Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 22:15
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 08:20
Language Tutorial
... HELLO .ASM (actually the name is arbitrary but the extension .ASM is conventional and useful) 2. ASM HELLO,,; (this is just one example of invoking the assembler; it uses the small assembler ASM, ... form. You IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial 4 IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial 27 65399 '** DONE - PRESS ENTER TO RETURN TO MENU ** PC Assembly Language Tutorial 27 65399 '** DONE ... you keep your ASSUMEs in synch with reality. IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial 23 IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial 26 is true that the "segments" you make with the assembler...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:25
Tài liệu nhập môn ASM
... 09/19/12 09/19/12 Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM 10 10 Các file được tạo Các file được tạo Sau khi dịch thành công file nguồn .ASM, ta có các file : Sau khi dịch thành công file nguồn .ASM, ta có các ... Assembler Version 5.10 10/11/4 09/19/12 09/19/12 Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM 15 15 Cấu trúc của 1 CT ASM Cấu trúc của 1 CT ASM DOSSEG DOSSEG .MODEL .MODEL kiểu bộ nhớ kiểu bộ nhớ .STACK ... MAIN 09/19/12 09/19/12 Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM Chuong 5 Nhap mon ASM 7 7 Cách viết 1 chương trình Assembly Cách viết 1 chương trình Assembly Soạn CT TenCT .ASM Dịch CT Liên kết CT Chạy CT Dùng 1 phần...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:35
Asm Basics.doc
... the hp to 0 and if it's 0 then it will jump to the death routine. Disassembling (W32Dasm) Using w32Dasm disassembler on: diablo_s.exe Start off by loading the project. It may take awhile,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 13:16
... with the following name: exam2 .asm Don't forget to save this in ASCII format. Third step Use the TASM program to build the object program. C:\>tasm exam2 .asm Turbo Assembler Version 2.0 ... exam2 .asm Turbo Assembler Version 2.0 Copyright (c) 1988, 1990 Borland International Assembling file: exam2 .asm Error messages: None Warning messages: None Passes: 1 Remaining memory: 471k Fourth step Use ... Interruption Purpose: To call on diverse DOS functions. Syntax: Int 21H Note: When we work in TASM program is necessary to specify that the value we are using is hexadecimal. This interruption...
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2012, 13:51
SAP 2000 Tutorial Session Notes
... 1.051 Structural Engineering Design Prof. Oral Buyukozturk Fall 2003 SAP 2000 Tutorial Session Notes This tutorial provides the basic steps of performing a frame analysis using SAP 2000....
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:55
... or go to Edit J Delete. Use the Pencil tool to refresh the screen in both windows. SAP2000 TUTORIAL t ARCHES The first step in the process of modeling an arch is to determine the Radius ... L θ R h The arch that will be modeled in the tutorial is shown below: it has a height (h) of 8 ft., sits on columns that are twelve feet high...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:55
Advanced Google Tutorial
... type you want to search for. So, if you wanted to search for tutorials on SQL that are in PDF format, you would search for the following: SQL Tutorial filetype:PDF Not only is Google the world's...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2012, 09:51
Multithreaded Programming in a Microsoft Win32* Environment
... always waiting for network I/O to complete. Win32 Thread Handling Functions Let’s take a look at the various procedures provided by the Microsoft Win32 API for working with threads. Every process ... of a wait. In Win32, an event can be created by calling CreateEvent( ) to create a new event or OpenEvent( ) if it already exists. To close a handle call CloseHandle( ). Win32 provides SetEvent( ... Hyper-Threading technology. References Win32 Multithreaded Programming, Jan 1998. Aaron Cohen & Mike Woodring, O’Reilly. Multithreaded Applications in Win32, dec 1998. Jim Beveridge &...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 14:40
Tutorial for Novices to Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS)
... Section 15.) © Dr.B.S.Virdee 1 Tutorial for Novices to Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS) by Dr. B.S. Virdee In this tutorial we will see how to use ADS. We see in this tutorial how to do Single-Stub...
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2012, 08:33
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