house and land valuations

Tài liệu Location and Rents: The Indifference Principle, Submarkets and Land Use Segregation pptx

Tài liệu Location and Rents: The Indifference Principle, Submarkets and Land Use Segregation pptx

... Urban Land Market, location, rents ,prices. • Ricardian Rent with Commuting. • Land Supply and Urban Comparative Statics. • Spatial capitalization of Ricardian Rent. • Multiple land users, ... for Real E 11). Like land rent, land price is a residual MIT C state from structure price, for existing structures. p t (d) = [P t (d) –c/i]/q What about the price of land beyond the current ... multipliers now? What is land worth just beyond b 0 ? enter for Real EMIT C state The components of Land Prices Future Increase in Location Value Agricultural value Land Price p 0 (d) Current...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 15:15

21 540 0
Tài liệu Truyện ngắn tiếng Anh: Doll''''s house and other stories pptx

Tài liệu Truyện ngắn tiếng Anh: Doll''''s house and other stories pptx

... Timbuck talked to me, and all that they said to me and so on and so on. If only I felt that she were here to come back to — that I could tell her everything — and so on and so on. He felt so ... doll's house was green, dark and oily, and bright yellow. There was a door, yellow and shiny, and there were four windows, real windows. But what a perfect, perfect little house! Who could possibly ... Harry and she were as much in love as ever, and they were really good friends. She had a lovely baby. They didn't have to worry about money. They had a wonderful house and garden. And friends...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

12 1,3K 1
Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

...  Carbondioxide(CO 2 )isabsorbedby land and vegetationthroughtheprocessofphotosynthesis.The netemissionsarenegative(sequestration) and substantial,offsettingapproximately884MMTCO 2 E,or approximately13%oftotalemissionsin2006. 114 Thecarbonsequestration and storageprovidedby land canbepreservedthoughsustainable land managementpractices, and canbeenhancedby restorationof land, suchasreforestationofcontaminated land.   Theemissionsestimateforthe land basedcarbonsinkisgivenbytheInventory.Specifically,Chapter7, Land Use, Land UseChange, and Forestry,providesanassessmentofthenetGHGfluxresultingfrom theuses and changesin land types and forestsintheU.S.,includingnetemissionsfromforestland remainingforestland,croplandremainingcropland, land convertedtocropland,grasslandremaining grassland, land convertedtograssland,settlementsremainingsettlements,landfillyardtrimmings, and ... T on =Timeperiodoftransition,defaultis1yearforcarbonlosses  AlthoughthisequationissimilartotheequationusedtoestimatecarbonlossesinDOM(seebelow),it isnotinaccordancewiththe2006IPCCGuidelines.Theguidelinesrecommendagreaterdegreeof disaggregationof land usedatabyclimate and soiltype.Theequationaboverepresentsa simplificationofthevariabilityofcarboncontentsinsoilthatexistsonregional and nationalscales.The soilcarbonstockfortheold land usecategory(Cs o )wasbasedoninformationfordifferentecosystem typespresentedinthe2000IPCCreporton Land Use, Land useChange, and Forestry. 117 Thesoil carbonstockforthenew land usecategoryofsettlements(Cs n )wasbasedonafractionofCs o .For forestland and grassland,thefractionwas0.5 and forcropland,thefractionwas0.8.Guo and Gifford (2002)observedthat land usechangesofforestlandtocropland and pasturelandtocroplandresulted insoilcarbondecreasesof42% and 59%,respectively. 118 Theestimateforthisprojectassumesthat theconversionofforestlandorgrasslandtourban land isequivalenttoaconversiontocropland(bo removeexistingvegetation and causesignificantsoildisturbance);therefore,Guo and Gifford’swork supportsthiseffort’sestimationofa50%lossassociatedwiththisconversion.Itisestimatedthatsoils underforestsorgrasslandswillloseapproximately50%oftheoriginalorganiccarbonwhenthe land is convertedtodeveloped land. Theselossesareaconsequenceofboththeremovalofsurfacesoils(to providesuitablebuildingfoundation) and naturaloxidationwhenthesoilisgradedfollowingremoval ofthevegetativecover.Lossesfromcroplandsareonlyexpectedtobe20%becausethesesoilsalready undergoperiodictillage and themajorityofnaturaloxidationwillalreadyhaveoccurred.Aliterature reviewforthisprojectdidnotidentifyotherstudiescomparabletoGuo and Gifford(2002)that estimatedsoilcarbonlossesassociatedwithconvertingcroplandtourban land. Therefore,the20%soil carbonlossestimatefordevelopmentofcroplandintourban land isbasedonbestprofessional judgment. th ...  REDUCINGORAVOIDINGGHGEMISSIONSTHROUGH LAND MANAGEMENTPRACTICES Land managementdescribeshowwemanage and use land toprovideopenspace and habitat,food, naturalresources, and placesforpeopletolive,work, and recreate.EPApromotesintegrated land managementstrategiesthatuse land asproductively and sustainablyaspossiblebypromotingsmart growth,preventing and minimizingtheoccurrenceofcontamination and bycleaningup,reusing, and restoringcontaminated land forbeneficialreusebycommunities. 67   AsdescribedinBox7, land managementhasthreekeycomponents: land protection,sustainable land use, and land revitalization.Similartothematerialsmanagementapproachesthatcanbeusedinthe materialflow, land managementapproachescanbeusedtoreduceGHGemissionsbyimproving practiceswithinoracrosseachofthesecomponents. Land protectionpracticeslimithowmuch land is contaminatedeachyear.When land iscontaminated,itshouldbe cleaneduptolevelsprotectiveofhumanhealth and the environment. Land...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

