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Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch: iOS Apps Development for .NET Developers doc

Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch: iOS Apps Development for .NET Developers doc

... the iPhone and the iPad. Creating a Universal iPhone/ iPad Application There are a couple of ways to create a universal application that will run on both the iPhone and iPad.  The first and ... both the iPhone and the iPad. NOTE: If you want to debug your application in the iPhone 4G Simulator with Retina Display, you must first launch the iOS Simulator and then choose Device : iPhone ... this._iPhoneHome = new HomeScreen _iPhone (); this._window.AddSubview (this._iPhoneHome.View); break; case DeviceType .iPad: // Load the iPad home screen this._iPadHome = new HomeScreen_iPad...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20

500 7,6K 0
apress pro smartphone cross-platform development, iphone blackberry windows mobile and android development and distribution (2010)

apress pro smartphone cross-platform development, iphone blackberry windows mobile and android development and distribution (2010)

... button you just created. This opens Form1.cs and generates an empty handler in the Form1.cs file (Figure 5 6). Figure 5 6. The Form1.cs file 65 65 Chapter Windows Mobile The Windows ... Javascript along with projects and libraries that support native application development to create applications that run on iPhone/ iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Palm, and Symbian. Open-source MIT ... site. CHAPTER 3: Android 36 however, Android does include a set of common user interface components that are comparable to those available on the iPhone. Android Development To develop for the Android,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:36

289 708 0
head first iphone development

head first iphone development

... D.C. Dan’s previous Head First books are Head First Software Development and Head First Algebra, so he’s used to them being a little out of the ordinary, but this is the first book to involve ... previous development experience? Do you want to learn, understand, remember, and apply important iPhone design and development concepts so that you can write your own iPhone apps, and start ... Morrison is a writer, developer, and author of Head First JavaScript, Head First PHP & MySQL, and even a few books that don’t have squiggly arrows, stick figures, and magnets. Michael is the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:28

552 4K 0


... open a book or browse the Internet, and ask yourself these 5 W’s. All good thesis statements contain these 5 W’s, and good pieces of writing usually answer the 5 W’s within the first paragraph, sometimes ... process. 1 15 Look at your list, and select two topics that interest you the most. For example, maybe you are a history buff and you have chosen President John F. Kennedy as a potential topic, and your ... visit and use all kinds of libraries and institutions without having to wait for entry. Having portable equipment with you at all times allows you to be ready to gather materi- als instantly, and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 14:16

7 432 0
Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 5 pdf

Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 5 pdf

... them, and then ‘‘raise the bar’’ again and again. 1 058 9$ $CH3 02-23-04 16:44:29 PS 5 4 Play by the Rules When the leader is morally weak and his discipline not strict, when his instructions and ... has caused us to devalue the ex- perience and dedication of our longer service employees. There is little opportunity for people 45 to 50 and older now, and down the road there will be decreased ... competition. ■ Integrity: We will stand for honesty and trust in everything we do. We will say what we believe and do what we say. ■ Teamwork: We will win by thinking and acting together as one General...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20

10 636 0
addison-wesley learning ipad programming, a hands-on guide to building ipad apps with ios 5 (2012)

addison-wesley learning ipad programming, a hands-on guide to building ipad apps with ios 5 (2012)

... Scene 55 3 Displaying the Flickr Scene 55 5 Wrapping the Flickr API 55 7 Downloading Photos Asynchronously 56 4 Implementing Flick rVie w Controller 57 0 One More Thing 58 0 What’s Missing 58 2 Summary 58 2 Exercises ... 58 2 Exercises 58 2 22 Syncing with iCloud 58 3 Syncing Made Simple 58 3 iCloud Concepts 58 4 File Coordinators and Presenters 58 4 UIDocument and UIManagedDocument 58 5 Ubiquitous Persistent Stores 58 5 Device ... Trouble Spots 51 1 Fixing the Photo Browser 51 1 Fixing the Main Screen 51 8 Launch Images 52 0 Summary 52 3 Exercises 52 3 19 Printing with AirPrint 52 5 How Printing Works 52 5 Print Center 52 6 Requirements...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:56

790 1,2K 0
apress learn cocos2d game development with ios 5 (2011)

apress learn cocos2d game development with ios 5 (2011)

... http://developer.apple.com /iphone/ library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptu al/InstrumentsUserGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html. The iOS Simulator Apple’s iOS SDK allows you to run and test iPhone and iPad ... for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, and the game engine of your choice is cocos2d for iOS. Or maybe you don’t care so much about the game engine but you do want to make 2D games for the iOS devices ... cocos2d -iphone and published in June 2010. It’s expected that Zynga plans to create more iOS games based on cocos2d -iphone now that Quesada and Abarca work for them. Quesada is the creator and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:07

528 5,5K 0
Designing and Deploying RFID Applications Part 5 pdf

Designing and Deploying RFID Applications Part 5 pdf

... R. (20 05) . RFID technologies: supply-chain applications and implementation issues, Information Systems Management 22(1): 51 – 65. Auto-ID Centre at St. Gallen (2006). Anti-counterfeiting and secure ... functionalities (RQ1-RQ4). Security measures (RQ5, RQ9) and RQ10) can also be taken from the DS and the QR approaches. The first major improvement compared to DS and QR is data ownership (RQ6 and RQ7). The discovery ... http://www.epcglobalinc.org/about/media_centre/EPCglobal_Network_Demo .pdf EPCIS (2007). EPCglobal EPC Information Services (EPCIS) Version 1.0 Specification. URL: http://www.epcglobalinc.org/standards/epcis/epcis_1_0-standard-20070412 .pdf Floerkemeier,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20

30 335 0
Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 5 pdf

Artificial Neural Networks Industrial and Control Engineering Applications Part 5 pdf

... 90 5 5 10.03 619 9.76 2 85 5 10 10.20 50 1 10 .59 3 80 5 15 10.36 50 9 9. 95 4 85 10 5 10.37 617 10 .51 5 80 10 10 10.71 612 11.37 6 75 10 15 10.19 56 5 12.20 7 80 15 5 9.82 51 3 7.86 8 75 15 ... 10.23 59 9 11 .51 9 80 11 9 10.24 617 11.10 10 80 12 8 10.22 614 10 .53 11 80 13 7 10. 25 5 85 9 .54 12 80 14 6 10.10 54 1 8.49 13 75 11 14 10. 25 5 95 11. 85 14 75 12 13 10.26 59 0 11.14 15 75 ... 10.26 56 5 9.87 16 75 14 11 10. 25 538 8.61 17 60 10 30 10.12 51 1 9.94 18 60 15 25 9.92 458 10.49 19 60 20 20 9.97 51 7 10.16 20 60 25 15 9.63 51 6 10.07 21 60 30 10 9.12 462 10. 25 Table 5. ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

35 418 2

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