giải thích về bảng a 2

Probiotic in Animals docx

Probiotic in Animals docx

... Martin, Evelyne Forano, Gabriela Zárate, Luciana Kazue Otutumi, Marcelo Biondaro Góis, Elis Regina de Moraes Garcia, Maria Marta Loddi, Mar a del Carmen Monroy Dosta, Tal a Castro Barrera, Francisco ... Estadual Paulista Animal Science Course Dracena Brazil Chapter The Use of Probiotic Strains as Silage Inoculants Yunior Acosta Aragón Additional information is available at the end of the chapter ... Silage inoculants are additives containing LAB that are used to manipulate and enhance fermentation in silages like grass, alfalfa, clover and other silages, as well as aerobic stability (mainly...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:20

284 496 0
Use of DDGS in Swine Diets

Use of DDGS in Swine Diets

... Performance of Grower-Finisher Pigs 0% DDGS 10% DDGS 20 % DDGS 30% DDGS a 0.86 0.8 6a 0.83bc 0.81bd Average Daily Gain (ADG), kg 2. 38 2. 37 2. 31 2. 35 Average Daily Feed Intake (ADFI), kg 2. 7 6a 2. 8 0a 2. 92b ... have clearly established that feeding diets containing an unsaturated fat source can alter the degree of saturation in pork fat Lea et al (1970) indicated that adequately firm pork fat has an ... linoleic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega fatty acids increase in belly fat when pigs are fed diets containing 10% DDGS, but are well within accepted standards of acceptable pork fat quality...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 10:03

15 843 1
Báo cáo y học: "No increased risk of infant hypospadias after maternal use of loratadine in early pregnancy"

Báo cáo y học: "No increased risk of infant hypospadias after maternal use of loratadine in early pregnancy"

... congenital malformations Does loratadine cause hypospadias? Int J Risk Safety Med 20 01; 14: 115-9 Diav-Citrin O, Schechtman S, Aharonovich A, et al Pregnancy outcome after exposure to loratadine or antihistamines: ... biological plausibility when thalidomide was detected as a human teratogen, and animal experiments may be difficult to interpret In the case of loratadine, both negative and positive animal findings ... identify materials large enough and of enough quality to get meaningful information In the example of loratadine and hypospadias, two very small studies [3, 4] which were anyway published had in fact...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:03

2 361 0
The Use of Time in Flash

The Use of Time in Flash

... setInterval() action: setInterval (updateMessageFunction, 20 000, "Hello", arg2, arg3) A setInterval() action can be turned on and off by assigning a variable name, as in the following example: var ... action, use the following syntax: clearInterval(myInterval); Using the syntax shown, you can initiate the setInterval() action at any time, calling any function < Day Day Up > ... example: var myInterval:Object = setInterval(rotateClip, 1500); This example assigns the name myInterval to the setInterval() action To remove the functionality of the setInterval() action, use the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15

2 426 0
A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of intructions for use of foodstuffs in english and vietnamese

... qualitative and quantitative approaches combined with the contrastive analysis Besides, analytic method and inductive method are also used in this 2. 2.4.1 Definitions research 2. 2.4 .2 Speech Acts ... effectively and reasonably According to Do Huu Chau [41, p.37], the Vietnamese words 2. 2 .2. 3 Modal Auxiliaries As stated by Sidney Green Baum and Randolph Quirk [28 , p.35-36], auxiliaries have one ... information about manner, time, 4.1 .2. 1 Cardinal Numbers place, circumstances and so on to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or Pour in 125 g melted butter, beaten eggs and teaspoon another adverb Basing...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 697 0


... bacteria are capable of living on dead, inert, organic matter, such as meats, milk and vegetable material, in which case, they are known as saprophytes In contradistinction to this class is a ... of carbohydrates, as sugar or starch, is most readily attacked by bacteria Inasmuch as the bacteria are plant-cells, they must imbibe[Pg 6] their food from material in solution They are capable ... condition and are known as facultative or optional forms The great majority of milk bacteria are either obligate or facultative aerobes Rate of growth The rate of bacterial development is naturally...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:20

201 541 0
Use of Dreams in Couple Counseling: A Jungian Perspective pot

Use of Dreams in Couple Counseling: A Jungian Perspective pot

... Jung’s Analytical Psychology tion is asked whether a man has an animus and a woman an anima The object-related ability of man, his gift for creating an outer reality, his activities, are manifestations ... tennis club was explaining an extraordinary invention to me: a complicated apparatus, an artificial arm and hand that made it possible for each tennis player to play fourhanded tennis I was very impressed ... “Jenny ate my arm up,” he said Then he laughed in that forced way again The Dream as a Key to the Psychological Situation 29 Now all of a sudden I knew a lot more than I had earlier The dream didn’t...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:20