98 501 0
Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

... diseases, and financial difficulty, and (iii) resolving conflicts in fishing grounds and about resources among individuals and/ or household members. However, the water surface of households ... seaweeds and farm on the sandy land at its edge. The area used for food production is 269 hectares, of which 220 hectares are planted spring paddy crop (from December to April) and 49 hectares ... published literature, and legal and policy documentation in relation to changes in lagoon’s resource management policy, aquaculture development activities under land policy and globalization of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

11 529 0
university press of colorado late paleoindian occupation of the southern rocky mountains early holocene projectile points and land use in the high country mar 2003

university press of colorado late paleoindian occupation of the southern rocky mountains early holocene projectile points and land use in the high country mar 2003

... versus lowlands Full-time, seasonal, and One population of unique type(s); second population of type found sporadic use in a lowland (moderate density); third population of type found in a lowland ... procured, displaced short Plains and/ or Colorado distances north-south; second population of stone same as lowlands, Plateau–Great Basin groups largely sourced to lowlands and transported long distances, ... unique stone; one of same stone as lowlands adapted groups and seasonal One population of local stone; one population of mixed local/ occupation by Plains and/ lowland or Colorado Plateau–Great One...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:52

314 343 0
The Google Resume How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple Microsoft Google or any Top Tech Company_1 pdf

The Google Resume How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple Microsoft Google or any Top Tech Company_1 pdf

... mentors, and leveraged these connections to land one dream job after another. And that, my dear readers, is how you get a job at the world’s greatest tech companies. Life at Infi nite Loop and Microsoft ... my experience at Google, and at Microsoft and Apple, I knew that I’d never return to a big company. They had helped grow me as an engineer and as a businessperson, and had given me the credibility ... called the shots, and no one would argue. Microsoft has dabbled (and reasonably successfully) with search and the web, but a large chunk of its earnings come from Windows and Offi ce. Live...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

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The Google Resume How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple Microsoft Google or any Top Tech Company_2 docx

The Google Resume How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple Microsoft Google or any Top Tech Company_2 docx

