histaminergic neuron activity and its control



... substances and activity is distributed over the whole middle and downstream excluding the upstream of Andong Relative estrogenic activity of estrogenic substances in the Sewage treatment plants and ... EE2, E2, E1, and APE increases at Goryung and Gumho river (Table1) The estrogenic activity increased at every spot excluding Namji and Nam River in May 2002 Yeast Two-hybrid assay and ELISA method ... streams, water treatment plants, and sewage treatment plants one each from the upstream of Andong area to downstream of Busan area of Nakdong river basin Estrogenic activity and concentration of estrogenic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 484 0
Tài liệu Poultry meat pathogens and its Control pptx

Tài liệu Poultry meat pathogens and its Control pptx

... McLaughclin, J and Reacher, M (2001) Surveillance of listeriosis in England and Wales, 1995 – 1999 Communicable Disease and Public Health, 4, 188 – 193 Stavric, S Buchanan, B and Gleeson, T, ... than 1% for many years and the organism are rarely found in retail samples due to rigorous surveillance and control programmes that are relatively costly to operate (Persson and Jendteg, 1992) Food ... on Campylobacter and 16 on Listeria, including completed and on-going studies in both developed and developing countries, as well as those undertaken by FAO/WHO on Salmonealla and Campylobacter...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20

9 457 0
the bagworm and its control

the bagworm and its control

... more than spun silk and dust particles As the larvae feed and grow, they continue to enlarge the exterior of their bags with pieces of twigs and foliage, bits of bark, shed skins and excrement The ... There is only one generation of bagworms each year Control Measures Non-Chemical Control: One of the best ways to control bagworms is to handpick and destroy them in the fall, winter or before the ... until August, when the larvae are full grown and the bags are about 1/2 inches long At this time, they stop feeding and loop strands of silk around a twig and become firmly attached After the top of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 13:36

2 331 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Daily physical activity and its contribution to the health-related quality of life of ambulatory individuals with chronic stroke" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Daily physical activity and its contribution to the health-related quality of life of ambulatory individuals with chronic stroke" pot

... stroke Measurement and recovery over the first months Scand J Rehabil Med 1987, 19:25-30 doi:10.1186/1477-7525-8-80 Cite this article as: Rand et al.: Daily physical activity and its contribution ... Department of Health and Human Services: PA and health: a report of the surgeon general: Atlanta (GA) , US Department of Health and Human Services, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, National ... Exercise and health-related quality of life during the first year following acute stroke A randomized controlled trial Brain Inj 2008, 22:135-145 Warburton DE, Nicol CW, Bredin SS: Health benefits...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

8 384 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " docx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " docx

... millers and extension workers aware of various factors responsible for harvesting and milling losses and degradation of rice quality To increase the research and teaching capability of institution and ... OM 2718 and OM 1490, An Giang 24 and Jasmine were chosen in Can Tho, Kien Giang and An Giang provinces, respectively Using a randomised block design, the rice was harvested days prior and days ... defined Institute Information Project Name Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Vietnamese Institution...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

16 513 0
Project Progress Report: " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - Ms5" pot

Project Progress Report: " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - Ms5" pot

... units funded by CARD are now housed Overseas visits were undertaken by Vietnamese and Australian coordinators in Thailand and Philippines to learn about their experiences in rice cracking and ... Activities And Inputs Error! Bookmark not defined 12 APPENDICES 20 1 Institute Information Project Name Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and ... millers and extension workers aware of various factors responsible for harvesting and milling losses and degradation of rice quality To increase the research and teaching capability of institution and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

24 538 0


... in July-2007 At Kien Giang Province Project: INVESTIGATION OF RICE KERNEL CRACKING AND ITS CONTROL IN THE FIELD AND DURING POST-HARVEST PROCESSES IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM Figure 1: Opening ... Khanh, and Mr Nguyen Thanh Nghi 9:35 – 9:40: Tour preparation 9:40 – 10:00: Transportation to Tan Phat A co-operative to visit dryer and combineharvester 10:00 – 11:00: Demonstration the dryer and ... Khanh, and Mr Nguyen Thanh Nghi 9:35 – 9:40: Tour preparation 9:40 – 10:00: Transportation to Tan Phat A co-operative to visit dryer and combineharvester 10:00 – 11:00: Demonstration the dryer and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

