How To Learn English
... to correct, you go farther! just my own ways to learn English. They are very helpful for me to improve my English so I want to share them with you. Of course, it's not enough for you to ... Jolie or Jenifer Aniston I'm sure their "hot" stories will attract you You try to read, try to undestand what happened and try to translate into Vietnamese (to tell the others for "Eight" ... know how to express your feelings in English. You can use a dictionary to search the words you need. Right or Wrong is not important. The importance is you can write what you want to write in English...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 08:15
... going to spend your language learning hours depends on your objectives. We’re going to presume here that whatever language you choose to learn, you want to learn well. If you merely want to learn ... such notoriously poor language learners up to now is twofold: 1. We’ve never really had to learn other peoples’ languages before, and 2. Almost all foreign language instruction available to the ... strange to some (and wildly objectionable to others) to recommend do it yourself language cassettes starring you in the language you are trying to learn. Orthodox language teachers are likely to...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 13:15
... thực hiện từng bước một Share ã Bỏo cỏo bi vit ny ã Tr li kèm trích dẫn [Sưu tầm] - How to Learn English easily and faster gửi bởi ... bài thi TOEIC: ĐỂ ĐẠT ĐIỂM CAO TRONG BÀI THI TOEIC Rules 5 - Stop studying grammar ã Ngay bõy gi hóy từ bỏ việc học ngữ pháp nếu bạn muốn nói ting anh Automatically Without thinking! ã English ... English Is A Word Language Not A Grammar Language !!! Rules 6 - The Most Important Rule Listen First (Hóy nghe trc) ã Listening, listening, listening . ã Listen only to real English. Rules 7 -...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 04:20
how to learn any language quickly, easily, inexpensively, enjoyably and on your own
... investi- gate how our language actually functions, and how we can construct a workable systematic de- scription of how it functions; the answers to those questions will then determine the answers to the ... con- siderable attention to below. COMMONSENSE KNOWLEDGE, ONTOLOGY AND ORIDNARY LANGUAGE 47 ã a reference to a type (in the ontology): X P X ( :: )( ( )) t ; ã a reference to an object of a certain ... COMMONSENSE KNOWLEDGE, ONTOLOGY AND ORIDNARY LANGUAGE 55 (54a) and (45b) erroneously entail (45c). However, we be- lieve that the embedding of ontological types into the prop- erties and relations...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:02
Sustaining an Interest in Learning English and Increasing the Motivation to Learn English
... the English language input is limited and non-conducive to learning the target language, teachers need to find creative ways to teach the language and increase the student's motivation to ... previous language learning experience) Based on this brief discussion, we believe that teachers are able to drive the students to learn the language and to sustain studentsâ interest in language learning ... non-specialists, is the attempt to sustain genuine interest in continuing to learn English and to use the English language once the examinations are over. Teachers have to create a healthy balance...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Motivating grade 11 students to learn english through examination taking strategy training at yen thanh 2
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:43
Bài giảng How to speak English well
... Ways to Learn to Speak English Well By Ellie Kuykendall, eHow Contributor Books for Learning English Millions of people work on learning English every day. Especially ... reading ability by reading all the words that show up on the bottom of the screen. Listen to Audio Materials 2. Listen to tapes or CDs to learn how English is pronounced and spoken. There are many ... read and listen to English, the easier it will be to speak it well. Watch TV 1. Watch TV in English. It is tempting to watch television in your native language rather than trying to understand...
Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 11:11
Rule 7 to learn english fast
... it. You learn to answer questions quickly– without thinking. Your English becomes automatic. How can you use Listen & Answer Stories? Easy! Find a native speaker tutor. Ask him to use this ... Listen to this rule- 10 times while reading, 10 times without reading. Download the audio now. 2. Ask your native speaker tutor to create Listen & Respond stories Ask them to record the stories Listen ... him to tell a story… and to constantly ask you easy questions about it. This will teach you to think quickly in English! You can also find Listen & Answer lessons. They will teach you to think...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2014, 11:31
Tài liệu 7 Secrets to learn English docx
... can try to learn about Word Stress. This is one of the "best" ways for you to understand spoken English - especially English spoken fast. What is Word Stress? Take 3 words: photograph, ... an English teacher, ask her to help you understand Word Stress. Try to hear the stress in words each time you listen to English - on the radio, or in films for example. Your first step is to ... DON'T WANT to GO to WORK at NIGHT. It's impossible to explain everything about Sentence Stress in this email. The important thing for you is that you know it exists and try to learn about...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 08:20
Producing Open Source Software - How to Run a Successful Free Software Project pptx
... guidelines for how to have real-time discussions in large groups, how to make sure important dissents are not lost in floods of "me-too" comments, how to form subcommittees, how to recognize when ... knowing what one meant to say and helping one find the right way to say it. It has been an honor to work with him. Thanks also to Chuck Toporek for steering this proposal to Andy right away. Brian ... persuade all these people to stick together long enough to produce something useful? The answer to that question is complex enough to occupy the rest of this book, but if it had to be expressed in one...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22
How to use English effectively in a formal meeting
... members, friends or our close staffs we, to some extent can freely to choose and use language to communicate with them, for instance, we may use slang, body language and other signals provided that ... of language in a formal meeting. The third chapter is responsible for discussing the topic in terms of its benefits to every English learner, which raise some problems encountered by learners ... Bringing in to answer a question: - If I may, I would like to ask my colleague Mrs to reply to that - I think Ms is more qualified than I am to dealt with this question - I would like to ask my...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:16
A study on techniques to learn English idioms and proverbs
... “like” is used to signal the comparison: To drink like a fish To eat like a horse To fight like cat and dog To fit like a glove To go like the wind To run like a hare To shake / tremble ... hare To shake / tremble like a leaf To smoke like a chimney To spend money like water To spread like wildfire To take to something like a duck to water To work like a Trojan Etc. These ... freshness to what they have to say. (http://www .how- to- /language- arts/12/similes/) 2. Body-related idioms: There are many English idiomatic expressions relating to...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 09:17
Producing Open Source Software How to Run a Successful Free Software Project docx
... guidelines for how to have real-time discussions in large groups, how to make sure important dissents are not lost in floods of "me-too" comments, how to form subcommittees, how to recognize when ... For mature projects, they want to know how actively it is maintained, how often it puts out new releases, how responsive it is likely to be to bug reports, etc. To answer these questions, you ... then up to that human to resolve the conflict, and to communicate that resolution to the version control system. lock A way to declare an exclusive intent to change a particular file or directory....
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20
Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners doc
... Language Learners Trainer Guide Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners Introduction to the module: Adult learners of English have many reasons for wanting to write. Many need to write ... Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners III-E-57 Trainer Notes The CAELA Guide for Adult ESL Trainers Teaching Writing to Adult English Language Learners Workshop Evaluation Expectations ... they are learning in the classroom. e purpose of this module is to prepare teachers of adult English language learners to teach writing. is is broadly defined as teaching learners to communicate...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
What is necessary to learn English well? pot
... learning and teaching English as a foreign language is that all English learners want to speak English well; however, most learners don't want to spend time on learning English on their own. ... want to do. Typical learner vs. motivated learner What is necessary to learn English well? What is necessary to learn English well? Changing your life. Learning English requires action. ... don't want to spend their time on learning English is that they associate learning English with unpleasant things. When they think "learning English& quot;, they think about boring English...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 03:21