how wrong can you be

bonner & rajiva - mobs, messiahs and markets (2007)

bonner & rajiva - mobs, messiahs and markets (2007)

... signal to the woman that you ve got it figured out and that, if she wants to hook up with you, she can, but only on your terms You have to show that you have a lot of money, but you don’t want to give ... would you want to feel superior at all? Why would you want to feel one up on the other guy? Again, it’s simple: because you want to impress some woman Why you want to impress her? Because you want ... deficit? Because Americans want to buy things they can t afford Why they want to buy things they can t afford? To pretend to be richer than they are Why they want to appear richer than they are? Because...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 14:51

435 239 0

... Hindenburg became a god to Germans at home On November 1, 1914, he was elevated to the position of Supreme Commander in the East, Oberbefehlshaber Ost, with extraordinary powers In the partnership between ... attempt to build a monolithic military state beyond Germany’s borders, named ‘‘Ober Ost’’ (after the title of the Supreme Commander in the East, Oberbefehlshaber Ost) Poland, to the south, was put ... forever, absorbed and retained, present in visible traces and echoed memories To begin with, these same Baltic peoples described by Tacitus had been here since the Christian era’s beginning Once...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

320 959 3
The Use of American Propaganda During World War I

The Use of American Propaganda During World War I

... factor of effective propaganda is that it must be remembered People cannot be motivated to act, or persuaded to change their beliefs if they cannot remember the key points of the propaganda A persuasive ... else that can be sensed with the eyes or ears How Does Propaganda Work Now that the basic concept of propaganda has been outlined, an insight into why it is effective and how it works must be discussed ... Shaping a country’s beliefs through propaganda is no small task; it takes a superior knowledge of how public opinion operates and how those opinions can be manipulated to coalesce beliefs Propaganda...

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2015, 01:03

28 239 0
in what ways and to what effect did the british cinema of the second world war mobilize support for th

in what ways and to what effect did the british cinema of the second world war mobilize support for th

... message of 'you can help your country just as much in an overall as you can in a uniform'7 whilst tackling issues of love and looking forward to a post war society The fact that women should be relied ... was becoming more important and films began to reflect this fresh, new liberty Censorship ethics, whilst much more relaxed during the war years, still prevented many of these topics from being ... felt as though they had been freed from their shackles, most women were utterly exhausted by the demands being made on them However, they found their new challenges to be refreshing and empowering...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:04

4 433 0
War Bonds in the Second World War: A Model for a New Iraq/Afghanistan War Bond? docx

War Bonds in the Second World War: A Model for a New Iraq/Afghanistan War Bond? docx

... the question has been raised whether or not the issuance of war bonds during the Second World War serves as a good model for a new “war bond.” On December 8, 2009, Senator E Benjamin Nelson introduced ... on Anniversary of September 11 Attacks,” Treasury News, December 11, 2001, p 12 U.S Department of the Treasury, Questions and Answers about Series EE Patriot Bonds, December 2001, p Congressional ... raised have been placed in the general fund In summary, the prior war bonds program in the Second World War is a problematic model for Iraq/Afghanistan “war bonds.” This report will not be updated...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20

7 362 0
a history of money and banking in the united states; the colonial era to world war ii

a history of money and banking in the united states; the colonial era to world war ii

... Rothbard’s view, economic laws can be relied upon in interpreting these nonrepeatable historical events because the validity of these laws—or, better yet, their truth can be established with certainty ... tests However, this also means that economic history must be continually revised, because the very theory which is employed to identify the causal relations between historical events can always be ... the mental grasp of phenomena which cannot be totally elucidated by logic, mathematics, praxeology, and the natural sciences to the extent that they cannot be cleared up by all these sciences.13...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 10:45

512 646 0
the first world war and the 20th century in the history of gaelic scotland a preliminary analysis

the first world war and the 20th century in the history of gaelic scotland a preliminary analysis