... am, here’s what I’ve done, here’s what I’m good at, and here’s what I’d like to do. Other candidates walk up, hand a recruiter their résumé, and just wait for the recruiter to ask them questions. ... nights and weekends for them, which boosted his résumé and refreshed his coding skills. Although program managers often have trouble getting considered for software engineering roles, David landed ... interviews with both Amazon and Google. Amazon loved his passion and commitment, and offered him a job as a software engineer. Provided you have the dedication and time to follow through, starting...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

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... and rolled out process across 400-person company. Oversaw cross-functional team of developers, testers, and client manag- ers. Supervised projects and set techni- cal direction. Motivated and ... familiar words, and get to the point. 5. Professional As a cover letter is often the best and only writing example a com- pany has, being professional and using correct spelling and gram- mar is ... Servlet. Designed and implemented real-time analytics using JSP Report Maker and Fusion Chart that generates reports and provides visualization of real-time data. Implemented Hibernate mapping and Java...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

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... was and what you accomplished. Practice two blurbs: one that would be understandable from those in your fi eld, and one that’s understandable for nonspecialists. Stay light on the details and ... like Seattle and Silicon Valley. Post-lunch (or midmorning, or midafter- noon) foosball and ping-pong games are standard. They pride themselves on their funky and innovative culture, and they want ... players possess determination and team- work and aren’t those attributes you want in your colleagues? The HR screen is often skipped when a candidate’s background is clearly and directly relevant (for...

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... teammates were too negative and critical. Her boss was sexist and wouldn’t promote her. She wasn’t learning enough. On and on and on. I dutifully noted her reasons and progressed with more technical ... candi- date could joke and say “a car,” as one candidate, in fact, did. One unfortunate candidate took the opportunity to rant about her current position. Her work was boring and tedious. Her teammates ... hide, be honest and don’t assign too much blame away. Admit your mistake, and focus on what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown since then. This sort of answer will show maturity and honesty,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

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... analytical and quan- titative, and that can come from anything from engineering to economics. After the release of the game, the producer must crunch the numbers to understand what’s working and what’s ... We can draw a picture of a clock by selecting where the 3-hour hand is and where the 27-minute hand is. Note that the hour hand moves continuously, not in a discrete jump when the time changes. By ... to deal with ambiguity, to understand your ability to think about the expected and unexpected behavior, and, as always, to test your ability to structure and communicate your thoughts. ■ ■ ■ CH009.indd...

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The Google Resume How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple Microsoft Google or any Top Tech Company_8 potx

... important that a can- didate understand her skill set, and understand how it can be applied. “A candidate should be able to say ‘I’ve done A, B, and C, and I know that I can do D,’” says Katy ... on my side that he didn’t: the word no. I could walk away, and my branding of an ex-Googler/ Microsoftie/Applite would land me a new and equally exciting CH011.indd 207CH011.indd 207 1/6/11 6:47:49 ... bonus and stock grants. Microsoft offered the highest salary, but offered only two weeks of vacation and virtually no stock. Google was somewhere in the middle on salary and offered options, and...

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... after spending so much time and money on you, but don’t let this bother you. Be open and understanding, but stand fi rm in your decision. Provide a non-negative and non-negotiable reason. Saying ... referred you. And, of course, it hurts the com- pany itself. Think long and hard before doing this, and avoid taking any more interviews once you’ve accepted an offer. Declining an Offer (and Building ... important and val- ued; give your coworkers what they want here. Show them that you want to learn from them and that you think they’re smart and insightful (even when you’re not so sure). Shut up and...

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29 339 0
How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple_2 pptx

How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple_2 pptx

... familiar words, and get to the point. 5. Professional As a cover letter is often the best and only writing example a com- pany has, being professional and using correct spelling and gram- mar is ... Servlet. Designed and implemented real-time analytics using JSP Report Maker and Fusion Chart that generates reports and provides visualization of real-time data. Implemented Hibernate mapping and Java ... for interacting with database. Utilized JQuery and AJAX to provide dynamic and interactive user interface. Designed and created MySQL database and also wrote PHP script to populate the database...

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