identifying assessing and responding to problems 6

Suggesting and responding to suggestions in English and Vietnamese

Suggesting and responding to suggestions in English and Vietnamese

... suggestions and responding to suggestions in English and Vietnamese To help people understand about the similaries and differences between English and Vietnamese in making suggestions and giving responses ... question even less, and actually very little We just don‟t want to rock the boat Passives have learned that it is safer not to react and better to disappear than to stand up and be noticed d Passive-Aggressive ... and responding to suggestion especially the ways of using and understanding this phenomenon properly Follow in this trend, the study will serve purposes: To present the usage of suggestions and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:36

62 582 1
Offering and responding to offers in English and Vietnamese

Offering and responding to offers in English and Vietnamese

... offer and respond to offers properly and politely, introduces some conversations of offers When doing the research, the writer has paid much attention to make offers, to see how to understand and ... Never mind Responding to offers in Vietnamese: How to offer is very important in Vietnamese, and how to respond to offers is more important In Vietnamese, there are many ways to respond to offer ... and similarities between making offers and responding to offers in English and Vietnamese Both speaking of English and Vietnamese, when making offers, want to give H something beneficial or to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 10:19

46 799 7
Guide for Preventing and Responding to School Violence

Guide for Preventing and Responding to School Violence

... weapons and drugs R  equire visitors to sign in and sign out at the school office and to wear visible visitors’ passes Designate a staff member or volunteer monitor for each entrance and provide ... return to the school H  old meetings to communicate rules to parents and/ or guardians and, to the extent practicable, make sure they understand them Invite parents and/ or guardians to call ... Schools, and Communities – This toolkit provides the guidelines and tools needed to form a comprehensive campaign to identify and address school safety and security issues •  aregivers’ Guide to School...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2015, 10:06

53 198 0
a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamses verbal expressions in offering a gift and responding to a gift offer = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt - mỹ về cách sử dụng ngôn từ để tặng quà và nhận quà

a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamses verbal expressions in offering a gift and responding to a gift offer = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt - mỹ về cách sử dụng ngôn từ để tặng quà và nhận quà

... offering gifts and responding to gift offers in Vietnamese and American languages and cultures from cross – cultural perspective In fact, what to say to give a gift, and how to respond to a gift offer ... ability to know “when and where to use these sentences and to whom” (Richard et al (1992 :65 )) In order to communicate appropriately, students are supposed to have shared knowledge According to Saville-Troike ... offering gifts and responding to gift offers from cross-cultural communication perspective As a result of that, to seek a proper answer of what and how to say to offer a gift and respond to a gift offer...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

67 1,5K 4
A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

... communication However, the and learning, or to be more precisely, an insight into how to speech acts of dispraising and responding to dispraise have been respond to dispraises in English and Vietnamese rather ... 25.00 17 .63

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 715 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Identifying Agreement and Disagreement in Conversational Speech: Use of Bayesian Networks to Model Pragmatic Dependencies" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Identifying Agreement and Disagreement in Conversational Speech: Use of Bayesian Networks to Model Pragmatic Dependencies" docx

... AGREE DISAGREE 147 67 7 177 and DISAGREE AGREE 131 68 3 1 86 FE£ ¥£ 7£   %#!  ¥ &¨(¡ 'DA ¨3CB1£ 9¨£ ¥£ 9¨£ ¥£  7 6   £¡ &¨¨)1 §£ 5 ¤¢  &7¨¨)1 §£ 6  $6 ¥ §£ £ 7 6 &¨$$¦ §£ ¡ 0  ¡0  ... 84.95% 71.23% 85 .62 % 86. 92% Results We had 8135 spurts available for training and testing, and performed two sets of experiments to evaluate the performance of our system The tools used to perform ... example, that the proportion of agreements and disagreements (respectively 18.8% and 10 .6% ) changes to 13.9% and 20.9% respectively when we restrict the counts to spurts that are preceded by a DISAGREE...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

8 497 0
SAP2000 Featuters And A TO Z Problems pot

SAP2000 Featuters And A TO Z Problems pot

... 66 67 in both the Membrane and the Bending edit boxes ̈ Click the OK button 29 Click the OK button to close the Area Sections form 30 Verify that the Snap to Points and Grid Intersections button ... example problems have been prepared to demonstrate how to use the various SAP2000 commands and features The problems may help improve your understanding of the sequence for using the commands and ... the OK button 65 Select joints 4, and (not and 3) by “windowing.” 66 Click the Assign menu > Joint Loads > Forces command to access the Joint Forces form In that form: ̈ Verify Add to Existing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 06:20