18 435 0


... (Vinh Thanh & Thot Not Districts) Project: INVESTIGATION OF RICE KERNEL CRACKING AND ITS CONTROL IN THE FIELD AND DURING POST-HARVEST PROCESSES IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM Figure 1: Opening ... Lam, and Mr Nguyen Thanh Nghi 9:35 – 9:40: Tour preparation 9:40 – 10:00: Transportation to Tan Thoi co-operative to visit dryer and combineharvester 10:00 – 11:00: Demonstration the dryer and ... Lam, and Dr Phan Hieu Hien 9:35 – 9:40: Tour preparation 9:40 – 10:00: Transportation to Tan Thoi co-operative to visit dryer and combine-harvester 10:00 – 11:00: Demonstration the dryer and harvester...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

17 482 0
Project Completion Report:" Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS4 " docx

Project Completion Report:" Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS4 " docx

... harvesting losses Harvesting method Hand Reaper Combined harvester Hand and heaped immediately Hand and dried in the sun (one day) Reaper and heaped immediately Reaper and dried in the sun (one day) ... wind, rats, and handling Lodging loss: plants with mature grains fall on the ground making the grains difficult to recover Standing crop loss: standing plants with mature grains are left standing ... rain and at night Any delay leads to excess respiration and fungal growth causing losses and yellowing • Labor intensive and has limited capacity • Overheating causes cracking of some grains and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

42 468 0
Project Completion Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - APPENDIX 1 " pdf

Project Completion Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - APPENDIX 1 " pdf

... cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam APPENDIX 2B Effects of high temperature fluidized bed drying and tempering on kernel cracking and ... fluidized drying (80 and 90 oC for 2.5 and 3.0 min), and tempering for up to h, on hardness and stiffness of A10 and OM2717 rice varieties The single bar plot at the right hand of each figure is ... Can-Tho and Soc-Trang Provinces in 2001-2006, and its expanded Program in the whole Mekong Delta has done a good job in promoting the dryer various people in the rice sector, with a strong and well...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

76 429 0
Project Progress Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - APPENDIX 3A" pptx

Project Progress Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - APPENDIX 3A" pptx

... head rice recovery and total rice recovery should be around 59% and 69%, respectively (as rice is comprised of around 10% bran and 20% husk) In literatures, the head rice recovery and total rice ... Report MS14: PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT 026/05VIE Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam APPENDIX 3B EXPERIMENT ... Report MS14: PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT 026/05VIE Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam APPENDIX 3C EXPERIMENT...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

20 539 0
Project Progress Report: ReInvestigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS4 " docx

Project Progress Report: ReInvestigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS4 " docx

... method Notation Hand and heaped immediately Hand and dried in the sun (one day) Reaper and heaped immediately Reaper and dried in the sun (one day) Hand and heaped immediately Hand and dried on the ... the harvesting losses Harvesting method Hand Reaper Hand and heaped immediately Hand and dried in the sun (one day) Reaper and heaped immediately Reaper and dried in the sun (one day) Combined ... co-operative, CanTho (OM 2718, OM1459) Harvesting method Hand and heaped immediately Hand and dried in the sun (one day) Reaper and heaped immediately Reaper and dried in the sun (one day) Average Notation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

23 436 0
Card Project Progress Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " MS7 ppt

Card Project Progress Report: Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam " MS7 ppt

... INVESTIGATION OF RICE KERNEL CRACKING AND ITS CONTROL IN THE FIELD AND DURING POST-HARVEST PROCESSES IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM NONG LAM UNIVERSITY QUEENSLAND I UNIVERSITY OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES ... 1 Institute Information Project Name Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Vietnamese Institution ... July/07, 22-23Sep/07 and 29-30Sep/07, such as the pictures of the farmers in the training lesson hall and in the demonstration places The subscripts V and E are for Vietnamese and English, respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

8 418 0
Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS6 " pptx

Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS6 " pptx

... 1 Institute Information Project Name Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Vietnamese Institution ... Australia: Team Leader Name: Bhesh Bhandari Position: Associate Professor Organisation: The University of Queensland Telephone: +61733469192 Fax:+61733651177 Email:b.bhandari@uq.edu.au In Australia: ... Leader Dr Vinh Truong Australian Organisation The University of Queensland Australian Personnel Associate Professor Bhesh Bhandari Professor Shu Fukai Date commenced April 2006 Completion date...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

