how can we use iterator in java

What is the neutral real interest rate, and how can we use it? doc

What is the neutral real interest rate, and how can we use it? doc

... Expected inflation The final piece of figure 1 is the influence of expected inflation. Ex ante real rates are obtained by subtracting expected inflation from nominal interest rates. Adding expected inflation ... may also use the NRR as one piece of information to consider when addressing questions such as “is the current interest rate setting going to cause inflation to increase or decrease?” However, ... central bank can directly control is a short-term nominal interest rate. However, because inflation expectations tend to be stable over short periods of time, a change in nominal interest rates...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

14 540 0
How can we speak math?

How can we speak math?

... in bold, and a single underline for italic). Speaking mathematics could be used for a spectrum of uses from educational testing to search in digital systems containing mathematics. Suitably instrumented, ... tech- niques using speech in combination with handwriting [7, 6]. Before addressing, in the next section, an apparently simple question: How do we (intuitively) speak math?” we briefly review in the ... various kinds of num- bers including natural numbers, fractions, floating-point, could be used. Much to our relief this can be included rather painlessly in a speech recognition program by specifying...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 19:15

20 600 0
Báo cáo y học: "Translational Medicine and Reliability of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Studies: Can We Believe in SNP Reports or Not"

Báo cáo y học: "Translational Medicine and Reliability of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Studies: Can We Believe in SNP Reports or Not"

... studies analysing a determined polymorphisms be- tween the studies examining it within 1-3 polymor- phisms versus studies examining the same polymor- phism among more than 3 polymorphism. Since the ... treat- ment. Int J Cancer 2003;103:810-814 92. Dickersin K., Min YI., and Meinert CL. Factors influencing publica- tion of research results. J. Am. Med. Assoc., 1992;267: 374–378 93. Callaham M, Wears ... Pharmacogenetic prediction of clinical outcome in advanced colorectal cancer patients receiving oxali- platin/5-fluorouracil as first-line chemotherapy. Br J Cancer. 2008;99:1050-5 85. Ashton...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51

9 524 0
More Show Me How: Everything We Couldn't Fit in the First Book Instructions for Life from the Everyday to the Exotic Perfect Paperback

More Show Me How: Everything We Couldn't Fit in the First Book Instructions for Life from the Everyday to the Exotic Perfect Paperback

... cleaning supplies in a bucket that you can grab in a hurry. Install sliding trays to maximize storage space. 201 199 200 198 take vows in vegas get married in the philippines forge a bond in ... rip in the veil brings good luck. Children bear wedding rings and coins. A veil and cord are placed on bride and groom to symbolize their unity. The couple makes a vow by drinking from wine ... into container ; cool before using.Melt in a double boiler. Stir in distilled water. Stir until completely blended. Cool before applying.Stir to blend.Submerge in hot water.Combine in jar ; close...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 12:15

25 674 0
(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

... skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) or on one or more language modalities (listening, speaking, reading, writing or some combination of these). However, in this research, we chose ... contribute indirectly to learning since they do not lead directly to the obtaining, storing, retrieving, and using of language.” (Rubin & Wenden, 1987:23-27). 12 characteristics of learning ... used by native English-speaking learners of Spanish also find no significant differences between males and females in their use of local strategies. In summary, there are conflicting findings...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

83 624 0


... individual words, each with its own lexical probability (i.e. the probability of observing part of speech i given word j). An interesting pattern emerges when we examine the errors involving ... PARTS as noun + preposition instead of verb + particle. This error influences the tagging of other words in the sentence as well. One typical error is found in infinitive constructions, where ... phrasal verb like box in generally appears with an intervening object (to box something in) , and thus when box and in are adjacent (except for those rare cases involving heavy NP shift)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20

3 516 1
Tài liệu MATHLETICS How Gamblers, Managers, and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball, Basketball, and Football docx

Tài liệu MATHLETICS How Gamblers, Managers, and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball, Basketball, and Football docx

... let’s show how to use a One Way Data Table to determine how varying exp from 1 to 3 changes the average error in predicting a MLB team’s winning percentage (see figure 1.2). Step 1. We begin by ... between 0 and 1. ã An increase in runs scored increases predicted win percentage. ã A decrease in runs allowed increases predicted win percentage. Consider a right triangle with a hypotenuse ... Carlo simulation has been used ever since. How can we play out an inning? Simply flip a coin and assign a toss of heads to an out and a toss of tails to a home run. Or we could draw from a deck...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

377 1,1K 0
Tài liệu How can small breweries make big strides in efficiency? pptx

Tài liệu How can small breweries make big strides in efficiency? pptx

... breweries How can small breweries make big strides in efficiency? Key benefits: ã Brewing Engineering Libraries built in with predefined solutions for the craft brewing process in small breweries ... measuring lauter tun run-off As an example let’s look at the cost savings for grain that can be achie ved by improving the lautering efficiency in the brewhouse. Assuming that 1,000 lbs. of grain ... Tracking and tracing from grain to finished beer Batch-specific trend screen Monitoring your process to improve quality and consistency Brewing first-class beer involves seeing the bigger brewing...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

12 514 0
how to use excel in analytical chemistry and in general scientific data analysis pptx

how to use excel in analytical chemistry and in general scientific data analysis pptx

... The inverse cosine, arccos, in radians: ACOS(0.5) ϭ1.047198 ACOSH(x) The inverse hyperbolic cosine, arcosh, in radians: ACOSH(1.5) ϭ0.962424 ASIN(x) The inverse sine, arcsin, in radians: ASIN(0.5) ... altogether. 1.1 Starting Windows Windows is a so-called graphical user interface, in which many programs, files, and instructions are shown pictorially, and in which many operations can be performed by ‘pointing ... illustrates how they can be used to make the spreadsheet do many amazing things in exchange for relatively little effort on the part of the user, who can simply incorporate pre-existing, well-documented,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

501 524 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "How Much Can We Gain from Supervised Word Alignment" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "How Much Can We Gain from Supervised Word Alignment" potx

... model used in this work. Worse, they can hurt its performance by hampering rule extraction. Since the special links were marked with special tags to distinguish them from regular links, we can ... links be- tween Chinese characters and English words. Since the MT system used in this work is word-based, we converted the character-based alignment to word- based alignment. We aligned Chinese ... Figure 1 shows an example sentence with hu- man alignment. Solid lines indicate regular word correspondences while dashed lines indicate spe- cial links. Tags inside [] indicate additional infor- mation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20

5 275 0
how can the human mind occur in the physical universe aug 2007

how can the human mind occur in the physical universe aug 2007

... illustrated how much insight could be gained from taking brain processing seriously. The rise of neural imaging in the 1990s has further showed the impor- tance of understanding the brain as the ... 6 How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe? It is worth reflecting on the relationship between the original sense of architecture involving buildings and this sense involving cognition. ... fantasy. In my lab, we have been mainly working with fMRI (functional magnet resonance imaging) brain imaging data. Chap- ter 2 includes an up-to-date report of the connections we have made between...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:43

301 327 0