... Purposes Entertain Give information Persuade Explain Describe Give instructions Talking and Listening RANGE OF PURPOSES Getting on with others Finding out Asking questions Explaining Giving information Persuading Giving ... for different purposes: - for enjoyment and relaxation; to find information; - reading and explaining instructions; - reading articles from local/national newspapers. Value and show an interest ... Sharing S Success! Writing Process Thinking and talking about type, purpose, audience Gathering ideas/information Organising What you have to say (Content) Drafting Editing Checking...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 03:10
... summer internships. Be prepared to start at the bottom, prove yourself to be a valuable extra pair of hands, and in return you’ll get an insight into the industry as well as a fantastic talking point ... targeted your application, the better your chance of being noticed and singled out. Don’t forget to read the marketing and trade press in your university library or regularly visit the on-line ... applications to wade through, a spelling mistake is enough to put your application straight in the bin. 4. Use a PC to produce your CV and application letter. Anyone entering into PR is expected to be...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20
How to Lose Your Accent in (American) English potx
... safe to do this. You're not lying to anybody just imagining. It's like acting in a play. After you've pretended for a few minutes, you can always go back and be yourself again ... you first learned to say 'hello' in English? Everybody has told you all your life that it's in principle impossible to lose or improve your accent? Wrong. Losing your accent does ... back of your tongue so high toward the velum pronounce it much farther toward the front of your mouth - even between your lips and your front teeth. I don't perceive a shift in color for...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:21
how to change your name in california 12th (2008)
... Already Changed Your Name 77 Filing Your Petition, Publishing Your Order to Show Cause, and Obtaining Your Order 80 Obtaining a New Birth Certificate 80 8 Filing, Publishing, and Serving Your Court ... Behalf of a Child 45 Getting Information From Your Superior Court 49 Getting Your Papers in Order 50 Basic Name Change Forms 53 Forms for Legal Guardians 62 7 Changing Your Name and Birth Certificate ... Annulment 27 Returning to Your Former Name—During the Divorce Proceeding 28 Returning to Your Former Name—After the Divorce Proceeding 28 Other Circumstances 30 Custody, Remarriage, and Children’s Names...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:06
how to get your competition fired (without saying anything bad about them) using the wedge to increase your sales
... the point? Few salespeople get paid to prospect and present. What they get paid for is to win. No, I am not saying your life is at stake. But if you are going to invest your time in seeing a ... are ready to go in there with a strat- egy to win. You are going to help your prospects see what they cannot get from your competitor that they could be getting from you. You are going to leverage ... that will enable you to stop selling and to start winning. A Brief History of Selling Back in the agrarian days when professional salespeople went from town to town peddling their goods from...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 09:37
olsen - the anti-corruption handbook; how to protect your business in the global marketplace (2010)
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 16:47
Tài liệu Speedwealth - How to make a milion in your own business in 3 years or less doc
... have to own your own business in order for the SpeedWealth system to work? In a word, yes! Unfortunately, many people are still being sucked in by the old conventional wisdom, “Go to school, get ... time the market. You have to know when to get in, and when to get out! In the SpeedWealth system, your intention must be to get in on a “ground-floor opportunity,” meaning DEMAND is high and SUPPLY ... point is, if you’re a sprinter or would be open to trying it — sprint! The final factor in determining if SpeedWealth is feasible for you is the strength of your DESIRE. You must truly want to create...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 07:20
How to get out of the friendzone: turn your friendship into a relationship
... working for a senator. And Kevin is coaching varsity baseball at their old high school. Raffi called Kevin the minute she got back into town, and they’ve been hanging out ever since. They go to ... by saying the wrong thing or doing something stupid. You’re used to pining for the one you love. In reality, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if your friend walked right up to you ... against office policy to date coworkers? What if you are working on a big project together and things get ugly? In our experience, when people work together or go to school together, they are especially...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:17
How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success doc
... regarding it simply from a business standpoint, the best move I ever made in my life was to get married. Instead of increasing my expense's as I feared, I took a most valuable partner into ... well-conducted, and eager for information. His master, a man of the old school, warned him against too much reading; but the boy went on in his own course, storing his mind with the wealth found in books. He ... deaf to hear; And woe for the lack to the fainting head Of the ringing shout of cheer; Ah! woe for the laggard feet that tread In the mournful wake of the bier. A pitiful thing the gift to- day...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20
How to Use Your Spiritual Power to Get a Job pdf
... breathing again. This time after you’ve gotten into a rhythm, start saying a mantra to yourself (or speaking softly) that relates to your job search. Continue this for 10-15 minutes or however ... script for you to repeat, as many times as possible, before the actual interview. It’s a rehearsal of sorts, for how you want things to go. It’s just like an actor rehearsing lines before going in ... thing, you bring it into your life. That is to say, you attract it. The previous steps you’ve taken have moved you toward getting a job. You’ve focused your mind on the single goal (getting...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 03:20
Victor cheng case interview secrets a former mckinsey interviewer reveals how to get multiple job offers in consulting innovation press (2012)
... exclusive. thinking like a candidate trying to impress the interviewer. Instead, think like a consultant: Ask yourself what you would feel comfortable saying to a client, knowing your firm’s ... to ask a few clarifying questions.” The interviewer will know you intend to state a hypothesis and won’t think you forgot. But if you do forget, the interviewer can remind you of your original ... shouldn’t have to be this hard just to learn how to do well in an interview. A year after I spent more than 100 hours learning about case interviews, including participating in 50 practice interviews...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:35
Rebuilding The Team - How To Get Allies To Do More In Defense Of Common Interests potx
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20
Speedwealth: How to Make a Million in Your Own Business in 3 Years or Less docx
... the information in it to help them toward their own financial independence. The conditions for it's redistribution are as follows: You may not sell this book either digitally or in any printed hard ... Rights Welcome to the best selling book, SpeedWealth™, from internationally renowned author and speaker, T. Harv Eker. You are encouraged to read and forward this book to anyone you feel might be able to ... sell this book either digitally or in any printed hard copy format. You must forward this book completely intact with all 102 PDF pages included. 1) 2) ...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20
How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP potx
... possible to give you good understanding of the working. However it still requires some improvement to be used in real world like handling navigation errors, time out for navigation, improvements in ... next update I will like to address those issues and improve the existing code in order to make it useful for real world scenarios. How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP.NET Overview One ... their links as a result of search (I love to see it on Google). Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 makes it quite easier to do it in a ASP.NET application. This article explains how to achieve this in...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20