grammar practice for pre intermediate students 3rd edition with answer key

Grammar Practice for Pre-intermediate Students

Grammar Practice for Pre-intermediate Students

... exercise To check your answers, you will need to use the edition of Grammar Practice for Pre- Intermediate Students with Answer key We hope that Grammar Practice for Pre- Intermediate Students helps you ... 169-174 To the student Grammar Practice for Pre- Intermediate Students gives short, clear explanations of all the main areas of English grammar, and provides practice exercises for you to There are ... Bread, cheese, butter, information, news, food, and money are all uncountable nouns >• Exercise 14 for some and any Practice Write 'C for countable, 'U' for uncountable I information apple C cheese...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 15:19

182 1,5K 13
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 10 pdf

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 10 pdf

... know • 43a for for since for for since since since for 10 for 43b I studied for She's worked , since I worked for I've lived since He's been for I haven't seen since I didn't see for We've ... feel fight find fly forget forgive get Past Simple drove ate fell felt fought found flew forgot forgave got Past Participledriven eaten fallen felt fought found flown forgotten forgiven got give ... better 10 I'm going to be in the office until o'clock 96a until before until until before before until until before 10 before 166 Key 96b le You must stay in bed until you get better 2b I felt very...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

20 491 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 9 potx

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 9 potx

... them for me SCORING 10 points: Give yourself a point for each correct answer Score Part E Complete the sentences with a preposition or adverb The man walked the hotel and asked the receptionist for ... yourself a point for each correct answer Score \_\ PartB Put the verb into either the gerund or the infinitive with to form Do you enjoy I've decided ? (cook) a new job (look for) Are you interested ... SCORING 10 points: Give yourself a point for each correct answer TOTAL SCORE Maximum 50 points Add up your score Score [ } Total Score | | in Key Answer key 1 She him she me her She we her them...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

19 410 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 8 pot

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 8 pot

... because it relates to ( = connects with) a noun in the larger sentence FORM • Relative clauses are often indicated by who (for people) and that (for things and sometimes for people) The relative clause ... here at o'clock 135 Prepositions 96 until, before, after • before and after can be followed by a noun, pronoun, clause or gerund: I'll see you after lunch John arrived before me She phoned after ... This is the chair My parents gave it to me 12 I've applied for the job You told me about it 13 We're looking for the ball We were playing with it 14 The man was holding the gun We saw him 15 I'm...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

17 468 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 7 pptx

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 7 pptx

... taking for: buy, find, get, make verb + indirect object without to or for + direct object: l.O D.O him the money Give your mother a present Buy Note: that it is not possible to use the second form ... a lot of earthquakes California has a lot of earthquakes 120 Sentence structure QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 84 Making questions • Questions are formed for all tenses except present simple and past simple ... Questions are formed for the present simple and past simple by using do, does, or did: They work here Do they work here? She lived here Did she live here? > Exercise 28 and 34 for present simple...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

16 367 0
grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 3 doc

grammar practice for pre intermediate students phần 3 doc

... Verbs 29 Present Continuous FORM Positive Question I am - I'm He She It is He's - She's It's Am Is Are Negative with not He's - She's It's is We You They working? we you they Negative with n't ... (positive) 14 He's listening to the radio, (question) 15 You're playing with my football, (question) 30 Present Simple/Present Continuous Practice In your notebook, write these sentences putting the verbs ... want some tea? 'Yes, they do.' • Negative short answers can use the unconnected form: No, they Jiot (this is more emphatic) Practice Write the short answers 'Do you live here?1 'Yes, 'Does Mary...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

20 389 0

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