195 437 0
ABC of sexual health: Assessing and managing male sexual problems doc

ABC of sexual health: Assessing and managing male sexual problems doc

... of sexual health Assessing and managing male sexual problems Alain Gregoire Assessing problems Men are more likely than women to present with and receive treatment for sexual problems Nevertheless, ... historical precedents, current knowledge and methods J Consult Clin Psychol 1995 ;63 : 862 - 76 Gayle Beck J Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: an overview J Consult Clin Psychol 1995 ;63 :915-27 Hawton ... inability to control ejaculation sufficiently to permit both partners to enjoy sexual intercourse 3 16 Differences in sexual desire often lead to considerable distress for a couple and can be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

4 258 0
Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Child-Serving Organizations ppt

Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Child-Serving Organizations ppt

... learning, and language or motor development 36 Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents Using the matrices to choose an appropriate tool Review the matrices to ... treatment plan and always should be carefully monitored 11 12 Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents Understanding the Identification Process and Tools Chapter ... children and adolescents likely to have a mental health and/ or a substance use problem is to use a screening tool that has been tested and found to be valid and reliable (See “What Is a Screening Tool?”...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

222 588 1
báo cáo hóa học: " Testing a model of association between patient identified problems and responses to global measures of health in low back pain patients: a prospective study" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Testing a model of association between patient identified problems and responses to global measures of health in low back pain patients: a prospective study" pdf

... 12 months "able to take part in usually enjoyed activity" no yes Total No problems 21 (42.0) 120 (63 .5) 141 Some problems 24 (48.0) 66 (34.9) 90 Unable (10.0) (1 .6) 50 189 239 Total Chi-square ... between the bottom and top tiers i.e i) Q1 and Q2 will be more strongly associated with Q3 than with Q4 and Q5; and ii) Q3 will be more strongly associated with Q4 and Q5 than will Q1 and Q2 Methods ... between the bottom and top tiers i.e i) Q1 and Q2 will be more strongly associated with Q3 than with Q4 and Q5; and ii) Q3 will be more strongly associated with Q4 and Q5 than will Q1 and Q2 Discussion...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

11 590 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Identifying type and determinants of missing items in quality of life questionnaires: Application to the SF-36 French version of the 2003 Decennial Health Survey" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Identifying type and determinants of missing items in quality of life questionnaires: Application to the SF-36 French version of the 2003 Decennial Health Survey" pot

... 39 40 - 49 4519 467 0 4 066 18 60 - 69 2 766 12 70 - 79 20 26 > 80 742 79 23 100 68 81 66 34 18 20 21 50 - 59 87 RE: Role emotional MH: Mental Health Age (Yrs) Gender Male 12123 46 Female Education ... (BP1 and BP2), general health perceptions (GH1 to GH5), vitality (VT1 to VT4), social functioning (SF1 and SF2), role limitation relating to mental health (RE1 to RE3), and mental health (MH1 to ... socio-demographic variables, those related to health status and those related to the SF- 36 questionnaire were tested as predictor variables The variables related to the SF- 36 were the number of items of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

6 471 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in quality of life measures in patients with refractory hepatitis C, responding to re-treatment with Pegylated interferon alpha -2b and ribavirin" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in quality of life measures in patients with refractory hepatitis C, responding to re-treatment with Pegylated interferon alpha -2b and ribavirin" docx

... (9.8) 47. 46 (13.3) 50.51 (11.3) 47.49 (10.4) 48.39 (11.1) 49.07 (12.1) 49.49 (11 .6) 50.51 (9.4) 45.47 (9.2) 47. 86 (8.2) 46. 88 (11 .6) 46. 76 (12 .6) 47.50 (11.7) 43.74 (10.9) 44.80 (11 .6) 46. 66 (11.7) ... 46. 40 06 49.47 72 50.51 49 .69 50.09 50. 26 50.32 47. 46 50.51 47.49 48.39 49.07 13 68 20 35 58 42.59 48.37 43 .61 39.99 43.77 0001 51 001 0001 001 52 .61 52.47 49.04 54.08 53.94 29 16 06 06 50 .62 ... non-responders) 48 wks 72 wks -3. 26 -2 .68 0.42 -3.35 -4.82 -3.91 -2.98 -2.47 -2 .65 -3. 06 -0 .65 0 .62 2.02 -0.85 -3.89 0.71 2.00 0.92 -0.71 0.30 -0.32 5. 26 0 .64 2.91 3 .64 5.09 6. 12 -0.48 1.18 2.30 None...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 288 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Iterative Algorithms for Finding Common Solutions to Variational Inclusion Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Iterative Algorithms for Finding Common Solutions to Variational Inclusion Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems" ppt

