income and asset status of older adults

báo cáo hóa học: " Health status of older adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus after aerobic or resistance training: A randomised trial" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Health status of older adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus after aerobic or resistance training: A randomised trial" pot

... the effects of AT and PRT on health status The sustained effect of exercise on health status over time Page of and the combined effect of aerobic and resistance exercise on health status have ... local population [15], and standardised to a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10 Page of Statistical Analyses Intention-to-treat analysis was undertaken Baseline values of the scores for SF-36 ... difference between aerobic and progressive resistance exercise on metabolic profile and fitness in older adults with diabetes mellitus: a randomised trial Journal of Physiotherapy 2010, 56:163-70...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

5 397 0
Tài liệu Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms for Older Adults pptx

Tài liệu Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms for Older Adults pptx

... Internet Course for Older Adults Computer and Internet Terms Browse To explore a website or a number of websites by scanning and reading information Browser Software, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, ... These are commonly asked questions and answers that appear on many websites Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms for Older Adults This glossary for older adults was prepared by the National ... Monitor The part of a computer system that contains the computer screen, where information is displayed Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms for Older Adults This glossary for older adults was prepared...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

14 460 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Telephone reliability of the Frenchay Activity Index and EQ-5D amongst older adults" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Telephone reliability of the Frenchay Activity Index and EQ-5D amongst older adults" pptx

... administration of these instruments amongst older adults Methods Design Equivalence investigation between telephone and face-toface administration for the FAI and the EQ-5D Participants and setting Older adults ... for the needs of older adults Evaluation of these services and ongoing monitoring of their patients requires that participation in functional activities and health-related quality of life be measured ... score, and for the EQ-5D VAS and utility scores are displayed in Table Levels of agreement, and 95% confidence intervals, between telephone and face-to-face administration of the FAI and EQ-5D...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

8 571 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Do quality of life, participation and environment of older adults differ according to level of activity?" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Do quality of life, participation and environment of older adults differ according to level of activity?" pdf

... quality of life of older adults with physical disabilities? Disabil Rehabil 2004, 26:1206-1213 Levasseur M, Desrosiers J, Noreau L: Relationships between environment and quality of life of older adults ... most aspects of the environment (number of items): social support and attitudes (14), income, labour and income security (15), government and public services (27), equal opportunities and political ... QOL, and Page of 11 (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2008, 6:30 might not be fully representative of older adults...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

11 408 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

... inadequate lighting, but the effects of vision and lighting have not been studied in older adults with a HLGD To more fully characterize the gait of older adults with a HLGD and their reliance on visual ... using software that extracts the initial and end contact time of each stride and determines stride and swing times To focus on the assessment of the dynamics of continuous, "normal" walking and ... disturbances, and falls Among older adults, falls are a major cause of Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2005, 2:27 morbidity and mortality...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

8 415 0
depression and overgeneral memory in older adults the role of executive functioning

depression and overgeneral memory in older adults the role of executive functioning

... 959 Accepted on basis of title and abstract 91 Hand search of Synder (2012) (Total no of articles = 114) Rejected on basis of title and abstract 93 Accepted on basis of title and abstract 21 Duplicates ... depression and EF in older adults? Do depressed older adults exhibit more executive functioning deficits than nondepressed older adults? If so, are the deficits more pronounced in some subcategories of ... depressed older adults and 15 non-depressed older adults completed a series of EF neuropsychological tests and the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) Miyake et al.’s (2000) facets model of EF was...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 16:55

155 273 0
Ngăn Ngừa Sự Ngược Đãi và Bỏ Bê Người Lớn Tuổi - Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults

Ngăn Ngừa Sự Ngược Đãi và Bỏ Bê Người Lớn Tuổi - Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults

... khác • Cơ quan định/giới chức y tế -and- neglect/ responding-to-elder-abuse -and- neglect/ Cho biết quý vị muốn báo cáo trường hợp nghi ngờ có ngược đãi, ... Cao niên Bị Ngược đãi (Seniors Abuse and Information Line, viết tắt SAIL), chủ quản Trung tâm bênh vực Hỗ trợ Cao niên B.C (B.C Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support), số 604-437-1940 Vancouver ... giúp sau: nhận dạng đáp ứng với ngược đãi người già, (Public Guardian and Trustee) số 604-660-4444 viếng mạng • Hội Dịch vụ Pháp lý (Legal Services...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2015, 20:58

