green environment with special reference to silk worms



... similarly develops to a stage of maturity, reproduces its kind, withers and dies; but incident to these general activities he notes numerous others that seem to have no relation to the activity ... briefly to the consideration of the sacrifices that the father makes As is the case with mother so with the father, the initial sacrifice in the division of a portion of his body is too small to be ... become gorged with a secretion peculiar to it and at the moment of the emission or the ejaculation of the semen the numerous ducts empty their contents into the urethra to be mingled with and made...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

100 430 1


... hides a delicate nerve within that would thrill with the slightest touch Resting upon it, the brain is borne without a tremor; and, clinging to it, the vital organs are carried without fear of harm ... closely resemble each other The arm corresponds to the thigh; the forearm, to the leg; the wrist, to the ankle; the fingers, to the toes The fingers and the toes are so much alike that they receive ... body is made to fall on this arch by means of a variety of joints These joints further enable the foot to be applied, without inconvenience, to rough and uneven surfaces. HINTON.] The toes naturally...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20

532 562 0
The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type potx

The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type potx

... which seek to bring together such knowledge and experience in one volume These publications have often been devoted to the livestock of certain countries or regions They seek to bring to light ... integrated knowledge which draws together known facts and experience Second, it seeks to bring to those unfamiliar with the Awassi the special qualities it offers for specific environments The author, ... in October or November showed a decrease from 60.1 kg in October to 40.9 kg in February for the ewes with lambs and from 60.2 to 55.9 kg for the barren ewes during the same period The ewes with...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

84 339 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Opportunistic methods of controlling vegetation, inspired by natural plant succession dynamics with special reference to natural outmixing tendencies in a gap regeneration" pps

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Opportunistic methods of controlling vegetation, inspired by natural plant succession dynamics with special reference to natural outmixing tendencies in a gap regeneration" pps

... compared to weeds As Mlinsek [14] states, forest seedlings are to herbaceous vegetation (herbs) what marathon runners are to sprinters To be successful, natural regeneration methods need to provide ... solution to the issue of opportunistic renewal To ensure that forest seedlings are not overgrown by competing vegetation, it is important to prevent weed cover developing too thick and too compactly ... transparency differs according to tree species: this means the capacity to intercept light and to assist the regenerative process varies according to canopy species Within broad-leaved tree species,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:22

8 369 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Segregation of blood group factors in horses with special reference to maternal-fetal incompatibility" docx

báo cáo khoa học: "Segregation of blood group factors in horses with special reference to maternal-fetal incompatibility" docx

... offspring (P < 0.05) This deviation did not appear to be due to one or a few individual factors but rather to a general tendency among most factors towards a slight excess of heterozygous offspring ... incompatibility effect with respect to Aa and Qa, may be ascribed to a number of possible reasons The incidence of NI may be too low to be revealed by the test applied It can be calculated that with the statistical ... : current status and application to identification problems Proc Ist World Congr Genet applied to Livestock Prod., Madrid, October 7thIlth, 1974, 1, 253-265 Editorial Garsi, Madrid ANDBERG S K.,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22

11 291 0
Báo cáo y học: " Ethnobotany of religious and supernatural beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with special reference to the ‘Dobur Uie’" doc

Báo cáo y học: " Ethnobotany of religious and supernatural beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with special reference to the ‘Dobur Uie’" doc

... to the veneration of saints [11,12] and in many instances, sacred trees are connected with sacred graves/shrines and share the same supernatural powers to grant divine blessings to cure and to ... interviews with the healers, village heads, head of the religious institutions, elderly men and women Herbarium specimens were identified and finalized with SP SP helped to take the photographs and to ... beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with special reference to the ‘Dobur Uie’ Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2011 7:16 Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and take full advantage...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:21

13 473 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Economic Aspects of Disease Monitoring with Special Reference to Bovine Paratuberculosis" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Economic Aspects of Disease Monitoring with Special Reference to Bovine Paratuberculosis" pdf

... with a difference of between the fewest and most animals in the class The within-class herd sizes in the these classes were modeled as discrete probability distributions with each herd size within ... reported a range in sensitivity (SE) of 15% to 87% with an average of 45% In this study, the sensitivity of the ELISA was modeled with a BetaPERT distribution with a minimum of 15%, a most likely value ... high in comparison to some other diagnostic tests, but it might be of concern if large scale testing is contemplated (Jordan 1996) The specificity was modeled with a uniform 99.0% to 99.9% distribution...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

9 255 0
A sociological study of tamil entrepreneurship with special reference to up country tamil business in sri lanka

A sociological study of tamil entrepreneurship with special reference to up country tamil business in sri lanka

