... common German heritage, and only with Christa Wolf ’s Kindheitsmuster (; Patterns of childhood ) does a German, who is also an East German and a German woman, critically reconstruct the past and ... to reality and so to achieve reconciliation In the s and s alternative modes are sought They turn out in the work of Heine and the writers of Das junge Deutschland (Young Germany) to ... ‘Criticism and experience: philosophy and literature in the German Enlightenment’, is co-operation, a term that precludes any easy division of labour between literature and philosophy in the German...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
... Deutschland (Young Germany) and writers like B¨ chner, Heine and Gutzkow, I will call art as critique: the idea u that literature is equipped and required to intervene in the political life of Germany ... and a the old Germany was occupied and then abolished by the imperialist heir of the Revolution, the optimism and cosmopolitanism characteristic of both literary and philosophical strands ... history and that of intellectual history which (he argues) defines German cultural life That German thought has outpaced German politics is, for Marx, as definitive of German politics as it is of German...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
Banks’ regulatory capital buffer and the business cycle: evidence for German savings and cooperative banks pot
... decisions, i.e., supply-side effects, and demand-side effects working through loan demand As loan demand is known to fluctuate procyclically over the business cycle, demand-side effects may also lead ... savings and cooperative banks, which have traditionally played a dominant role in lending to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany SMEs form the backbone of the German economy and, ... low capital buffers and banks with high capital buffers and include the four interaction terms in the regression Specifications and in Tables and show the results for capital and riskweighed assets,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Which interest rate scenario is the worst one for a bank? Evidence from a tracking bank approach for German savings and cooperative banks potx
... Volatile multinationals? Evidence from the labor demand of German firms Claudia M Buch Alexander Lipponer 23 2007 International investment positions and Michael Binder exchange rate dynamics: a dynamic ... markets and the current account – emerging Europe versus emerging Asia Sabine Herrmann Adalbert Winkler 06 2008 The German sub-national government bond market: evolution, yields and liquidity Alexander ... real estate funds in Germany – C E Bannier genesis and crisis F Fecht, M Tyrell Diversification and the banks’ risk-return-characteristics – evidence from loan portfolios of German banks A Behr,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
... 11 A high-resolution regional reanalysis for Europe and Germany where Pl and P f are the precipitation fluxes of liquid water and ice and vlT and vTf their corresponding terminal velocities • Approximations ... levels and the time step is 18 seconds The model domain covers Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark as well as parts of their surrounding states such as Poland, Italy, ... Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) of Germany The focus of the research project was a self-consistent assessment and analysis of regional climate in Germany and Central Europe...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:11
... Switzerland, came as an endocrinologist to Yale and went on to become chairman, first in Seattle and then in Geneva, and Raymond Van de Wiele, who yale obstetrical and gynecological society Figure ... Symptomatology of PCOS is fairly restrictive and includes menstrual irregularity and symptoms of androgen excess (excessive facial and body hair, acne and occasionally androgenic alopecia) Menstrual irregularity ... Force on the Phenotype of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome of the Androgen Excess and PCOS Society The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome: the complete...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20
... are ostracized and abandoned by their husbands and family, and often live isolated in shame and poverty A 2010 estimate shows approximately two to three million women in Asia and sub-Saharan ... major gynecologic surgeries Rwanda provides a unique and exciting opportunity to train native physicians and nurses We have begun an 19 YALE OBSTETRICAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY outreach program ... fluent in Spanish Her hobbies and interests include hiking, biking and playing jazz piano 39 YALE OBSTETRICAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY our 2011 residency Program Graduates and heir next destinations...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20
Definition and Significance of Leadership docx
... leadership Leadership and management Roles and functions of a leader Changes in organizations and expectations of leaders Chapter 1: Definition and Significance of Leadership Chapter 1.1- Effective Leadership ... to: • Define leadership and leadership effectiveness • Explain why people need leadership • Discuss the major obstacles to effective leadership • Compare and contrast leadership and management ... Chapter 1.3- Leadership and Management Leadership and Management Leadership and Management Managers Focus on the present Maintain status quo and stability Implement policies and procedures...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 19:20
... Gynecology SOCIETY INFORMATION PAGE” Its appearance precedes the Society s published papers and consists of the following: ▪ The Society s LOGO ▪ The Society s contact information and website ... setting is beautiful and overlooks the South Torrey Pines Golf Course and the Pacific Ocean The chairs for activities are in place Lyman and Beth Rust, Jack and Kay Enbom, and Michael and Faith Kettel ... affirmative votes and negative votes to invite Dr Chandler as a 2010 Society Guest A motion by Andrew Combs, SF Caucus Chair, and seconded by Secretary Enbom recommending approval of Peter Chandler as...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 12:20
Expanding Collaboration Between Public Audit Institutions and Civil Society pptx
... to explore opportunities to initiate and deepen collaboration between auditors and civil society groups, IBP and UN-DESA invited audit officials and civil society activists from the six countries ... develop accessible and understandable reports that are freely available and widely distributed to the public in a timely manner Civil society organizations have the networks and expertise to detect ... between civil society groups and auditors The different degrees of collaboration between auditors and civil society organizations can be classified into three categories Civil society organizations...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
poet and the society 2006
