hand tracking and center of mass

Tài liệu Chapter 9: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum docx

Tài liệu Chapter 9: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum docx

... The Center of Mass: Consider a system of two particles of masses m1 and m2 at positions x1 and x2 , respectively We define the position of the center of mass (com) as follows: ... total mass M of the syetsm and the velocity vcom of the center of mass r r r dP d r r The time rate of change of P is: = ( Mvcom ) = Macom = Fnet dt dt r The linear momentum P of a system of particles ... The Center of Mass for Solid Bodies (9-4) Solid bodies can be considered as systems with continuous distribution of matter The sums that are used for the calculation of the center of mass of systems...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:16

22 568 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Track and Cut: Simultaneous Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Objects with Graph Cuts" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Track and Cut: Simultaneous Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Objects with Graph Cuts" doc

... keeps tracking and segmenting it correctly until the driver starts turning it The most important result on this sequence is the tracking of the hands In image 39, the masks of the two hands are ... use of this new detector demonstrates not only the genericity of our segmentation and tracking system, but also its ability to handle rough and inaccurate input measurements to produce good tracking ... illumination invariant kernel tracking in [26] Advantages and limits of previous approaches These three types of tracking techniques have different advantages and limitations and can serve different purposes...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

14 215 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation" doc

... complexity and maintain picture quality All approaches utilized in the proposed search scheme are described as follows 2.1 Revised center of mass with binary transform Center of mass Motion of a CEM ... where P(i, j) is the binary level of (i, j) of a block, (i, j) is the coordinate of BITCEM of a block, and (M, N) is the block dimension Clearly, by utilizing (2) and (3), multiplication can be ... K.-L Yeh, M.-C Shie, F Lai, and C.W Yu, “BITCEM: an adaptive block motion estimation based on center of mass object tracking via binary transform,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 181 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Integrated Detection, Tracking, and Recognition of Faces with Omnivideo Array in Intelligent Environments" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Integrated Detection, Tracking, and Recognition of Faces with Omnivideo Array in Intelligent Environments" pot

... detection and tracking Evaluation of the face detection and tracking is accomplished using an extensive array of experimental data We collected many video clips of different setups and in different ... standard eigenface method On the other hand, for the correlation-based PCA, since the mean face μ is not computed and is set to zero, the eigenvectors of the training set T are zero-centered and ... positive rates of the indoor and outdoor test sequences on single-frame and tracking- based settings DFFS bound Single-frame Indoor Tracking Single-frame Outdoor Tracking Single-frame Total Tracking...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

19 341 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Identification of the occurrence and pattern of masseter muscle activities during sleep using EMG and accelerometer systems" docx

báo cáo khoa học: " Identification of the occurrence and pattern of masseter muscle activities during sleep using EMG and accelerometer systems" docx

... 43.3% of clenching, and 24.4% of tapping activities based on the count of events; whereas 56.8% of grinding, 37.4% of clenching, and 5.8% of tapping were registered based on the length of events ... time length of bruxism episode was 250 msec of muscle burst in the case of tapping and over 500 msec of burst in the cases of clenching and grinding, and minimum inter-episode time was more than ... inferior border of the mandible (Fig 1) Accelerometers were fastened on the forehead as a reference and on the middle point of the chin concavity of the mandible with vinyl polysiloxane and adhesive...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

10 489 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Metabolite-based clustering and visualization of mass spectrometry data using one-dimensional self-organizing map" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Metabolite-based clustering and visualization of mass spectrometry data using one-dimensional self-organizing map" ppt

... identical rt values and a mass shift of m/z 46 The remaining marker candidates of the experiment are represented by small black dots On the right hand side the average intensity profile associated ... associates the intensity profile of JA and its precursor OPC-4 (blue dot at rt 0.98 in the rt-m/z plane in figure 5) with the profile of a group of marker candidates of high molecular weight (m/z ... a convenient overview of the intensity patterns of several hundred marker candidates of the lipophilic fractions The intensity profiles of these 837 lipophilic marker candidates are represented...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20

18 582 0
Báo cáo y học: "Accuracy and quality of massively parallel DNA pyrosequencing" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Accuracy and quality of massively parallel DNA pyrosequencing" ppt

