure versus corruption, and other determinants of income inequality in countries with different income levels

... on income inequality The Dataset is provided by Garbis Iradian (2005) It contains the data on income inequality collected from IMF Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and staff reports, OECD and ... index and second highest income inequality Though both CEE and CIS countries are characterized by negative population growth and highest trade opennesss, their average levels of income inequality ... Perotti, Roberto.1994 .Income Distribution and Investment.European Economic Review 38, pp.827-35 Gupta, S.H.,Davoodi and R AlonsoTerme 1998 Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty? IMF Working...

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2017, 19:48

61 391 0
The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

... language to influence and persuade those who have power and also because their languages, experiences and knowledge are down played in the new policies and technologies Conclusion and recommendations ... vital in fighting poverty The adult education program can thus harness the local languages and indigenous knowledge of the minority and poor people and use them to mobilize the poor and minorities ... between the poor and rich, formal and non formal education and help people cope with political, economic and social changes adult education programs need to respond to language conflicts and inequalities...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 16:27

5 838 1
Trade and Poverty Is There a Connection

Trade and Poverty Is There a Connection

... inequality over the 1980s inequality measures have now returned to pre-reform levels and at vastly higher average income levels and lower poverty levels—World Bank (1997) and Ferierra and Litchfield (1999) ... ‘Employment and Poverty A MacroStudy', Chapter of Trade, Technology and Poverty: the Indian Field Study, mimeo, CUTS, Jaipur Demery, L and Squire, L (1996) ‘Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in ... include land and other assets While avoiding issues of long-run dynamics at this stage we need to recognize that such assets generate incomes and thus affect poverty The unequal distribution of land...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:51

26 544 0


... middle class emerged, and the kinds of foods that were, and were not, consumed began to identify and differentiate Upper- and middle-class diets improved but that of the landless changed from ... customary milk and cheese allotments.28 In northern Europe, livestock grazing increased relative to grain production, and a trade developed between grassland areas supplying meat and livestock and agricultural ... ducks, and rodents such as hutia (Geocapromys sp.) and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti).2 Nor did the mainlands behind Caribbean shorelines have many more to offer – llamas and alpacas in the Andean...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

16 281 0
A study of linguistic features of proverbs expressing richness and poverty in english versus vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of proverbs expressing richness and poverty in english versus vietnamese

... inclined to events and folk songs are prone to human learners and users of English and English learners and users of sentiment, idioms and proverbs aims at giving assessments and moral Vietnamese ... Review and Theoretical Background and learning English and Vietnamese Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions What are the syntactic and ... richness and poverty in English Vs Vietnamese? CHAPTER 2 What are the similarities and the differences between English LITERATURE REVIEW and Vietnamese proverbs expressing richness and poverty...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 1,3K 1


... Defining Poverty Women-Centred Definitions of Poverty The Connections between Health and Poverty The Connections Between Health and Low Income for Women Poverty and Health ... must be consistently expanded to include women Women, Health and Poverty: Review and Looking Forward 41 by Jayne Melville Whyte The report Women, Health and Poverty: Review and Looking Forward evaluated ... women’s health and women’s poverty are often overlooked Health researchers habitually address poverty as a genderneutral problem.1 The failure to connect income inequality, health and gender is...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 00:20

59 649 0
Tài liệu State Income Taxes and Economic Growth ppt

Tài liệu State Income Taxes and Economic Growth ppt

... Dye (1980), Dye and Feiock (1995), Mullen and Williams (1994), Romans and Subrahmanyam (1979), and Holcombe and Lacomb (2004) 54 State Income Taxes and Economic Growth The tax price concept suggests ... enacted at the state and local level in recent decades, and among the most important were changes in state income taxes Most states adopted an income tax and came to rely on income tax revenues ... reduced federal income tax rates and simplified the number of tax brackets They also closed loopholes and broadened the base of the federal income tax A more generous standard deduction and personal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

19 457 0
Gender Inequality and Women’s Empowerment pdf

Gender Inequality and Women’s Empowerment pdf

... husbands’ income, large purchase and own health care, and attitude towards domestic violence and autonomy on own sexuality; and • To make recommendations which are useful for policy review and ... (1978) and Mason (1986) who defined women’s status operationally as the degree of women’s access to and control over material resources (including food, income, land and other forms of wealth) and ... the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey 2005 stereotyping, and thereby gender inequality – the inequality of opportunity, right, responsibility, role, and access to and control over resources...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

58 427 0


... HEALTH, UNMET NEEDS AND POVERTY ISSUES OF ACCESS AND QUALITY OF SERVICES REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, UNMET NEEDS AND POVERTY ISSUES OF ACCESS AND QUALITY OF SERVICES Edited by Susana LERNER and Éric VILQUIN ... Needs and Poverty: Issues of Access and Quality of Services,” that took place in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2002 Its aim was to enhance understanding of the interrelationships between poverty and ... and poverty conditions The findings and conclusions of these papers offer new avenues, and relevant and innovative questions in the field of research and policy interventions 2.1 Conceptual and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

601 668 0