... U.S./$13.95 CAN Sales EAN UPC Learn how to recover from costly, deal-breaking mistakes and assure a successful closing time after time! Learn how to recover from costly, deal-breaking mistakes and assure ... most salespeople make and the formula for turning it around and making it work for you. The 91 mistakes are grouped by major topic areas within the sales process. There are two ways to use or read this ... books to read, training CDs and tapes to listen to, and seminars to attend. Don’t wait for your organization to invest in you and your future value. Take full responsibility for the quality of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 21:39
... shop, this is how to make a cappuccino, how to infuse a cup of tea, or to take cash. What they fail to teach is how to do the right thing for customers, how to let the personality of the employee ... cars (so it stood out clearly for all to see) the name of the construction company on one car, and the name of the managing director on another car. I took a photograph of these two cars, together ... know the finance rates for mortgages and the best deals available in the market, how much the removal company will charge, and how much legal fees and stamp duty will cost. These are all figures...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
PERSONAL MBA GUIDE: How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality docx
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:21
Hand-Dyes For Sale: How I Turned My Hobby Into A Business by Melissa J. Willauthor docx
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
How to get out of the friendzone: turn your friendship into a relationship
... he met Cara at his coed dodgeball tournament. She was pretty and nice and seemed to like him back. They started dating and things were going well. At a party soon after Sam and Cara started seeing ... seeing each other, Sam ran into Katie, who threw her arms around him and whispered that they needed to talk; she’d heard he was dating someone and wanted to know all about it. After hearing about ... deserve any better is the same part that wants you to stay where it’s comfortable to avoid getting hurt. And that’s the part of you that’s going to shut up and take one for the team. Because no...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:17
THE SIX DISCIPLINES OF BREAKTHROUGH LEARNING: How to Turn Training and Development Into Business Results
... Program, participants are asked to estimate the annual value created as a result of the program. We tally these and we show the results of what they have done as a group and for the program as a ... tactics; it is a discipline and a system. —Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan we have been part of corporate education programs that were truly transformational, that helped propel their companies to ... man- agement’s most important tasks is to decide where to invest the company’s human and financial assets in order to generate the greatest return for shareholders. To earn a share of the annual investment...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:32
... mayfallthrough. Ifyouidealizethevalueofthatwhichyouwish to sell,yougiveit additionalsellingvalue.Ifyouidealizethe processofsellingit,youdiscovernewmeansofselling.Ifyouidealize allkindsofpossiblebuyersofthatwhich youhave for sale,youdiscover a buyercapableofperceivingthe additionalvalueyouhavegivenyourproduct and a buyercapableandwilling to pay for thatvalue. A Case for Illustration: A manowned a tractoflandnearPasadena, California;onthistherewas a $10,000 mortgage;hehadboughtiton a shoestring,planningsoon to sellit,- for itwasexpectedthat a buildingboom wouldmakeit a desirableresidencesitelongbeforethe$10,000wasdue. ConditionsatEndofSixMonths:Thebuildingboomhadnotmaterialized; themortgagewasdueintendays; realestatemenrefused to takeitup;thoseholdingthemortgagerefused to extendit;thebankerswouldn'ttouch it. Cause for Refusal:Thelandwasin a hollow;realestatemenandbankers wereconvincednoonewouldbuyit untileveryotherresidencesitenearithadbeensold;thatmightbe yearshence. TheOwner'sFirstEfforts:When,attheendofthefirstthreemonths, theboomfailed to boom,herecognized abundantsupply,andfaithfullyandpersistentlyandconfidentlyaffirmed “GodISALLAbundance”and“Allis God.” Threemonthswentby.Themoneydidnotdropfromtheheaven;but somethingelsedropped-thecornersofhis banker'smouth.Whatwasthetrouble?Faithfullyandconfidentlythe owneraffirmedthetruth:“GodIsthe SourceofAbundantSupply.”Whythenthefailure?BecauseGodisSpirit; andconsequentlyaslongashe continuedmerely to affirmGodasAbundantSupply,-thesupplycontinued in a spiritualstate.Thisthebankers refused to cash;theywantedcertifiedchecks.After a failureofmore thantwoand a halfmonths,theownertried IdealizingtheProcess.First,heidealizedthelandinallitsdetails. Andatonce a newthoughtcame:Ifthisland isnotnowvaluableas a residencesite,certainlythereareotheruses for it;andsinceGodknowsalluses,the ideaofanotherusewillcome to me. Second,heidealizedthechangesinitsconditionatdifferentseasonsof theyearand-hurrah-anothernew thoughthehadnotthoughtbefore:Sincethelandwasin