how to teach writing skills ppt

Tài liệu How to book: Writing Business Letters pptx

Tài liệu How to book: Writing Business Letters pptx

... invitation 163 Writing to the Inland Revenue 164 Writing to the Customs and Excise 165 Writing to your solicitor 166 Writing to your bank/building society 167 Writing a letter to do with property 168 Writing ... property 168 Writing a letter about money owed to you 169 Writing to a publisher 170 Writing a letter to a newspaper 171 Writing to your MP 172 Action points 173 Suggested answers to assignments in Chapters 2-4 ... > Page 4 Other books by the same author How to Communicate at Work How to Manage an Office How to Return to Work Published by How To Books Ltd, 3 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE. United...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 20:20

193 428 0
How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

...   How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 50 AssessingGrammarProficiency  AuthenticAssessment Justasmechanicaldrillsdonot teach studentsthelanguage, mechanicaltestquestionsdonotassesstheirability to useitin authenticways.Inorder to provideauthenticassessmentofstudents’ grammarproficiency,anevaluationmustreflectreal‐lifeusesof grammarincontext.Thismeansthattheactivitymusthaveapurpose otherthanassessmentandrequirestudents to demonstratetheirlevel ofgrammarproficiencybycompletingsometask. To developauthenticassessmentactivities,beginwiththetypesof tasksthatstudentswillactuallyneed to dousingthelanguage. Assessmentcanthentaketheformofcommunicativedrillsand communicativeactivitieslikethoseusedintheteachingprocess. Forexample,theactivitybasedonaudiotapesofpublicaddress announcementscanbeconvertedintoanassessmentbyhaving studentsrespondorallyorin writing to questionsaboutasimilartape. Inthistypeofassessment,theinstructorusesachecklistorrubric to evaluatethestudent’sunderstandingand/oruseofgrammarin context. Mechanicaltestsdoserveone purpose:Theymotivatestudents to memorize.Theycanthereforeserveas prompts to encouragememorization ofirregularformsandvocabulary items.Becausetheytestonlymemory capacity,notlanguageability,theyare bestusedasquizzesandgiven relativelylittleweightinevaluating studentperformanceandprogress. ... OvertGrammarInstruction  Adultstudentsappreciateandbenefitfromdirectinstructionthat allowsthem to applycriticalthinking skills to languagelearning. Instructorscantakeadvantageofthisbyprovidingexplanationsthat givestudentsadescriptiveunderstanding(declarativeknowledge)of eachpointofgrammar. Downloadthegrammarebookfor thiscourseat:  andworkallthewaythroughit. HowtoTeachTOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 2 HowtoTeach TOEFLđTOEICđIELTSđ andOtherStandardizedExaminations SecondEdition CopyrightâTEFLeBooksdotcom Allrightsreserved. Permissiongrantedtoreproducepartsofthis publicationaslongasattributionisnoted. ThisebookwasdevelopedincooperationwithTEFLBootCamp Tohelpusdoabetterjobofhelpingyou,wewouldappreciate youropinionaboutthisebook.Pleasetakeourfast,easyand confidentialsurveyhere:CLICKHERE ... Speaking(11–14minutes). TheListening,Readingand Writing testsaredoneinonesitting.The Speakingtestmaybeonthesamedayorup to sevendaysbeforeor aftertheothertests. D.PracticeTestingandrecalibratinggoals  Afterareasonableperiodofstudy,haveyourstudentstakeaprogress testandre‐evaluatetheirgoalsbasedontheirperformance.Notwo studentswillbeexactlythesameandgoalsshouldbeindividualized. FreeResourcesfromIELTS DownloadavarietyofPDFfiles thatprovideassistanceand instructionforallthesections oftheIELTSexaminationaswellastheIELTS GuideforTeachersat:    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 43 To addressthedeclarativeknowledge/proceduralknowledgedichotomy, teachersandstudentscanapplyseveralstrategies. 1....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

97 2,1K 5
Learning to teach writing through tutoring and journal writing ppt

Learning to teach writing through tutoring and journal writing ppt

... last, I could have a chance to meet my student! I was a little nervous, not knowing what to teach and how to start to teach. It was my first time teaching somebody how to write in English. Besides, ... criteria can direct tutors as to what to look for in a given piece Learning to teach writing 333 (e) Tutoring benefits the student by providing teachers with opportunities to address the specific ... activities. Helping pre-service teachers to tutor students in writing The pre-service teachers in the writing methods course learned about the history of writing instruction and writing theories, writers’...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

