hawk dove game a simple mendelian model

A simple displacement model for response analysis of EPS geofoam seismic buffers

A simple displacement model for response analysis of EPS geofoam seismic buffers

... buffer placed against a rigid wall and used to attenuate earthquake-induced dynamic loads The seismic buffer is modelled as a linear elastic material and the soil wedge shear surface by a stress-dependent ... records for each numerical simulation are plotted in Figs 9a, 1 0a, 1 1a and 1 2a These data are taken from accelerations recorded at the shaking table platform in each corresponding physical test Computed ... BC Analyses using the program FLAC [7] showed that a 50% reduction in lateral loads could be expected during a seismic event compared to a rigid wall solution Hazarika et al [8], Zarnani et al

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2021, 17:26

10 4 0
2010 statistical power analysis a simple and general model for traditional and modern hypothesis tests

2010 statistical power analysis a simple and general model for traditional and modern hypothesis tests

... Statistical Power Analysis A Simple and General Model for Traditional and Modern Hypothesis Tests THIRD EDITION Statistical Power Analysis A Simple and General Model for Traditional and Modern ... wide variety of statistics used in the social and behavioral sciences can be thought of as special applications of the “general linear model? ?? (e.g., t-tests, analysis of variance and covariance, ... Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2017, 10:28

225 180 0
Comprehensive anticancer drug response prediction based on a simple cell line-drug complex network model

Comprehensive anticancer drug response prediction based on a simple cell line-drug complex network model

... work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572327 to XZ) Availability of data and materials Our data and software are publically available at https://zenodo.org/record/ ... Irinotecan in CCLE dataset and Dasatinib in GDSC dataset As is shown in Fig 17, our model achieved the AUC values of 0.786 for Irinotecan and 0.818 for Dasatinib We used a similar method as [11, ... yushuangli@ysu.edu.cn Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China School of Science, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China approaches It can be mainly partitioned

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 13:16

15 11 0
A simple elastoplastic hardening constitutive model for EPS geofoam

A simple elastoplastic hardening constitutive model for EPS geofoam

... donation of the EPS material used in the experimental tests by RMAX Cellular Plastics, Australia Appendix A Reduced matrix calculations in the case of triaxial test To take the maximum advantage ... non-linear response of a road pavement, utilizing an associated flow rule and a modified version of Gurson flow surface The model was an attempt to provide a unified phenomelogical approach for materials ... be a certain percentage of R, say I ¼ 0:1R, and a small negative value for Kp, say K p ¼ 0:1 For comparison purpose, we also draw the case with K p ¼ We arrive at Fig B.2 Appendix C Analytical

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2021, 17:26

12 3 0
simple generalisation of a mesophyll resistance model for various intracellular arrangements of chloroplasts and mitochondria in c3 leaves

simple generalisation of a mesophyll resistance model for various intracellular arrangements of chloroplasts and mitochondria in c3 leaves

... chloroplasts, as commonly observed for real leaves (Sage and Sage 2009; Hatakeyama and Ueno 2016) Within our simple generalised model, we stay with the same notation of rwp and rch, the two-resistance ... significant rcytosol value would mainly be lumped into parameter ω, while parameter σ encompasses any combination of chloroplast–mitochondria arrangement and Sc/Sm This means that parameters ω and ... σ in our model can be experimentally measured, at least approximately Individual physical resistance components rwall, rplasmalemma, rcytosol, renvelope and rstroma have been calculated Photosynth

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:25

10 1 0
Topological determinants of self sustained activity in a simple model of excitable dynamics on graphs

Topological determinants of self sustained activity in a simple model of excitable dynamics on graphs

... representation of functional patterns in complex neural networks, such as the mammalian cerebral cortex In particular, initial network activations should result in neuronal activation patterns that ... edges at random among N nodes) and scale-free Barabási-Albert (BA) networks (generated with preferential attachment20) For each network, of finite size N, we adopt a layered view (as in a previous ... delineate a region of sustained activity Using analytical considerations and numerical simulation, we show that these transitions originate from the presence of barriers to propagation and the

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2023, 15:06

11 0 0
Tài liệu developing a simple PL / SQL docx

Tài liệu developing a simple PL / SQL docx

... Declaring Scalar Variables PL/SQL supports three datatypes—scalar, composite, and reference—that you can use for declaring variables, constants, and pointers. Scalar Datatypes A scalar datatype ... datatype and precision of a variable, you can declare a variable according... so the variable is always compatible with the database column or identifier used to populate the variable Advantages ... components and is reusable Two types of composite datatypes are available in PL/ SQL: TABLE and RECORD PL/ SQL Table D A PL/ SQL TABLE datatype is not the same as a database table D A

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15

56 405 1
An investigation into the effects of brainstorming and giving a text as model on phan dinh phung high school student's attitude and writing ability

