... validation of biochemical and physiological bio- markers in representative estuarine species; and (iii) recommendations for a compre- hensive methodology to assess the health status of estuarine ecosystems. ... Assessment of Estuarine Ecosystems: A Case Study Deloffre, J. et al. 2006. Interactions between intertidal mudat and turbidity maximum in macrotidal estuarine context. Mar. Geol. 235: 151–164. Deloffre, ... framework of the National Program of Ecotoxicology (PNETOX) under the jurisdiction of the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, sediments as key compartments for the assessment of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20
... International Business and is a professor of business economics at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. brian r. golden is the Sandra Rotman Chaired Professor of Health Sector Strat- egy ... World Health Organization Now at phase 3 Companies should develop risk mitigation plans. The health care system erects an array of barriers to each of these valuable types of innovation. More often ... School of Management and the University Health Network at the University of Toronto; he is also the director of the Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy. Reprint F0605A a settlement of $1.7...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Health of Children Living in Urban Slums in Asia and the Near East: Review of Existing Literature and Data pdf
... “Synthesis of Available Urban Slum Child Health Data”: summary of evidence of health status and main determinants of urban child health and a description of key characteristics of the health and ... 2 Overview of Activity Report 3 Discussion of the Nature of Existing Urban Health Data 4 2. Child Health Status and Determinants in Three Cities 7 India and Ahmedabad 7 Child Health Status ... Philippines Department of Health is that IMRs in Manila’s slums are triple those of nonslum areas. There is also evidence of a high 38 Fact Sheet on the Quality of Life of Urban Poor Communities,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu To improve the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services pdf
... the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1 tives of ... 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Fed-19 eral office of women’s health (including the Office of Re-20 search on Women’s Health of the National Institutes of 21 Health) or Federal appointive ... H. R. 1072 To improve the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES F EBRUARY 15,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Sexual and Reproductive Health of HIV Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: A Dialogue on Rights, Policies and Services ppt
... Counselling services sensitive to the range of needs of HIV-positive women. Improved quality of counselling came up quite often as a need in a range of contexts: preserving privacy and confidentiality, ... women. A moderator posed the issue of provider fears of infection, along with the comments of a health care worker explaining how this arises: ‘One complaint often voiced by people living with ... Ukraine. iii) Summary of Main Issues Raised The overarching issue - at the root of barriers to care, lack of services and low quality of existing care - was the high degree of stigma and discrimination...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons Aged 10–24 Years — United States, 2002–2007 ppt
... No. of cases of chlamydia 1,238 23,665 35,155 93,035 No. of cases of gonorrhea 675 11,242 18,877 49,304 No. of cases of syphilis (primary and secondary) 2 94 238 1,083 STDs** Prevalence of ... population of cases of chlamydia §§§§ 1,374.9 8,858.1 4,672.9 729.3 2,845.8 Rate per 100,000 population of cases of gonorrhea 208.3 2,829.6 548.9 98.7 319.2 Rate per 100,000 population of cases of ... implemented the 2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certicate of Live Birth as of Janu- ary 2006. Data are based on the 1989 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certicate of Live Birth and are not comparable...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc
... Health, United States, 2004 with Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans. Hyattsville, MD. 2004. Page 38 [ Series 23, No. 25 Table 3. Number of women 22–44 years of age, number of ... numbers of pregnancies and education is also seen with number of children ever born (parity): 47 percent of college graduates 22–44 years of age were childless (nulliparous) at the date of interview ... to the fertility, family planning, and reproductive health of U.S. women 15–44 years of age, based on Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), conducted in 2002. The Centers...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
... manner; f. Prevent discriminatory denial of health care or health services or food and fluids on the basis of disability. The World Health Organization World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA) (WHA58.23) ... manner; f. Prevent discriminatory denial of health care or health services or food and fluids on the basis of disability. The World Health Organization World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA) (WHA58.23) ... and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes”...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu University Oars Being a Critical Enquiry Into the After Health of the Men Who Rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race, from the Year 1829 to 1869, Based on the Personal Experience of the Rowers Themselves pdf
... de- gree of authority, and that was by enquiring into the after health of some one of the various orders of athletes who have in early life devoted a large portion of their time to the development of ... University Matches came off, in which 32 crews competed. In the case of each of these crews I have calculated the pro- bable duration of life of the different Oarsmen of whom they were composed: ... of each Race and a list of the Oarsmen who took part therein, I have considered the life-expectation of the united Crews (16 men in all), and summarized the effects of Rowing on their after health. This...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu The Health of Our Educators doc
... The health of oureducators xvi Executivesummary xvii TheDoEinthevariousprovincesassignedco-ordinatorswhoensuredthatschoolswere informedaboutthestudy.Thedistrictofficers of theDoEandlabourunionsassisted theHSRCco-ordinators,whoconsisted of MAandPhdresearchinterns,inmaking appointmentsatschoolsand/oraccompanyingco-ordinatorstoschoolstoaddress educators.Officialsfromlabourunionshelpedwithadvocacyforthestudyandthenature of thestudy,whichincreasedparticipation.Thefieldteamsweresupportedbyanational fieldmanager,andaseparateprojectmanagerwhotrackedprogress of thestudy.Visiting timestoschoolswereadaptedtominimisepossibledisruption of teachingtime. Findings Demographicandsocio-economiccharacteristics of theELRCstudysample Thedemographicandsocio-economicprofileanalysis of educatorsinthesamplerevealed that68% of thesample of educatorsconsisted of females.Themajority of theeducators weremarried.Overthree-quarters of thesamplewereAfricans(77%)whilelessthan5% of thesamplewereAsians,whichisareflection of thedemographiccharacteristics of SouthAfrica.Self-reportedsocio-economicstatusandincomedistributionsuggestthat educatorsweregenerallywellqualified,withafirstdegreeorhigher,andhadmanyyears of teachingexperience,with70% of educatorsteachingforatleasttenyearsorlonger. About94% of educatorsreportedthattheDoEemployedthemwiththerest(6%)being SchoolGoverningBody(SGB)appointments. Only27% of educatorsinthesamplesaidtheyhadahousingsubsidyand67.8% of theeducatorsreportedtheyweremembers of amedicalaidfund.Themajority of educators(89%)weremembers of atradeunion.Thereweredisparitiesinsome of thedemographicandsocio-economicprofiles of educatorsbyraceandprovince.The findingsshowedthattherewereproportionatelymorefemaleandmaleAfricaneducators inthelow-incomecategorycomparedwitheducatorsinotherracegroups.Onthe otherhandtherewereproportionatelylessmalewhiteeducatorsinthemedium-income categorythanmaleeducatorsinotherracegroups. Prevalence of HIV Theresultsshowedthat12.7% of educatorswhogaveaspecimenforHIVtestingwere HIVpositive.Thispercentageincludeseducatorsinallprovinces,andeducators of all ages,sexandracialgroups. Inthisstudy,withoutconsideringageandracedifferences,theHIVprevalencewas thesameforthemaleandfemaleeducators.TheresultsinthisstudyshowedthatHIV prevalenceamongeducatorswashighestforthoseaged25–34years(21.4%)followed bythoseaged35–44(12.8%).Oldereducators(55yearsandolder)hadthelowestHIV prevalence(3.1%).However,differenceswereobservedwhentheanalysiswasrestricted towomenandmenaged25–34years,withwomenhavinghigherHIVprevalence. WomenweregenerallymorevulnerabletoHIVinfectionbecause of theirbiological makeupaswellastheirlowsocio-economicstatus. ... 