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How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success doc

How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success doc

... regarding it simply from a business standpoint, the best move I ever made in my life was to get married. Instead of increasing my expense's as I feared, I took a most valuable partner into ... him in establishing and maintaining a home. Granting, then, the right kind of a wife, and the ability to make a home, the young man, with the right kind of stuff in him, takes a great stride in ... certainly the most extraordinary instrument of the kind that has yet been constructed. We are apt to think that the wealthy classes in America are addicted to idleness, but, in proportion to their number,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

111 942 0
Tài liệu The Insider’s Guide to PR: Chapter 5 APPLY HERE: HOW TO GET THAT JOB IN PR CONSULTANCY doc

Tài liệu The Insider’s Guide to PR: Chapter 5 APPLY HERE: HOW TO GET THAT JOB IN PR CONSULTANCY doc

... summer internships. Be prepared to start at the bottom, prove yourself to be a valuable extra pair of hands, and in return you’ll get an insight into the industry as well as a fantastic talking point ... end up in the bin if you don’t check it thoroughly.” Caroline Howlett Account Director Nelson Bostock Communications Business Studies graduate “I moved into PR having spent five years working on ... through, a spelling mistake is enough to put your application straight in the bin. 4. Use a PC to produce your CV and application letter. Anyone entering into PR is expected to be computer literate. 5....

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

2 563 0
Victor cheng case interview secrets  a former mckinsey interviewer reveals how to get multiple job offers in consulting innovation press (2012)

Victor cheng case interview secrets a former mckinsey interviewer reveals how to get multiple job offers in consulting innovation press (2012)

... shouldn’t have to be this hard just to learn how to do well in an interview. A year after I spent more than 100 hours learning about case interviews, including participating in 50 practice interviews ... way to categorize any type of information. In the context of consulting and case interviews, the MECE principle describes how decision-making factors should be categorized in order to minimize ... sales increase? What would be the closest proxy? CASE INTERVIEW SECRETS A FORMER MCKINSEY INTERVIEWER REVEALS HOW TO GET MULTIPLE JOB OFFERS IN CONSULTING VICTOR CHENG Innovation...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:35

139 1,8K 7
How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP potx

How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP potx

... define a static method to get the web site thumbnail image. public static Bitmap GetWebSiteThumbnail(string Url, int BrowserWidth, int BrowserHeight, int ThumbnailWidth, int ThumbnailHeight) { ... possible to give you good understanding of the working. However it still requires some improvement to be used in real world like handling navigation errors, time out for navigation, improvements in ... next update I will like to address those issues and improve the existing code in order to make it useful for real world scenarios. How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP.NET Overview One...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

4 311 0
Rich in America - Secrets to Creating and Preserving Wealth doc

Rich in America - Secrets to Creating and Preserving Wealth doc

... filling out a form, feeding the information into a computer, and then reviewing a large and often irrelevant report. Nor can intelligent financial decisions be made in a vacuum. If you are going ... plan on how to invest your savings to preserve their purchasing power. Saving and the power of compounding your returns through an investment plan helps you become wealthy. So you can forget the notion ... of investment management has proven itself, many feel that it doesn’t do enough to protect against valuation excesses, such as the recent run-up in technology stocks. As 8 Rich in America 00 Intro...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20

288 292 0
how to get a higher ielts score by building a positive image in the examiner''''''''s mind

how to get a higher ielts score by building a positive image in the examiner''''''''s mind

