... “observing” how to plan a career change, how to pay for it and live while making it, how to anticipate the effects that career change will have on one’s mate and children, how long it may take to get ... Actor Has a New Role as a Lawyer Naval Aviator Switches to Corporate Law Neonatal-Nursing Specialist Does Malpractice Law A Bank Vice President Goes to Law School A Newspaper Editor Switches to ... relationship that dates back to 1993 It s time to give “gold stars” to David Harrison, publisher, and Patricia Mertz Esswein, managing editor David has a flair in knowing how to work with authors in bringing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:30
... between severity of disease and fatal outcomes from sepsis, and levels of serum lipoproteins [21,22] suggest that measuring total cholesterol and quantifying its high-density and low-density fractions ... patients randomly allocated to have a pulmonary artery catheter or not The majority of patients allocated to the control arm had access to alternative methods of cardiac output monitoring and no ... Govoni M, Tornberg DC, Lundberg JO, Weitzberg E: Intragastric nitric oxide is abolished in intubated patients and restored by nitrite Crit Care Med 2005, 33:1722-1727 Rothschild JM, Landrigan...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
duffie - how big banks fail and what to do about it (2011)
... How Big Banks Fail and What to Do about It How Big Banks Fail and What to Do about It Darrell Duffie princeton university press princeton and oxford Copyright © 2011 by Princeton University ... Peter Dougherty, and Heath Renfroe of Princeton University Press Darrell Duffie Stanford University, March, 2010 How Big Banks Fail and What to Do about It CHAPTER ONE Introduction I begin with a story ... actions that worsen its liquidity position in a rational gamble to signal its strength and protect its franchise value Beta wishes to reduce the flight of its clients, creditors, and counterparties...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 17:23
How and Why Do Small Firms Manage Interest Rate Risk? Evidence from Commercial Loans pot
... Petersen, Mitchell and S Ramu Thiagarajan, 2000, Risk Measurement and Hedging: With and Without Derivatives, Financial Management, 29(4), 5-30 Purnanandam, Amiyatosh, 2004, Financial Distress and Corporate ... than large firms, due to scale economies in monitoring and information aquisition Within the class of bank dependent firms, the focus of this paper, Petersen and Rajan (1995) show that smaller firms ... are robust to excluding credit lines (because the properties of these loans are quite different), and robust to including or excluding endogenous loan controls like maturity, loan size and lender...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Super life – how and why ‘cell selection’ leads to the fastest-growing eukaryote doc
... on dened mineral medium with all nutrients (essential vitamins and mineral salts with ammonium as the main nitrogen source) in excess and with glucose as sole carbon and Gibbs free-energy source ... gặL)1 H3BO3 and 0.1 gặL)1 KI (AppliChem GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) and with mL of a vitamin stock solution per liter medium, containing 0.05 gặL)1 biotin, 1.0 gặL)1 Ca-pantothenate and 1.0 gặL)1 ... minerals, vitamins and carbon and Gibbs free-energy substrates in sufcient excess for the biomass of K marxianus (biomass concentration is set by the buffer capacity and the proton stoichiometry) to...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 04:20
“Mostly Free” The Startling Decline of America’s Economic Freedom and What to Do About It pdf
... Financial Freedom Australia Denmark Hong Kong Bahrain Canada Czech Republic Estonia Finland Ireland Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States ... “net neutrality” rules threaten to slow Internet access and limit investment and innovation in the sector The Economic Freedom Agenda: Business Freedom To improve business freedom and forestall ... activity One notorious case involving land use in Connecticut (Kelo v City of New London) pitted homeowners against a developer who had enlisted the city to use its power of eminent domain to transfer...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Prehospital advanced trauma life support: how should we manage the airway, and who should do it" ppsx
... and immediate availability of appropriate salvage airway devices [23] and monitoring [24] However, if adequate skills are not available, then critically traumatized patients may rather benefit ... could be intubated without anaesthetics [4] is indeed very discouraging and appears to suggest that endotracheal intubation should be abandoned in this setting Christensen and Hoyer reported a ... respective provider It seems unlikely that prehospital endotracheal intubation by itself may influence outcome after severe trauma, because it mainly reflects the overall standard of prehospital medical...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20
A failure of imagination how and why people respond differently to human and computer team mates
... virtual team-mates to some degree Researchers in the HCI community would like to understand how people cooperate and socialize with virtual agents of all types, how to design them to be more effective ... joint activity, etc? How much does it seem the team-mates it for us, how much we for the others? What is reasonable, how much we expect? how is credit and blame assigned, how team-mates value ... OF IMAGINATION: HOW AND WHY PEOPLE RESPOND DIFFERENTLY TO HUMAN AND COMPUTER TEAM-MATES TIMOTHY ROBERT MERRITT B.A (Liberal Arts) Xavier University M.A (Digital Culture), University of Jyv¨ skyl¨...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58
3 Reasons Your Social Strategy is Failing (And What to Do Instead)
