how do we use the model for interpolation

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_2 pptx

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_2 pptx

... compared to the sample size n, so that removing the sample doesn't significantly change the remainder of the lot, no matter how many defects are in the sample Then the distribution of the number ... random from a lot and the disposition of the lot is determined from the resulting information These plans are usually denoted as (n,c) plans for a sample size n, where the lot is rejected if there ... specified by the pair of numbers (n,c) The sample size is n, and the lot is rejected if there are more than c defectives in the sample; otherwise the lot is accepted There are two widely used ways...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 361 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_6 ppt

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_6 ppt

... is the forecast error (actual - forecast) for period t In other words, the new forecast is the old one plus an adjustment for the error that occurred in the last forecast Bootstrapping of Forecasts ... and the forecast available, we can calculate the next forecast using the regular formula = 1(70) + 9(71.7) = 71.5 ( = 1) But for the next forecast we have no data point (observation) So now we ... stands for the original observation The subscripts refer to the time periods, 1, 2, , n For the third period, S3 = y2 + (1- ) S2; and so on There is no S1; the smoothed series starts with the smoothed...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 255 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_7 ppt

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_7 ppt

... If the data are equi-spaced, the time variable, or index, does not need to be explicitly given The time variable may sometimes be explicitly used for plotting the series However, it is not used ... comparing single, double, triple exponential smoothing Table showing the data for the example This example shows comparison of single, double and triple exponential smoothing for a data set The following ... means that the initial values for trend and/or seasonality were right on the money No updating was necessary in order to arrive at the lowest possible MSE We should inspect the updating formulas...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 225 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_9 doc

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_9 doc

... is a good model for the data, the residuals should satisfy these assumptions If these assumptions are not satisfied, we need to fit a more appropriate model That is, we go back to the model identification ... for Model Estimation The Negiz case study shows an example of the Box-Jenkins model- fitting output using the Dataplot software The two examples later in this section show sample output from the ... Default for the confidence band around the forecast = 90% How many periods ahead to forecast? (9999 to quit ): Enter confidence level for the forecast limits : 90 Percent Confidence limits Next Lower...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 180 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_11 pdf

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_11 pdf

... = for this example Thus, 0.025 is the variance of the length variable, 0.0075 is the covariance between the length and the width variables, 0.00175 is the covariance between the length and the ... denoting the number of the original subgroups that are deleted before and Notice that the equation for the control limits for Phase II computing given here does not reduce to the equation for the ... sijl for i j denoting the sample covariance between variables Xi and Xj for the lth subgroup, and sij for i = j denotes the sample variance of Xi The variances (= siil) for subgroup l and for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 191 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_13 doc

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_13 doc

... more of the Dataplot windows The four main windows are the Output Window, the Graphics window, the Command History window, and the data sheet window Across the top of the main windows there are ... control charts, one for the individual site measurements and the other for the lot means This would double the number of charts necessary for this process (we would have charts for line width instead ... output Below we show SAS JMP output for this dataset that gives the SS, MSS, and components of variance (the model entered into JMP is a nested, random factors model) The EMS table contains the coefficients...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 207 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_14 doc

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_14 doc

... this feature However, based on the plots in this section, we will examine the ARIMA(2,1,0) and ARIMA(0,1,1) models in detail Note that whatever method is used for model identification, model diagnostics ... Model Identification Interpretation of the Run Sequence Plot We can make the following conclusions from the run sequence plot The data show strong and positive autocorrelation There does ... Particle Size Model Estimation Dataplot ARMA Output for the AR(2) Model Based on the differenced data, Dataplot generated the following estimation output for the AR(2) model: #############################################################...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

22 193 0
Process or Product Monitoring and Control_15 doc

Process or Product Monitoring and Control_15 doc

... more of the Dataplot windows The four main windows are the Output Window, the Graphics window, the Command History window, and the data sheet window Across the top of the main windows there are ... indicating the residuals appear to be random Ljung-Box Test for Randomness of the Residuals for the ARIMA(0,1,1) Model The Ljung and Box test is also applied to the residuals from the ARIMA(0,1,1) model ... Model Estimation Interpretation of Output The first section of the output identifies the model and shows the starting values for the fit This output is primarily useful for verifying that the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

17 204 0
Advanced topics in control systems theory II

Advanced topics in control systems theory II

... While we study both problems nevertheless, we take a deeper insight into the second one Concerning control design, we not establish a general methodology as done for instance in [38, 23, 57] However ... converging to the desired equilibrium Therefore, it is natural to ask whether we can neglect the (η, y)-subsystem and concentrate on the stabilization of the z-subsystem alone In the case of Proposition ... over 21hrs within one week Therefore, the contents of the present monograph may be used in support to either a one-term general advanced course on non linear control theory, thereby devoting a few...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:39

294 398 1
Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditors: M. Thoma pdf

Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditors: M. Thoma pdf

... system and the mechanical part of the motor, a two mass model is adopted[5, 6] The twomass model is the model in which the inertial moment of the motor and the inertial moment of the load are ... performance, Fig 2.6 shows the expansion graph of the angular part of the contour control results when same experimental results were used twice for the positions of the x axis and the y axis For ... (2.13) The steady-state velocity deviation between the 4th order model and the reduced order model are consistent The oscillation does not occur in the ramp response of the reduced order model The...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

