impunity—and why it matters

The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It Matters for Financial Development

The Case of the Missing Market: The Bond Market and Why It Matters for Financial Development

... government deficit: household savings rise from 145 units to 150 units The government issues 45 units of financial liabilities to fund its current and capital expenditures as well as its subsidies ... paper (usually with maturities of less than year), notes (with maturities of to years) and bonds (usually with maturities greater than years) 18 market and holding it until the maturity of the forward ... information problems since it limits the time an opportunistic firm can exploit its creditors without being in default Since banks typically lend for periods much shorter than the maturity of long-term...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40

43 829 0
WordPress 3 8 – what’s new and why it matters

WordPress 3 8 – what’s new and why it matters

... has been updated with the new design, making it less obtrusive and easier to use Also, your theme’s info can be more easily read with a larger area of the screen now devoted to it 28 CHECK OUT ... anyone with a widget heavy site: simpler widget selection 26 CHECK OUT LYNDA.COM’S WORDPRESS VIDEO COURSES: Hidden below the traditional ... releases carry with them feature additions, front-end upgrades, and changes 10 CHECK OUT LYNDA.COM’S WORDPRESS VIDEO COURSES: So it should...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 00:57

43 245 0
Order What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters

Order What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters

... pound, it is in its interest to so If the firm protests that there is no way it can produce steel without pollution, the EPA politely accepts its word and sends it a bill for the pollution it produces ... is worth pointing out its limitations It assumes that all that matters is consequences It thus assumes away the possibility of judging legal rules by nonconsequential criteria such as justice ... to anyone else, he will keep it if he owns it and buy it if he does not If it is more valuable to property owners downwind, they will keep it if they own it and buy it if they not All rights move...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2016, 11:31

337 561 0
Reputation Why it matters and how you can manage it

Reputation Why it matters and how you can manage it

... Reputation: why it matters and how you can manage it Using reputation to build strategy and innovation – the Apple trajectory In its early years, Apple was a computer company - it was the little guy It ... kill it That’s why quantifying your company’s reputation is so important It s a cost that can be identified and needs to be managed, to ensure the greatest profits and opportunities are exploited, ... actually have of you Reputation: why it matters and how you can manage it | Reputation is your private face It s the unvarnished truth about how you business, from the exquisite to the wholly unacceptable...

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 18:11

16 403 0
Mafiaboy How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken

Mafiaboy How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken

... have to admit I was also excited, maybe even a little proud I never expected to hear my handle broadcast on CNN, or to prompt the president of the United States to convene a summit with some of ... suddenly splitting my life between two parents, two homes It' s not in my personality to sulk about things, and so at the time I focused on keeping myself distracted with friends and activities It was ... happy, he didn't see why not As far as he was concerned, if it had to with computers, it was educational I got my modem, installed it, and immediately loaded the AOL CD Suddenly, it was no longer...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2013, 17:05

274 568 1
Is Constitutional Interpretation Different. Why It Isn’t and Is

Is Constitutional Interpretation Different. Why It Isn’t and Is

... Constitution, there is an alternative source for its possible authority in constitutional cases Its authority may derive from the same source as the Constitution’s itself, including the Constitution’s ... questions about the Constitution’s authority and its identity I The Constitution as Super Statute Our view – and we believe it is the ordinary view – is that interpreting a constitution is not different ... intend the priority of concepts over specific conceptions, or of the best theory of the thing referred to over its conventional definition, or its definition over its exemplars The priority relation...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

13 331 0


... installed 20 litre ( carboy ) dispensers for drinking water, some even with a cooling or heating device, and it is common to see people with a bottle of water on their desk It is a very competitive market ... the technology details that could commit its effectiveness There is a positive attitude towards the method but in many cases this attitude can be in conflict with the practice of boiling water " ... responsibility to the community itself, it could also be a way of creating local dissemination structures In places where there are self-help or credit groups in place, such activities would...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