... of Iain Crichton Smith can, by benefit of being Gaelic, find itself on bookshop shelves being sold next to kitsch books on folklore and mythology107, so there appears to be a difficulty to think ... Òran would undergo during the First World War (Chapter Three) It also shows how one of the more esoteric Gaelic sources can be used to rebut the preconceptions about Gaelic society which have influenced ... which can be utilised for its study Therefore, another significant portion of time was dedicated to overcoming this obstacle It was decided to limit the thesis to poetry which had already been...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 16:55

128 417 0
Changing englishness in first world war poetry

Changing englishness in first world war poetry

... connection between English and French/Belgian landscapes, albeit through the medium of people On the other hand, ‘Pillbox14’ establishes the disjuncture between England and France/Belgium The ... Soldier’, in which a soldier begs for ‘“[w]ater–water–O water / For one of England’s dying sons”’ (7–8) However, he is told ‘“We cannot give you water / Were all England in your breath”’ (9–10), and ... English identity to beg for it but is still denied: ‘“We cannot give you water / Were all England in your breath”’ (9–10) No amount of Englishness or identification with his country can give the soldier...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 11:37

112 583 0
Localizing memory scapes, building a nation commemorating the second world war in singapore

Localizing memory scapes, building a nation commemorating the second world war in singapore

... shows, the term “local” itself is a fraught concept, even within the nation Apart from showing how such memoryscapes are contested from within the nation, the thesis also shows how they can be ... also because of the fact that Japan is a major investor in Korea today This shows how the way one nation remembers the war cannot be dissociated from considerations of factors that lie beyond ... woman can say, ‘That body may belong to me’”, allowing them to personally relate to the war regardless of whether he or she was involved in it This shows how memoryscapes can sometimes be extremely...

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2015, 11:01

196 442 0
Bài 17-World War II

Bài 17-World War II

... => Phe phát xít thực mục tiêu gây chiến tranh xâm lược Lược đồ Đức Italia gây chiến bành trướng Beclin ĐỨC Bài 17: CHIẾN TRANH THẾ GIỚI THỨ HAI (1939 – 1945) I CON ĐƯỜNG DẪN ĐẾN CHIẾN TRANH Các...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2013, 01:27

32 409 0
world war 1

world war 1

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:10

38 283 0
trends in world educational media based on entries to the japan prize since 2000

trends in world educational media based on entries to the japan prize since 2000

... robot can t be bullied because it doesn’t understand that it’s being bullied Humans can be bullied because they have a soul They can get upset” and “If everyone was the same everyone would be friends ... played for friends being sent to the gas chambers, and the story of a Jewish person who survived by hiding in the central part of Berlin for three years This production can be downloaded at the ... in October 2010 It can be said that educational programs and content entered a new era beginning in the year 2000 Together with the JAPAN PRIZE participants, I have viewed quite a number of educational...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:44

25 387 0
Tài liệu Discover The 4 Key Secrets To Playing The Auction House In World Of Warcraft pdf

Tài liệu Discover The 4 Key Secrets To Playing The Auction House In World Of Warcraft pdf

... level up your gathering professions whenever you can, even if it gets higher than your crafting profession Even if you can not use the mats yet, always level your gathering profession when you have ... profession you choose, you have to have mats to make anything Sure, you can simply buy them on the auction house, but this gets really expensive, especially as you level your professions up So, what you ... to cheat a bit You either have your auctioneer addon search for the prices or you it yourself, then you price your items lower than the others If this means taking a bit of a cut below what the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:15

5 371 0
Tài liệu Preventing Fraud and Corruption in World Bank Projects: A Guide for Staff ppt

Tài liệu Preventing Fraud and Corruption in World Bank Projects: A Guide for Staff ppt

... contract can be awarded to the second-lowest bidder at the price of the lowest bid However, the Bank considers this procedure unacceptable because it involves changing the bid price after bids have been ... ring has been stolen from her bag She feels that there is nothing she can at that point Should the TTL report the event to the Bank? If you were the Director of the TTL, what would be your reaction? ... Group’s ethical standards are very rare I not believe we have a widespread problem in this regard We cannot be complacent, however As I have said before, even one case of fraud or corruption is...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

