how to teach writing skill in senior high school

How to teach writing in english 11 effectively at nga son high school

How to teach writing in english 11 effectively at nga son high school

... writing is teaching the students how to write, not to test their writing. When teaching writing skill to the 11th students of Nga Son High School I found the problems in teaching and learning writing ... writing - Discussing - Brainstorming - Observing and interpreting photos or artwork - Watching video clips - Using writing templates/ frames / cloze exercises - Mapping - Brain writing - Using ... How to teach Writing in English 11 effetively at Nga Son High School [DOCUMEN teachers.Teachers should help students progress beyond very controlled writing to free writing by guiding their writing

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:37

20 261 0
How to teach speaking skill to 11 graders in a communicative way effectively a case study at nguyen trai high school m a  60 14 10

How to teach speaking skill to 11 graders in a communicative way effectively a case study at nguyen trai high school m a 60 14 10

... questionnaire for teachers was delivered to Vietnamese teachers of English at NTHS to investigate their current ways of teaching English speaking skill It aims at finding out how much teachers can ... reactions to the two ways of teaching speaking skill during the experimental time In the experiment, 90 students were divided into two groups of equal ability They were trained for 16 weeks in the ... speaking activities 48 Table 4.4 : Teachers’ intention of creating communicative need 48 Table 4.5: Teachers’ frequency of using oral communicative activities in teaching English speaking skill

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 11:25

132 0 0
How to teach speaking skill to 11 graders in a communicative way effectively a case study at nguyen trai high school m a 60 14 10

How to teach speaking skill to 11 graders in a communicative way effectively a case study at nguyen trai high school m a 60 14 10

... questionnaire for teachers was delivered to Vietnamese teachers of English at NTHS to investigate their current ways of teaching English speaking skill It aims at finding out how much teachers can ... reactions to the two ways of teaching speaking skill during the experimental time In the experiment, 90 students were divided into two groups of equal ability They were trained for 16 weeks in the ... speaking activities 48 Table 4.4 : Teachers’ intention of creating communicative need 48 Table 4.5: Teachers’ frequency of using oral communicative activities in teaching English speaking skill

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2023, 02:46

132 1 0


... experience in teaching writing in TIENG ANH 12 II/ CONTENTS : How to teach Writing in Tieng Anh 12 effectively? 1/ The problems in teaching and learning English through Writing and the solutions to them ... writing • discussing • brainstorming • observing and interpreting photos or artwork • watching video clips • using writing templates/ frames / cloze exercises • mapping • Brain writing • Using ... writing is teaching the students how to write , not to test their writing Today, I would like to discuss some difficulties in teaching and learning English through writing and the solutions to

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:31

19 834 1
How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

... different high schools in Ho Chi Minh City were also surveyed in an effort to identify problems and potential solutions to the inadequacy of CLLE in Vietnamese high school curriculum The data obtained ... provides high schools teachers of English with some knowledge of culture learning in language education (CLLE) and American culture in order to satisfy students' demands in this increasingly internationalized ... Listening Speaking Reading Writing Cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries Other (please specify): 17 By placing an X in a box in each row, please indicate what you would like to see

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 15:24

155 0 0
How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

How to teach american culture in a vietnamese high school curriculum; some suggestions on how to present american public holidays and festivals

... different high schools in Ho Chi Minh City were also surveyed in an effort to identify problems and potential solutions to the inadequacy of CLLE in Vietnamese high school curriculum The data obtained ... provides high schools teachers of English with some knowledge of culture learning in language education (CLLE) and American culture in order to satisfy students' demands in this increasingly internationalized ... Listening Speaking Reading Writing Cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries Other (please specify): 17 By placing an X in a box in each row, please indicate what you would like to see

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2023, 02:50

155 1 0
How to improve listening skill in TOEIC test - the case of short conversations and questions and responses

How to improve listening skill in TOEIC test - the case of short conversations and questions and responses