... actions and changes wich will effect the stability of the ideal society , and this may help people to raise their fortune and get the knowledge to arrgue with the high class ( philosophers ) and ... kids and enjoy her youth , such change was good for the girl future and life Tears and crying are bad , because revealing such emotions shows you'r weakness to the public , so it will harm you and ... has , in away , been immortalized Even though , he lived and died thousands of years ago , his thoughts and his ideas still live on today and still the main issue of most discssion meetings ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:49
The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching pot
... helps leaders (and people in general) understand the “nuts and bolts” of what they need to to achieve success and get things done Two thought leaders who stand out in this field are Brian Tracy and ... experience of working with and coaching leaders and leadership teams in Asia, North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East One of the reasons Phil connects so well with senior leaders is they respect ... values, leadership approach, and employee satisfaction He has done significant work on measuring the impact of leaders on long-term profitability and growth He has helped leaders understand that...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21
German Football History, Culture, Society pot
... 40111 45111 Roman Horak hand, attracted more and more spectators to the stadium and football field and took place locally and that, on the other hand, was a source for and subject of magazine reports, ... of German football 127 ALEXANDER BRAND AND ARNE NIEMANN German football – a media-economic survey: the impact of the KirchMedia company on football and television in Germany LOTHAR MIKOS 143 vi ... nations? Football and national identities 155 SANNA INTHORN 10 Fandom and subcultural media 168 JÜRGEN SCHWIER 11 Selling sex or dealing with history? German football in literature and film and the quest...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:21
Law, Crime and English Society, 1660–1830 doc
... Walpole and Pitt (Oxford and New York, 1989); Crowds, culture and politics in Georgian Britain (Oxford and New York, 1998); and, with Douglas Hay, of Eighteenth-century English society: shuttles and ... to and an editor of Albion’s fatal tree (London and New York, 1975), Policing and prosecution in Britain 1750–1850 (Oxford, 1989) and Labour, law and crime: an historical perspective (London and ... Smith, A May and S Devereaux, Criminal justice in the old world and the new (Toronto, 1998) J M Beattie, Crime and the courts in England, 1660–1800 (Princeton, 1986), and Policing and punishment...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20
Cinema and Soviet Society from the Revolution to the Death of Stalin potx
... contemporary and later observers _ over estimated the power of propaganda to influence the thinking and therefore the behaviour of people in general, and had too great a faith in film propaganda in ... authors and seeing films made at the time is helpful After all, the writers and directors shared the experiences of their con temporaries and had to appeal to them by speaking their language and ... poverty and misery He sees the landlord still lives well This contrast between poor and rich makes him under }~ stand the correctness of the Bolshevik position The Bolshevik notion of propaganda...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20
international legitimacy and world society jun 2007
... international society is a world society (Schwarzenberger 1964: 488) Thus viewed, international and world society are not distinct: world society simply denotes the now global scope of international society ... actors and transborder relations in their concept of world society Their conceptualization expands the two models of international system and international society, constituting world society ... world society is distinct from, and counterpointed to, international society. ’ John Vincent and his followers represent the second variant ‘In this usage, world society ultimately incorporates and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 22:21
state university of new york press social construction and the logic of money financial predominance and international economic leadership jan 2003
... INTERWAR PERIOD LOGIC AND THE OF MONEY 15 DUTCH LEADERSHIP 43 BRITISH LEADERSHIP 67 GREAT DEPRESSION 93 AND AND THE POSTWAR PERIOD: AMERICAN LEADERSHIP? 123 CONCLUSIONS 151 AND IMPLICATIONS NOTES ... leadership take, and what is the relationship on the one hand between domestic politics and national interest in these leaders, and on the other hand between the expressed national interest and the structure ... this leadership might take in the future To understand this particular example of leadership, we must understand the broader phenomenon, the patterns that international economic and monetary leadership...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:51
The art and practice of leadership coaching phần 1 pdf
... experience of working with and coaching leaders and leadership teams in Asia, North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East One of the reasons Phil connects so well with senior leaders is they respect ... of communications and leadership His landmark book, Powerful Conversations: How HighImpact Leaders Communicate is widely read and highly acclaimed as the textbook for honing leadership communications ... values, leadership approach, and employee satisfaction He has done significant work on measuring the impact of leaders on long-term profitability and growth He has helped leaders understand that...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21
The art and practice of leadership coaching phần 2 ppt
... THE COACHING LANDSCAPE based on years of practical experience He helps leaders make the hard decisions required to get organized and “move on with life.” Leadership thought leader and best-selling ... University of Michigan’s Global Leadership Partnership and is the author of several top books in the field, including The Leadership Engine and The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach in their ... CCL has trained countless thousands of leaders from around the world and has made a huge impact on the entire field John Alexander is the president and CEO of CCL, and the first nominee in the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21
The art and practice of leadership coaching phần 3 doc
... Jim and Barry have also coauthored Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It, Encouraging the Heart, and four other books on leadership They are also creators of The Leadership ... engaging the leader in gathering and processing valid and useful information about leadership skills and abilities In my coaching and development work, I base the development of leadership competencies ... Credible leaders are able to build a community of shared vision and values To become fully committed, constituents must understand the aims and aspirations, and they must agree that these aims and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21