impedance and frequency response

Aircraft Flight Dynamics Robert F. Stengel Lecture15 Transfer Functions and Frequency Response

Aircraft Flight Dynamics Robert F. Stengel Lecture15 Transfer Functions and Frequency Response

... Matrix (with Hx = I, Hu = 0)" jφ (ω ) • Frequency response is a complex function of input frequency, ω" –  Real and imaginary parts, or" –  ** Amplitude ratio and phase angle **! & ( ( Δδ E ( ' ) ... α V & N N) N/ , − ( ( Lδ E ) ) Short-Period Frequency Response (s = j ) Expressed as Amplitude Ratio and Phase Angle" Bode Plot Pitch-rate frequency response" kq ( jω − zq ) Δq( jω ) = 2 Δδ E( ... (Frequency Response of a Scalar Transfer Function) jφq (ω ) Angle-of-attack frequency response" kα ( jω − zα ) Δα ( jω ) = Δδ E( jω ) −ω + 2ζ SPω nSP jω + ω nSP = ARα (ω ) e jφα (ω ) Angle and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 19:27

15 281 0
1 adaptive mode superposition and acceleration technique with application to frequency response function and its sensitivity

1 adaptive mode superposition and acceleration technique with application to frequency response function and its sensitivity

... method for frequency responses and their sensitivities, Part I: undamped systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration 231 (1) (2000) 175–193 [4] Z.-Q Qu, Accurate methods for frequency responses and their ... two figures and all others followed, 101 frequency steps are implemented to compute the FRFs and their sensitivities This means that the frequency step sizes used for the low and middle frequency ... Frequency (rad/s) (a) 10-10 1300 1000 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 Frequency (rad/s) (b) Fig FRFs resulted from s-adaptive scheme with e ¼ 0:02 and 0:01: (a) low frequency range; and (b) middle frequency...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2014, 23:41

18 320 0
Fault detection and isolation with estimated frequency response

Fault detection and isolation with estimated frequency response

... the detectability and isolability conditions in terms of the frequency response and estimated frequency response (2) Design of residual vectors which satisfy both detectability and isolability ... the detectability and isolability conditions for FDI based on deterministic frequency response models In practice, the frequency response of a system can only be estimated and hence the conditions ... ˆ where Suu (ωk ) = 3.2 Properties of Estimated Frequency Response The estimated frequency response in (3.1) will generally involve both random and bias errors These errors will have a direct...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:35

96 277 0
 Báo cáo y học: " Efficacy of the Valsalva Maneuver on Needle Projection Pain and Hemodynamic Responses During Spinal Puncture"

Báo cáo y học: " Efficacy of the Valsalva Maneuver on Needle Projection Pain and Hemodynamic Responses During Spinal Puncture"

... the efficacy of Valsalva maneuver on needle projection pain and hemodynamic responses during spinal puncture Methods and Materials This randomized clinical trial was performed in Dr.Shariati Hospital ... mild pain, 2= moderate pain and 3= severe pain, and visual analog scale of 0–10, where 0=no pain and 10= worst imaginable pain Agrawal et al used both, 4-point scale and VAS, in which the first ... had moderate and severe pain in valsalva group, where 24 (80%) in ball group and 21 (70%) in control group had moderate and sever pain Since Valsalva maneuver may induce Bradycardia and hypotension...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15

5 514 0
food neophobia among the finns and related responses to familiar and unfamiliar foods

food neophobia among the finns and related responses to familiar and unfamiliar foods

... Approximately similar mean and dispersion statistics have been observed by Pliner and Hobden (1992) in Canadian students; by Frank et al (1997) in US students; and by Frank and Hursti (1999) in a ... ®nding that was similar to US and Swedish populations (Frank & Hursti, 1999) Education is likely to enhance the access and exposures to various stimuli, events and issues, and thereby it can perhaps ... observations from DenÈ È È mark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden In H L Meiselman, Dimensions of the meal The science, culture, business, and art of eating (pp 191±201) Maryland: Aspen Raudenbush, B., &...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:06

9 729 1
A comparative analysis of institutions, national policies, and cooperative responses to floods in Asia