... (usually in banana leaves) into small, boxy rolls before being stored for natural fermentation process for three to five days in a cool place before eating Many translators would like to keep ... Southeast Asian countries In addition to being added to dishes during the cooking process, fish sauce can also be used in mixed form as a dipping condiment, and it is done in many different ways ... dried before storing in a bottle to eat gradually People often add seasoning, soup and fish sauce to flavour the dish Today, Ruoc is served with bread, xoi (steamed glutinous rice) becoming delicious

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 21:20

61 206 0


... Xoan singing in Phu Tho Province was inscribed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2011 According to to UNESCO: Xoan singing is practiced in Phú Tho Province, ... Roulston Aims of the study - To introduce the importance of music in daily life - To show many kinds of music in the world in the general, in Viet Nam in specific - To bring teachers confidence in ... effective teaching methods During the last ten years, the implementation of innovation of teaching method in lang Chanh High school in general, in Foreign Language group particularly has initially gained

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 20:16

21 105 0
How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

... in studying it For teachers Some teachers have no time to prepare teaching aids because they have to teach a lot of grades and classes Some teachers tents to focus on these rulers and forms in ... TRAINING NHU THANH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCED INNOVATION TOPIC:" HOW TO TEACH LANGUAGE FOCUS IN GRADE EFFECTIVELY" Writer: Tran Thi Hoa Office: Teacher Address: Ben Sung town ... of program in grade is much more difficult than in grade and In grade 8, students have to study skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing separately that are different from in grade and

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2019, 13:52

22 82 0
How to teach reading skill effectively

How to teach reading skill effectively

... during my life of teaching , such as experiences in teaching Listening , experiences in teaching speaking, experiences in teaching reading and experiences in teaching writing In this material , ... 2.Sub-skills in teaching reading 3.Principles of teaching reading 4.Steps for presenting a reading text 5.Some purposes of reading texts 6.Techniques of teaching reading 7.Main skills of reading ... reading text in order to present the language * The reading text in order to teach students reading skills HOW TO EXPLOIT THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXTS : 1.Exploiting the reading text in order

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2019, 13:52

20 130 0
How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

... in studying it For teachers Some teachers have no time to prepare teaching aids because they have to teach a lot of grades and classes Some teachers tents to focus on these rulers and forms in ... TRAINING NHU THANH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCED INNOVATION TOPIC:" HOW TO TEACH LANGUAGE FOCUS IN GRADE EFFECTIVELY" Writer: Tran Thi Hoa Office: Teacher Address: Ben Sung town ... of program in grade is much more difficult than in grade and In grade 8, students have to study skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing separately that are different from in grade and

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:49

22 46 0
How to teach reading skill effectively

How to teach reading skill effectively

... during my life of teaching , such as experiences in teaching Listening , experiences in teaching speaking, experiences in teaching reading and experiences in teaching writing In this material , ... 2.Sub-skills in teaching reading 3.Principles of teaching reading 4.Steps for presenting a reading text 5.Some purposes of reading texts 6.Techniques of teaching reading 7.Main skills of reading ... reading text in order to present the language * The reading text in order to teach students reading skills HOW TO EXPLOIT THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXTS : 1.Exploiting the reading text in order

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:49

20 92 0
An investigation into the need to develop writing skill in sales at amaccao concrete plant

An investigation into the need to develop writing skill in sales at amaccao concrete plant

... considered taking short business writing skill courses and committed to enhancing writing skill in the most efficient ways During this investigation, due to the limited time and knowledge, making some ... questions in detail: Question No Question content What are the difficulties in writing skill in Sales at Amaccao Concrete Plant? In your opinion, how important to business is writing skill in English? ... Teaching English Writing- Essential Language teaching Series (London: The Macmilan Publisher ,Ltd,)) 12 RMIT University (2008), Writing skill for Business online training 13 Siedle, R 1996, Writing

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 16:15

49 66 0
How to motivate students at lang chanh high school to learn english by using pairwork and groupwork in the lesson unit 6  an excursion part a  reading, english 10 textbook

How to motivate students at lang chanh high school to learn english by using pairwork and groupwork in the lesson unit 6 an excursion part a reading, english 10 textbook

