grade 10 students at hh4 high school reticent in speaking lessons

A case of 10th-form students at Hoằng Hoá 4 High School = Nghiên cứu về sự dè dặt, ít nói của học sinh lớp 10 trường THPT Hoằng Hóa 4 trong các giờ học nói tiến

A case of 10th-form students at Hoằng Hoá 4 High School = Nghiên cứu về sự dè dặt, ít nói của học sinh lớp 10 trường THPT Hoằng Hóa 4 trong các giờ học nói tiến

... well as the interview for students, major findings of the current study are summarized and discussed below: 4.1.1 Factors making Grade- 10 students at HH4 high school reticent in speaking lessons: ... collected, it can be seen that the 10th-form students at HH4 high school found speaking topics in the textbook interesting Most of the students admitted that English speaking skill was very important ... Not interested at all 36 27 in class? Table 2: Students interest in learning speaking skill The statistics from table show a surprising fact that only 22% of all students felt interested in speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:53

64 804 1
The major factors affecting speaking skill of first year english major students at vinh university and some suggested solutions tions improve their communicative competence

The major factors affecting speaking skill of first year english major students at vinh university and some suggested solutions tions improve their communicative competence

... Students opinion about teachers’ teaching methods Table 81: Teachers’ teaching methods in pre -speaking phase Table 92: Teachers’ methods in speaking practice phase Table 10: Students motivation ... To investigate the factors affecting speaking skill of the first year students at Vinh University To investigate the working mechanism of these factors on the students through which the implications ... following research questions are generated: • What factors affect speaking skills of first year students at Vinh University? • What strategies should be used to improve their speaking skill? • What...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

96 3,6K 32
Adapting English 10 textbook towards promoting learner's autonomy and communicative competence in learning grammar = Điều chỉnh sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 theo

Adapting English 10 textbook towards promoting learner's autonomy and communicative competence in learning grammar = Điều chỉnh sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 theo

... through examples Introducing grammar points in stimulated situations (using pictures, playing games, telling stories, ect.) Introducing grammar points in texts or dialogues Explaining rules and ... training RAISING AWARENESS Finding out about students → Collecting information on learners Questionnaire on learning styles and activities Questionnaire on students attitudes towards learning ... (1986:150) points that 11 “Explicit teaching can speed up the learning of these features / patterns by making them more salient, encouraging students to allocate attention to them by narrowing learners‟...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:09

75 1,6K 2
communicative competence

communicative competence

... that may be called into action to compensate for breakdowns in communication due to performances variables or insufficient competence.” What is this?  Strategic competence QUESTION 8: Fill in ... people say that learning a foreign language means learning their cultures, so when using a Foreign language, we should behave like a native speaker Others say that following exactly what native speakers ... what native speakers makes nonnative speakers have difficulties in communicating especially when people in conversation are all nonnative speakers What is your opinion? ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2013, 19:11

28 219 2
The role of sentence stress in enhancing english speaking competence of HPU english majors

The role of sentence stress in enhancing english speaking competence of HPU english majors

... stress in enhancing English speaking competence 34 8.1 Final intonation 36 8.1.1 Rising-falling intonation 36 8.1.2 Rising intonation 37 8.2 Non-final intonation ... see that intonation patterns can contribute to sentence meaning English 38 8.2 Non-final intonation 8.2.1 Rising-falling intonation Complex sentences often have two separate intonation patterns ... usually indicates that the speaker has finished speaking 8.1.2 Rising intonation Did Susan buy a new sweater? Notice again that the pitch of your voice rises at the major sentence stress However, rather...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:12

57 639 0
Free telecollaboration 2.0 tools and activities for enhancing intercultural communicative competence

Free telecollaboration 2.0 tools and activities for enhancing intercultural communicative competence

... applications of technology in curriculum reform and pedagogical innovation In Vietnam, for example, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) invested significantly in computers in schools ... potential in online exchanges for specific situations and educational goals may In fact, it is urgent to focus on the meaningful integration of inexpensive ICT into intercultural exchanges in order ... transcultural communication, and intercultural cooperation (Fatini, 2006) In the general literature of intercultural learning, the two terms “intercultural communicative competence” and “intercultural...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 09:58

