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THE SIX DISCIPLINES OF BREAKTHROUGH LEARNING: How to Turn Training and Development Into Business Results

THE SIX DISCIPLINES OF BREAKTHROUGH LEARNING: How to Turn Training and Development Into Business Results

... 2/20/06 10: 27 AM Page 19 THE SIX DISCIPLINES OF BREAKTHROUGH LEARNING How to Turn Training and Development Into Business Results Calhoun W. Wick, Roy V. H. Pollock, Andrew McK. Jefferson, and Richard ... consider credible and relevant? ã Show the completed worksheet to your head of learning and development. Ask whether it is possible to deliver the results desired. ã Work together to make it happen. introduction ... Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning describes how to embrace and reap full benefit from training and development and gain C-level respect. Too often training and development profes- sionals focus on...

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:32

253 1.2K 1


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GivingaBodyofEthericSubstance to YourIdeal;  GivingYourIdealtheImpulseofAction to MakeItReal;  TheProcessthatMakesIdealsComeTrue;  TheActofMakingtheRealityYours; and   Where to CenterYourEffort.  TO ATTAINYOURDESIRES,ALLTHREEMUSTBEUSED  CHAPTER 7   Ifyouidealize and useallthreeofthebasicactivities and onlythose three,itiseasy to makeyouridealsbecome realities.Youalwaysattainwhenyouidealize and usethem;but,ifyou leaveoutanyoneofthethree,youfail to  attainyourdesire, -and noonecanbeblamedexceptyourself.  Ifyouidealizeonlythatwhichyoudesire and holdfaithfully to that ideal,-thatis,ifyouuseonlythefirstofthe threeactivities,-youwillsucceed and justlyinproportion to whatyou do.  SinceGodisjustice,theresultcorresponds to theeffort.Idealizing whatyouwant and holdingfaithfully to the idealformonths and evenyearsbringsyouthesuccessyoureffortmerits -evenafteryearsyouwillstillbe holding to theideal.  And, ifyouidealizethatwhichyoudesire and attempt to takepossession ofitmentally-usingthefirst and third ofthethreebasicactivities-yousucceed and justlyinproportion to whatyoudo.  If,wheninNewYork,youlearnofafootballgame to beplayedinBoston and desire to bepresent,theidealof theThingDesiredis to beinBoston.Ifyoudesire to driveby automobilefromNewYork to Boston,thatisthe idealoftheProcessyouintend to use to get to Boston.Ifyougo to yourgarage and sitinyourcarforaday,a monthorayear,holdingfaithfullyallthetime to theThingDesired and holdingalsoamentalpictureofbeingin     Boston-mentallypicturingthefirst and thirdsteps,butomittingthe secondone-beforetheyearpassesyour friendswillwish to sendyou to themadhouse; and onlybecauseyou failed to usethesecondactivity-thatofthe processofactuallystartingthemachine and drivingfromNewYork to Boston. ... valueisnothingmaterial.Ifminddidnotdistinguishbetweenadiamond and apieceofcoal and givespecial value to theformerbecauseofourdesireforbeauty,thematerialofthe diamondwouldbenomorevaluablethan thematerialofapieceofcoalofthesamesize.Iftherewerenomental conceptionregardingthepurityofthe diamond and nodesire to possessit and useitasdecoration,diamonds wouldpossessnomorevaluethan pebbles.  