how to teach english ppt

how to teach english

how to teach english

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 07:30

208 1.6K 4
How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

...   How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 50 AssessingGrammarProficiency  AuthenticAssessment Justasmechanicaldrillsdonot teach studentsthelanguage, mechanicaltestquestionsdonotassesstheirability to useitin authenticways.Inorder to provideauthenticassessmentofstudents’ grammarproficiency,anevaluationmustreflectreal‐lifeusesof grammarincontext.Thismeansthattheactivitymusthaveapurpose otherthanassessmentandrequirestudents to demonstratetheirlevel ofgrammarproficiencybycompletingsometask. To developauthenticassessmentactivities,beginwiththetypesof tasksthatstudentswillactuallyneed to dousingthelanguage. Assessmentcanthentaketheformofcommunicativedrillsand communicativeactivitieslikethoseusedintheteachingprocess. Forexample,theactivitybasedonaudiotapesofpublicaddress announcementscanbeconvertedintoanassessmentbyhaving studentsrespondorallyorinwriting to questionsaboutasimilartape. Inthistypeofassessment,theinstructorusesachecklistorrubric to evaluatethestudent’sunderstandingand/oruseofgrammarin context. Mechanicaltestsdoserveone purpose:Theymotivatestudents to memorize.Theycanthereforeserveas prompts to encouragememorization ofirregularformsandvocabulary items.Becausetheytestonlymemory capacity,notlanguageability,theyare bestusedasquizzesandgiven relativelylittleweightinevaluating studentperformanceandprogress. ... OvertGrammarInstruction  Adultstudentsappreciateandbenefitfromdirectinstructionthat allowsthem to applycriticalthinkingskills to languagelearning. Instructorscantakeadvantageofthisbyprovidingexplanationsthat givestudentsadescriptiveunderstanding(declarativeknowledge)of eachpointofgrammar. Downloadthegrammarebookfor thiscourseat:  andworkallthewaythroughit. HowtoTeachTOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 2 HowtoTeach TOEFLđTOEICđIELTSđ andOtherStandardizedExaminations SecondEdition CopyrightâTEFLeBooksdotcom Allrightsreserved. Permissiongrantedtoreproducepartsofthis publicationaslongasattributionisnoted. ThisebookwasdevelopedincooperationwithTEFLBootCamp Tohelpusdoabetterjobofhelpingyou,wewouldappreciate youropinionaboutthisebook.Pleasetakeourfast,easyand confidentialsurveyhere:CLICKHERE ... Speaking(11–14minutes). TheListening,ReadingandWritingtestsaredoneinonesitting.The Speakingtestmaybeonthesamedayorup to sevendaysbeforeor aftertheothertests. D.PracticeTestingandrecalibratinggoals  Afterareasonableperiodofstudy,haveyourstudentstakeaprogress testandre‐evaluatetheirgoalsbasedontheirperformance.Notwo studentswillbeexactlythesameandgoalsshouldbeindividualized. FreeResourcesfromIELTS DownloadavarietyofPDFfiles thatprovideassistanceand instructionforallthesections oftheIELTSexaminationaswellastheIELTS GuideforTeachersat:    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 43 To addressthedeclarativeknowledge/proceduralknowledgedichotomy, teachersandstudentscanapplyseveralstrategies. 1....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

97 2.1K 5
How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

... following purposes:  To do research teachers‘ and students‘ attitude and expectations about teaching countable and uncountable nouns through some techniques.  To study how to teach countable and ... background‖ focuses on the way teaching English grammar and techniques to teach. - Chapter 2; ―The study on learning and teaching English at Hai Phong Private University‖ refers to the survey questionnaire ... learning English? This question to find how students are interested in learning English and just 11% give native response to this question. Most students see the importance and the demand of English...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 17:21

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Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

... them to write in the chart paper the problem (topic assigned to each group), its definition, causes, and effects, leading to a possible solution. 5. Ask them to link the subtopics and topic ... children means transfer of knowledge to their peers and parents to have multiplier effect. This toolkit aims to help teachers, parents and educators to provide correct and best information ... Symptoms—Note key symptoms or behaviors in the patient. Pollutant most likely to be associated with or causing symptoms-Note the pollutant most likely to be associated with or cause these symptoms. ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

74 409 0
How to teach reading (lớp 12)

How to teach reading (lớp 12)

... reading contents FINAL NOTES  Careful pre-teaching  better understanding  Understand the text first, answer questions later  Being able to relate to the reading contents  students more interested  Answering ... WHILE-YOU-READ  Help students to understand the text before get them to answer the questions  Timeline  Table/Chart  Map  Visuals WHILE-YOU-READ  Reduce the load  Break the passage into smaller parts  Unit ... the questions  Check to make sure students understand the questions WHILE-YOU-READ  Develop skills  Skimming: Which sentence = most important  Vocab-in-context: How you arrive at the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