120 467 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Why Initialization Matters for IBM Model 1: Multiple Optima and Non-Strict Convexity" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Why Initialization Matters for IBM Model 1: Multiple Optima and Non-Strict Convexity" pptx

... Starting with x0 defined using EM parameters, we are effectively searching for the vector x1 with lowest cosine similarity to x0 We repeat with k > until xk doesn’t reduce the cosine similarity with ... generally happens with k = 3).5 In general, an LP admits either (a) an infinity of solutions, when the system is underconstrained; (b) exactly one solution; (c) zero solutions, when it is ill-posed ... negative logarithm is strictly convex, the Since e1 and e2 co-occur with exactly the same source words, one can redistribute the probability mass between t(f |e1 ) and t(f |e2 ) without affecting...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20

6 347 0
Unequal, Unfair, Ineffective and Inefficient Gender Inequity in Health: Why it exists and how we can change it pptx

Unequal, Unfair, Ineffective and Inefficient Gender Inequity in Health: Why it exists and how we can change it pptx

... across the globe It can also be harmful to men’s health despite the many tangible benefits it gives men through resources, power, authority and control These benefits to men not come without a cost ... across the globe It can also be damaging to men’s health despite the many tangible benefits it gives men through resources, power, authority and control These benefits to men not come without a cost ... Gender Inequity in Health: Why it exists and how we can change it Report of the Women and Gender Equity Knowledge Network of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health Gender inequality damages...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20

145 633 0
The Civil-Military Gap in the United States - Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter ppt

The Civil-Military Gap in the United States - Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter ppt

... paper) Civil-military relations—United States United States—Armed Forces— Public opinion United States—Military policy Sociology, Military—United States I Szayna, Thomas S., date II Title UA23.C555 ... review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity The Civil-Military Gap in the United States Does It Exist, Why, and Does It Matter? Thomas S Szayna, Kevin F McCarthy, Jerry ... working with the military to ensure a smooth transition to a post–Cold War military establishment.4 The Clinton administration’s relations with the military, however, were complicated by such additional...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

201 268 0
led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

led zeppelin. the origin of the species how, why and where it all began

... scored his last big hit for many years with 1962’s ‘Dance With The Guitar Man’, but, with or without record success, he was still guaranteed plenty of work - particularly in Britain where he’d been ... a guitar-bass-drums outfit - in which, with unusual flair, he chose not to duplicate recorded arrangements of classic rock, preferring, as he put it, ‘to take a song and ravish it so that it came ... exponent ‘That’s why I quit recording,’ he groaned, ‘Dick Dale was sick of engineers telling him they’ve been doing it for twenty years, and putting limiters on the guitar so that it sounded tinny.’...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:26

305 454 0
switching careers career changers tell how and why they did it learn how you can too

switching careers career changers tell how and why they did it learn how you can too

... radical shift FACT: Who says it has to be a 180-degree shift? For some, it is a seamless transition, with a new career based on a previous one and little or no additional training required To ... nonprofit research group with offices in ten large metropolitan areas nationwide Far from revealing some exotic and hidden traits, the tests simply confirmed that I should stick with writing and ... Skills in Nonprofits 277 A Demanding Career Path • An Impressive Job Market With a Lower Pay Scale • An Easy Transition From the For-Profit Sector • Learn the Basics • Nonprofit Management Courses...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:30

320 309 0
Báo cáo y học: " What is MRI bone oedema in rheumatoid arthritis and why does it matte" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " What is MRI bone oedema in rheumatoid arthritis and why does it matte" ppt

... contrasting with cells from osteoarthritis patients where NFκB expression was normal and TNF sensitivity not observed These authors suggested that a bone marrow stem cell abnormality could underlie ... ultrasonography for assessment of synovitis in the metacarpophalangeal joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a comparison with dynamic magnetic resonance imaging Arthritis Rheum 2001, 44:2018-2023 ... A, Vitolo B, Pitzalis C, Montecucco C: Involvement of subchondral bone marrow in rheumatoid arthritis Lymphoid neogenesis and in situ relationship to subchondral bone marrow osteoclast recruitment...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:23

