... coefficient of variation of 108% and in Vinh Long province difference was due to the smal l sample size (only 2 farmers) and the net profit given by officials being based on the profit of advanced ... use of less toxic chemicals, better management of farm land by increasing use of organic materials and better management of canopy. Thanks to these changes, most farmers have said that their profits ... Although there were only 11 reports of increased use of fertilizer there were almost 4 times as many reports of the introduction of organic fertilizers. A range of different or ganic materials mixed
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20
... acceptable to colleges of education in Nigeria Lecturers from a federal college of education in Nigeria were used to test the implementation of mobile learning using Facebook as a medium of communication ... in the centre of the country and draws from the diverse cultures of almost all the ethnic groups in Nigeria Intervention - Preparation of Lecturers for ImplementationAs part of the implementation ... from four of the five schools in the college were part of the intervention The schools included were School of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Education, School of Sciences, and School of Vocational
Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2024, 08:40
Project Progress Report:Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam - MS7 " ppt
... after spraying Natural enemies of aphids and mealy bugs In our rearing trials, a total of 12 species of natural enemies of aphids and species of natural enemies of mealy bugs were determined (Table ... The number of species of natural enemy reared from aphids and mealy bugs, Hong Loc Centre, Dong Nai province, Vietnam Aphids Mealy bugs Name of natural No of species Name of natural No of species ... nests because of the poison from dead flies This led to a great reduction of weaver ant abundance from 65% to below 15% within a period of weeks Because of this, the average damage level of flushing
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Project Progress Report: " Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam - Milestone 10 " pptx
... Project Name Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam Vietnamese Institution Institute of Agricultural Science of South Vietnam ... based on (1) the quality control of TOT training, (2) an objective assessment of the competence of 56 TOTs as trainers of another 56 TOTs, (3) an assessment of the TOT trainers to conduct FFS ... logframe of our research proposal, this competence evaluation includes: (1) an objective assessment of the competency of 56 TOTs as trainers of another 56 TOTs, (2) an assessment of the TOT
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Nghiên cứu khoa học nông nghiệp " Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam " ppt
... Name 029/05VIE _Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam Vietnamese Institution Institute of Agricultural Science of South Vietnam ... from the CARD Office to print 3000 copies of the ICI photo book and 500 copies of the ICI manual book 11 Tables and Figures Table The number of the second-year FFSs and the number of cashew farmers ... the development of cashew IPM curriculum and illustrative posters and the implementation of weaver ant technology, and staff from SOFRI have extensive experience in the management of weaver ant
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Collaboration for Agriculture & Rural Development: " Implementation of the IPM program using weaver ants as a major component for cashew growers in Vietnam - MS3 " ppt
... total of 175 photos have been obtained for the preparation of cashew IPM posters; 113 of insect pests, 47 of natural enemies, 5 of diseases and 10 of orchard management. A detailed selection of ... approaches, implementation methods and our training program. The workshop was held on 5 May 2006 at the campus of the Institute of Agricultural Science of Southern Vietnam. A total of 38 experts ... effect of these two species of ants on cashew flushing shoots damaged by the three major pests is shown in Table 4. Two points of interest emerge irrespective of provinces and types of orchard.
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Design and Implementation of a Single-Frequency Mesh Network Using OpenAirInterface" docx
... the roof of the red fire brigade building CH1 and MR2 are located on opposite sides of the parking lot in front of the building CH2 and MR3 are on the other side of the building stream of around ... organized in frames of OFDM symbols One frame consists of 64 OFDM symbols and is divided equally in a CH transmission time interval (TTI) and a MR TTI (see Figure 5) The first four symbols of the CH TTI ... xm,q denote nt × vector of the transmit symbols for subcarrier q of OFDM symbol m of CH j, j = 1, We assume that the transmit symbols are taken from a signal set χ j ⊆ C of size |χ j | = M j with
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt
... estimation of reverberation time,” Journal of the Acoustical Soc iety of America, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 2583– 2588, 2002. [11] G. Marsaglia, “Ratios of normal variables,” Journal of Statisti- cal Software, ... r a −r 0 = cτ a ,(8) where c is the speed of sound in air. Using any one of a va- riety of time-delay estimation techniques, we may obtain an estimate of the relative intersensor time-delay, τ ... results of our analysis have implications for implementations of the Range-Finder us- ing any number of microphones. To obtain accurate range estimates, we require access to a minimum of three
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient Implementation of Complex Modulated Filter Banks Using Cosine and Sine Modulated Filter Banks" pot
... −1 ··· ··· ··· ··· Figure 3: Fast implementation of the analysis CMFB (direct ELT). in the basic implementation of the MCLT in [2]. In order to obtain a fast implementation for the analysis SMFB, ... and comparing the arithmetic complexity of the ELT-based EMFBs w ith the complex- ity of MDFT-FBs. Section 2 introduces the key ideas of EMFBs. The efficient implementation structures for CMFBs are ... the same kind of ideas, fast implementation structures for SMFBs are developed in Section 3. Section 4 gives the computational complexity cal- culations, in terms of the number of multiplications
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
... 19 Overview of Embedded System Hardware and Software The hardware portion of the design process consists of using Verilog or VHDL to... of yet Rapid prototyping of embedded ... throughout my undergraduate studies at the University of Florida. v Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi ABSTRACT xiv CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION ... Considerations when Developing an Embedded System 4 Importance of Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Systems using FPGAs 6 Scope of The Project 10 Outline of Chapters 11 CHAPTER 2 12 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20