61 412 0
Tài liệu BEYOND THE LAW The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the “War” on Terror pptx

Tài liệu BEYOND THE LAW The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the “War” on Terror pptx

... the Bush administration that every member of the armed forces of the Taliban can be denied prisoner of war status and, it would allegedly follow, they can be denied any protections under any portions ... regime also had been involved in a belligerency with the Northern Alliance, an armed conflict to which the general laws of war applied even before U.S entry into Afghanistan in October 2001.4 Moreover, ... denied Geneva law protections, supposedly because al Qaeda “cannot be considered a state party to the Geneva Convention.”61 As noted soon thereafter, however: [t]he White House statement demonstrates...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20

327 806 0
Tài liệu World War II: Biographies docx

Tài liệu World War II: Biographies docx

... Tojo becomes prime minister of Japan 1941 Benjamin O Davis, Jr., receives the Distinguished Flying Cross medal (U.S Army.) American pilot Jacqueline Cochran flies a Hudson V bomber plane from Canada ... the summer he had become ill with cancer Chamberlain resigned from his post in October and died a month later Like many other famous public figures he was buried at Westminster Abbey in London, ... Agreement Is Signed: September 30th, 1938.” History Today (September 1998): 40 Web sites Beattie, A.J Neville Chamberlain [Online] Available: http://www (January 8,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 10:20

311 383 0
Tài liệu The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918 pdf

Tài liệu The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918 pdf

... men were wont to insinuate that the best beloved brands of jam, such as strawberry and raspberry, never got beyond the Beach, the A.S.C who handled the supplies being suspected of a nefarious weakness ... somewhat in this fashion: "I hope you are satisfied with your morning's work! You see what you have done You have wounded this poor fellow, and you very nearly hit me! Are you satisfied?" It was an awkward ... ON NIGHT OF 19-20TH DECEMBER, 1915 " 64 AREA OF OPERATIONS 7-8TH NOVEMBER, 1917 " 174 SKETCH SHOWING ROUTE TAKEN BY THE BATTALION BETWEEN GAZA AND JAFFA, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1917 " 184 AREA OF...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

119 321 0
Tài liệu Fear and Loathing in World Football docx

Tài liệu Fear and Loathing in World Football docx

... You can stick your fucking England up your arse’ has been the best thing about the season so far This increasingly popular song, along with the associated chant ‘We all believe United are better ... their results because of the reflected glory that that would bring To be hated by United in the 90’s is a very attractive proposition because it shows you are a threat and that what you matters ... David Beckham has been significantly ‘othered’ by opposing and rival fans But for every form of abuse aimed at Beckham there came a resolute and vocal reply from United’s match-going support: ‘You...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20

319 838 0
World War I: Biographies doc

World War I: Biographies doc

... been Jewish communities for centuries, Jews were often You are too late You will not be saved you have tortured me in vain in vain you will torture innocent people you are lost behold, ... of Palestine However, among Jews there has always been disagreement over how literally this ritual salute should be taken Sarah Aaronsohn and her family were Zionists, Jews who believe that Jewish ... developed, and numerous Belgian civilians began to secretly feed and harbor Allied soldiers and help them escape from German-occupied Belgium Cavell became acquainted with two members of an old aristocratic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

200 388 0


... my life to have been in this war a soldier like yourselves Our hearts beat with joy to see you here, because there is no Italian, however humble his station, who does not know how great is the ... looks over Lombardy! And Bergamo! You know the terraces of Bergamo Aren't they like a morning sky? Dying there is not death; it's flying into the dawn You Romans envy us You have no Alps, no crimson ... went along the trenches I was several times greeted by Italians who had been in America, "Hullo, John! How are you? How d 'you like this dam country?" This type brings back with it across the Atlantic...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 12:20

188 375 0