137 623 0
Incorporating intercultural communicative competence ELT

Incorporating intercultural communicative competence ELT

... in each case A In your opinion, are these statements true or false? TF The narrator feels hatred for his lost wife According to the narrator, desire brings pain The narrator feels that speaking ... entitled “Incorporating intercultural communicative competence in pre- and in- service language teacher training” The final day of the workshop was devoted to the creation of six networks for continued ... This document contains additional materials relating to the publication, Incorporating intercultural communicative competence in language teacher education by Ildikó Lázár Copyright...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2016, 13:15

105 409 0
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

... Getting students to speak freely Teaching listening Teaching writing Teaching reading Teaching speaking Using dictation Using songs Correcting students errors Giving instructions for classroom activities ... TEACHING OF ORAL SKILLS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN QUANG NGAI PROVINCE 3.1 TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING SPEAKING 3.1.1 Introduction 14 In junior high schools, one of the main ways speaking ... regularly in their teaching: teaching: TOPICS Testing grammar Correcting students errors Testing vocabulary Eliciting Planning lessons Checking understanding Presenting new vocabulary Using drills...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

48 1,3K 7
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part  2

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 2


Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

2 898 5
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part  3

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 3

... Information about Schools 10 • Access to resource at school .10 • Conditions that facilitate teaching 10 • Conditions that impede teaching 11 Students' ... Teaching of Oral Skills for Junior High School Teachers in Quang Ngai Province 14 3.1 Techniques for teaching speaking 14 3.1.1 Introduction .14 3.1.2 Controlled speaking ... Findings and discussion Teachers’ Personal Information • Age of teachers • Teaching experience and training .9 • Qualifications 10...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

5 1,1K 9
Báo cáo " Imperialism of communicative language teaching and possible resistance against it from teachers in Vietnam as an English foreign languages context " doc

Báo cáo " Imperialism of communicative language teaching and possible resistance against it from teachers in Vietnam as an English foreign languages context " doc

... teaching to more up-to-date ones Communicative Language Teaching is in the list of new ways of teaching Many schools and universities are attempting to employ CLT into syllabus design, examinations, ... are held at different levels of educational institutions, namely schools, universities, municipal/provincial Department of Education and Training, and Ministry of Education and Training Besides, ... from Canale and Swain), Bachman, and Brown It is interpreted in different perspectives Sato & Kleinsasser (1999) [8] state that different interpretations of CLT are originated from these different...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

8 737 2
An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

... writing skills) 25 Reading Guessing, scanning, skimming Writing Writing complex sentences, paragraphs, and essays Speaking Asking for information, making an interview, making a description, asking ... 1.2 Materials Evaluation 1.2.1 Definitions of Materials Evaluation There are many ways of defining evaluation According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p 96) materials evaluation is defined as ... evaluation including definitions of materials evaluation, purposes for materials evaluation, types of materials evaluation, materials evaluators, models for materials evaluation, criteria for materials...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

76 999 7
communicative english

communicative english

... Don't worry That's okay It's going to be all right Everything will be fine No problem 1 Encouraging words          Responses to good news Wow! That's great! That's wonderful That's really ... that Congratulations! Good for you! Good job!      Responses to bad news That's too bad That's really sad That's terrible! (for really bad news) I'm sorry to hear that (for sad news) Making ...  I think you should buy the blue one I don't think you should sell your car Let's go bowling tonight Why don't we go skiing on Saturday? Why don't you come with me to China?      That's...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2013, 01:27

17 331 2
Empowering English Teachers to Grapple with Errors in Grammar

Empowering English Teachers to Grapple with Errors in Grammar

... of discussing and explaining the interplay of various grammatical features, let alone the rules involved It was also found that having trainees deliberately examine and articulate what contributes ... marking o Overgeneralisation o Unnecessary insertion • Wrong or Inappropriate Combination • Inappropriate construction • Misordering or Inversion Where the explanation of rules is concerned, trainees ... grammar in relation to children's writing essentially reinforces the importance of studying grammar not in isolation but in its location 'in use and in its creation of contextual meanings' (Carter...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

7 501 2