A comparative analysis of institutions, national policies, and cooperative responses to floods in Asia

... and compares national and regional institutional regimes, policies and measures to protect (including preparedness, emergency response and rehabilitation) from destructive effects of floods and ... social and ecological resilience and for guiding individual and collective behavior Sixth is the existing gap between the declared goals and mission of institutions, on the one hand, and results ... Few, R., and P G Tran 2006 Prevention and cure: health sector responses to flooding Science and Culture Gosh, A., and J Roy 2006 Coping with extreme climatic events: analysis of household and community...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15

39 537 1
English Collocations in Use Intermediate_Number and frequency

English Collocations in Use Intermediate_Number and frequency

... any jokes, as I'm really bad at telling jokes So I'll no more than wish Jim and Sandra luck and hope they have a long and happy life together Business conversation Paula: David: David, I wonder ... drove at breakneck speed along the m o t o r w a y and was soon stopped by the police (carelessly fast and dangerous] Slow m o v e m e n t and stopping It was fascinating to see the winning goal ... the traffic slowed to a crawl and then finally came to a standstill He always does everything in an unhurried manner, (slow; implies slight criticism] We got up late and had a leisurely breakfast,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

10 763 2
A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

... on verbal responses to compliments in English and Vietnamese, I would like to obtain some insights that highlight both the similarities and differences of response types in English and Vietnamese ... in English and Vietnamese, this study aims to describe and analyze different types of compliment responses (CRs, hereafter) in English and Vietnamese in order to increase knowledge and effective ... English and Vietnamese? What are pragmatic features of CRs in English and Vietnamese? What are similarities and differences in the syntactic and pragmatic features of CRs in English and Vietnamese?...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 1,7K 7


... designed to monitor bearing, polarization, and frequency of AM or FM radiated signals A frequency discriminator uses a phase discriminator and adds a power divider and delay line at the RF input as shown ... reference and delay path The differential delay (T) creates a phase difference (2) between Signal "A" at the two signals which is a linear function of Frequency "f " frequency (f) and is given ... LO even harmonics Very Good: can reject all LO and RF even harmonics Used in various circuits, mixers can act as modulators, phase detectors, and frequency discriminators The phase discriminators...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

2 248 1
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Reproductive and physiological responses to simulated climate warming for four subalpine species pot

Blackwell Publishing Ltd Reproductive and physiological responses to simulated climate warming for four subalpine species pot

... individuals of each species and the number of flowers per individual were counted in yr (2001 and 2003 for E grandiflorum and D nuttallianum; 2002 and 2003 for E speciosus and H quinquenervis) The ... grandiflorum and D nuttallianum, these stages were the flowering and fruiting stages For E speciosus and H quinquenervis, the stages were vegetative (when only foliar tissues had developed) and ... (gs), and leaf vapor pressure deficit (VPD) for Erythronium grandiflorum and Delphinium nutallianum Control, circles; heated, triangles Fig Predawn and midday water potential (Ψ) for Erythronium grandiflorum...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

14 353 0
Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses pot

... advertising allowances and other merchandising payments and services, which seek to define the applicability of Sections 2(d) and 2(e) of Robinson-Patman to advertising and merchandising.10 The new ... practices, and other anti-competitive activities have been judged outside protection of the act and are prosecutable under the Sherman Act [U.S v Maryland Coop Milk Producers, Inc and Maryland and Virginia ... association between concentration and price Kaufman and Handy studied 616 supermarkets chosen from 28 cities that were selected at random Both firm market share and a four-firm Herfindahl index...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 13:20

48 389 0
The Credit Crunch of 2007-2008: A Discussion of the Background, Market Reactions, and Policy Responses potx

The Credit Crunch of 2007-2008: A Discussion of the Background, Market Reactions, and Policy Responses potx

... “originated and distributed” are fully understood and communicated to end-investors These changes will involve minimum information standards and improvements to both the modeling of risks and the ... Issues Raised and Lessons Learned.” Working Paper No 28, Commission on Growth and Development, 2008 Giovannini, Alberto and Spaventa, Luigi “Filling the Information Gap,” in Andrew Felton and Carmen ... value; the limit is higher in Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S Virgin Islands), but are otherwise standard; (iii) Alt-A mortgages not conform to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac definitions, perhaps because...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

