hippocampus prefrontal cortex and amygdala

Báo cáo y học: "Glutamatergic deficits and parvalbumin-containing inhibitory neurons in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Glutamatergic deficits and parvalbumin-containing inhibitory neurons in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia" ppt

... BKYB and MPL conducted the experiments and the microscopic quantification JFK assisted in data collection BKYB performed data analysis BKYB, TK and TUWW reviewed and discussed the findings BKYB and ... medical records and an extensive family questionnaire that included medical, psychiatric and social history Two psychiatrists (Drs T.-U W Woo and F M Benes) reviewed all records and applied the ... Distribution of PV mRNA+ and PV mRNA+/NR2A mRNA+ Neurons Neurons that expressed PV mRNA were present predominantly in layers 3, and and were also observed in layers and 6, but were absent from...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

10 382 0
Báo cáo y học: "Genome-wide expression profiling and bioinformatics analysis of diurnally regulated genes in the mouse prefrontal cortex" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Genome-wide expression profiling and bioinformatics analysis of diurnally regulated genes in the mouse prefrontal cortex" pps

... human, 696 rat and 447 Drosophila orthologs, respectively (Table 1) We found 94 common genes in the mouse prefrontal cortex and liver, and 90 common genes in the mouse prefrontal cortex and SCN basal ... the prefrontal cortex Therefore, genome-wide analysis of genes with diurnally regulated expression patterns in the prefrontal cortex will shed light on the function of prefrontal cortex and provide ... Pace-Schott EF, Hobson JA: The prefrontal cortex in sleep Trends Cogn Sci 2002, 6:475-481 Davidson RJ: Anxiety and affective style: role of prefrontal cortex and amygdala Biol Psychiatry 2002,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

15 299 0
Báo cáo y học: "microRNA expression in the prefrontal cortex of individuals with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "microRNA expression in the prefrontal cortex of individuals with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder" ppsx

... U133A© arrays using standard methods and quality control procedures The cel files and information on sample acquisition, preparation, and microarray analysis are publicly available and were downloaded ... miR-30d and miR-7-2 at the same distance, 108 bases, and not within 500 bases upstream of any other human, isolated pre-miRNAs For displays of the motifs and the bases between motifs and junctions, ... rats were briefly anesthetized with ether and sacrificed; their brains were removed and hemisected Right anterior medial frontal cortex was dissected out and frozen on dry ice All tissue was kept...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

11 365 0
Gene expression changes in the brainstem and prefrontal cortex in a mouse model of orofacial pain

Gene expression changes in the brainstem and prefrontal cortex in a mouse model of orofacial pain

... Contralateral prefrontal cortex 89   3.2.2 Ipsilateral prefrontal cortex 90   3.3 Western blot analysis of S100A8, S100A9 and LCN2 92   3.4 Immunohistochemistry of S100A8, S100A9 and ... 3.1.2 Prefrontal cortex 118   3.2 Validation of differentially expressed miRNAs by real-time RT-PCR 119   3.2.1 Contralateral prefrontal cortex 119   3.2.2 Ipsilateral prefrontal cortex ... the prefrontal cortex 121   3.4 miRNA target prediction of mmu-miR-155, and -223 123   3.5 Targets validation of mmu-miR-155, and -223 126   3.5.1 Contralateral prefrontal cortex...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:34

179 428 0
Tài liệu White Matter Changes Compromise Prefrontal Cortex Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals docx

Tài liệu White Matter Changes Compromise Prefrontal Cortex Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals docx

... intersection of rays and The resulting region included the superior frontal gyrus and the superior portion of the middle frontal gyrus (BA and and the superior portion of BA 10 and 46) Dorsal PFC ... and posterior parietal cortex may be disrupted Interestingly, we observed a strong association between anterior cingulate cortex activation and dorsal PFC WMH in both the episodic retrieval and ... D’Esposito, M (2003) Prefrontal activity associated with working memory and episodic long-term memory Neuropsychologia, 41, 378–389 Ranganath, C., & Knight, R (2003) Prefrontal cortex and episodic memory:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 07:20

12 539 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Distribution of trkA in cerebral cortex and diencephalon of the mongolian gerbil after birth" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Distribution of trkA in cerebral cortex and diencephalon of the mongolian gerbil after birth" docx

... immunoreactivity in parietal cortex The strongest intensity is seen over parietal cortex layers II, III ,and V among all layers from P9 to adult (D~J) At P0 and P3 (A and B), it is hardly observed, ... III, and V than that in layers IV and VI and the cell processes vertically direct to the outer layers A: ×100, B, C: ×200, D~G: ×400 Very similar low levels were observed at P6 and P9 (Figs A and ... reaction at P6 and P9 (A and B) Positive reactions increased after ages (C~H) There was lower level of expression in the DG region than in the CA1, CA2, and CA3 regions CA1, CA2, and CA3: hippocampus, ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:20

