herpes simplex virus oral area

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role for nectin-1 in herpes simplex virus 1 entry and spread in human retinal pigment epithelial cells docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role for nectin-1 in herpes simplex virus 1 entry and spread in human retinal pigment epithelial cells docx

... surface protein with herpesvirus entry activity (HveB) confers susceptibility to infection by mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1, herpes simplex virus type 2, and pseudorabies virus Virology 246, ... site for herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D on herpesvirus entry mediator C by using antireceptor monoclonal antibodies J Virol 74, 10863–10872 Spear PG & Longnecker R (2003) Herpesvirus entry: ... herpes simplex virus entry Cell 99, 13–22 14 Tiwari V, Clement C, Duncan MB, Chen J, Liu J & Shukla D (2004) A role for 3-O-sulfated heparin sulfate in cell fusion induced by herpes simplex virus...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

14 672 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Viral entry mechanisms: cellular and viral mediators of herpes simplex virus entry potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Viral entry mechanisms: cellular and viral mediators of herpes simplex virus entry potx

... extracellular virus particles, termed ‘viral surfing’, has been observed with other viruses, such as retroviruses and human papillomavirus type-16 [13,14] Surfing is also shared by many additional herpesviruses, ... Role for nectin-1 in herpes simplex virus entry and spread in human retinal pigment epithelial cells FEBS J 275, 5272–5285 Dixit R, Tiwari V & Shukla D (2008) Herpes simplex virus type induces ... RJ & Wiley DC (2001) Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D bound to the human receptor HveA Mol Cell 8, 169–179 Gianni T, Amasio M & Campadelli-Fiume G (2009) Herpes simplex virus gD forms distinct...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

9 636 0
Báo cáo " Isomeranzin against Herpes simplex virus in vitro from Clausena heptaphylla (Roxb.) W. & ARN.: Isolation, structure and biological assay " potx

Báo cáo " Isomeranzin against Herpes simplex virus in vitro from Clausena heptaphylla (Roxb.) W. & ARN.: Isolation, structure and biological assay " potx

... with spectral data of an authentic sample The isomeranzin showed some promise as an anti -Herpes simplex virus agent This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program in Natural Science, ... 100 virus particles of HSV-1 strain E377 or HSV-2 strain MS per well After one hour, the cells were treated with ml of the treatment (for mg/ml compound in 10% ethanol) or ml of saline (for virus ... mg/ml or lower), examining the role of solvent at lower concentrations (2.5% ethyl acetate plus virus) , examining the effectiveness of a water extract of the plant, or elucidating the mechanism...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 15:20

6 384 0
herpes simplex virus protocols

herpes simplex virus protocols

... a novel or less-well-known herpesvirus One such less-well-characterized herpesvirus is the porcine alpha-herpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV, synonyms: suid herpesvirus type 1, Auleszky’s disease ... of herpes simplex virus type J Gen Vwol 71,2931-2939 HSV Mutagenesis Robert S Coffin Introduction Herpes genomes are large and complex, with many interactions among herpes encoded proterns, herpes ... noninfectious herpes simplex virus- related particle J Gen Vzrology 72, 66 l-668 Campadelh-Flume, G , Arsenakis, M., Farabegoli, F , and Rotzman, B (1988) Entry of herpes simplex virus m BJ cells...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 09:45

406 357 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " The herpes simplex virus UL20 protein functions in glycoprotein K (gK) intracellular transport and virus-induced cell fusion are independent of UL20 functions in cytoplasmic virion envelopment" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: " The herpes simplex virus UL20 protein functions in glycoprotein K (gK) intracellular transport and virus-induced cell fusion are independent of UL20 functions in cytoplasmic virion envelopment" docx