FPGA Implementation of Light Rail Transit Fare Card Controller Using VHDL ppsx
... one of the type of level of abstraction easily dealt with by synthesis tools. In RTL design a circuit is described as a set of registers and a set of transfer functions describing the flow of ... hierarchy list that displays a representation of the project hierarchy and a schematic view that displays the components of the design element of the process. FPGA Implementation of Light Rail ... FPGA Implementation of Light Rail Transit Fare Card Controller Using VHDL 35 Figure 7: RTL design of result module. 4. FPGA Download Figure 8: Illustration of EP2S1F484C3device of
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Improving quality of care through routine, successful implementation of evidence-based practice at the bedside: an organizational case study protocol using the Pettigrew and Whipp model of strategic change" potx
... one of the major study questions of what, why and how (AONE), whereby a list of institutions perceived as exhibiting a high, sustained, normalized level of EBP are identified The potential set of ... collect multiple types of data enabling development of a comprehensive, in-depth picture of the influences of context on the routine use of evidence in practice Thus, while findings of the study will ... [33] Much of the prior research in nursing has consisted of surveys on the perception of barriers to RU Related findings have consistently indicated that nurses often view characteristics of the
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluating the successful implementation of evidence into practice using the PARiHS framework: theoretical and practical challenges" pps
... likelihood of success. The type of facilitation, and the role and skill of the facilitator that is required is determined by the "state of preparedness" of an individual or team, in terms of ... the process of implementation. Implementation Science 2008, 3:1 http://www.implementationscience.com/content/3/1/1 Page 3 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) The objective of the current ... model summarising the range of theories that influence diffusion of innovations. Further consideration of these issues forms the basis of the next phase of work/development of PARiHS and in partic-
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22
Development and implementation of efficient segmentation algorithm for the design of antennas and arrays
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:02
AN0583 implementation of the data encryption standard using PIC17C42
... eighth bit, usually used as parity bit The majority of the DES code is for the Implementation of the permutation of the block of bits The 56-bits of the key, stored in K1 through K8, scrambled-bit ... cycle time of the PIC17C42 makes possible a half-duplex rate of 51 Kbps for the DES This rate is as good or superior to other implementations of the algorithm The high performance of the PIC17C42 ... simply a linear mapping of the input values Each combination of the S-box and P-box comprises a single weak component of the algorithm By including a sufficiently large number of stages in the product
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:52
Assessment of implementation of government strategies in improving competitiveness of telecommunication companies in vietnam basis for policy redirection using PEST analysis and solution
... years, as well as issues of economic, social, technological The assessment of the macroeconomical impact of government policy through the evaluation of the implementation of government policy in ... changes Name of thesis: " ASSESSMENT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN DEVELOPING COMPETITIVENEES OF TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES IN VIETNAM: BASIS FOR POLICY REDIRECTION USING PEST ANALYSIS ... industry in Vietnam 1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Results of this study will showed that the level of implementation of government policies for the development of competitive telecommunications
Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 16:41
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 2 Baseline Study Report " pdf
... (percentage of farmers practicing) Province Monitoring of pests and diseases Monitoring of natural enemies of pest Use of any type of traps, baits, yellow plates etc Removal of unhealthy ... beliefs and attitudes about, and understanding of GAP Percentage of farmers Province Understanding of major requirements of GAP Understanding of implementation issues Belief in economic benefits ... regard to requirements of GAP (shown in the category “Understand major requirements of GAP”), in regard to implementation issues of GAP (shown in the category “Understanding of implementation issues”)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 9 Project Validation Report Part 2" doc
... practices such as disposal of pesticide containers, and increased use of protective clothing. The understanding of some of the major requirements of GAP and of implementation issues was relatively ... (percentage of farmers practicing) Province Monitoring of pests and diseases Monitoring of natural enemies of pest Use of any type of traps, baits, yellow plates etc Removal of unhealthy ... regard to implementation issues of GAP (shown in the category “Understanding of implementation issues”), and the percentage of farmers that believe that implementation of GAP will give them economic...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " MS7 docx
... handling and storage of pesticide and post-harvest handling. Assess effectiveness of FFS for implementation of IPM and GAP Implementation of GAP in one of the cooperatives ... Project Name Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools Vietnamese Institution Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ... terms of capacity building as the implementation of the IPM FFS itself. We sought to assess the effectiveness of FFS in capacity building of all stakeholders taking in account impact of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Project Progress Report 5" doc
... handling and storage of pesticide and post-harvest handling. Assess effectiveness of FFS for implementation of IPM and GAP Implementation of GAP in one of the cooperatives ... than just use of spray oil. Equally important for implementation of this project and development of the following projects was the realisation by some of the Australian researchers of the power ... of input costs (53% of respondents), awareness of labour costs (33%), awareness of income from fruit sale (44%), awareness of production profitability (85%), awareness of fertiliser used so...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
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