201 507 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Experimental proof for a signal peptidase I like activity in Mycoplasma pneumoniae, but absence of a gene encoding a conserved bacterial type I SPase pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Experimental proof for a signal peptidase I like activity in Mycoplasma pneumoniae, but absence of a gene encoding a conserved bacterial type I SPase pdf

... in western blotting experiments (data not shown) The P40 band was clearly separated from other proteins, but the amount of P40 was not sufficient for sequencing by Edman degradation Therefore, we ... well if a CAF modification is assumed (+136 Da) The fragmentation spectrum showed dominant double and triple charged fragment ions To reduce the complexity, the spectrum was deconvoluted and the ... cleavage site score) are shown for each position in the sequence The data were generated by feeding the first 50 amino acids of the gene products of MPN142 to the publicly available web server http://www...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

9 559 1
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

... is based on the decomposition of the control problem into two: one for the position-controlled subspace and the other for the force-controlled subspace Hybrid control works well when the two subspaces ... constraints If all the computed values of the joint variables satisfy the inequalities, the redundancy can be used for other tasks However if one or more of these inequalities are violated, the JLA secondary ... solution Therefore, it does not have any null space component From a mathematical point of J e Howview, the pseudo-inverse of J e is a projector matrix on to ever, the pseudo-inverse solution at the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

212 675 0
Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing ppt

Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing ppt

... which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications In spite of the above definition, we adopt the following one for the pragmatic purposes of the present textbook: ... that in contrast to the definition given above, the majority of texts define positive definiteness for symmetric matrices However, for the purposes of this textbook, we use the above-cited definition ... important interpretation of the contraction mapping theorem is the following Assume that the function f (x, θ) satisfies the condition of the theorem then, for each θ ∗ ∈ Ω the equation f (x, θ ∗ )...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

429 419 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Puroindoline-a and a1-purothionin form ion channels in giant liposomes but exert different toxic actions on murine cells pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Puroindoline-a and a1-purothionin form ion channels in giant liposomes but exert different toxic actions on murine cells pptx

... significant changes were detected in the contraction amplitude (Fig 6B) Membrane permeability changes caused by the poreforming ability of a1-PTH may explain the above effects Therefore, we performed intracellular ... RouzaireDubois for providing the NG108-15 cells used in this study, and Dr H Rogniaux for performing MS Confocal microscopy studies were performed on the Plate-forme Imagerie et Biologie Cellulaire of the ... transducer (Grass Instruments, West Warwick, RI, USA), and the other tendon was pinned to the Rhodorsil-lined chamber Twitches were evoked either by stimulating the motor nerve of isolated neuromuscular...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

13 436 0
Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditor: M. Thoma229.J.-P.Laumond (Ed.) doc

Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditor: M. Thoma229.J.-P.Laumond (Ed.) doc

... the distance between both rear and front axles is We denote w as the speed of the front wheels of the car and ~ as the angle between the front wheels and the main direction of the car Moreover ... hooked up at the middle point of the rear wheels of the previous one The distance between the reference points of the trailers is assumed to be The kinematic model is defined by the following ... as the trailers are hitched to the middle point of the wheels of the previous ones The proof is based on the same idea allowing to transform the system into a chained form: it consists in modeling...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

354 361 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Functional interplay between viral and cellular SR proteins in control of post-transcriptional gene regulation pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Functional interplay between viral and cellular SR proteins in control of post-transcriptional gene regulation pptx

... protein in viral DNA replication [16] The E2 protein consists of the N-terminal transactivation domain and the C-terminal DNA-binding domain These two functional domains are linked by a hinge region ... Fig Viral SR proteins The diagram shows domain structures of the representative viral proteins containing either a canonical RS domain (red) or an R ⁄ S-rich motif (green) In the HBV core protein, ... primarily localized in the nucleus; however, a subset of SR proteins, including SRp20, 9G8 and ASF ⁄ SF2, shuttle continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm [6] The shuttling SR proteins...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

10 317 0
Terminology and symbols in control engineering

Terminology and symbols in control engineering

... connected When the consumption increases, the pressure in the pipeline decreases The operator recognizes the pressure drop and changes the control pressure of the pneumatic control valve until the desired ... as well as on the magnitude of error yR controller output When dividing the controlling system into the controller and actuator, the va- variable riable yR stands for the output variable of the ... on the job to be done, many different structures of control can be used The main criterion of difference is the way the reference variable w is generated for a certain control loop In setting the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:55

28 398 0
ellis, g. (2002). observers in control systems - a practical guide

ellis, g. (2002). observers in control systems - a practical guide

... in the model After the excitation, the DSA executes a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to convert the recorded data to a frequency-domain plot When the random signal is applied to the model, the ... of the block, Solver in this case, is shown immediately below the block The user can change the name of any Visual ModelQ block by positioning the cursor within the name and double-clicking There ... left is the input node Normally, the DSA is inactive and the input node passes directly to the output node However, when the user wants a new Bode plot, the DSA is commanded to excite the model...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:27

264 679 0
informatics in control, automation and robotics i - braz j

informatics in control, automation and robotics i - braz j

... the via is taken through the video acquisition board, then, the ZISC-036 based PMI: finds the via on the image, checks the integrity of the border (for damage) of via, locates the impact in the ... logic formulas We can then check whether the system meets its specification using an algorithm called a model checker, which determines whether the finite-state graph is a model of the formula(s) ... (Arbib, 2003) The supervised learning works on reinforcement from the outside The connections among the neurons in the hidden layer are randomly arranged, then reshuffled according to the used learning...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 12:04

287 252 0