2 228 0
Tài liệu Growth and nutritional status of children with homozygous sickle cell disease ppt

Tài liệu Growth and nutritional status of children with homozygous sickle cell disease ppt

... (weight and height ,5th centile) led to a rapid and sustained increase in growth and a reduction of pain crises and episodes of infection.15 The authors found no lipid malabsorption and a normal ... study of 86 SS patients under 20 years of age reported weight and height ,10th centile in 40% and 31% of cases, respectively, and the weight deficit persisted after puberty.43 In a follow-up of ... Al-Saqladi et al 41% for moderate and 25% for severe under-nutrition4 with a prevalence of wasting of 11%.5 Stunting was reported in 44% of Ghanaian children and adolescents and almost all those with...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

25 603 0


... of income, with 97% of urban and 88% of rural households reporting this as their main source of cash income Some 10% of elderlyonly rural households reported farming as their main source of income ... number of people in different age groups, gender and education level of the household head; • household vulnerability and food security: presence of disabled people; source of income, sale of assets, ... National Diet and Nutrition Survey: people aged 65 years and older, 1: Report of the Diet and Nutrition Survey London, Stationery Office, 1998 Ismail, S & Manandhar, M Better nutrition for older people:...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

34 833 0
Family Support and Health Status of Elderly People: A Case Study of District Gujrat, Pakistan pdf

Family Support and Health Status of Elderly People: A Case Study of District Gujrat, Pakistan pdf

... Quality of life is the key component of the health status The present research deals with the relationship between nature of support and the health characteristics of elderly Health disabilities of ... part of library Objectives of the Study: C C C C To determine the demographic profile of the respondents To explore the level of family support to elderly people To analyze the health status of ... parts like a) the demographic profile of the respondents; b) level of family support to elderly people and c) health status of elderly people living in rural area of Gujrat Further, the data was...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

7 783 0
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adults A Guide to Holistic Approaches to Healthy Aging ppt

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adults A Guide to Holistic Approaches to Healthy Aging ppt

... nutrition is the topic of herbs and supplements Older adults can purchase all manner of substances over-the-counter, and sales of supplements such as melatonin, DHEA, and omega-3 fatty acids ... Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adults Obesity and Cancer A 16-year study by the American Cancer Society found that overweight and obesity increases the risk of many types of cancers, and ... compendium of reliable and authoritative information on complementary and alternative therapies that health professionals may use as they seek to improve the health and quality of life of those...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

344 512 0
Loneliness, Depression and Health Status of the Institutionalized Elderly in Korea and Japan pptx

Loneliness, Depression and Health Status of the Institutionalized Elderly in Korea and Japan pptx

... summed and transformed on a scale from (worst possible health status) to 100 (best possible health status) Discriminant validity of the Korean and Japanese versions of SF-36 was established and ... (1992), and the short form (GDS-15) was developed by Sheik and Yesavage (1986) A GDS score of or higher, up to 15 is indicative of “probable” depression Concurrent and discriminant validity of the ... test and t-test were performed to show comparisons of Korean and Japanese elderly in demographic variables which included age, gender, education, marital status, the number of children and current...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

8 776 0
Water quality and pollution status of Chambal river in National Chambal sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh pdf

Water quality and pollution status of Chambal river in National Chambal sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh pdf

... regulator of metabolic activities of organisms and thus governs metabolism of the biological community as a whole and also acts as an indicator of trophic status of the water body (Saksena and Kaushik, ... phosphates and nitrates of Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Mn and organic matter, salts and others particles (Mishra and Saksena, 1991) Minimum total dissolved solids (260 mgl-1) were recorded at Station-B and Station-C, ... Results of physico-chemical characteristics of river Chambal forms of biological life in the water and the effect of waste discharge in a water body is largely determined by the oxygen balance of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

10 515 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of the growth and health status of selected clone mixtures in comparison with ordinary planting stock" docx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of the growth and health status of selected clone mixtures in comparison with ordinary planting stock" docx

... RESULTS Comparison of the growth of parent trees and clones of the 1st and 2nd generation Research plots were evaluated in the intervals of several years So data acquired in plantations of different ... Journal of Forest Research, 22: 335–361 Jonsson B (1999): Stand establishment and early growth of planted Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies related to microsite conditions Scandinavian Journal of Forest ... 1995) Karlsson and Högberg (1998) and Karlsson (2000) stated that the height growth of clones by site interaction often changed with the age of clone plantation The selection of clones J FOR...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

