... field of words or lexical and semantic field of words is the whole words can be classified into sets according to their meaning. The following set of words is a lexical field, because all the words ... meaning of speech, words to communicate well. 5. Lexical and semantic field of words Many linguists have given out their own definition about lexical and semantic field of words, and J. Trier ... structure of words, and also typical word- information patterns, are studied in the section on word- building. The internal structure of the word, or its meaning, nowadays, commonly referred to the word s...
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 15:11
Word list in english
... quá thận trọng; số lượng rất ít, số lượng không đáng kể); Xcrup (đơn vị trọng lượng bằng 20 gren; 1 gren = 0, 065 g);(v) đắn đo, ngại ngùng, do dự không muốn làm việc gì scuba (n) bình khí ... đỡ For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Word Part of Speech, Meaning a pivotal figure a premium price a range of (n) dãy, hàng; phạm ... làm khô (hoa quả, sữa) eventful (adj) có nhiều sự kiện quan trọng; có kết quả quan trọng evergreen (n) (thực vật học) cây thường xanh; ( số nhiều) cây xanh trang trí evident (adj) ( evident...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:15
... unfamiliar word. TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List 1700 Words EXAMPLE Examples in the form of a word or phrase may help to explain the meaning of a word: ... engraved) For example, if you engrave something with a design of words, or if you engrave a design or words on it, you cut the design or words onto its surface. Your wedding ring can be engraved ... by the words “the Bald Eagle” following the word “or.” CLAUSES Adjective clauses and their connectors (i.e., that, when, where, which, who, and whom) may be used to identify words. ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
A study on syntactic, lexical semantic and rhetorical features of word groups containing words denoting seasons in vietnamese and english
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
Tài liệu Vocabulary Word Analysis Extreme Words ppt
... alternative words. Objective e student will identify more precise alternatives for overused words. Materials Pocket chart Word Wake-Up header cards (Activity Master V.021.AM1) Word cards ... the stack and read the word (e.g., joyful). 3. Look at the overused words on the headers. 4. Match the word card to the corresponding overused word (i.e., happy). 5. Place word under corresponding ... student with a student sheet. 2. e student reads the words in the left column (i.e., list of games) and the words in the top row (i.e., list of game attributes). 3. Reads the games one at...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 02:15
The academic word list
... headwords. The 570 words are grouped into 10 sublists that reflect word frequency. Thus, the first sublist contains words with the highest frequency and the last sublist contains the words ... sublist contains the words with the lowest. Each sublist contains 60 words except sublist 10, which contains 30 words. Because of the words were selected by their range and frequency in the ... regularly use words on the AWL, (3) elaborate on the AWL word families, and (4) require student usage (verbal and written) of AWL words. Free practice exercises for each sublist of words may...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 02:36
Prefix and Suffix Word List Reference danh cho sinh vien dai hoc nam nhat
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 22:55
Perfect Bound Press Word Fugitives In Pursuit Of Wanted Words
... dictionaries. Thus family words make up a half-hidden level of language. The conceptual matter of family words, like that of other kinds of words, has anti-matter, or word fugitives: meanings ... together family words, regional dialect, and other kinds of non-dictionary words, how vague—or naive—people at the time tended to be in their thinking about non-dictionary words. During and ... H AVE A W ORD ? k 127 People who start thinking about words are likely to find themselves, pretty soon, thinking about words about words. You never know: it might even happen to you. TWELVE...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56
Word form list
... wooded, wooden, woody wool, woollens, woolliness woollen/US woolen, woolly/US wooly word, wording wordy, worded, wordless work, workaholic, worker, workings, workable, unworkable, overworked, workout ... realistic, unrealistic, realisable reasonable, unreasonable, reasoned receptive, reciprocal, received recognizable, unrecognizable, recognized recorded, unrecorded reflective regrettable, regretful regular, ... glasses good, goodies, goodness, goods government, governor gratitude, ingratitude greatness green, greenery, greens ground, underground, grounding, grounds grower, growth, undergrowth guilt,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:26
Vocabulary list 10 - Short Words That Mean a Lot
... good fun. – VOCABULARY LIST 10: SHORT WORDS THAT MEAN A LOT – 161 Words in Context The following exercise will help you figure out the meaning of some words from Vocabulary List 10 by reading context ... existence. – VOCABULARY LIST 10: SHORT WORDS THAT MEAN A LOT – 166 – VOCABULARY LIST 10: SHORT WORDS THAT MEAN A LOT – 159 1 3 4 2 6 5 7 89 12 11 10 14 17 15 18 19 16 13 Choose the word from the Vocabulary List ... longer of actual signifi- cance, opposite of the rest of the words listed. 34. oust. Oust means to eject or force out, opposite of the words listed, which mean to keep and comfort in a protected space. 35. roil....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Vocabulary list 13 - Commonly Tested Words
... many alternate form of the words as you can guess, and then check the words in a dictionary. Can you use each of the forms of the words in a sentence? – VOCABULARY LIST 13: COMMONLY TESTED WORDS – 206 anomaly ... of the words listed. 34. Stolid means showing little emotion or awareness, the opposite of the words listed. 35. Rancor means continuing hatred or ill will, the opposite of the words listed. 36. ... the words listed. 37. Fodder means dry, coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep, the opposite of the words listed. 38. Resolute means determined and firm of purpose, the opposite of the words listed. 39....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Vocabulary list 14 - More Commonly Tested Words