... use to increase revenue and tips, tactics and tools to get more traffic, leads and sales Click here to sign up now And connect See complet e prof ile Would you like to contribute to this site? ... copywriting to play on reader's interests and psychology, and get them to take action Image: Finally, the goal of your image is to produce a desired result So it doesn't have to be explicitly ... Brad Smith Brad Smith is a digital marketing consultant and the founder of FixCourse, an online publication that teaches organizations how to grow Discover how to "fix" your marketing with our...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 09:36
15 Clues and Examples to Do Some Storytelling with Video Marketing
... good story should be to connect with people and to convey emotions The context you use may vary; for instance: anything is possible, you can really make something happen 15 A story can be told ... Advisor, Speaker and Educator as a professional, and Disruptive, Doer and Tryer as a person He works as a New Media and Online Market ing Advisor all over the world, Human Media Evangelist and worldwide ... be told in many different ways However, you’ll only make a connection by making it human Examples of Storytelling in Video Marketing Here, here, here, here, here and here [Spanish video] are some...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:33
The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen - and What to Do
... world as we know it will soon end, ushering in an unimaginable (but hopefully utopian) future This chapter explains why it is called the “singularity,” and why it s exciting But it probably won’t ... facebook.com/groups/thehumanraceto To Joy and Our Next Generation Table of Contents Foreword (3 Pages) Comments by Gil Alterovitz and Brandon H Lee Introduction (7 Pages) Why Read This Book? Who doesn’t have at ... —Joseph N Pelton, PhD, Director of the Space and Advanced Communications Research Institute (SACRI) at George Washington University; founder and Vice Chairman, Arthur C Clarke Foundation; Pulitzer Prize...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 18:06
the situation of dolllarization in vietnam, it impacts on accounting system and economy of vietnam and actions to fight its
... Vietnam has to use U.S dollar in trade and invest activities Additionally, the habit of use of U.S dollar in daily activities and trading activities of Vietnamese people and firms lead to the dollarization ... aims to discover how dollarization impacts on Vietnam’s accounting system and economy, it also shows some explanation about dollarization and actions to fight its In particular, I would like to ... (Direct and substitution) Liability substitution) Indirect) According to authors, dollarization represent into three forms included payment dollarization, financial dollarization and real dollarization...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20
How and Why does the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems Differ? doc
... see Fritsch and Lukas, 2001 and Fritsch, 2001a,b, 2002b) Figures and show the values of those dummy variables reflecting the propensity to have cooperative relationship with customers and with ... innovative actors and firms or institutions According to these approaches, the availability of inputs and the spatial proximity to other innovators constitutes only a necessary condition for agglomeration ... activities to operate at a higher level and with higher productivity at the center as compared to the periphery Therefore, a certain degree of agglomeration or clustering of innovators within...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
The day dad decided to do ithimse ppt
... was coming It was a disaster! On the kitchen floor was the motor which was somehow working on its own The door was off its hinges Dad was surely for the dish-washer’s lid was off too I was not ... wards The first thing he laid his hands on was the motor God knows how he managed to get it out This was preceded by a lot of banging and hammering My mum and I spent the evening in the living-room, ... engrossed with the dish-washer and was not distracted by anything else While preparing dinner, mum and I tried our best to avoid directing our curious eyes to my dad’s working spot But habit was...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 03:21
upgrading and fixing computers do it yourself for dummies
... upgrading and repair problems facing computer users today It explains how to choose the right part to purchase, where to buy it, how to install it, and how to make sure that your computer knows how to ... following: Composition Services Acquisitions and Editorial Project Editor: Rebecca Huehls Project Coordinator: Sheree Montgomery Executive Editor: Steve Hayes Copy Editor: Heidi Unger Layout and Graphics: ... Windows 7’s Windows Key Shortcuts To Do This Press This Display Windows Help Windows key+F1 Display the Start menu Windows key Cycle through open windows Windows key+Tab Pin window to monitor’s...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:48
Is reporting on interventions a weak link in understanding how and why they work? A preliminary exploration using community heart health exemplars docx
... reference to the notion of sustainability at the onset of projects and described the conditions and supports that were in place to facilitate continued and extended benefits Elements of sustainability ... primarily implicit (Table 4) Creating enabling structures and conditions (proposition six) Reporting of information relative to the deliberate creation of structures and conditions was limited and generally ... [8,10,22,23,25,26] The predominant and recurring reasons for multiple intervention research failures are addressed in the initial set of propositions for how and why interventions contribute to positive outcomes...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21