An investigation into the effects of brainstorming and giving a text as model on phan dinh phung high school student's attitude and writing ability

... the approval the application of giving a text as a model in the future Table 11: The reasons for the disapproval of application of giving a text as a model in the future TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDEGEMENT…………………………………………… ... limited vocabulary, grammar, ideas and skills Thus, it is necessary to carry out an investigation into the prewriting activities, specially, into brainstorming and giving a text as a model to find ... the teacher carried out brainstorming at prewriting stage Teacher stated the topic and wrote it on the black board and then gave any explanations that might be needed Students worked from a student

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08

60 720 0
Tìm hiểu các hệ thống search engine và xây dựng a simple search engine

Tìm hiểu các hệ thống search engine và xây dựng a simple search engine

... nghệ thông tin đều xoay quanh hai chủ đề này [1] . Sự ra đời c? ?a internet cũng dẫn đến hai đặc trưng cơ bản c? ?a thông tin hiện nay: • Tốc độ gia tăng nhanh • Tốc độ thay đổi nhanh Loài người thực ... về crawler: - Yahoo! Slurp là tên c? ?a yahoo search crawler - MsnBot là tên c? ?a Bing crawler - Googlebot, crawler c? ?a google - Methabot là một web crawler được viết bằng C, được ra đời dưới chúng ... trị c? ?a webserver cấu hình được khu vực nào Crawler không thể vào. • Parallelization plicies: cho phép tổ chức Crawling song song và phân tán ra sao. 2.1.2 Kiến trúc c? ?a một Web crawler Sau đây

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 09:59

51 546 2
Tài liệu Module 5: Implementing a Simple Web Service pdf

Tài liệu Module 5: Implementing a Simple Web Service pdf

... A DataSet is an in-memory cache of data obtained from many possible data sources such as databases or Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents A DataSet reads and writes data and schema as XML ... the Data tab Drag a SqlDataAdapter object from the Data tab to the Design view of the asmx file The Data Adapter Configuration Wizard is displayed Complete the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard ... Generate Dataset dialog box, the following: a Create a New DataSet b Double-click DataSet1 and type TransactionDataSet c To generate the TransactionDataSet typed DataSet, leave the other dialog

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:17

78 375 0
Tài liệu developing a simple PL / SQl pptx

Tài liệu developing a simple PL / SQl pptx

... Scalar Variables PL/SQL supports three datatypes—scalar, composite, and reference—that you can use for declaring variables, constants, and pointers. Scalar Datatypes A scalar datatype holds a ... value and has no internal components. Scalar datatypes can be classified into four categories: number, character, date and time, or Boolean. Character and number datatypes have subtypes that associate ... variable to 0 v_count BINARY_INTEGER := 0; Declare a variable to accumulate the total salary for a department and initialize the variable to 0 v_total_sal NUMBER(9,2) := 0; Declare a variable

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:17

56 379 1
Tài liệu Web Programming Using a Simple Server ( http://thisisplc.blogspot.com) pdf

Tài liệu Web Programming Using a Simple Server ( http://thisisplc.blogspot.com) pdf

... are stored in a small wrapper class called Param Each pair holds one pair of the parameters class Param // A class that stores a name-value pair of parameters { private String name, value; Param ... processing program may read and write files on the server and access and modify a database 13 Accessing a Database from a Web Page The database we will initially use is that for an address book The following ... complications involved with a full server Network Programming using the Java Programming Language The Java language has several classes that are used for network programming They are in the java.net

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 17:15

19 566 0
Tài liệu Kinh tế ứng dụng_ Lecture 2: Simple Regression Model ppt

Tài liệu Kinh tế ứng dụng_ Lecture 2: Simple Regression Model ppt

... (S/Y) and the aid ratio (A/ Y) 1.1) Plot the scatter plot of (S/Y) against (A/ Y) 1.2) Calculate the mean deviations (S/Y – S/Y ), (A/ Y – A/ Y ); the mean deviations (S/Y– S/Y )2, (A/ Y– A/ Y )2; and ... Nguyen Hoang Bao May 20, 2004 Applied Econometrics 10 Simple Linear Regression Model Workshop 2: Simple Regression Models 1) Retrieve data file AIDSAV.WK1, which contains the data for saving rate ... least squared regression splits the variation in the Y variable into two components: the explained variation due to the variation in Xi and the residual variation TSS Written by Nguyen Hoang Bao

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 11:20

12 450 0
Tài liệu Towards a conceptual reference model for project management information systems ppt

Tài liệu Towards a conceptual reference model for project management information systems ppt