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How To Learn English

How To Learn English

... Jolie or Jenifer Aniston I'm sure their "hot" stories will attract you You try to read, try to undestand what happened and try to translate into Vietnamese (to tell the others for "Eight" ... to correct, you go farther! just my own ways to learn English. They are very helpful for me to improve my English so I want to share them with you. Of course, it's not enough for you to ... know how to express your feelings in English. You can use a dictionary to search the words you need. Right or Wrong is not important. The importance is you can write what you want to write in English...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 08:15

2 1.2K 9
How to learn English well

How to learn English well

... make a cake vv… Động từ kép: to grow up, to fell off, to look after vv Ngữ cố định: on the other hand, in my opinion, by the way vv Thành ngữ: once in a blue moon, to be over the moon, out of ... How to learn English well Internet đã mang đến nhiều lợi ích cho người học ngoại ngữ. Bạn có thể tìm thấy rất...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 16:15

2 2.1K 10
Bài giảng How to speak English well

Bài giảng How to speak English well

... Ways to Learn to Speak English Well By Ellie Kuykendall, eHow Contributor Books for Learning English Millions of people work on learning English every day. Especially ... reading ability by reading all the words that show up on the bottom of the screen. Listen to Audio Materials 2. Listen to tapes or CDs to learn how English is pronounced and spoken. There are many ... read and listen to English, the easier it will be to speak it well. Watch TV 1. Watch TV in English. It is tempting to watch television in your native language rather than trying to understand...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 11:11

2 1.2K 9
Tài liệu How to Learn English easily and faster docx

Tài liệu How to Learn English easily and faster docx

... bài thi TOEIC: ĐỂ ĐẠT ĐIỂM CAO TRONG BÀI THI TOEIC Rules 5 - Stop studying grammar ã Ngay bõy gi hóy từ bỏ việc học ngữ pháp nếu bạn muốn nói ting anh Automatically Without thinking! ã English ... thực hiện từng bước một Share ã Bỏo cỏo bi vit ny ã Tr li kèm trích dẫn [Sưu tầm] - How to Learn English easily and faster gửi bởi ... taken place? B: It was planned to be on Friday, but as Mr John’s fllight was delayed we changed it to Monday next week. A: When will Mr John arrive? B: He said to me that he will arrive on Sunday. …...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 04:20

11 1.3K 5
Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

... USE ****************************** iv Introduction How to Teach This Module This section contains information that will help you to teach this module. Welcome students to the course and introduce yourself. ... will be able to configure a DataAdapter to retrieve information, populate a DataSet by using a DataAdapter, configure a DataAdapter to modify information, persist data changes to a server, ... you to identify students who may not have the appropriate background or experience to attend this course. Briefly describe each module and what students will learn. Be careful not to go into...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

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The House Fly and How to Suppress It pptx

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... Gutenberg-tm, including how to make donations to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, how to help produce our new eBooks, and how to subscribe to our email newsletter to hear about new ... further opportunities to fix the problem. The House Fly and How to Suppress It, by 16 The House Fly and How to Suppress It, by The House Fly and How to Suppress It, by L. O. Howard and F. C. Bishopp ... DUNLAP. Director of Scientific Work A. F. WOODS. Director of Regulatory Work WALTER G. CAMPBELL. Director of Extension Work C. W. WARBURTON. _Director of Personnel and Business Administration_ W. W. STOCKBERGER. Director...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

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“How To Invest” series pptx

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... Assume that you have $10,000 to invest and you want to earn five-year rates but you don’t want to ever have to wait more than one year to get penalty-free access to some of your money. Start ... books are donated to The Merriman Financial Educational Foundation, which is dedicated to providing comprehensive financial education to investors, with information and tools to make informed ... likely to be actively engaged in the business for the rest of my lifetime – and still available to help my heirs. An advisor closer to my own age might decide to retire before I was ready to give...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20

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How to use English effectively in a formal meeting

How to use English effectively in a formal meeting

... Bringing in to answer a question: - If I may, I would like to ask my colleague Mrs to reply to that - I think Ms is more qualified than I am to dealt with this question - I would like to ask my ... colleague Ms… to give her views on that e/ Bringing in to present a point: - I would like to call on Mrs… present her views on… - Allow me to give the floor to Ms… - Mr , would you like to come ... of saying: “That is too late” “It would be a good idea to involve the French” We say: “Is that too late? “Would it be a good idea to involve the French? c/ Adding not to suggestions The...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:16

53 584 0