... butathigh school…IhadaperiodwhenIwasabitrebellious…andoccasionallyIgotintotrouble fornotdoingmyhomework…andarrivinglate.  Comment:Thisanswerismuchbetterasitsoundsnaturalisextendedfluentlyis personalisedis in chunksthatisblocksofmeaningeachwithatinypausebefore henextblockis in politeconversationalstyleandisaboutsecondslongt   5.Singthesamesong  AsnativespeakersassessorswillprobablysingthesongofEnglishbyusingrising andfallingintonation to addinterestandshowapositiveattitude  Remember to try to mirrororechothisbyusingrisingandfallingintonation in anaturalandappropriateway to show how youfeelabouttheanswersyouare ffering)fyouaretalkingaboutsomethingexcitingorinterestingletyour ntonationshowthis)fyouaresurpris o i ... butathigh school…IhadaperiodwhenIwasabitrebellious…andoccasionallyIgotintotrouble fornotdoingmyhomework…andarrivinglate.  Comment:Thisanswerismuchbetterasitsoundsnaturalisextendedfluentlyis personalisedis in chunksthatisblocksofmeaningeachwithatinypausebefore henextblockis in politeconversationalstyleandisaboutsecondslongt   5.Singthesamesong  AsnativespeakersassessorswillprobablysingthesongofEnglishbyusingrising andfallingintonation to addinterestandshowapositiveattitude  Remember to try to mirrororechothisbyusingrisingandfallingintonation in anaturalandappropriateway to show how youfeelabouttheanswersyouare ffering)fyouaretalkingaboutsomethingexcitingorinterestingletyour ntonationshowthis)fyouaresurpris o i ... Webhttpwwwieltsblogcom  Hopeyou’llcomebackandjoinmeforLesson#5.  We’lltakealookat how youcan‘singanddance’ to themusicoftheSpeakingtest and how youcanbecomeagood‘dancepartner’whoimpressestheassessorand akesagood‘cooperativeconnection’asyoubothmovethrougheachsectionofthat est. m t       © 2009DonnaMillenand  Thisarticleiscopyright to,andmaynotbereproduced orcopiedwithoutthepermissionof  Thedesignandlayoutofthisseriesoflessonsarecopyright to IELTSandmaynotbereproducedorcopiedwithoutthepermission ofIELTS Creatingagoodimpression in yourWRITING– GENERALTRAININGWritingtask1  )nsomewaysaletterisaneasycontext in which to writeand in which to impressthe assessorsincethesituationforthecontentandtherelationshipofletterwriterletter receiverareclearAlsoyouhavemorefreedom to choosewhat to saythan in the AcademicWritingtaskEvensotherearestillnumerousways in whichyoucancreate anevenbetterimpressionthroughyourwriting  8Tips to WritinganImpressiveLetter  1.Userealexperiences oumaybeasked to writealetter to afriend to discussaholidayoravisityoumaybe plainaboutsomeproblems in yourapartment Y asked to write to alandlord to com  Whateverthenatureofthelettertry to connectit to someactualexperiencefromyour ownlife,ifthatispossibleThishelpsthecontextofthesituation to seemmorerealand maymakeyourwrittencommunicationappearmoreconvincingandrealistic to the ssessor)talsomeansthatthenyoudon’tneed to struggle to thinkofsomanynew deas. a i   2.Write in goodfaith’ EventhoughthisisatestofEnglishandyouarenot in factwritinganactualletter to areal persontrynot to turntheletterintoasortof‘jokeletter’bywritingthingslikeDear MickeyMouse,…orendingyourletterwithsomethinglikeYourssincerely,Mr.Bean’You mayfeellikebeingplayful in theletterbutit’smuchbetter to ‘act in goodfaith’by writingtheletter in astraightforwardandauthenticwayThisismorelikely to impress heassessor t   3.Choosetheappropriatetone Youwillimpresstheassessorifyouareable to chooseastyleofEnglishexpressionthat fitsthetypeofletterandfitstherelationshipbetweenyou,theletterwriterandthe receiver    DonnaMillencontent...

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 12:22

65 434 0


... prospering in uncertain times, - How to win at interviews, including great answers to the hardest interview questions. PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version ... at how to target your prospects needs in practice. Determining Your Target's Needs Despite my own little story above, it is, however, not a good idea to wait until you are in interview ... I'd try to explain (unconvincingly) why I wanted to get into production management rather than stick to the science that I had just sacrificed 4 years of my life trying to fathom. Being bored...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:40

36 576 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 13

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 13

... banking. While many prominent Filipinos have Chinese ances- try, there is considerable hostility toward the Chinese dominance of business. Arab traders introduced Islam to the Philippines in ... impolite to point at anyone with the forenger. Malays use a forenger only to point at animals. Even pointing with two n- gers is impolite among many Indians. When you must indicate something ... even to pat the hair of a child. ● Among Indians, a side -to- side toss of one’s head indicates agree- ment, although Westerners may interpret it to mean “no.” Watch carefully; the Indian head toss...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

9 461 0