38 492 0


... instantaneous supply response to the policy shock whereas we not detect a discernible demand response until the end of the reference period These asymmetric responses of the supply and demand side can ... Casadesus-Masanell and Tarun Khanna Bruce Kogut and Gordon Walker June 2003 Gerald A McDermott June 2003 Witold J Henisz and Bennet A Zelner Andrew Spicer and William Pyle June 2003 Jennifer Tobin and Susan ... absence of direct observations on supply and demand, observed bank lending only provides information on the intersection of the supply and demand curves and this is not sufficient to identify correctly...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

33 338 0
Environmental Disasters, Natural Recovery and Human Responses pptx

Environmental Disasters, Natural Recovery and Human Responses pptx

... water across the land and these shifts can trigger volcanic activity and underwater landslides Both the natural and human-mediated damage to the land must be mitigated whenever and wherever possible ... of vegetation response to disturbances caused by volcanoes, glaciers, grazing and urbanization He has practiced wetland restoration for over 20 years and has experience with dune and subalpine ... formed land, often against severe odds Landscapes not managed by humans will normally recover and, eventually, reconstitute a functioning ecosystem An understanding of how this happens and what...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20

229 291 0
Electronic Circuits - Part 2 - Chapter 11 Frequency Response pdf

Electronic Circuits - Part 2 - Chapter 11 Frequency Response pdf

... between C and R yields between C and R yields and hence Figure 11.16 (a) Simple high-pass filter, and (b) its frequency response Figure 11.16 (a) Simple high-pass filter, and (b) its frequency response ... maximize both the gain and the performance, we wish to maximize both the gain and the bandwidth (and hence the product of the two) and bandwidth (and hence the product of the two) and minimize the ... relationship between the frequency response and Explain the relationship between the frequency response and step response of the simple lowpass filter shown in Fig 11.4(a) step response of the simple...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 18:20

25 481 0
Báo cáo " Criticizing behaviors by the Vietnamese and the American: topics, social factors and frequency " docx

Báo cáo " Criticizing behaviors by the Vietnamese and the American: topics, social factors and frequency " docx

... takes place The social power of the H, and the social distance between S and H rank as the fifth and sixth most important factors respectively According to the responses, the effect of criticism ... wife and husband seem to have closer and more intimate relationship than in American one so that Vietnamese people are more comfortable criticizing their spouses Of the family members, grandparents ... have everyday contact with their grandparents, and hence they seldom criticize them In summary, the investigation in the frequency of criticizing by the Vietnamese and the American reveals the fact...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20

14 396 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Segmentation of Words Using Prior Distributions of Morph Length and Frequency" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Segmentation of Words Using Prior Distributions of Morph Length and Frequency" ppt

... relationship between the frequency of a word, f , and its rank, z.6 He suggests that the frequency of a word is inversely proportional to its rank Mandelbrot has refined Zipf’s formula, and suggests a more ... are plotted in Figures and for different sizes of the Finnish and English corpora The search algorithm used in the probabilistic method and Recursive MDL involve randomness and therefore every value ... (Deligne and Bimbot, 1995) Nevertheless, in the near future we wish to explore possibilities of using complementary and more standard evaluation measures, such as precision, recall, and F-measure...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20

8 215 0
Frequency response 2012 mk

Frequency response 2012 mk

... Magnetically Coupled Circuits Frequency Response The Laplace Transform Two-port Networks Frequency Response - Frequency Response • • • • • • • • Transfer Function ... (poles) Frequency Response - Transfer Function (3) Vo  j 2 –+ vs (t ) + vs = 100sinωt (V) Find the transfer function Vo/Vs and sketch its frequency response ... 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency Response - –+ + vs = 100sinωt (V) Find the transfer functions Vo/Vs, Io/Ii, Vo/Ii, & Io/Vs io ii 5 vs (t ) 1mF Frequency Response -

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2014, 23:11

77 121 0