a hollowandthe moistureofthesurroundingland ... inchindiameter,theelectronisfiftythousandtimessmallerthanthe atom! Ofcourse,youcannotimaginethis;itisinfinitelysmall -a partofthe infinityofGod!Andwhatistheelectron? Ofwhatsubstanceisit?Allscientistsagreethatitisaninfinitely smallethericwhirlofenergy -a whirlinghole inspace! Whatthenisdensity?Densityisthespiritofmatter-theinfinite ethericenergy-spaceofGod.Itisthatinwhich allthingsliveandmoveandhavetheirbeing.Itexistsbetweenthe infinitelysmallwhirlingelectronsbut a billionthofaninchfromoneanother;itexistsbetweenwhirlingstars andinfinitelylargesunsthousandsof millionsofmillionsofmilesapart. Thereisnodensityofmatter to hinderthemanifestationofyourideals anddesires.Sinceyou,youridealsand desiresareofGod,andsincethecellsofyourbodyandalsothe substanceofallothermaterialactualitiesarebut theinfiniteenergy-spaceofGod,certainlyyouridealscomposedofthis substance-theonlysubstancethatexists -canandwillanddocometrue.Infact,thisethericenergy-space substance,whichmakesmatterseem to be dense,istheverysubstancethatgivesbodies to youridealsandthus makesthemmanifestinmaterialactuality. WHATATTRACTIVEMATTEROFENERGYGIVES TO YOURDESIRES CHAPTER4 Anotherstoneinthepathoffaithandtheattainmentofyouridealsand desiresistheideathatmatterissolid.As densitywasfound to bebutinfiniteenergyspace-thespiritual substanceinwhichidealsandallthingsexistwhat willsolidity turn out to bewhenyoucome to knowitasitis? Ironseems to be a solidsubstanceandveryhard.Doesitshardness resideinmatterorisitdue to thespiritor energyofmatter?Themoleculesandatomsofironarenoharderormore solidthanthemoleculesandatomsof butter.Yet,itisdifficult to drive a nail into a pieceofironand easy to driveone into a chunkofbutter.That whichmakesitdifficult to drive a nail into ironisthedegreeof attractiveforceexistingbetweentheparticles.It isthisforcethatholdsmoleculesandtheirrespectiveatoms to each other.Whenyoudrive a nail into iron,what youovercomeistheattractiveforcethattries to preventthemolecules beingpushedapart.Itiseasy to force apartthemoleculesofbutter to makespace for a nail.Inthiscase also,whatyouovercomeistheattractiveforce thatholdstogetherthemoleculesandatomsofbutter. ... Itisnotenough to holdidealsoftheThingDesired,-thefirststep.It isnotsufficientanditmaybedangerous to declarementallythatyoupossessit,-thethirdstep.Itisnotenough even to havefaiththatyourdesirewillcome true,thoughfaithisthesubstanceofthingshoped for. Youmustput yourideals into idealizedaction for ideals arethesubstanceofthingsthatareandidealizedactionistheonly certainprocessofattainment. “Faithwithoutworksisdead”doesnotstand-alone;Christandthe apostlespresentedthetruthmanytimes:"I mustworktheworksofHimthatsentMe....Return to God,anddo works.-Whatdothitprofitthough a man sayhehathfaith,andhavenotworks?-Canfaithsavehim?-Wasnot Abraham,ourfather,justifiedbyworks?By workswasfaithmadeperfect.-Iwillgiveuntoeveryoneofyou according to yourworks.-Hethat overcomethandkeepeth my worksuntotheend, to himwillIgivepower overthenations."Ofthenames to be writtenintheBookofLife,theyare to bejudged"according to their works";andtheverylastmessage-last chapterofRevelation-is"Behold,Icomequickly;and my rewardiswith me, to giveeverymanaccordingashis workshallbe." "Hitchyourwagon to a STAR"isnotsufficient.”"HITCHyourwagon to a star"bringsresults.” HOW TO FORMANIDEALTHATWILLCOMETRUE CHAPTER8 First,anideal to cometruemustbeanideal;anideawillnotdo. Second,anideal to become a realitymusthave a heartofdesire,-and a goodstrongheart.Third,anideal to come into manifestationmustbe a bodyofreal ethericsubstance.Fourth,anideal to becomeanactualitymustpossess animpulseofaction.Lackinganyoneor moreofthese,youridealsdonotbecomerealities. Firstyouridealmustbeanideal,notanidea.Theidealwillcometrue. Sincemostpeoplethinkandplaninideas; theirthoughtsandplansseldommaterialize:Afterrepeatedfailures, somebecomediscouraged,despondentor resignedandsomelosefaithintheircapacity to attainthegreatgoal anddoubtthejusticeofsociety,theworld andGod.Othermenandwomenthinkinideals;withthemitis a habit. Suchmenandwomenaresuccessfuland attain to a greatextentthatwhichtheydesire.Theyattainin proportion to theirideals. Youmayidealizeyourthoughtsof-ethicalandspiritualadvancementand attainsoulconsciousness;yetwhenit ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20
of how to incorporate cultural elements into English training at HCC
... and foreign language learning, cultural topics in foreign language learning, goals for incorporating culture into the foreign language class, and Comparing and Contrasting as activities of raising ... exposed to cultural material later, after they have mastered the basic grammar and vocabulary of the language. The last one is the lack of adequate training. HCC teachers may not have been adequately ... with a low level of English also have a low intellect generally. Kramsch (1992: 125) states “intercultural awareness, as a fundamental feature of language and an integral part of language learning,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 10:12