... R: Herpesvirus entry: an update J Virol 2003, 77(19):10179-10185 Mettenleiter TC: Herpesvirus assembly and egress J Virol 2002, 76(4):1537-1547 Mettenleiter TC, Klupp BG, Granzow H: Herpesvirus ... deletion mutants of herpes simplex virus type J Gen Virol 1982, 63(2):277-295 Bzik DJ, Fox BA, DeLuca NA, Person S: Nucleotide sequence of a region of the herpes simplex virus type gB glycoprotein ... alterations that affect cell fusion in herpes simplex virus type Virology 1984, 132(2):368-376 Debroy C, Pederson N, Person S: Nucleotide sequence of a herpes simplex virus type gene that causes cell...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

12 526 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Persistent expression of chemokine and chemokine receptor RNAs at primary and latent sites of herpes simplex virus 1 infection" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Persistent expression of chemokine and chemokine receptor RNAs at primary and latent sites of herpes simplex virus 1 infection" pptx

... human immunodeficiency virus infection in herpes simplex virus type 2-seropositive persons: a meta-analysis J Infect Dis 2002, 185:45-52 Brockman M, Knipe DM: Herpes simplex virus vectors elicit ... infection with herpes simplex virus type Journal of General Virology 1997, 78:3317-3325 Morrison LA, Knipe DM: Mechanisms of immunization with a replication-defective mutant of herpes simplex virus Virology ... infection by herpes simplex virus type J Virol 1995, 69:4898-4905 Halford WP, Gebhardt BM, Carr DJJ: Persistent cytokine expression in trigeminal ganglion latently infected with herpes simplex virus...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

12 307 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Re-evaluating the role of natural killer cells in innate resistance to herpes simplex virus type 1" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: " Re-evaluating the role of natural killer cells in innate resistance to herpes simplex virus type 1" pot

... against herpes simplex virus1 infection J Immunol 1987, 138(3):884-888 Pereira RA, Scalzo A, Simmons A: Cutting edge: A NK complexlinked locus governs acute versus latent herpes simplex virus infection ... mice with herpes simplex virus type J Immunol 1986, 136(9):3481-3485 Wu L, Morahan PS: Macrophages and other nonspecific defenses: role in modulating resistance against herpes simplex virus Curr ... synthesis in herpes simplex virusinfected cells Submitted 2005 Luker GD, Prior JL, Song J, Pica CM, Leib DA: Bioluminescence imaging reveals systemic dissemination of herpes simplex virus type...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

15 344 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Macrophages and cytokines in the early defence against herpes simplex virus" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Macrophages and cytokines in the early defence against herpes simplex virus" potx

... surface protein with herpesvirus entry activity (HveB) confers susceptibility to infection by mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1, herpes simplex virus type 2, and pseudorabies virus Virol 1998, ... function Herpes Simplex Virus Herpesviruses are ubiquitous viruses generally infecting humans early in life The majority of humans has had a primary infection with one or more herpesviruses and ... The two types of herpes simplex virus confer the genera Simplexvirus and -2, which were formally designated by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses as Human herpesvirus (HHV) and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

30 449 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Detection, quantification and genotyping of Herpes Simplex Virus in cervicovaginal secretions by real-time PCR: a cross sectional survey" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Detection, quantification and genotyping of Herpes Simplex Virus in cervicovaginal secretions by real-time PCR: a cross sectional survey" potx

... Antigen HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus HSV: Herpes Simplex Virus Ig: Immunoglobulin MAb: Monoclonal antibodies O'Farrell N: Increasing prevalence of genital herpes in developing countries: implications ... transmitted disease clinic Sex Transm Dis 1999, 26:329-334 Wald A: Herpes Simplex Virus Type Transmission: Risk Factors and Virus Shedding Herpes 2004, 11(Suppl 3):130A-137A Wagner HU, Van Dyck E, Roggen ... real-time PCR assays for detection of herpes simplex virus J Clin Microbiol 2005, 43:2391-2398 Ashley RL: Laboratory techniques in the diagnosis of herpes simplex infection Genitourin Med 1993,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 458 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Functional inaccessibility of quiescent herpes simplex virus genomes" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: " Functional inaccessibility of quiescent herpes simplex virus genomes" doc

