... Illustration of simplified conditions in Remark 3. 1 11 2 Appendix F Proof of Corollary 3. 1 11 4 Appendix G Proof of Theorem 3. 2 11 5 Appendix H Proof of Lemma 3. 5 11 8 ... 1. 58 10 -4 Convergence rate of OCBAm 5 .30 10 -4 5.46 10 -4 6.44 10 -4 4. 13 10 -4 8.40 10 -4 1. 48 10 -4 0.0 017 Convergence rate of OCBAm+ 6.59 10 -4 7.26 10 -4 6. 83 10 -4 5.24 10 -4 0.0 010 1. 86 10 -4 0.00 21 ... Proof of Lemma 3. 1 10 5 Appendix B Proof of Lemma 3. 2 10 6 Appendix C Proof of Lemma 3. 3 10 8 Appendix D Proof of Proposition 3. 1 11 0 iv Appendix E Illustration...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:30
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:46
Báo cáo toán học: "A new proof of the Szegö limit theorem and new results for Toeplitz operators with discontinuous symbol " pptx
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:46
Báo cáo toán học: " A Bijective Proof of Garsia’s q-Lagrange Inversion Theorem" pdf
... Soc 30 5 (19 88), 4 31 465 [16 ] S Ramanujan and L J Rogers, Proof of certain identities in combinatory analysis, Proc London Math Soc 19 (19 19), 211 – 216 [17 ] D Singer, Q-Analogues of Lagrange Inversion, ... Math 15 5 (19 95), no 1, 99 11 6 [18 ] D Singer, Errata in Q-Analogues of Lagrange Inversion, submitted to Advances in Mathematics the electronic journal of combinatorics (19 97), #R26 34 [19 ] J ... family of q–Lagrange inversion inversion formulas, Rocky Mountain J Math 16 (19 86), 37 3 38 4 [ 13 ] J Hofbauer, A q–analogue of the Lagrange expansion, Arch Math 42 (19 84), 536 –544 [14 ] J T Joichi and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Random Cayley graphs are expanders: a simple proof of the Alon–Roichman theorem" potx
... obtained by taking the elements of G as vertices and including the edge (α, β) if α 1 β ∈ S ∪ S 1 , where S 1 = {s 1 | s ∈ S} As the set S ∪ S 1 is closed under inverse, α 1 β ∈ S ∪ S 1 ⇔ ... ρ(s 1 ) = ρ(si ) 1 = ρ(si )∗ Since (ρ) ≤ 1, define pi = 1/ 2 · (1 + ) and i observe that pi (ρ) is a positive operator satisfying pi (ρ) ≤ ½ Recalling that R contains a single copy of the trivial ... representations of G Let ρ be a nontrivial irreducible representation of G and define = 1/ 2 · (si + s 1 ) ∈ C[G]; then s = 1/ k · and each (ρ) = 1/ 2 · [ρ(si ) + ρ(si ) 1 ] is i self-adjoint as ρ(s 1 ) =...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo toán học: "A Simple Proof of the Aztec Diamond Theorem" potx
... corresponding triple ψ(T ) = ( 1 , π2 , 3 ) ∈ 3 of large Schr¨der paths o 3 3 τ2 τ2 1 3 π2 π 1 −5 3 1 Figure 3: A tiling of AD3 and the corresponding triple of non-intersecting Schr¨der ... quadruple ( 1 , ω2 , 3 , ω4 ) ∈ Ω4 is shown on the right Hence, for n ≥ 2, we have |Πn 1 | = |Ωn | (1) 3 π2 1 3 −5 π2 3 ω4 1 1 3 ω2 1 −7 −5 3 1 Figure 2: A triple ( 1 , π2 , 3 ) ∈ 3 and ... (19 92), 11 1– 13 2 the electronic journal of combinatorics 12 (2005), #R18 [5] I Gessel and G Viennot, Binomial determinants, paths, and hook length formulae, Advances in Math 58 (19 85), 30 0 32 1...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Proof of an intersection theorem via graph homomorphisms" docx
... completes the proof of the theorem ¾ the electronic journal of combinatorics 13 (2006), #N6 References [1] I Dinur, S Safra, On the importance of being biased (1 .36 hardness of approximating Vertex-Cover) ... Vertex-Cover) Annals of Mathematics, to appear Proc of 34 th STOC, 2002 [2] P Erd˝s, C Ko, R Rado, Intersection theorems for systems of finite sets, Quart J o Math Oxford, ser 12 (19 61) , 31 3 - 31 8 [3] E Friedgut, ... Methods (19 86), no 1, 73 79 [5] P Frankl and N Tokushige, Weighted multiply intersecting families, Studia Sci Math Hungarica 40 (20 03) 287-2 91 the electronic journal of combinatorics 13 (2006),...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "On the Proof of a Theorem of P´lfy a" doc