... analysis of the distribution of the types of error in pyrosequencing of emPCR libraries suggests ways of identifying and removing these HAP-hazards: reads with a disproportionately large number of ... across reads and the similarity of error rates for reads with no Ns are consistent with a high general accuracy of the pyrosequencing method and poor resolution of a small number of beads with ... bead and additional reagents, including polymerase, luciferase, and ATP sulfurylase Microfluidics cycle each of the four nucleotide triphosphates over the PicoTiterPlate™, and incorporation of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:22

9 218 0
advantages and disadvantages of mass media

advantages and disadvantages of mass media

... Raisen by: Kelly Martinez AZTECS Raisen by: Caro Bustos Customs and traditions of Aztec and Inca cung cấp Datos personales Carolina Kelly my name is kelly martinez I am 21...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2015, 12:06

3 1,3K 2
Development and application of mass spectrometry based proteomics technologies to decipher ku70 functions

Development and application of mass spectrometry based proteomics technologies to decipher ku70 functions

... in other lanes of the same gel The bands were digested and desalted by Empore Disk The bands with one picomole and 500 femtomole of BSA are consistently detected by MALDI-TOF/TOF every time However, ... minimizes the losses of samples and offers a very effective and convenient tool for sample preparation The procedure is simple, reproducible and economical Its handling is easy and convenient for ... identification by mass spectrometry plays an important role in proteomics research because of the sensitivity, specificity and speed of mass spectrometer Since the sensitivity and accuracy of the analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:46

168 472 0


... Temperature analysis of the total cross section of mat foundation (b) Stress dispersion of the total cross section of mat foundation during and after curing (c) TCI of the total cross section of mat foundation ... and the peak point of hydration heat for the total amount of binder would be increased as increasing the quantity of cement Therefore, the amount of cement was designed as the minimum value and ... center and surface of the member were 14.3 and 20.6℃ at the highest temperature These rages are stable to keep the quality control for the mix design and this demonstrates that radiant heat of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

7 493 3
Báo cáo khoa học: " Medication errors: a prospective cohort study of hand-written and computerised physician order entry in the intensive care unit"

Báo cáo khoa học: " Medication errors: a prospective cohort study of hand-written and computerised physician order entry in the intensive care unit"

... the remit of the local ethics committee Prior to introduction of CPOE, local standards of prescribing existed specifying the tenets of good practice, including the avoidance of the use of abbreviations ... decision support, in several ways We compare the rates and types of MEs and the potential outcome of intercepted and non-intercepted errors Materials and methods In April 2002, University College Hospitals ... for days; and 18 December 2002 for days Available online http://ccforum.com/content/9/5/R516 Table Types of medication errors before and after implementing CPOE HWP (no of errors and % of total...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:39

6 526 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Comparison of membrane fraction proteomic profiles of normal and cancerous human colorectal tissues with gel-assisted digestion and iTRAQ labeling mass spectrometry pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Comparison of membrane fraction proteomic profiles of normal and cancerous human colorectal tissues with gel-assisted digestion and iTRAQ labeling mass spectrometry pptx

... 25 (SLC25) consists of proteins that are functionally and structurally related and that construct the transporters of a large variety of molecules [30] Following LC-MS ⁄ MS and western blotting ... monitoring CRC Results Quantitative analysis of membrane proteins from paired tumoral and adjacent normal tissue of CRC patients A total of eight tumor tissues and eight matched normal tissues were ... quantitative analysis of membrane proteins of the CRC samples and reveals 215, 299, 191 and 208 proteins from four 4-plex iTRAQ LC-MS ⁄ MS experiments, respectively Statistical analysis of the expression...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 15:20

11 590 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular cloning and characterization of soybean protein disulfide isomerase family proteins with nonclassic active center motifs pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular cloning and characterization of soybean protein disulfide isomerase family proteins with nonclassic active center motifs pdf

... Identification of the initiation codons in GmPDIL-3a and Gm-PDIL-3b mRNAs (A) Schematic representation of the structure of GmPDIL-3a and GmPDIL-3b mRNAs The putative ORFs (gray boxes) of GmPDIL-3a and GmPDIL-3b ... storage vacuoles The synthesis of proglycinin and pro-b-conglycinin was initiated when the seeds achieved a mass of 50 mg (Fig 5A, lanes and 4) The amount of GmPDIL-3a and GmPDIL-3b proteins increased ... frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen until use Cloning of GmPDIL-3a and GmPDIL-3b Cloning of the cDNAs for GmPDIL-3a and GmPDIL-3b was performed by 3¢-RACE and 5¢-RACE Soybean trifoliolate center...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