... study, my main interests are: - To introduce how to groupwork and to show the advantages of working in pairs and groups - To show how to organise a groupwork effectively and how to deal withinitial ... EDUCATION AND TRAINING LANG CHANH HIGH SCHOOL THANH HÓA, 2020 EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE Title: HOW TO MOTIVE STUDENTS AT LANG CHANH HIGH SCHOOL TO LEARN ENGLISH BY USING PAIRWORK AND GROUPWORK IN THE LESSON"UNIT ... students to be active in the class by giving chance to suggest or giving opinion to solve problems in an experiment activity for instance, ask the students what type of teaching and learning which

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 11:36

22 46 0
How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

How to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

... in studying it For teachers Some teachers have no time to prepare teaching aids because they have to teach a lot of grades and classes Some teachers tents to focus on these rulers and forms in ... TRAINING NHU THANH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCED INNOVATION TOPIC:" HOW TO TEACH LANGUAGE FOCUS IN GRADE EFFECTIVELY" Writer: Tran Thi Hoa Office: Teacher Address: Ben Sung town ... of program in grade is much more difficult than in grade and In grade 8, students have to study skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing separately that are different from in grade and

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2020, 20:20

25 25 0
How to teach reading skill effectively

How to teach reading skill effectively

... during my life of teaching , such as experiences in teaching Listening , experiences in teaching speaking, experiences in teaching reading and experiences in teaching writing In this material , ... 2.Sub-skills in teaching reading 3.Principles of teaching reading 4.Steps for presenting a reading text 5.Some purposes of reading texts 6.Techniques of teaching reading 7.Main skills of reading ... reading text in order to present the language * The reading text in order to teach students reading skills HOW TO EXPLOIT THE TWO KINDS OF READING TEXTS : 1.Exploiting the reading text in order

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2020, 20:21

20 62 0
How to improve listening skill in TOEIC test the case of short conversations and questions and responses

How to improve listening skill in TOEIC test the case of short conversations and questions and responses

... (usually in banana leaves) into small, boxy rolls before being stored for natural fermentation process for three to five days in a cool place before eating Many translators would like to keep ... Southeast Asian countries In addition to being added to dishes during the cooking process, fish sauce can also be used in mixed form as a dipping condiment, and it is done in many different ways ... dried before storing in a bottle to eat gradually People often add seasoning, soup and fish sauce to flavour the dish Today, Ruoc is served with bread, xoi (steamed glutinous rice) becoming delicious

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 08:14

61 15 0


... to the concept of blended learning in general, and to the flipped classroom in particular, it also can play an incredibly important role in creating a motivated, autonomous learning mindset in ... receiving different kinds of information Some examples include communicating new ideas, feelings or even an update on your project Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and ... communication skills in ESL class 2.3 Advantages of learning communication skills through films 2.4 The setting of the study 2.5 How to teach communication skills through films in EFL class 2.6 Applying

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2021, 21:06

20 19 0
(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) how to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) how to teach langguage focus in grade 8 effectively

... in studying it For teachers Some teachers have no time to prepare teaching aids because they have to teach a lot of grades and classes Some teachers tents to focus on these rulers and forms in ... TRAINING NHU THANH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCED INNOVATION TOPIC:" HOW TO TEACH LANGUAGE FOCUS IN GRADE EFFECTIVELY" Writer: Tran Thi Hoa Office: Teacher Address: Ben Sung town ... of program in grade is much more difficult than in grade and In grade 8, students have to study skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing separately that are different from in grade and

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2021, 22:07

22 11 0
How to teach writing docx

How to teach writing docx

... Why is writing useful? Writing is…  a way to reinforce language  a way to develop language  a style of learning language  a skill ○ genre-based writing (writing letters, postcards, invitation, ... exercises  reading available texts  dictaclog  altering dictation  … Writing as a process Brainstorming Making notes Writing a draft Editing Producing another draft Proof-reading TOPIC ... etc.) ○ process writing (stages a writer goes through) What relate to eective writing? 2. Able to communicate a message (fluency-based)  generating ideas  gathering information  organizing ideas...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

10 1,3K 5