3 269 0
Project Progress Report: " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS8 & MS9 " pot

Project Progress Report: " Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS8 & MS9 " pot

... harvesting and drying practices, and demonstrations of dryers and combine harvesters were held for local extension officers and farmers through training sessions in 10 districts in Can Tho and Kien ... 40, 60, and 80oC and then tempered for 0, 40, 80 and 120 Dried rice samples were then stored up to four months at 4, 20 and 38 oC The investigation of post-drying annealing effect at above and below ... Activities And Inputs Error! Bookmark not defined.  12.  APPENDICES 20  1 Institute Information Project Name Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

21 383 0
Project Progress Report:" Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS12 " pot

Project Progress Report:" Investigation of rice kernel cracking and its control in the field and during post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam - MS12 " pot

... 17  Physical and Financial Benefits 20  9.1  Integrated data on harvest and post-harvest losses of rice and information on the use of harvesters and dryers ... Visit of Tan Hiep milling plant Physical and Financial Benefits To achieve the physical and ultimately financial benefits to the farmers by the way of controlling rice cracking we propose that ... and subsequent grain handling techniques are observed to improve rice grain quality Similarly there will be demonstration and workshops for small millers to encourage them to install driers and/ or...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

74 362 0
biofouling and its control in seawater cooled power plant cooling water system

biofouling and its control in seawater cooled power plant cooling water system

... 1978) and at Indian Point plant (S.M Stoller Corp 1983) c Surveillance and control procedures Biofouling control techniques can be divided into two major categories, detection / surveillance and control ... sizes, heat treatment and different biocides are in use for prevention and control of biofouling, chlorination stands out as the most widely used and efficient method owing to its proven effectiveness, ... bio-fouling control in the plate HX To precisely and accurately decide the dose www.intechopen.com Biofouling and its control in seawater cooled power plant cooling water system - a review 231 and duration,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:20

53 474 0
Báo cáo y học: "Myofascial trigger points: spontaneous electrical activity and its consequences for pain induction and propagation" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Myofascial trigger points: spontaneous electrical activity and its consequences for pain induction and propagation" pptx

... shows that intramuscular EMG activity at an MTP (SEA) exhibits similar motor behavior to the surface EMG activity over an MTP and is also similar to the intramuscular and surface EMG over a non-MTP ... to the muscle and the skin [46] Thus, MTP pain and tenderness is closely associated with sustained focal ischemia and focal muscle contraction and/ or cramps within muscle taut band Muscle cramps ... dorsal horn neurons and open silent synapses in adjacent segments and excite neurons that supplied the body regions in which the referred pain was felt [49] Sustained focal ischemia and the increased...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

7 443 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

... protein (GAP) activity [20,21] and a highly promiscuous C-terminally encoded ADPribosylation activity towards small GTPases [21–23] Its function is dependent on interactions with 14-3-3 and factor ... 14-3-3 and ExoS is important for the ADP ribosylation activity of ExoS and even more intriguingly, appears to be independent of serinephosphorylation [15,26] The amino acid sequence between 419 and ... GST-ExoS(L428A) and GST-ExoS(LD426–427AA) (Table 1) All GST-ExoS derivatives were expressed and purified, and were then employed in protein pulldown experiments (Fig 1) HeLa cells were harvested and the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

9 525 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mutational analysis of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Interactions of a-helix F and its neighbouring structural elements regulates the activity and the rate of latency transition pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mutational analysis of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Interactions of a-helix F and its neighbouring structural elements regulates the activity and the rate of latency transition pdf

... behaviour and a low unstable inhibitory activity, and for I137A a biphasic loss of activity (Fig and Table 3) The phenotype of these substitutions is therefore different from that of N139A, T146A and ... with an A leads to substrate behaviour and a low, stable inhibitory activity (Fig and Table 3) This W is located in the cleft between hF and s2A (Fig 5), and the presence of an aromatic side chain ... 100 and 128 are highly conserved among serpins (F119 and F147, respectively, in a1PI) [2] and buried in the hydrophobic interface between hF and b-sheet A (Fig 5) The substrate behaviour and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

9 606 0