in vitro evaluation of bond performance

Báo cáo y học: " In vitro evaluation of marine-microorganism extracts for anti-viral activity" pot

Báo cáo y học: " In vitro evaluation of marine-microorganism extracts for anti-viral activity" pot

... waters, as che- motherapy for viral diseases of humans and lower animals, as well as the biological control of viral diseases of marine animals. The seeding of MAVAs under nat- ural conditions, or ... progression of viral- induced CPE. To track viral progression, 200-μl samples of medium were taken from each flask, every 12 hours, andstoredat-20°Cuntiltheendoftheexperiment. The v iral titers of these ... the nature of the envelope proteins of rhabdoviruses. When comparing the inhibitive natures of these extracts, it was found that the extracts appear to show no consistent pattern of inhibition...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

11 311 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "In Vitro Evaluation of Frozen-Thawed Stallion Semen: A Review" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "In Vitro Evaluation of Frozen-Thawed Stallion Semen: A Review" doc

... SD, Johnson L: Use of a computerized system for evaluation of equine spermatozoal motility Am J.Vet.Res... identification of 88% of the potentially low and 94% of the high- ertility ... 2000, 19-2 1a Katila T, Koskinen E, Andersson M: Evaluation of Evaluation. .. Bielanski W: The evaluation of stallion semen in aspects of fertility control and its use for artificial ... semen, the best example be- ing motility evaluation. In spite of its limited applicability, motility is the most commonly used parameter in the evaluation of frozen- thawed semen, in both laboratories...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

17 360 0
In vitro evaluation of botanical extracts, animal wastes, organic and inorganic salts against sclerotinia rot of rapeseed-mustard caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib) de Bary

In vitro evaluation of botanical extracts, animal wastes, organic and inorganic salts against sclerotinia rot of rapeseed-mustard caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib) de Bary

... disc of days old culture of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum fungus was placed in centre of each Petri plate subsequently The plates were incubated at 20±10C for growth of the fungus The diameter of the ... disease of rapeseed/ mustard in Rajasthan J Mycol Pl Pathol 30: 268 Singh, H.N and Saha, L.R (1989) Evaluation of some fungicides against S sclerotiorum the incident of wilt and rot of knol-knol ... extracts in inhibition of mycleial growth of the S sclerotiorum However, Pinto et al., (2008) observed that leaf extract of Eucalyptus citriodora completely inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2020, 11:33

10 32 0
Enhanced preferential cytotoxicity through surface modification: Synthesis, characterization and comparative in vitro evaluation of TritonX-100 modified and unmodified zinc oxide

Enhanced preferential cytotoxicity through surface modification: Synthesis, characterization and comparative in vitro evaluation of TritonX-100 modified and unmodified zinc oxide

... Department of? ?Chemical Science and Engineering, School of? ?Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2016 ... applications on cosmetic, nanofabric and electronics [5], also shows selective killing of cancerous cell [6] Although effect of surfactant on size and morphology of ZnO NPs is well characterized ... less than that of unmodified ZnO NPs which could be due to coating of non-crystalline TritonX Corresponding miller indices obtained from Powder X software indicate crystalline planes of polygonal...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 14:12

10 38 0
In vitro evaluation of antibacterial chemicals and bioagents against Ralstonia solanacearum infecting bacterial wilt in ginger

In vitro evaluation of antibacterial chemicals and bioagents against Ralstonia solanacearum infecting bacterial wilt in ginger

... J of Interacademicia., 6(2): 250-253 Dubey S C 2005 Integrated management of bacterial wilt of tomato Pl Dis Res., 20 (1): 52-54 Dutta, A.K and Verma, S.S.P 1969 Control of bacterial wilt of ... removed by touching slide of the paper discs to the lid of Petri dishes containing broth of the same organism Then the filter disc was placed in a marked position on the surface of the seeded agar medium ... from pseudostem of wilted ginger plant and Virulent colonies of R solanacearum on TZC media Fig.3 & A virulent colonies of R solanacearum on TZC media and Pathogenicity test of R solanacearum...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2020, 13:22

12 27 0
In vitro evaluation of novel N-acetylalaninate prodrugs that selectively induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells

In vitro evaluation of novel N-acetylalaninate prodrugs that selectively induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells

... Figure Mechanism of N-acetylalaninate prodrug activation by OPH and subsequent depletion of glutathione A) The ester bond of the prodrug is cleaved by the esterase activity of oxidized protein ... sample, an aliquot of 50 μl of protein lysate containing μg/μl of protein in PBS was added to two 1.5 ml tubes One tube was used as the negative control tube A volume of 200 μl of 10 mM DNPH was ... that cancer cells exhibit a high level of intrinsic oxidative stress due to the generation of high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the suppression of some antioxidant enzymes [1-4] The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2020, 15:41

13 21 0
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of customized polycaprolactone tricalcium phosphate scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of customized polycaprolactone tricalcium phosphate scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

... Singapore. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv SUMMARY ix LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx CHAPTER ... recovered segment of the mandible of a micropig. Figure 5.12: Soft tissue dehiscence observed for the majority of grafts covered with PCL-TCP sheets. 97 Table 5.1: Number of sites with soft tissue ... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 PREFACE The thesis is submitted for the degree of Master of Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:18

143 472 0
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of transferrin conjugated lipid shell and polymer core nanoparticles for targeted delivery of docetaxel

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of transferrin conjugated lipid shell and polymer core nanoparticles for targeted delivery of docetaxel

... DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2011 Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my profound gratitude ... 2002). 2.1.3 Limitations of traditional chemotherapy One of the problems of traditional chemotherapy is the dosage form and toxicity of the substances used. As most of the anticancer drugs are ... groups: (i) the targeting of cancer cell (Figure 7B.1) and (ii) the targeting of tumoral endothelium (Figure 7B.2). (i) The targeting of cancer cell The aim of targeting of cell-surface receptors,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:18

129 286 0
Gastroretentive matrix tablets of boswellia oleogum resin: Preparation, optimization, in vitro evaluation, and cytoprotective effect on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rabbits

Gastroretentive matrix tablets of boswellia oleogum resin: Preparation, optimization, in vitro evaluation, and cytoprotective effect on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rabbits

... bioadhesion, and drug release of the GR tablets of BR depend mainly on the nature of the matrix and the ratio of polymer combinations Moreover, a combination of SCMC-CP in a ratio of 2:1 (SCP21) exhibited ... Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516, Egypt Department of ... residence time of boswellic acid was reported by Fartyal et al who formulated boswellic acid as a multiple unit system in the form of floating microspheres (23) In spite of the advantages offered by...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 12:02

11 26 0
Preparation and in vitro–in vivo evaluation of sustained-release matrix pellets of capsaicin to enhance the oral bioavailability

Preparation and in vitro–in vivo evaluation of sustained-release matrix pellets of capsaicin to enhance the oral bioavailability

... CHARACTERISTICS OF MPC Scanning Electron Microscopy In order to observe the micromorphology of the matrix pellets of capsaicin, the scanning electron microscopy was Preparation and Evaluation of SMPC of Capsaicin ... China) to prepare matrix pellets of capsaicin In order to observe the effect of HPMC on drug dissolution, 1, 3, and 5% of HPMC with a fixed amount of solid dispersions of capsaicin (20%) were used ... preparation Preparation of Sustained-Release Matrix Pellets of Capsaicin The sustained-release matrix pellets of capsaicin were prepared by coating the surface of matrix pellets of capsaicin (containing...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 12:07

11 53 0
Evaluation of the performance of lab-scaled self-purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in Vietnam

Evaluation of the performance of lab-scaled self-purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in Vietnam

... unforgettable in my youth i TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i TABLE OF CONTENT ii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ... both in 15mON/45mOFF and 30mON/30mOFF pump schedules .33 Figure 3.10 COD change in effluent of lab-scaled self-purification sewer, running with pump schedule of 15mON/45mOFF simulating dry ... effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of 15m ON/45m OFF 40 Figure 3.16 Ammonia in effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 20:09

67 1 0
Evaluation of the performance of lab scaled self purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in vietnam

Evaluation of the performance of lab scaled self purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in vietnam