5 281 0
Curcumin modulates dopaminergic receptor, CREB and phospholipase c gene expression in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats potx

Curcumin modulates dopaminergic receptor, CREB and phospholipase c gene expression in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats potx

... and it reversed to near control value in insulin and curcumin treated diabetic rats (Figure and 4) Page of 11 Real Time-PCR Analysis of CREB in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of control and ... forward primer, reverse primer and TaqMan probe for assay on demand and endogenous control β-actin and 12.5 μl of Taqman 2× Universal PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) and the volume was made up ... Receptor in cerebral cortex and cerebellum of control and experimental rats Real Time-PCR analysis showed that the dopamine D2 receptor gene expression in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum was...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

11 413 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification and characterization of NTPDase1 (ecto-apyrase) and NTPDase2 (ecto-ATPase) from porcine brain cortex synaptosomes doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Purification and characterization of NTPDase1 (ecto-apyrase) and NTPDase2 (ecto-ATPase) from porcine brain cortex synaptosomes doc

... pyrophosphate bonds and low substrate specificity They hydrolysed all purine and pyrimidine nucleotides tested NTPDase1 preferentially hydrolysed ATP and UTP, whereas NTPDase2 UTP, TTP, ITP and ATP Both ... pig brain cortex NTPDase1 and were purified to homogeneity and revealed kinetic properties typical for representatives of this group of enzymes, i.e., low substrate specificity for tri- and diphosphonucleosides, ... Woolf–Augustinsson–Hofstee plot and GRAPHPAD PRISM software were used to evaluate Km and Vmax with ATP and ADP concentration from 0.01 to mM Molecular activity and Kcat/Km coefficient were calculated...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

8 321 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The effect of consequent exposure of stress and dermal application of low doses of chlorpyrifos on the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the hippocampus of adult mice" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " The effect of consequent exposure of stress and dermal application of low doses of chlorpyrifos on the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the hippocampus of adult mice" pptx

... in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, and density of dendritic spines in all the three areas assessed were reduced [25] As part of the trisynaptic circuit, afferent inputs to the hippocampus ... KF: Stress and combined exposure to low doses of pyridostigmine bromide, DEET, and permethrin produce neurochemical and neuropathological alterations in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum ... Nikon camera), the slides were examined and photographed under 400× objective For each slide, two Page of random areas of CA1, one random area of CA2 and two random areas of CA3 were examined Neuronal...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

9 451 0
Traumatic brain injury and the effects of diazepam, diltiazem, and MK-801 on GABA-A receptor subunit expression in rat hippocampus ppt

Traumatic brain injury and the effects of diazepam, diltiazem, and MK-801 on GABA-A receptor subunit expression in rat hippocampus ppt

... potential in the traumatized cortex and underlying hippocampus acutely (2 h) following lateral fluid percussion injury (FPI) Suppression of long term potentiation in the hippocampus has been demonstrated ... Expression of α1 ROD in injured hippocampus was significantly higher at hours (M = 129.72) and hours (M = 114.34 and significantly lower at 24 hours (M = 44.23) and days (M = 39.81) compared to ... Increases in α1 mRNA and protein expression during development correspond to increases in BZ binding and altered zinc sensitivity [54], while reduced α1 mRNA and protein expression in the hippocampus...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

11 424 0
Báo cáo y học: "Enhanced glutamate, IP3 and cAMP activity in the cerebral cortex of Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine induced Parkinson’s rats: Effect of 5-HT, GABA and bone marrow cell supplementation" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Enhanced glutamate, IP3 and cAMP activity in the cerebral cortex of Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine induced Parkinson’s rats: Effect of 5-HT, GABA and bone marrow cell supplementation" ppsx

... housed in separate cages under 12 hrs light and 12 hrs dark periods and were maintained on standard food pellets and water ad libitum All animal care and procedures were taken in accordance with ... proliferation and act as comitogens Our present study demonstrates the structural and molecular changes of 6-OHDA infused unilateral Parkinson’s model using 5-HT, GABA and BMC individually and in combination ... control level (Table 1) Glutamate, IP3 and cAMP content in the cerebral cortex Glutamate, IP3 and cAMP content showed a significant increase in cerebral cortex of 6-OHDA rats compared to control...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

10 456 0
Báo cáo y học: "TNFRSF11B computational development network construction and analysis between frontal cortex of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and HIVE-control patients." pot

Báo cáo y học: "TNFRSF11B computational development network construction and analysis between frontal cortex of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and HIVE-control patients." pot

... TNFRSF11B Up- and Down-stream Development Cluster in Frontal Cortex of HIVE-Control Patients and HIVE by DAVID We first datamined lists of TNFRSF11B up- and down-stream genes from 12 frontal cortex ... novel markers and potential targets for prognosis and therapy of HIVE Methods Microarray Data We used microarrays containing 12558 genes from 12 frontal cortex of HIVE-control patients and 16 HIVE ... adjacent frontal cortex tissues of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and no extensive damage to the dendritic and synaptic structure Gene Selection Algorithms 50 molecular markers of the frontal cortex of HIVE...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 03:20