22 609 1
Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

... them to write in the chart paper the problem (topic assigned to each group), its definition, causes, and effects, leading to a possible solution. 5. Ask them to link the subtopics and topic ... children means transfer of knowledge to their peers and parents to have multiplier effect. This toolkit aims to help teachers, parents and educators to provide correct and best information ... Symptoms—Note key symptoms or behaviors in the patient. Pollutant most likely to be associated with or causing symptoms-Note the pollutant most likely to be associated with or cause these symptoms. ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

74 409 0
How to IELTS Writing

How to IELTS Writing

... of your main points. How to prepare for IELTS - Writing 18 ã Think about the topics that could be used for this task. For example, Technology Crime Tourism Transport Education ... Writing (downloadable booklet (p.41-450) with sample task and answer & strategies including using connectives). How to prepare for IELTS - Writing 19 General tips for Writing Before ... vocabulary? 9 used a variety of connective words? How to prepare for IELTS - Writing 2 Details of the Writing Test Procedure of the test The writing test is the third test you do on the test...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 10:49

10 1,7K 68
How to teach reading (lớp 12)

How to teach reading (lớp 12)

... reading contents FINAL NOTES  Careful pre-teaching  better understanding  Understand the text first, answer questions later  Being able to relate to the reading contents  students more interested  Answering ... the questions  Check to make sure students understand the questions WHILE-YOU-READ  Develop skills  Skimming: Which sentence = most important  Vocab-in-context: How you arrive at the ... WHILE-YOU-READ  Help students to understand the text before get them to answer the questions  Timeline  Table/Chart  Map  Visuals WHILE-YOU-READ  Reduce the load  Break the passage into smaller parts  Unit...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

10 638 0
Tài liệu The Investing Secrets of Warren Buffett—and how to profit from them pptx

Tài liệu The Investing Secrets of Warren Buffett—and how to profit from them pptx

... youll discover how to use Conscious Investor: ắ To know precisely what price to pay for great companies under your margin of safety. ắ To access powerful what if analysis tools to test the ... everyday investors. To listen to Professor Price describing how he got started with Conscious Investor, click here or go to To make it even easier to make ... ã Discover how to know precisely what price to pay for great companies based on your own margin of safety. ã Learn how to access powerful what if analysis tools to allow you to test the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15

27 619 1
Tài liệu How to Crack CD Protections pptx

Tài liệu How to Crack CD Protections pptx

... Hrp! This tutorial is written by FANATIK, member of the #WAREZFRANCE CREW. It is the second part of my first tutorial: RiPPing Tutorial, that explains all about RiPPing except how to crack the ... because we are going to copy the hole CD to it… before you do that: some games have am option, when Installing, to Install the full game to the CD (but still needing it to play), use it if ... H at the end!. - Open Hiew, F4 to Decode, F5 to seach the line, and change the command – 90 for every 1 byte. - F10 to save and then get out, don’t forget to test! ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

4 331 0
Tài liệu How To Read A Book pptx

Tài liệu How To Read A Book pptx

... being stopped, corrected, and shown how. But it certainly can be done. Too many men have done it to leave the possibility in doubt. It is never too late to begin, but we all have reason to be ... been puzzled to know how to overcome a derprivation they need not to regret too much. It is for student in shool and college who may occasionally wonder how to help themselves to education. ... other tools at hand to help him. The Syntopicon, comprising Volumes 2 and 3 of Great Books of the Western World, is a different kind of guide to reading. How to Read a Book is intended to help...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 21:15

201 686 0
Tài liệu How To Negotiate An Increase pptx

Tài liệu How To Negotiate An Increase pptx

... else" threats, no matter how emotionally satisfying. This allows you to save face if your request is denied. You can take time to think things over, and either make plans to leave or make clear ... well in today's economy. 2. "Bring solid documentation of what you've done to help the company," suggests Schwimmer, "and, anticipating that you'll refer to your ... "In fact," says Schwimmer, "you might want to ask for twice as much as you think you're going to get, so you can negotiate down to an acceptable level." 4. Role play your request...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 15:20

2 343 0
Tài liệu e-National Bank:How to Establish Effective Communication ppt

Tài liệu e-National Bank:How to Establish Effective Communication ppt

... indicators. There are no any economical indicators at the first page. 15. E-mail address to sand feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag). No, there is no address to sand feedback to ... first page. 14. Current economic indicators. There are some current economic indicators. 15. E-mail address to sand feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag). No e-mail address (see ... page 2. Current economic indicators 3. E-mail address to send feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag 5 ) Up-dated Information This criterion refers to statistics and news. We look...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

36 347 0

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