... have the help of sophisticated information systems and data warehouses been able to manage a great deal of data. The challenge is to capture and measure soft and qualitative information. For ... can be transformed into useful information by easing strategic management and control process. Managing this information in a systematic and dynamic way can yield a competitive advantage. According ... customer and employee retention and quality measures and financial indicators such as profitability (Banker and Mashruwala, 2000, Banker, Potter and Srinivasan, 2001; Ittner and Larcker 199 8a and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15
... best adapted to publication in a local newspaper. If the theme is one that appeals to a larger public, the article is adapted to a periodical of general circulation. Often local material has ... used to furnish information and entertainment for that rapid reader, the "average American." Definition of a Special Article. A special feature article may be defined as a detailed ... satisfied to reach a limited circle of well-educated readers. To create a larger magazine-reading public, editors undertook to develop a popular form and style that would furnish information as attractively...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20
How to solve mathematical problems wayne a wickelgren
... class="bi x0 y0 w2 h0" alt=""
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:22
How to use English effectively in a formal meeting
... - A formally arranged gathering. E.g.: The meeting elected a chair person. - A small informal social gathering E.g.: There was an informal meeting in Paris. - A social act of assembling for ... using formal language instead of an informal alternative: a/ System analysis’s can ( help out/ assist) managers in many difference way. b/ This program was ( set up/ established) to improve access ... using language in a formal meeting to conclude what gained from my study. Due to the knowledge and experience limitation, grammatical spelling and typing mistakes are unavoidable in my graduation...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:16
... Likelihood approach to grammatical analysis, and CLAWS in particular, can be used to analyse text including ill-formed syntax. More importantly, it can also be adapted to flag syntactic errors ... best tag for each word, as before, and then measuring ABSOLUTE LIKELIHOODS of tag- pairs. Instead of a separate tag-pair error likelihood table to assess the grammaticality, the same tag-pair ... vocabulary and syntax; for example, the system discussed by [Fass 83] had a vocabulary of less than 50 words. This may be justifiable for a NL front-end to a computer system such as a Database...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:21
How To Make Cities More Resilient A Handbook For Local Government Leaders doc
... Ready! ESSENTIAL 8: Protect ecosystems and natu- Protect ecosystems and natu- ral buffers to mitigate hazards, ral buffers to mitigate hazards, adapt to climate change adapt to climate change ... informal institutional mechanisms that will allow all actors to take ownership of the plan. ã Establish partnerships and alliances at the local, national and international level for implementation ... Commission); academia and private sector companies, through the UNISDR Private Sector Advisory Group; national associations of local governments; and national authorities and National Platforms for Disaster...
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how to sound intelligent in japanese a vocabulary builder
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How to be happy at work a practical guide to career satisfication (2003)
... a health-care administra- tor, always wanted to be a doctor. But, as a (pre–civil rights) African- American male, he encountered too much racial discrimination to pursue his dream. He was determined ... youth-oriented world of network radio. So he decided to switch gears to consulting and was able to convince a small Chicago station to create a spot for him. As a consultant, he was able to help station executives ... sufficient. You need to make money at work that is meaningful to you. When I was growing up, my parents shared a dream for my brother to become either an accountant or a tax attorney. This reflected...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 12:23
how to collect when you win a lawsuit 4th (1999)
... judgment may be collected as if it had been initially awarded by a federal court within California. If the debtor threatens to file for bankruptcy, how can you assess whether he's a real candidate ... In addition, the parole board may may order him to make restitution payments as a condition of remaining free. As a victim due restitution, you can act as a squeaky wheel to make sure the appropriate ... rules apply, the forms may not. Instead, you will have to use forms for enforcing federal court judgments. One book that might help, available at a law library, is West's Federal Forms, forms...
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one more zero. how to trade the forex like a pro in one hour
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 15:51