... Caste as a promoting factor towards class 113 5.5.2 Caste as a stimulating factor towards trade 117 5.4 Kanganies and Kanakkupullais: the top of the bottom 120 5.4.2 Rise ... termed as Tamils today, but some have Telungu and Malayalee origins as well 2 Different factors ranging from the historical to the political-economic background along with cultural factors are responsible ... achievement within the plantation sector Adequate reasons will be given to explain the rise of the Kanganis as a new social class within the plantation system and later into the business sector Moreover,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58

252 606 0
MicroRNA expressions in the MPTP induced parkinsons disease model with special reference to mir 124

MicroRNA expressions in the MPTP induced parkinsons disease model with special reference to mir 124

... motor symptoms defining the disease These non-motor symptoms seldom respond to PD drug or surgical therapies leading to disability and diminished quality of life for the patients PD, as of today ... occurring mechanisms, environmental and genetic factors augment the processes leading to neuronal death in PD 1.5.2 Environmental factors The implication of environmental factors in PD has been ... PD, there is no single cause known to lead to the development of PD It remains a multifactorial disease with several causative factors and many more being added with research advances 1.5.1 Aging...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:12

254 337 0
The development of health care system in malaysia   with special reference to government health services, 1970 2000

The development of health care system in malaysia with special reference to government health services, 1970 2000

... vigorous targeting  to the  poor  specifically  or  to any  specific  groups  but  rather  emphasis  was  given  to expand  the  rural  health system.  In 1970, access to health care within 5 kilometres to the nearest health clinic  ... grateful  to my  husband,  Charlie  who  supported  me  financially from time to time.  A special note of appreciation to the Government of Malaysia for the confidence in  allowing me to pursue this PhD degree for which I did not apply.  ... Chart 6.14  Total Outpatient Attendance for MOH Hospitals and Percentage  to Total MOH Outpatient Attendance 1970­2000  Chart 6.15  Public Health Facilities Outpatient Attendance and Percentage to Total MOH Outpatient Attendance 1981­2000 ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16

439 383 0
Essays on TRIPs, pharmaceuticals and developing countries with special reference to india

Essays on TRIPs, pharmaceuticals and developing countries with special reference to india

... every new drug development to be $403 million and the total pre-approval capitalized cost up to the marketing stage to be $802 million Once a drug is developed and ready to be marketed, these R&D ... majors is likely to be squeezed due to shrinking sales growth after patent expiration and mounting costs for R&D and advertising The total generic business is expected to grow due to expiration ... legislation that allows generics to compete with the breakthrough drug from the outset and show the difference this makes to the returns to pharmaceutical research, and to the consumer surplus in developed...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 10:54

180 350 0
Investigation of the pathogenesis caused by exposure to varying doses of VX nerve agent in rat with special reference to cardiotoxicity

Investigation of the pathogenesis caused by exposure to varying doses of VX nerve agent in rat with special reference to cardiotoxicity

... cleft to the membrane of the postsynaptic cell where it binds to its receptor This ligand-receptor interaction leads to activation of the ACh receptor which initiates an influx of sodium ions into ... experiments and laboratory work I wish to specially thank the staff of Department of Anatomy, Mrs Ng Geok Lan, Mrs Yong Eng Siang, Mdm Manomani and Mdm Thenmozhi of the Histology Laboratory; Miss Chan ... were done to link and correlate these histological observations to physical signs and symptoms of poisoning These studies also aimed to predict the extent of damage in the organs by monitoring the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 17:07

201 290 0
Báo cáo toán học: "An introduction on below-ground environment and resource acquisition, with special reference on trees. Simulation models should include plant structure and function" potx

Báo cáo toán học: "An introduction on below-ground environment and resource acquisition, with special reference on trees. Simulation models should include plant structure and function" potx

... connection constraints within the plant, lead to a spatial structure Roots tend to be clustered in space (e.g [22]), and young root tips especially tend to be located at particular sites within the whole ... structure-function variations within the root system can modify our quantitative approach to resource acquisition on their interaction with the solid phase of the soil These differences lead to the definition ... physicists, and because of the difficulties related to the observation and representation of the root system In order to improve such models, with the objective to give more precise answers on when, where,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

8 258 0
On public health use of influenza antivirals during influenza pandemics (with particular reference to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009) docx

On public health use of influenza antivirals during influenza pandemics (with particular reference to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009) docx

... pandemic a decision needs to be made as to whether the severity of infection at the individual patient level is sufficient to offer antivirals to all of those with symptoms or even to attempt delaying ... clinicians to treat those who are most ill Being able to deliver antiviral agents to people who need them most in a timely manner since, to be effective, they have to be given within 48 hours of symptoms ... carried out to optimise the usefulness of existing stockpiles small or large An important general principle contends that having stockpiles is of limited use without agreed objectives, protocols,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21