2 3 SouthAfricahasthelargestnumber of peoplelivingwithHIVAIDSintheworld:14.4% of allpeoplelivingwithHIV/AIDSliveinSouthAfrica.The5.6millionSouthAfricans livingwithHIV/AIDS(DoH2004)aremostlyintheeconomically-activeagegroup.HIV prevalenceishighestamongthoseaged15–49years;howevertherearemajordifferences formalesandfemales.AmongSouthAfricanwomenaged25–39,theestimatedHIV prevalencein2002was17.7%,muchhigherthanamongmales(12.8%)(NelsonMandela/ HSRCStudy of HIV/AIDS2002). Studieshavebeenconductedtoexaminetheimpact of HIV/AIDSonvarioussectors of theeconomy,includingthemining(Evian,Fox,MacLeod,Slotow&Rosen2004), manufacturing, health (Shisana,Hall,Maluleke,Chauveau&Schwabe2004)andeducation sectors(Badcock-Walters,Desmond,Wilson,Heard&MobileTaskTeam2003).The findingsgenerallyindicatethattheepidemicisaffectingtheeconomicsectorsdifferently (Evianetal.2004).HIV/AIDSappearstoaffecttheminingandmetalprocessingsector morethanitdoesotherindustrialsectors,mainlybecause of themigratorylaboursystem thatforcesmentoliveawayfromtheirfamilies. Theeffectivenessandfunctioning of thepublicsectorisalsoincreasinglythreatenedby theHIVepidemic.Thediseaseundermineshumancapitalandlimitsrevenuesavailable tofinancedevelopmentwhilegeneratingincreaseddemandforpublicservices. Health sectorstudiesshowthatthenumber of peopleseekinghealthcareforHIV/AIDS-related illnesshasbeenincreasing,whiletheserviceproviders–- health professionals–arein shortsupplyandarealsoinfectedanddying.StudiesinZambiafoundthatthedeathrate among health workersduetoAIDSquadrupledbetween1986and1999toreach3%per year;Botswanaisexpectedtohavelost17% of its health workforcebetween1999and 2005(ILO2004).ASouthAfrican health sectorstudyalsofoundthat15.6% of thetested health professionalswereHIVpositive.Furthermore,80% of health facilitiesindicatedthat theyneededmorestafftocopewiththedisease(Shisanaetal.2003).Thehighmortality of patientswithHIV-relateddiseasecanunderminefeelings of professionaladequacy. TheeducationsectoristhoughttobeparticularlyhardhitbyHIV/AIDSbecauseboth thedemandforandsupply of educationareaffected.Notonlydochildrendropout of schoolbecause of HIV/AIDS,thusreducingdemandforeducators,buteducators,school managersandeducationpolicy-makersarethemselvesdying of AIDS,thusreducing supply.Educationiscrucialtothecreationandenhancement of humancapital,whichis essentialforsustainabledevelopment.Despitethedearth of empirically-basedstudieson theimpact of HIV/AIDSontheeducationsector,afewstudiessuggestthattheimpact maybesignificant.Itisestimatedthattheeducationsectorwillexperiencehighmorbidity andmortalityduetoHIV/AIDSandconsequentlytheattrition of educators. InEastandSouthernAfrica,wheretheHIV/AIDSepidemichasbeenprevalentforlonger, theimpact of HIV/AIDSontheeducationsectorisevident.AZambianstudyshowed thateducatormortalitywas39per1000,afigureconsidered70%higherthanthatfor theadultpopulationaged15–49years.TheWorldBankprojectedthat40% of Malawian educationpersonnelworkinginurbanareaswoulddie of AIDSby2005;100Tanzanian primaryschooleducatorsdie of AIDSeachmonthandestimatesarethatby2006,45000 trainededucatorswillbeneededtomakeupforthoselosttoAIDS,whileinBotswana deathratesfromAIDSincreasedfrom0.7per1000in1994to7.1per1000in1999 (ILO2004). 1.Introduction ... The health of oureducators x xi Thelist of authorsispresentedalphabeticallybylastname.Theorderdoesnotdenote extent of contribution,butismerelyforease of identification of contributors. MarkColvin,MBChB,MS Epidemiologist,MedicalResearchCouncil Durban(SouthAfrica) CathyConnolly,MPH(Biostatistics) Statistician,MedicalResearchCouncil Durban(SouthAfrica) AdlaiDavids,MSc(GIS) ChiefGISSpecialist,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil Surveys,Analyses,ModellingandMapping Pretoria(SouthAfrica) ShantinieFrancis,MEnvMgt JuniorResearcher,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil UrbanRenewalandDevelopmentUnit, Durban(SouthAfrica) NomvoHenda,MPhil PhDIntern,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil SocialAspects of HIV/AIDSand Health CapeTown(SouthAfrica) LebogangLetlape,MSc(Ed) ChiefResearcher,HumanScienceResearchCouncil SocialAspects of HIV/AIDSand Health Pretoria(SouthAfrica) JuliaLouw,MA Researcher,HumanScienceResearchCouncil SocialAspects of HIV/AIDSand Health CapeTown(SouthAfrica) BrutusMalada,MEd ResearchIntern,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil AssessmentTechnologyandEducationEvaluation Pretoria(SouthAfrica) NtombizodwaMbelle,MA(ELT),MPH ResearchProjectManager,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil SocialAspects of HIV/AIDSand Health Pretoria(SouthAfrica) NkululekoNkomo,BAHons Master’sIntern,HumanSciencesResearchCouncil SocialAspects of HIV/AIDSand Health Pretoria(SouthAfrica) List of contributors ...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February 2009 Summit docx