9 299 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Soil environment and nutrient status of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) underplantings in conditions of the 8th FAZ in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Soil environment and nutrient status of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) underplantings in conditions of the 8th FAZ in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts" potx

... underplantings by means of correlation matrices RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Physicochemical properties of soils and nutrient status of forest stands on research plots From the aspect of soil acidity the ... sorption properties of soil at these depths, and the long-term disturbance of humification processes may be connected with a disorder of the nutrient status of biocoenoses and with their decline ... underplantings and to verify whether the soil environment is a part of predisposition factors influencing their poor health status MATERIAL AND METHODS Description of the area concerned and research...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21

12 529 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of acorn storage duration and parental tree on emergence and physiological status of Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings." pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of acorn storage duration and parental tree on emergence and physiological status of Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings." pdf

... seed size) and seedling growth and the effect of seed storage on the physiological status of seedlings The objectives of this study were to evaluate how parental tree and the duration of acorn ... distinguish effects of parental trees RESULTS 3.1 Seedlings emergence The rate and time of emergence of seedlings from fresh and stored seeds of the 12 parental trees are shown in tables I and II Total ... influence growth and survival of seedlings Brookes and Wigston [15] showed that large acorns of Q petraea and Q robur have greater amounts of nutrients Studies, on Quercus rugosa and Q laurina showed...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

12 309 0
Báo cáo y học: "Can physical activity improve the mental health of older adults" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Can physical activity improve the mental health of older adults" pps

... some negative effects of aging [12] Suggested effects of regular PA include the preservation of muscle mass, prevention of sarcopenia and reduction of the age-related decrease of metabolic rate [13] ... Department of Health and Human Services: Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General Rockville, Md: US Dept of Health and Human Services 1999 van Der Weyden M: The burden of disease and injury ... Health Department of Western Australia and the Department of Sport and Recreation Western Australian Government, Perth, Western Australia 1999 Christmas C, Andersen RA: Exercise and older patients:...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23

5 544 0
Báo cáo y học: " Ethnomedicinal and ecological status of plants in Garhwal Himalaya, India" pptx

Báo cáo y học: " Ethnomedicinal and ecological status of plants in Garhwal Himalaya, India" pptx

... impressive array of species and genetic diversity make India one of the 12 mega-biodiversity countries of the world Forest represents one of the dominant components of the vegetation of India and forest ... knowledge and the integration of people’s perceptions and practices in resource management at the local level [11] Incorporation into biological and ecological studies of local-use patterns and of the ... Tanzania, and Uganda [39] Greater losses are expected to occur in arid and semi-arid areas due to the impact of climate change, erosion, expansion of agricultural land, wood consumption, and exploitation...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

13 500 0
Lạm Dụng Tài Chánh Người Lớn Tuổi - Financial Abuse of Older Adults

Lạm Dụng Tài Chánh Người Lớn Tuổi - Financial Abuse of Older Adults

... chức y tế địa phương quý vị trang mạng -and- neglect/ responding-to-elder-abuse -and- neglect/ Cho biết quý vị muốn báo cáo trường hợp nghi ngờ có ngược đãi, ... Cao niên Bị Ngược đãi (Seniors Abuse and Information Line, viết tắt SAIL), chủ quản Trung tâm bênh vực Hỗ trợ Cao niên B.C (B.C Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support), số 604-437-1940 Vancouver ... già, • Văn phòng Người Giám hộ Ủy nhiệm viên Chính phủ (Public Guardian and Trustee) số 604660-4444 viếng mạng • Hội Dịch vụ Pháp lý (Legal Services Society)...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2015, 20:58

2 146 0
Weather shocks and nutritional status of disadvantaged children in Vietnam

Weather shocks and nutritional status of disadvantaged children in Vietnam

... include Pitt and Rosenzweig (1985), Thomas et al (1990), Alderman and Garcia (1994) Hoddinott and Kinsey (2001) and Behrman and Skoufias (2004) where C is a vector of goods consumed (health and non-health ... consists of a total of 4,772 children (2,639 from round and 2,133 round 3) Results and Discussion Table 1a shows the summary statistics of the full sample and separately for children exposed and unexposed ... increases in coffee prices and a decline in the use of preventative care and vaccination services during the first year of a child’s life Furthermore, the need to generate extra income may result...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:23

33 309 0