... 3). An initiative is a generalization of any form of action that has a defined start and end date and is unde rtaken to reach a goal. Therefore, an initiative may be a program, a project, a sub-project, ... (Fig. 5). According to Schlagheck, projects (Project) are arranged in a hierarchy and are characterized by an objective and a status. Each project has exactly one project plan. A work breakdown ... Their feasibility, profitability, and strategic impact are analyzed so that a final decision can be made regard- ing their implementation (Idea Evaluation). This phase ends with a formal go/no-go

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

12 721 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Word representations: A simple and general method for semi-supervised learning" doc

... unlabelled data to reduce data sparsity in the labeled training data, semi-supervised approaches improve generalization accuracy. Semi-supervised models such as Ando and Zhang (2005), Suzuki and Isozaki ... documents). We also evaluated on an out-of-domain (OOD) dataset, the MUC7 formal run (59K words). MUC7 has a different annotation standard than the CoNLL03 data. It has several NE types that don’t appear ... (2008), and Suzuki et al. (2009) achieve state-of-the-art accuracy. However, these approaches dictate a particular choice of model and training regime. It can be tricky and time-consuming to adapt an

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

11 688 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Hybrid Hierarchical Model for Multi-Document Summarization" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Hybrid Hierarchical Model for Multi-Document Summarization" ppt

... Vanderwende, 2009). A hierarchical model is particularly ap- pealing to summarization than a ”flat” model, e.g. LDA (Blei et al., 2003b), in that one can discover ”abstract” and ”specific” topics. For instance, dis- covering ... 4: Manual Evaluations Here, we manually evaluate quality of summaries, a common DUC task. Human annotators are given two sets of summary text for each document set, generated from two approaches: ... 12 Overall 24 66 2 Table 4: Frequency results of manual quality evaluations. Results are statistically significant based on t-test. T ie indi- cates evaluations where two summaries are rated equal. according

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

10 559 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A Caenorhabditis elegans model of orotic aciduria reveals enlarged lysosome-related organelles in embryos lacking umps-1 function potx

Báo cáo khoa học: A Caenorhabditis elegans model of orotic aciduria reveals enlarged lysosome-related organelles in embryos lacking umps-1 function potx

... a murine model of Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 285, L643–L653 Nakatani Y, Nakamura N, Sano J, Inayama Y, Kawano N, Yamanaka S, Miyagi Y, Nagashima Y, Ohbayashi ... 57 Wang P, Chintagari NR, Narayanaperumal J, Ayalew... sorting of proteins to the vacuole in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Biol Chem 267, 3416–3422 62 Ban N, Matsumura Y, Sakai H, Takanezawa Y, ... morphology ⁄ appearance within larval intestinal cells These data show that increased osmolarity can rapidly and substantially reduce the number of vacuoles in umps-1( zu456) larvae Accumulation

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

20 440 0


... felt that a more comprehensive model was needed With that, I began to read the material that was already available and look for additional models that could be examined What follows is an article ... measures of these values that can be utilized in a variety of choice Situations The SNG model is conceptualized as a Managerial, pragmatic approach to consumer behavior And finally, the SNG model ... student background characteristics, parental income, educational level and occupation, aspirations and encouragement of others, admissions standards, institutional offerings, overall quality, academic

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

295 413 1
Báo cáo khoa học: A simple in vivo assay for measuring the efficiency of gene length-dependent processes in yeast mRNA biogenesis doc

Báo cáo khoa học: A simple in vivo assay for measuring the efficiency of gene length-dependent processes in yeast mRNA biogenesis doc

... 5¢-CAGGATCGGTCGATTGTGC-3¢ (Stab Vida, Oeiras, Portugal) Acknowledgements ´ We thank Francisco Malagon and Francisco Navarro for their critical reading of the draft; we also thank S Buratowski, T Kokubo, A ... concluded that measurement of acid phosphatase activity was the best estimation of the mRNA abundance in our systems, and from here on we use the ratio of acid phosphatase activities as an indicator ... SAGA mutants take place at the level of PIC assembly, since all transcription units used to calculate the GLAM ratios share the same promoter We have also ruled out an indirect effect of SAGA

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

14 435 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "SITS: A Hierarchical Nonparametric Model using Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation in Multiparty Conversations" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "SITS: A Hierarchical Nonparametric Model using Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation in Multiparty Conversations" pptx

... sec- ond dataset contains three annotated presidential de- bates (Boydstun et al., 2011) between Barack Obama and John McCain and a vice presidential debate be- tween Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Each ... also can illuminate individuals’ agendas (Boydstun et al., 2011), patterns of agree- ment and disagreement (Hawes et al., 2009; Abbott et al., 2011), and relationships among conversational participants ... conversations is a key problem for conversational assistants (Tur et al., 2010) and tools that summarize (Murray et al., 2005) and display (Ehlen et al., 2007) conversational data. Topic segmentation

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

10 555 0