... recombination of the alphaherpesvirus bovine herpesvirus J Virol 2004, 78(8):3872-3879 Johnson RM, Spear PG: Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D mediates interference with herpes simplex virus infection ... transcription during herpes simplex virus latency J Gen Virol 2000, 81:1-19 Stow EC, Stow ND: Complementation of a herpes simplex virus type Vmw110 deletion mutant by human cytomegalovirus J Gen Virol ... Alphaherpesvirus proteins related to herpes simplex virus type ICP0 affect cellular structures and proteins J Virol 2000, 74(21):10006-10017 Russel J, Stow ND, Stow EC, Preston CM: Herpes simplex...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

14 267 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Toll-like receptor 2 signaling is a mediator of apoptosis in herpes simplex virus-infected microglia" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Toll-like receptor 2 signaling is a mediator of apoptosis in herpes simplex virus-infected microglia" pdf

... cells in response to herpes simplex virus J Immunol 2005, 175:4189-4193 Kurt-Jones EA Chan M, Zhou S, Wang J, Reed G, Bronson R, Arnold MM, Knipe D M, Finberg RW: Herpes simplex virus interaction ... Journal of Neuroinflammation 2007, 4:11 Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is a neurotropic virus that infects a wide range of mammalian cells Following primary infection ... Hochrein H Schlatter B, O'Keefe M, Wagner C, Schmitz F, Schiemann M, Bauer S, Wagner H: Herpes simplex virus type-1 induces IFN-a production via toll-like receptor 9-dependent and independent...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

7 507 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A role for DNA-dependent activator of interferon regulatory factor in the recognition of herpes simplex virus type 1 by glial cells" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " A role for DNA-dependent activator of interferon regulatory factor in the recognition of herpes simplex virus type 1 by glial cells" pot

... infection with herpes simplex virus J Neurovirol 2001, 7:208-219 13 Lund J, Sato A, Akira S, Medzhitov R, Iwasaki A: Toll-like receptor 9mediated recognition of herpes simplex virus- 2 by plasmacytoid ... AJ, Berman SM, Markowitz LE: Trends in herpes simplex virus type and type seroprevalence in the United States JAMA 2006, 296:964-973 Baringer JR: Herpes Simplex Infections of the Nervous System ... during herpes simplex type encephalitis J Neurol Sci 1998, 157:82-89 Wildemann B, Ehrhart K, Storch-Hagenlocher B, Meyding-Lamade U, Steinvorth S, Hacke W, Haas J: Quantitation of herpes simplex virus...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

12 529 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Reactive oxygen species drive herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1-induced proinflammatory cytokine production by murine microglia" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Reactive oxygen species drive herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1-induced proinflammatory cytokine production by murine microglia" ppt

... Zhang Y, Olson SJ, Montine KS, Roberts LJ, Morrow JD, Montine TJ, Dermody TS, Valyi-Nagy T: Herpes simplex virus type encephalitis is associated with elevated levels of F2-isoprostanes and F4-neuroprostanes ... IL-1beta, RANTES, and IP10 by human microglial cells during nonproductive infection with herpes simplex virus J Neurovirol 2001, 7:208-219 Aravalli RN, Hu S, Rowen TN, Palmquist JM, Lokensgard ... TLR2-mediated proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine production by microglial cells in response to herpes simplex virus J Immunol 2005, 175:4189-4193 Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD: Analysis of relative gene expression...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

9 335 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Herpes simplex virus type-1(HSV-1) oncolytic and highly fusogenic mutants carrying the NV1020 genomic deletion effectively inhibit primary and metastatic tumors in mice" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Herpes simplex virus type-1(HSV-1) oncolytic and highly fusogenic mutants carrying the NV1020 genomic deletion effectively inhibit primary and metastatic tumors in mice" pptx