8 198 0
Báo cáo y học: "TNFRSF11B computational development network construction and analysis between frontal cortex of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and HIVE-control patients" pot

Báo cáo y học: "TNFRSF11B computational development network construction and analysis between frontal cortex of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and HIVE-control patients" pot

... TNFRSF11B Up- and Down-stream Development Cluster in Frontal Cortex of HIVE-Control Patients and HIVE by DAVID We first datamined lists of TNFRSF11B up- and down-stream genes from 12 frontal cortex ... novel markers and potential targets for prognosis and therapy of HIVE Methods Microarray Data We used microarrays containing 12558 genes from 12 frontal cortex of HIVE-control patients and 16 HIVE ... adjacent frontal cortex tissues of HIV encephalitis (HIVE) and no extensive damage to the dendritic and synaptic structure Gene Selection Algorithms 50 molecular markers of the frontal cortex of HIVE...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

8 204 0
Báo cáo y học: "Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis and some other medicinal plants commonly used in South-East Asia" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis and some other medicinal plants commonly used in South-East Asia" doc

... media and standard antibiotic discs Four strains of bacteria and one strain of yeast were used for antimicrobial tests The test bacteria included Grampositive Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P) and ... active against S aureus and M smegmatis The aerial parts of Herba Houttuyniae and rodent tuber were only active against B subtilis and S aureus respectively The leaves and Rhizoma Arachis Hypogea, ... Rhizoma Typhonium Flagelliforme and Epipremnum pinnatum leaves and The strongly aromatic plant materials, such as Herba Polygonis Hydropiperis, Folium Murraya Koeniggi and Cortex Page of 10 (page number...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

10 421 0
Gene expression profile in the middle cerebral artery and frontal cortex of hypertensive rabbits

Gene expression profile in the middle cerebral artery and frontal cortex of hypertensive rabbits

... Frontal Cortex The frontal cortex is an area in the brain of mammals, located at the front of each cerebral hemisphere and positioned anterior to (in front of) the parietal lobe and superior and ... stroke and vascular dementia, gene expression changes implicated in hypertension and its downstream impact in the vessels and brain 21 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 22 2.1 Rabbits and treatment ... weeks The brain was carefully removed and the middle cerebral artery (MCA), frontal cortex (FC) and hippocampus (HC) from the right brain was manually dissected and immersed in RNAlater® (Ambion,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:13

92 358 0
Direct and indirect cholinergic septo hippocampal pathways cooperate to structure spiking activity in the hippocampus

Direct and indirect cholinergic septo hippocampal pathways cooperate to structure spiking activity in the hippocampus

... entorhinal cortex (both medial and lateral) project to septal levels of the DG and hippocampus, whereas progressively more medial and rostral portions project to more temporal levels of the DG and hippocampus ... termed CA1, CA2, and CA3 The hippocampus and DG form the central part of the hippocampal formation, which further includes the subiculum, presubiculum, parasubiculum, and the entorhinal cortex Together ... lateral entorhinal cortex, the middle third from the medial entorhinal cortex, and the inner third from associational and commissural fibers originating in the ipsilateral and contralateral hilar...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:11

118 271 0


... Ⅲ Understand the embedded Linux development environment Ⅲ Understand and create Linux BSP for a hardware platform Ⅲ Understand the Linux model for embedded storage and write drivers and applications ... memory leaks and memory corruption in applications and drivers Ⅲ Learn methods to profile applications and the kernel Ⅲ Understand uCLinux architecture and its programming model Ⅲ Understand the embedded ... Ltd Ⅲ Windows, WinCE and Microsoft are registered trademarks and MS-DOS and DirectX are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Ⅲ Solaris and Java are registered trademarks and ChorusOS is a trademark...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:23

429 1,7K 2
09 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of DDGS revisions.

09 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of DDGS revisions.

... during transport and handling – particle and ingredient segregation (separation) occurs when particles of different sizes and bulk densities are blended together and transported or handled Pellet ... Size, Bulk Density and pH Particle size and particle size uniformity of feed ingredients are important considerations of livestock and poultry nutritionists when selecting sources and determining ... Characteristics of U.S DDGS Physical and chemical characteristics of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) vary among sources and can influence its feeding value and handling characteristics These...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 10:03

8 749 0


... our products and how they work, how the distribution system operates, how to deal with both suppliers and customers and how to handle complaints They also study trade and retail laws, and are accompanied ... idioms IT and e-commerce Jobs and positions Letters Meetings and presentations Money and financial issues Numbers and symbols Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs Production and operations Recruitment 1: ... part of a , and should have 10 and the ability to 11 and inspire his or her 12 Sandra: Well, that's great! You've always got on with the people you work with, and everyone...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:31

82 6,1K 56