4 309 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " The Methodology off Sememic Analysis with Special Application to the English Preposition" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: " The Methodology off Sememic Analysis with Special Application to the English Preposition" ppt

... it turned to amber TO 11: to *—— sticky to the touch silent to the ear TO 12: to * (by) close to the earth near to the equator TO 13: to *—— This is a sememe which occurs with the sememe ... Danes: WITH and WITH 10 Joined with other materials: WITH and WITH He experimented with mirrors: WITH and WITH He experimented with his friends: WITH and WITH A dog with a bone: WITH and WITH Another ... ambiguity with WITH 1) WITH 8: with * to talk with pilots friendly with Latin American countries WITH 9: with * filled with milk filled with bad odors Compare this with OF 13 WITH 10: with * against...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20

17 314 0
RUBBER PRODUCTION IN LIBERIA: An Exploratory Assessment of Living and Working Conditions, with Special Attention to Forced Labor docx

RUBBER PRODUCTION IN LIBERIA: An Exploratory Assessment of Living and Working Conditions, with Special Attention to Forced Labor docx

... in the rubber sector of Liberia, with special attention to indicators of forced labor Since the establishment of the Firestone plantation in 1926, rubber has been the cornerstone of the Liberian ... should be an exploratory study with flexible research objectives, which evolved into a study of current-day living and working conditions, with special attention to indicators of forced labor, ... rubber sector to the Liberian economy, and the still-nascent effort to restore the sector to a healthy and productive state following Liberia‟s 14-year civil war, meant that any research into social...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:21

53 511 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Existing capacity to manage pharmaceuticals and related commodities in East Africa: an assessment with specific reference to antiretroviral therapy" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" Existing capacity to manage pharmaceuticals and related commodities in East Africa: an assessment with specific reference to antiretroviral therapy" ppt

... initiatives towards improving access to effective treatment of HIV/AIDS [1,2] Lack of adequate human resources to support scale-up of treatment programs has been a major constraint to treatment ... Uganda Total Doctors Pharmacists Nurses/Midwives Pharmacy Technicians Clinical officers Social workers Others 18 10 11 - - - 20 32 27 20 Total 34 24 17 35 110 interventions are necessary to address ... Rwanda were found to be limited due many problems These problems included poor human resource with inadequate skills and capacity to select, quantify and distribute the drugs, with irrational prescribing...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

5 376 0
Báo cáo y học: "Tibialis posterior in health and disease: a review of structure and function with specific reference to electromyographic studies" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Tibialis posterior in health and disease: a review of structure and function with specific reference to electromyographic studies" pot

... powerful supinator of the hindfoot Figure Gross anatomy of retromalleolar region Gross anatomy of retromalleolar region Gross anatomy of retromalleolar region indicating flexor digitorum longus ... studies with typically small sample sizes (ranging from to 12) and with participants' age ranging from 18 to 76 years [5,11,12,27-29] These studies have reported normal TP EMG activity to occur ... of flexor digitorum longus and into tibialis posterior (3b) with white paper to highlight electrode mately 20–25% (standard deviation 10–15%) when normalised by a maximum isometric reference contraction...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

8 530 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Pain management procedures used by dental and maxillofacial surgeons: an investigation with special regard to odontalgia" pdf

báo cáo khoa học:" Pain management procedures used by dental and maxillofacial surgeons: an investigation with special regard to odontalgia" pdf

... associated with atypical facial pain Some authors consider atypical odontalgia to be a subgroup of atypical facial pain [20] On the other hand, phantom tooth pain can be regarded as a special form ... The frequency of TMD diagnosis corresponded to other investigations, but the number of patients with the diagnosis atypical odontalgia including phantom tooth pain was unexpectedly high [14,15,18-22] ... Contradictory to other references [11] and the general demographic data of this region, this investigation yielded a low rate of elderly people suffering from chronic orofacial pain, especially...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22

5 199 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Measurements and Calving Performance of Swedish Red and White and Swedish Holstein Dairy Cattle with Special Respect to Stillbirth" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Measurements and Calving Performance of Swedish Red and White and Swedish Holstein Dairy Cattle with Special Respect to Stillbirth" ppsx

... and SLB dairy heifers and cows in a dairy herd with special respect to foetal viability and to reveal any associations of endocrine parameters to the evidence of stillbirth and related calving ... chance of finding placentomes Another factor might be the vascularisation at the placentomes, which might cause lower echogenicity It was too few observations in the impaired group to draw conclusions ... animals with viable calves, compared to animals with stillbirth In total, SRB animals had fewer cotyledons in the foetal membranes than SLB animals Deviating profiles of E1SO4 and PAGs in animals with...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

13 234 0