12 622 0


... KAR, et al HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the epidemiology and clinical features of cases in a outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) Design: ... [E-PUB AHEAD OF PRINT] KAR, et al HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE Fig 1.Papulovesicular lesions on the buttocks Fig 2.Papulovesicular lesions on the dorsum of hand with involvement of margins of fingers ... JUNE 10, 2012 [E-PUB AHEAD OF PRINT] KAR, et al HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE eosinophilia and two cases with neutrophilia Routine and microscopic examination of stool and urine samples did not...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

9 338 0
Effectiveness of PRECEDE model for health education on changes and level of control of HbA1c, blood pressure, lipids, and body mass index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus docx

Effectiveness of PRECEDE model for health education on changes and level of control of HbA1c, blood pressure, lipids, and body mass index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus docx

... 24 months of follow-up Sample size For an alpha of 0.05, a power of 80%, and in order to detect an reduction of HbA1c of 0.3 percentage units, with a common standard deviation (SD) of 1.15, in ... the study in either of the two models analyzed, and the adjusted effect of PRECEDE was close to zero (Table 2) In both models, the level of exercise decreased Page of slightly and was not significant ... reduction of 7% in the risk of mortality owing to cardiovascular disease, and 10% in the risk of mortality owing to ictus with every mmHg decrease in SBP The slight decrease in the lipid profile of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

9 655 1
Báo cáo khoa học: A single EF-hand isolated from STIM1 forms dimer in the absence and presence of Ca2+ ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: A single EF-hand isolated from STIM1 forms dimer in the absence and presence of Ca2+ ppt

... EF -hand from STIM1 binds to Ca2+ Y Huang et al Fig Grafting the helix–loop–helix EF -hand motif into CD2 (A) The sequence alignment results of calmodulin EF -hand III and the canonical EF -hand ... the isolated EF -hand motif of STIM1 undergoes Ca2+-induced conformational changes and remains as a dimer in the absence and presence of Ca2+ Results and Discussion The isolated EF -hand motif from ... probe the oligomeric state of the EF -hand of STIM1 using size-exclusion chromatography and pulsed-field diffusion NMR We found that mutations on loop positions and of the EF -hand from STIM1 decreased...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

9 465 0


... short -hand for shared understandings and assumptions, part of the process of ‘getting things done’ — but the collateral damage in this often ends up being wider understanding of their version of ... tough, green and alive, it tore the skin of my hands, but I was determined I watched the tree as it teetered and then fell into the water I rubbed the dirt, sap and blood off my hands and went down ... appeal and so declined the US government’s offer of a free transfer (and monopoly) of the administration of the internet.52 In cities, the official future is a reflection of who holds power and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 08:20

122 455 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Binding and activation of nitric oxide synthase isozymes by calmodulin EF hand pairs potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Binding and activation of nitric oxide synthase isozymes by calmodulin EF hand pairs potx

... isoforms of NOS with CaM-TnC chimeras demonstrated that the roles of the four EF hands in the binding and activation of the cNOS and iNOS enzymes are distinct [13] Replacement of any CaM EF hand ... two repeats of the N-terminal EF hand pair (residues 1–81, 9–75), and CaMCC contains two repeats of the C-terminal EF hand pair (residues 1–8, 82–148, 76–148) CaMNN and CaMCC EF hand pairs are ... of the target peptide with EF hand in closest contact with the reductase domains The central helix is composed of the C-terminal and N-terminal helices of EF hand units and 3, respectively, and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

13 336 0
Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Evaluation of Water-Management Alternatives in the Assabet River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts pptx

Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Evaluation of Water-Management Alternatives in the Assabet River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts pptx

... analysis of aquifer tests at public-supply wells in the Assabet River Basin, eastern Massachusetts Fine to coarse sand and gravel Silt and clay Sand and gravel Medium to coarse sand and gravel Sand and ... typical values of 0.25 to 0.33 for medium to coarse sand and gravel, 0.21 to 0.33 for fine sand, and 0.02 to 0.08 for silt and clay (Johnson, 1967; Morris and Johnson, 1967; Moench and others, 2000; ... of stratified glacial deposits with uplands, such as ACW257 and WRW150, and smallest in wells near streams, such as HZW147 and WRW149 (fig 8) Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Evaluation of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

142 1,4K 0