5 440 0
abramson - digital phoenix; why the information economy collapsed and how it will rise again (2005)

abramson - digital phoenix; why the information economy collapsed and how it will rise again (2005)

... When it entered our businesses, it made us more productive When it entered our homes, it created new opportunities for entertainment, education, community building, and home efficiency When it entered ... global society, it introduced new opportunities for communication, collaboration, and the spread of ideas; it provided citizens of many countries with new and exciting opportunities to participate ... from Positively-you He cited two fatal flaws with Positively-you’s business model The first flaw stemmed from scalability Positively-you’s overhead was lower than Amazon’s precisely because it was...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 18:53

375 137 0
Why customer service is failing and why its time to turn it upside down

Why customer service is failing and why its time to turn it upside down

... to companies that don’t just ‘get’ great customer service but live it with every fibre of their corporate body – and deliver it with outrageous consistency Here’s the crux of the problem: In most ... business what the top priority is and how people should behave every day And yes, they hire better, train harder and monitor more closely They only employ people with enormous empathy, pour ... who don’t get it But then they something else: they really give their customer service people the power to their jobs Instead of tying their hands with rules, policies and productivity metrics,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 18:38

30 419 0
Urbanization and Ecology:  Why Locality Matters

Urbanization and Ecology: Why Locality Matters

... hospitals in the US—Charity Hospital in New Orleans and Bellevue Hospital in NYC, both well-regarded teaching hospitals affiliated with major universities L M Hoffman, Why Locality Matters Charity ... M Hoffman, Why Locality Matters (NYS 2100 Commission 2013; Rudin Center 2012) • After the storm, the New York City Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Transit Authority introduced ... were evacuated without any fatalities, (Powell et al 2012) The authors argue that hospitals still need to “harden” their facilities to withstand flooding They need “consistent criteria to guide...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 17:04

13 406 0
Tracking the MiddleIncome Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why?  Asian Development Bank ADB

Tracking the MiddleIncome Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? Asian Development Bank ADB

... 32 40 38 11 - LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT continued 30 | ADB Economics Working Paper Series No 306 Appendix Table 1a continued Economy Haiti Honduras Hong ... 15 7 20 12 15 60 - Status H 15 41 16 23 21 43 52 18 61 38 49 - LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT UMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT UMIT LMIT UMIT UMIT LMIT - *Economies for which the World Bank classification differs from ... Status H 28 21 25 33 34 40 41 39 36 - LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT UMIT LMIT LMIT LMIT continued Tracking the Middle-Income Trap: What is It, Who is in It, and Why? | 31 Appendix Table 1a continued...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2016, 10:16

45 639 0
TC - Anh 8: Tuần 7: Reflexive pronouns and Why - Because

TC - Anh 8: Tuần 7: Reflexive pronouns and Why - Because

... reflexive pronoun We protect from the rain with an umbrella Both boys taught to swim 3.The children amuse with the kitten You will cut with that knife if you are not careful She likes ... eg : I like to walk by himsel ( thích dạo mình) T - whoclass Form: Why + do/does /did + S + O ? Because + S + V/V-ed + O Ex Why did you go to school late ? Because I stayed up late Usage: Dùng ... when it jumped over the fence Helen and I enjoyed very much the party last night You shouldn't really blame for that mistake 10 I must learn to control * Homework: - Make sentences with...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 05:10

3 1,2K 9
What Objects are and Why They''''re Useful

What Objects are and Why They''''re Useful

... properties and abilities This is similar to how humans walk, talk, and sneeze (common abilities), but each human's way of doing it is unique We are all part of the Human class, so to speak It' s important ... transparency, visibility, horizontal position, vertical position, and rotation Changes to any of these properties affect the movie clip instance's appearance or functionality, just as giving a ... horsepower If your project had a Car class and you had created an instance of it named myCar, you might access the value of its properties in this manner: var carColor:String = myCar.color; var carTopSpeed:Number...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15

5 338 0