... opposite of the words listed. 36. Omniscient means all knowing, the opposite of the words listed. 37. Disconsolate means sad, dejected, and hopeless, the opposite of the words listed. 38. Genteel ... the opposite of the words listed. 39. Pallor means a lack of color, or an unnatural pale- ness, the opposite of the words listed. 40. Purloin means to steal, the opposite of the words listed. Matching ... of the words from this chapter’s vocabulary list, construct another crossword puzzle. Choose one of the longer words to start with, and write it down in the middle of a page. Then find a word that...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Perfect Bound Press Word Fugitives In Pursuit Of Wanted Words - Them
... sent in a matched pair of words. Mike McDonald, of San Francisco, played around with monde - green, which the American Heritage Dictionary defines as “a series of words that result from the ... snarky side, that’s not all to the good—or at 53 WORD FUGITIVES “Is there a word to describe someone who can read but can’t pronounce words? One such person I know, who learned En - glish ... the word requested was meant to reflect that. A coinage that does is yakasses, from Tim Weiner, of Mexico City. “A friend has a habit of taking a lovely song and changing one or two words...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
Tài liệu The Academic words list ppt
... significance significantly signified signifies signify signifying similar dissimilar similarities similarity similarly source sourced sources sourcing specific specifically specification specifications specificity specifics structure restructure restructured restructures restructuring structural structurally structured structures structuring unstructured theory theoretical theoretically theories theorist theorists vary invariable invariably variability variable variables variably variance variant variants variation variations varied varies varying Sublists of the Academic Word List Each word in italics is the most frequently occurring member of the word family in the Academic Corpus. For example, analysis is the most common form of the word ... American spelling is included in the word families, so contextualise and contextualize are both included in the family context. Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments reassess reassessed reassessing reassessment unassessed assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions authority authoritative authorities available availability unavailable benefit beneficial beneficiary beneficiaries benefited benefiting benefits concept conception concepts conceptual conceptualisation conceptualise conceptualised conceptualises conceptualising conceptually consist consisted consistency consistent consistently consisting consists inconsistencies inconsistency inconsistent constitute constituencies constituency constituent constituents constituted constitutes constituting constitution constitutions constitutional constitutionally constitutive unconstitutional context contexts contextual contextualise contextualised contextualising uncontextualised contextualize contextualized contextualizing uncontextualized contract contracted contracting contractor contractors Sublist ... global globally globalisation globalization grade graded grades grading guarantee guaranteed guaranteeing guarantees hierarchy hierarchical hierarchies identical designed designer designers designing designs distinct distinction distinctions distinctive distinctively distinctly indistinct indistinctly element elements equate equated equates equating equation equations evaluate evaluated evaluates evaluating evaluation evaluations evaluative re-evaluate re-evaluated re-evaluates re-evaluating re-evaluation feature featured features featuring final finalise finalised finalises finalising finalize finalized finalizes finalizing finality finally finals focus focused focuses focusing focussed focussing refocus refocused refocuses refocusing refocussed refocusses refocussing impact impacted impacting impacts injure injured injures injuries injuring injury uninjured institute instituted institutes instituting institution institutional institutionalise institutionalised institutionalises institutionalising institutionalized institutionalizes institutionalizing institutionally institutions invest invested investing investment investments investor investors invests reinvest reinvested reinvesting reinvestment reinvests item itemisation itemise itemised itemises itemising items journal journals maintain maintained maintaining maintains maintenance normal abnormal abnormally normalisation normalise normalised normalises normalising normalization normalize normalized normalizes normalizing normality normally obtain obtainable obtained obtaining obtains Sublist 8 of the Academic Word List abandon abandoned abandoning abandonment abandons accompany accompanied accompanies accompaniment accompanying unaccompanied accumulate accumulated accumulating accumulation accumulates ambiguous ambiguities ambiguity unambiguous unambiguously append appendix appended appends appending appendices appendixes appreciate appreciable appreciably appreciated appreciates appreciating appreciation...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu High frequency word GRE doc
... disposed to speak the truth. veracity Truthfulness. verbiage Use of many words without necessity. verbose Wordy. verdant Green with vegetation. ascribe To assign as a quality or attribute. asperity ... Calmness; composure. equilibrium A state of balance. equivocal Ambiguous. equivocate To use words of double meaning. eradicate To destroy thoroughly. errant Roving or wandering, as in search ... opinion. conciliatory Tending to reconcile. concord Harmony. concur To agree. condense To abridge. conflagration A great fire, as of many buildings, a forest, or the like. confluence The...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 05:20