Nowletusconsidertheidealizingofthevalueofapieceoflandso thattheprocessincreaseditsvalueinfour daysfromlessthan$200anacre to $1,000anacre.Theland,ofwhichI write,issituatedineastern Pennsylvanianearaverybeautifullakesomedistancefromrailroads.It waspurchasedtwenty-fouryearsagoas farmlandatlessthan$15anacre.Itwasleftaspartofanestate to twonephews.Theyoungeronebecameofage in1919 and thelandwasofferedforsale.Theydesired to obtain$200an acreforit and feltthat,iftheycould sellitatthatprice,theywouldbeverylucky.Manythingshave happenedinthelasttwenty-fouryears.Theland isstillfarfromtherailroadbuteveryfootoflandaroundthelittle lakehasbeenpurchasedbymillionairesfrom Philadelphia and NewYork.Infact,since1919theyhavespent$3,000,000 ingeneralimprovementofthis millionaires'colonyinaddition to themoneyspentonindividual estates.  Thelandofthetwonephews,however,wasnotofgreatvalue.Theacreage wasnotlargeenoughforagreat estate and thelandwasnotgoodasfarmland.Innosensediditlead surroundinglandinvalue.Thosewhoknew thelandthoughtitought to beworth$200anacre,but,asthemonths wentby,itwasnotsold.Thenephews wereanxious to realizeontheirland;theywished to gointobusiness, and knowingme,theycalledoneday to  askforhelp.Iidealizeditasfarmland and sawitsuselessness.In fact,ithadbeenneglectedsolongthatitwould taketwoorthreeyears to bringitback to normalcondition.ThenI idealizeditasasiteforacountryestateofa wealthyman.ButIsawitwouldnotdoforthat.Itwasnotlargeenough. Next,Iidealizedtheentirecolonyof millionairesaboutit;Iidealizeditsnearness to NewYork and Philadelphia;Iidealizedthepeopleinthecity whodesiredhomes;Iidealizedhumannature,realizingthattherewere manyculturedpeopleoflimitedmeans whodesired to livenearverywealthypeoplewhowouldenjoylifeina communityofsuchpeople.  Consequentlyoutofthecosmostherecame to mymindtheidealofmaking thislandalittleparkdividedinto fortylittlehomeplotsofoneacreeach.Thenephews and myselfdrewup thisplan.Wehadgivenaddedvalue to  ... an“illusionofthemind,”youcould-knowingthecertaintyofthelaw thatonlylikeperceiveslike-smile to  yourselfovertheideathatnothingbutanillusionarymindcould conceiveanillusionaryworld,eatillusionary vegetables,wearillusionaryshirts,handleillusionarymoney,use and dependupontenthousandillusionary things and liveuponanillusionaryearth.  Iholdthatmatterisexistent and thatitisveryunwise and detrimental to denyitsexistence and attempt to liveup to thedenial,-forinstance to denytheexistenceofmaterialfood and try to livewithoutit.But,Iholdalsothatit islackofknowledgeofthetruenatureofmatterthatmakesusthinkof itasdense,solid,motionless and lifeless.  Ifinourgreaterknowledgeofmatterwefindthatitisonlyenergyin reality,thatitisnotrestrictedenergybut infiniteenergy, and thatitisofthesamesubstanceasspirit-thenour conceptofmatterbecomessolikeour conceptofthesubstanceofwhichidealsaremade,thatitispossible forus to perceivesomedefiniteconnection -arealrelation,perhapsasimilarity,perhapsevenaco-existence-of thesubstanceofeveryideal and the substanceofeverymaterialreality.  Withsuchknowledge-foundinnextsucceedingchapters-ourfaiththat idealscometrue,becausetheyareofthe samesubstanceasmatter,canbe and isjustified.Suchfaithwillfire anewourideals and desires and impelus to       ceasenoeffortuntiltheybecomerealities; and withknowledgeofthe processofattainment,weshallknowby experiencethatitisnotsodifficultasitonceseemed. And you, yourself,canmakeyouridealsbecomerealities. Faithisthesubstanceofthingshopedfor.Idealsarethesubstanceof thethingsthatare.  WHATCOMPACTNESSOFMATTERGIVES TO YOURIDEALS  CHAPTER3  Yourideasarealwayschanging and youareeverchangingyourattitude regardingthem.Why?Theyhaveno form,nobodyofspiritualsubstance;beingwithoutbody,theyare notions and verychangeablenotionsatthat. Butyouareloyal to yourideals;youaresteadfastinyourallegiance to them.Why?Becausethereissomething fixed and realaboutthem;theyaremadeofspiritualsubstance;theyare theactualbodiesofyourdesires;of ...

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