... of solutions to 1 .6 is denoted by GEP see 5, If B following equilibrium problem: to find u ∈ C such that F u, y ≥ 0, 1 .6 0, then 1 .6 reduces to the ∀y ∈ C 1.7 The set of solutions to 1.7 is denoted ... SPC z 3 .6 Since both Tμ and JM,λ are nonexpansive, A and B are α-inverse strongly monotone and βinverse strongly monotone, respectively, from Proposition 2.2, we have Fixed Point Theory and Applications ... 259– 265 , 2010 L.-C Ceng and J.-C Yao, “A hybrid iterative scheme for mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point problems, ” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol 214, no 1, pp 1 86 201,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

17 303 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Subsolutions of Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form and Application to Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Subsolutions of Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form and Application to Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems" pdf

... guidelines and consists in the following three steps: to improve the Lipschitz constant of the level sets of u far from F(u), to carry this interior gain to the free boundary, to rescale and iterate ... z(y) (2.18) and, if t ≥ (2c)1/a ≡ t0 , then On the other hand, if d y ≥ t0 η0 and r ≤ r0 (η0 ), from (2 .6) , (2.13), and (2.15) we have w(y) ≤ z(y), Dn w(y) ≥ Dn z(y) (2.19) F Ferrari and S Salsa ... of the following problems: L j u± = j in Ω± (u), u± = u j j on Ω± (u), (4 .6) and set u j = u+ − u− Then u j converges locally in C 1,a (Ω± (u)) to u and it is not difficult j j to check that (suppressing...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

21 305 0
the market for foreign exchange suggested answers and solutions to end-of-chapter questions and problems

the market for foreign exchange suggested answers and solutions to end-of-chapter questions and problems

... Bid Ask Spot 6. 268 1 6. 2789 1.5282 1.5343 30-day 6. 2538 6. 264 1 1.52 26 1.5285 90-day a Ask 6. 2104 6. 2200 1.5058 1.5115 Describe the currency transaction that Omni should undertake to eliminate ... want to use is: fN,$ = [(FN (£/$) - S(£/$))/S(£/$)] x 360 /N f1,$ = [(.50 76 - 5072)/.5072] x 360 /30 = 0095 f3,$ = [(.50 86 - 5072)/.5072] x 360 /90 = 0331 f6,$ = [(.5104 - 5072)/.5072] x 360 /180 ... is trying to increase his inventory of Canadian dollars by discouraging purchases of U.S dollars by standing willing to buy $ at only CD1.3435/$1.00 and offering to sell from inventory at the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 10:57

15 2,7K 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Timber harvesting in the ukrainian carpathians: Ecological problems and methods to solve them" ppsx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Timber harvesting in the ukrainian carpathians: Ecological problems and methods to solve them" ppsx

... several trunks) and horse and tractor skidding tracks The third and the forth category of damage to soil is subdivided into three categories by their depth: under cm, 6 10 cm and above 10 cm ... Crawler tractors 108 5.0 522 5.2 220 Wheeled tractors 118 4.5 508 5.1 169 3 36 J FOR SCI., 56, 2010 (7): 333–340 10 (%) of the area Fig Comparative data on the soil surface damage 9.3 6. 3 6. 3 6. 8 Crawler ... branches with branches y = 0.247ln(x) + 0 .63 6 y = 2.57ln(x) – 0 .64 43 2.2275ln(x) – 1.4 21 .6 y= 0.985ln(x) + 0.511 y = 0.247ln(x) + 0 .63 6 0.8 165 01.4 1.2 0 y = 0. 168 ln(x) + 0.714 10 15 30 40 501.0 10...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

8 430 0