... unforgettable in my youth i TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF ABBREVIATION CHAPTER ... both in 15mON/45mOFF and 30mON/30mOFF pump schedules 33 Figure 3.10 COD change in effluent of lab-scaled self-purification sewer, running with pump schedule of 15mON/45mOFF simulating dry ... effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of 15m ON/45m OFF 40 Figure 3.16 Ammonia in effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2020, 19:56

80 15 0
Fabrication, in vitro, in vivo evaluation of hybrid biopolymers for artificial soft and hard tissue aplication

Fabrication, in vitro, in vivo evaluation of hybrid biopolymers for artificial soft and hard tissue aplication

... In-vitro, In-vivo Evaluation of Hybrid Biopolymers for Artificial Soft and Hard Tissue Application Advisor: Professor Lee Byong-Taek Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ... Doctorate Thesis Fabrication, In-vitro, In-vivo Evaluation of Hybrid Biopolymers for Artificial Soft and Hard Tissue Application 2012 08 College of Medicine, SoonChunHyang University Biomedical ... iv Dedication vi List of Tables ix List of Figures x xvii Abstract Chapter 1- General Introduction 1.1 About Tissue Engineering 1.2 The ideal of Biomaterials 1.3 Objectives of this dissertation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2021, 09:46

163 4 0
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a 64Cu-labeled polyethylene gl

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a 64Cu-labeled polyethylene gl

... and In Vivo Evaluation of a 64Cu-Labeled Polyethylene Glycol-Bombesin Conjugate Buck E Rogers,1,2 Debbie Della Manna,1 and Ahmad Safavy1 Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama ... in vivo evaluation In vitro Evaluation A representative competitive binding assay is shown in Figure The binding of 125I-Tyr4-BN to PC-3 cells was inhibited by various concentrations of Tyr4-BN, ... comparison of the tissue uptake of 64Cu-DOTA-PEG-BN(7-14) compared to 64Cu-DOTA-Aoc-BN(7-14) at the indicated time points 30 In vivo Evaluation 64 Cu-DOTA-PEG-BN(7- The biodistributions of 14) and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2022, 15:17

11 3 0
gellan gum based mucoadhesive microspheres of almotriptan for nasal administration formulation optimization using factorial design characterization and in vitro evaluation

gellan gum based mucoadhesive microspheres of almotriptan for nasal administration formulation optimization using factorial design characterization and in vitro evaluation

... of the values of the response.[20‑22] This helps the process of optimization by providing an empirical model equation for the response as a function of the different variables The objective of ... studies The in vitro mucoadhesion study of microspheres was assessed using falling liquid film technique.[31‑33] A strip of sheep nasal mucosa was mounted on a glass slide and 50 mg of accurately ... angle of 45° Phosphate buffered saline of pH 6.4; previously warmed to 37 ± 0.5°C was allowed to flow over the microspheres and membrane at the rate of 1 mL/min for 5 min with the help of a peristaltic...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 10:41

12 5 0
LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ evaluation of the performance of lab scaled self purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in vietnam

LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ evaluation of the performance of lab scaled self purification sewer system for municipal wastewater treatment in vietnam

... TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i TABLE OF CONTENT ii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ... both in 15mON/45mOFF and 30mON/30mOFF pump schedules .33 Figure 3.10 COD change in effluent of lab-scaled self-purification sewer, running with pump schedule of 15mON/45mOFF simulating dry ... effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of 15m ON/45m OFF 40 Figure 3.16 Ammonia in effluent of coal-slag and rock-agregate concrete sewer, with schedule of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2022, 10:02

67 3 0
Applying camels model in evaluation of bank performance the case of msb bank

Applying camels model in evaluation of bank performance the case of msb bank

... Structure of the study CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSIS OF THE COMMERCIAL BANK’S PERFORMANCE .6 1.1 Concept and characteristics of bank performance 1.1.1 Definition of ... bank performance 1.1.2 Assessing methods of the banking system 1.1.3 Factors affecting the performance of the commercial bank 12 1.2 Overview of CAMELS in evaluating bank performance ... APPLYING CAMELS MODEL IN EVALUATION OF BANK PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF MSB BANK Student: Nguyễn Trung Khánh Student ID: 21A4010823 Class: K21CLCA Instructor: Associate Professor Ph.D Phạm Thị Hoàng...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2023, 17:03

80 4 0