... alphaherpesvirus entry J Virol 2000, 74:11773-11781 Even DL, Henley AM, Geraghty RJ: The requirements for herpes simplex virus type cell-cell spread via nectin-1 parallel those for virus entry Virus ... the glycoprotein gene, gB, of herpes simplex virus type Virology 1984, 133:301-314 Pellett PE, Kousoulas KG, Pereira L, Roizman B: Anatomy of the herpes simplex virus strain F glycoprotein B ... alterations that affect cell fusion in herpes simplex virus type Virology 1984, 132:368-376 Debroy C, Pederson N, Person S: Nucleotide sequence of a herpes simplex virus type gene that causes cell...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

10 340 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " The product of the Herpes simplex virus 1 UL7 gene interacts with a mitochondrial protein, adenine nucleotide translocator 2" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " The product of the Herpes simplex virus 1 UL7 gene interacts with a mitochondrial protein, adenine nucleotide translocator 2" pot

... mutant viruses in which the UL7 homologous genes of other alphaherpesviruses pseudorabies virus (PRV) and bovine herpesvirus (BHV-1) have been constructed and characterized [5,6] The mutant viruses ... the protein kinase encoded by the U(L)13 gene of herpes simplex virus J Virol 1998, 72:1731-1736 Galvan V, Brandimarti R, Roizman B: Herpes simplex virus blocks caspase-3-independent and caspase-dependent ... Corcoran JA, Weller SK, Smiley JR: Herpes simplex virus eliminates host mitochondrial DNA EMBO Rep 2007, 8:188-193 Zhou G, Roizman B: Wild-type herpes simplex virus blocks programmed cell death...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

13 463 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Us3 Gene Deletion Influences Toll-like Receptor Responses in Cultured Monocytic Cells" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Us3 Gene Deletion Influences Toll-like Receptor Responses in Cultured Monocytic Cells" pdf

... The herpes simplex virus protein kinase US3 is required for protection from apoptosis induced by the virus Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997, 94:7891-7896 Leopardi R, Roizman B: The herpes simplex virus ... Whitley RJ: Herpes simplex viruses In Fields Virology 5th edition Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007:2501-2601 He B, Gross M, Roizman B: The g134.5 protein of herpes simplex virus complexes ... Koyama AH, Adachi A: Induction of apoptosis by herpes simplex virus type J Gen Virol 1997, 78(Pt 11):2909-2912 Aubert M, Blaho JA: The herpes simplex virus type regulatory protein ICP27 is required...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

11 361 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " ICP0 antagonizes Stat 1-dependent repression of herpes simplex virus: implications for the regulation of viral latency" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " ICP0 antagonizes Stat 1-dependent repression of herpes simplex virus: implications for the regulation of viral latency" potx

... transcripts of herpes simplex virus: RNA in search of function Virology 1992, 191:1-8 Lee LY, Schaffer PA: A virus with a mutation in the ICP4-binding site in the L/ST promoter of herpes simplex virus ... Wechsler SL: Virusinduced neuronal apoptosis blocked by the herpes simplex virus latency-associated transcript Science 2000, 287:1500-1503 Thompson RL, Sawtell NM: Herpes simplex virus type latencyassociated ... is essential for the resistance of herpes simplex virus to interferon-alpha/beta Virology 2002, 293:295-304 Mossman KL, Saffran HA, Smiley JR: Herpes simplex virus ICP0 mutants are hypersensitive...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

23 413 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Involvement of intracellular free Ca2+ in enhanced release of herpes simplex virus by hydrogen peroxide" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Involvement of intracellular free Ca2+ in enhanced release of herpes simplex virus by hydrogen peroxide" ppt

... to viral infection and [Ca2+]i, many animal viruses such as cytomegalovirus, poliovirus, coxsackie B3 virus, vaccinia virus, measles virus and rotavirus are known to alter Ca2+ homeostasis as ... cells by herpes simplex virus type J Virol 1999, 73:10359-10370 Munger J, Chee AV, Roizman B: The U(S)3 protein kinase blocks apoptosis induced by the d120 mutant of herpes simplex virus at a ... Ca2+-dependent cell death on the release of gerpes simplex virus Arch Virol 2003, 148:221-235 Yanagi K, Harada S: Destabilization of herpes simplex virus type virions by local anesthetics, alkaline...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

9 443 0