... Math Soc 13 (19 81) 1 22 [3] J D Dixon, and B Mortimer, Permutation Groups, Springer-Verlag New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 1 63, 19 96 [4] D Gorenstein, Finite Groups, ... P´lfy’s a original proof, with Lemma replacing Lemmas 1. 2, 1 .3, and 1. 4 of [6] Theorem (P´lfy) If n is a positive integer and gcd(n, ϕ(n)) = 1, then Zn is a CIa group Proof Let n = p1 · · · pr be the ... k-cycle that permutes i Finally, let P = zi : i ∈ Zm The following result combines Lemmas 1. 2, 1 .3, and 1. 4 of [6] Lemma If x, y admits a complete block system B with m blocks of size k such that...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "Orthogonal art galleries with holes: a coloring proof of Aggarwal’s Theorem" potx
... that v1 is adjacent to all vertices in N(v1 ) \ {v2 , v2k +3 } and v1 is adjacent to v2 , v2k+2 and v2k +3 , the electronic journal of combinatorics 13 (2006), #R20 (a) v2k v1 v2l +1 v2l v2 v3 v4 ... Hopkins University 19 84 [2] V Chv´tal, A combinatorial theorem in plane geometry, J Combin Theory Ser B a 18 (19 75), 39 - 41 [3] S Fisk, A short proof of Chv´tal’s watchman theorem, J Combin Theory ... splitting at most one vertex in each graph (by Lemma 2 .3) Now, we can obtain a 4-coloring of graph GQ by reuniting and possibly recoloring 4-colorings of graphs GQi i = 1, , h (compare Fig 10 )...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "A quantitative ergodic theory proof of Szemer´di’s e theorem" pot
... extension of the Hales-Jewett theorem, Ann of Math (2) 15 0 (19 99), no 1, 33 –75 [6] J Bourgain A Szemer´di-type theorem for sets of positive density in Rk , Israel J e Math 54 (19 86), no 3, 30 7 31 6 [7] ... J Math., 15 2 (2006), 37 1 38 0 [32 ] V Rohlin, Selected topics from the metric theory of dynamical systems, Transl Amer Math Soc (2) 49 (19 66), 17 1–209 [33 ] K.F Roth, On certain sets of integers, ... , fk 1 are bounded k 1 functions and 1 , , λk 1 are disjoint non-zero elements of ZN , then Er∈ZN j =1 T λj r fj lies in U AP k−2 with norm at most Remark 5 .11 In the notation of [ 23] , this...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "A short proof of a theorem of Kano and Yu on factors in regular graphs" pot
... Combin 12 (2005) N 23, pp [2] P Katerinis, Some conditions for the existence of f -factors, J Graph Theory (19 85), 5 13 - 5 21 [3] J Petersen, Die Theorie der regul¨ren graphs, Acta Math 15 (18 91) , 1 93- 220 ... containing e and a 1- factor avoiding e, then G has a k-factor containing e and a k-factor avoiding e for every k ∈ {1, 2, , r − 1} Proof Let F and Fe be two 1- factors of G containing e and ... between and r − 1, and these are regular odd factors of G avoiding e If F2k +1 is a (2k + 1) -factor of G avoiding e, then G − E(F2k +1 ) is a (2m − (2k + 1) )factor containing e, and the proof is complete...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: "A Bijective Proof of a Major Index Theorem of Garsia and Gessel" doc
... [6] Inserting r = into the permutation σ = 42 635 1, which has major index (= + + 5) σ (r,k) maj(σ (r,k) ) 742 635 1 13 472 635 1 12 427 635 1 14 426 735 1 11 42 637 51 15 42 635 71 10 42 635 17 k mi(σ,r) (k) ... = (1, 2, 3, 4, 0) m3 = 4, k3 = 3 MIS(σ , 6) = (2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 0) m3 = 1, k3 = MIS(σ , 5) = (2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 0) m3 = 2, k3 = σ = 1 237 4 σ = 1 236 74 σ = 51 236 74 Thus we have Ω( 512 637 4) = 51 236 74 ... i = 3, d3 (π)=0, and so m3 must be 0, 3, or As MIS(θ, 1) = (2, 1, 3, 0, 4), we must have m3 = t3 = (and hence k3 = 4, σ = 527 41, and T3 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) so that the remaining elements of λ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22
Báo cáo toán học: "An entropy proof of the Kahn-Lov´sz theorem a" ppsx