... effective stewards of their own health and wellness. This publication, Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the 2009 Summit, provides an account of the discussion ... behalf of better health. What better purpose to drive the focus of our attention on the path for rational atten- tion to health care reform that cultivates health as a value for each of us and ... Medicine and the Health of the Public July 10, 2009 Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public: A Summary of the February...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu Body Size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems pptx
... is Professor of Ecology in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary, University of London. D AVID G. RAFFAELLI is Professor of Environmental Science at the University of York. R ONNI ... roles of different kinds of organisms in the flux and storage of elements in ecosystems. The total biomass per unit area, W,is simply the sum ofthe body mass of all individuals. For organisms ofsimilar ... emphasizing marine and freshwater ecosystems particularly apt. Here, the importance of body size is examined at a range of scales, yielding broad perspectives that will be of interest to professional ecologists,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20
Improving Reproductive Health of Married and Unmarried Youth in India docx
... Muliyil, professor and current head of the Community Health Department; Abraham Joseph, professor and former head of Community Health Department; K.R. John, professor of Community Health, for ... percent of all referrals) were referred from the health education sessions. Pre-post analysis of the change in reproductive health awareness showed that those who attended four of the seven health education ... rates of child marriage and early childbearing. India has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, a practice that often results in reproductive health problems for girls because of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Children and Mental Health of Elderly doc
... clearly signs of depression and having several of these symptoms is obviously a sign of bad mental health. On its homepage, The National Institute of Mental Health lists ten symptoms, all of which ... that the number of children does not play an important role for the mental health of elderly (Table A1). The local proximity of children had no effect on the mental health of their parents. ... DETERMINANTS OF MENTAL HEALTH Research on mental health is very extensive. There is even an online open access journal in the field of clinical and epidemiological research on mental health, namely...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20
Air Pollution and the Health of New Yorkers: The Impact of Fine Particles and Ozone pot
... City Department of City Planning. Air Pollution and the Health of New Yorkers: The Impact of Fine Particles and Ozone I 14 35 I Air Pollution and the Health of New Yorkers: The Impact of Fine Particles ... the Health of New Yorkers: The Impact of Fine Particles and Ozone Overall, older adults (65 years of age and older) have much higher rates of respiratory hospitalizations and account for 67% of ... PM 2.5 emissions will often reduce emissions of other harmful pollutants. Studies on concentrations of individual 29 I Air Pollution and the Health of New Yorkers: The Impact of Fine Particles and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20
ImprovIng the health of Women & ChIldren around the World by 2015 potx
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20
Womenís Health Surveillance Report: A Multi-dimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women potx
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 12:20
Fact Sheet No.23, Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children docx
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Improving the Reproductive Health of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth ppt
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
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