... Cambridge, 19 91 MR MR 11 437 77 (93a:940 01) [6] Jeff Kahn, An entropy approach to the hard-core model on bipartite graphs, Combin Probab Comput 10 (20 01) , no 3, 219 – 237 MR MR18 416 42 (2003a:0 511 1) [7] ... proof of Bregman’s theorem, J Combin Theory Ser A 77 (19 97), no 1, 16 1 16 4 MR MR1426744 (97m :15 006) [10 ] A Schrijver, A short proof of Minc’s conjecture, J Combinatorial Theory Ser A 25 (19 78), ... Nauk SSSR 211 (19 73) , 27 30 MR MR 032 7788 (48 #6 13 0 ) [3] Bill Cuckler and Jeff Kahn, Entropy bounds for perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles, Combinatorica 29 (2009), no 3, 32 7 33 5 MR MR2520275...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:23
English 7 Unit 7 The world of work 3.ppt
... letter I like hearing about how students live in Viet Nam I find it really interesting I think you have fewer vacations than American students Is that true? Our longest vacation is in the summer ... America June Dear Hoa, Hi! How are you? I’m fine Thanks for your letter I like hearing about how students live in Viet Nam I find it really interesting I think you have fewer vacations than American ... of the public holiday in each of the pictures Prediction a) c) b) d) Listen and check a) c) b) d) Answer key a) Thanksgiving c) b) Independece Day d) New year's Day Christmas III Speak Fill in...
Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:27
Exercises of unit 3
... finished B to finish C finishing D in finishing 31 Elvis Presley in 19 77 A dies B died C is died D was died 32 They showed the photos A me B for me C to me D with me 33 You ... were complaining _in the rain a for waiting b me about waiting c about having to wait d that they have to wait 27 In the interview, Mr Brown acknowledged that he to be prime minister a ... long-lasting (60) _should be firm and brief 51 a involving b including c relating d mentioning 52 a done b made c taken d served 53 a that b who c whose d which 54 a Therefore b In addition...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2013, 01:26
solutions to exercises and problems of Introduction of algorithm 3 (Bài giải sách Introduction of algorithm )
... nl lD1 D n X lD1 D 1/ n n3 n 2n3 n2 l2 lD1 n.n D n3 D n X n 1/ n.2n 3n2 C n 1/ : Solution to Exercise 15 .3- 1 Running R ECURSIVE -M ATRIX -C HAIN is asymptotically more efficient than enumerating ... ‚.nlog3 k / D ‚.nlog3 21 / D O.n2:80 / (since log3 21 2:77) Solution to Exercise 4.4-6 The shortest path from the root to a leaf in the recursion tree is n ! 1 =3/ n ! 1 =3/ 2 n ! ! Since 1 =3/ k ... in line 13 of M ERGE At that time, there will be merge-inversions involving y and LŒi; LŒi C 1 ; LŒi C 2; : : : ; LŒn1 , and these n1 i C merge-inversions will be the only ones involving...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 08:12
Think of Java 3
... manipulation 37 5 Reading from standard input 37 7 Piped streams 37 8 StreamTokenizer 37 8 32 9 StringTokenizer 38 1 Basic exceptions 33 0 Java 1. 1 IO streams 38 3 Exception arguments 33 1 Sources ... Casting operators 10 8 Java has no “sizeof” 11 1 Precedence revisited 11 1 A compendium of operators 11 1 Execution control 12 0 true and false 12 0 if-else 12 0 Iteration 12 1 do-while ... 295 Using Collections 299 Using Lists 30 2 Using Sets 30 5 Using Maps 30 8 Choosing an implementation 31 0 Unsupported operations 31 7 Sorting and searching 31 9 Utilities 32 3 Summary...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:41
Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 3 ppt
... skipping work to play golf, but they’ve got 10 589$ $CH1 02- 23- 04 16 :44 :16 PS 12 Golf and the Game of Leadership FIGURE 1- 1 External movement and internal motivation People can be pulled in a ... ten most 10 589$ $CH1 02- 23- 04 16 :44 :17 PS 13 You’ve Gotta Love the Game important books impacting management theory and practice in the twentieth century.’’ His 19 68 Harvard Business Review ... recently reissued in January 20 03, is the all-time best-selling HBR reprint by thousands of copies I had the pleasure of meeting Fred Herzberg and introducing him to a group of several hundred...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15