156 565 1
Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law docx

Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law docx

... Governance and the Changing Face of International Law (20 01), “Using Military Forces under International Auspices and Democratic Accountability” (20 01), and “American Lawyers and International Competence” ... United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium United Nations Transitional Administration in East ... Universal and Perpetual Peace, 1789; Immanuel Kant, Eternal Peace and Other International Essays (trans by W Hastie) (Boston, MA, The World Peace Foundation, 1914); and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Lasting...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

468 5.9K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Use of Statistics in Language Research" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Use of Statistics in Language Research" docx

... Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York (19 52) Statistics in Language Research that instead of mathematical definiteness one should aim at acceptable approximation to the best that a human translator ... 68 A. F.Parker-Rhodes Koutsoudas' statistical techniques are apparently adequate for his purpose, and he has compiled the required data and analyzed them No one else has apparently taken statistical ... has been far more written about statistical work in translation and information retrieval than actual work done Apparently no one has yet clearly stated the very limited nature of the applications...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

7 462 0
The Role of Probiotics in the Poultry Industry doc

The Role of Probiotics in the Poultry Industry doc

... Vaccine Immunol 20 06, 13, 975-980 Mathivanan, R.; Kalaiarasi, K Panchagavya and Andrographis paniculata as alternative to antibiotic growth promoters on haematological, serum biochemical parameters ... as a probiotic on growth performance and carcass characteristics in geese (Anser anser) J Anim Vet Adv 20 09, 8, 5 62- 567 Ashayerizadeh, A. ; Dabiri, N.; Ashayerizadeh, O.; Mirzadeh, K.H.; Roshanfekr, ... Sci 20 09, 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3541 Nayebpor, M.; Farhomand, P.; Hashemi, A Effects of different levels of direct fed microbial (Primalac) on growth performance and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

16 537 0
Use of Biotechnology in Agriculture —  Benefits and Risks

Use of Biotechnology in Agriculture — Benefits and Risks

... produce plants identical to the parent For this same reason—to avoid random genetic diversity due to open pollination—farm­ ers not plant mango, avocado, or macadamia from seed; Safety and regulations ... potential risk of transfer from plants to bacteria is substantially less than the risk of normal transfer be­ tween bacteria, or between us and the bacteria that natu­ rally occur within our alimentary ... risks are real Transgenic organisms can offer a range of benefits above and beyond those that emerged from innovations in traditional agricultural biotechnol­ ogy Following are a few examples...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 21:48

6 524 0


... 12 12 19 .2 28.8 23 .1 23 .1 5.8 2. 0 2. 5 3 .2 2.1 15 12 11 1 1 25 27 48.1 51.9 2. 6 2. 3 25 25 34 11.5 9.6 1.9 65.4 11.5 3.7 2. 2 2. 0 2. 4 32 1 18 11 3 13.5 34.6 7.7 21 .2 5.8 3.8 5.8 7.7 2. 1 2. 1 2. 5 2. 8 ... Efficacy of Supplements 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 29 29 29 30 32 33 Dosages of Alpha-Tocopherol, Ascorbic Acid and Calcium Reported by Sample 33 Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations ... International Units JADA – Journal of the American Dietetic Association JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association MV - Multivitamin mg - milligrams MOW- Meals on Wheels Program NHANES – National...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

60 555 1
Use of fillers in paper and paperboard grades doc

Use of fillers in paper and paperboard grades doc

... paperinkulutuksen kasvu on Aasiassa, etenkin Kiinassa Usean kartonkilajin kulutus on nousussa maailmanlaajuisesti Paperilajeista suurinta kasvua voi odottaa pehmopaperilajeilta Työ tehtiin taustatutkimuksena ... joita ei muulla tavalla voisi saavuttaa Työn alussa keskityttiin täyteaineiden rakenteisiin Yleisimpien täyteaineiden eli kaoliinin, kalsiumkarbonaattien, talkin ja titaanidioksidin ominaisuuksiin ... these grades are analyzed and end uses of several grades were evaluated Another target of this work was to find out about current paper and paperboard markets Statistics about paper production and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

36 1.5K 0


... Nam company • Scope of research: About time: The research on the data year 20 10 -20 11 -20 12 About space: Research theory and practice on the use of corporate capital The scientific and practical ... Quantitative research Qualitative research Research Data (List of tables for year three) Lis t of ta bles for yea r th ree General researching on company • • Advantages The company is located in Thanh ... demanding requirement, after a period of research at Bac Trung Nam corporation, with the assistance of officials and employees especially the staff of finance department, organization department...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 17:20

18 494 0


... fast: errors Character Animation (Lasseter 1987, based on Thomas and Johnson 1981) Squash and stretch Exaggeration Anticipation Staging Slow-in / Slow-out Animated Presentations (Zongker, Salesin ... Objects in a set shown moving together at the same speed Animation to Illustrate a Process • Algorithm animation was early example Hierarchy visualization • Use of transition animations to retain user ... Helps? Hurts? Attention direct attention Distraction Object Constancy change tracking false relations Causality narrative false agency Engagement increase interest “chart junk” Calibration too slow:...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:20

19 259 0
fageria - the use of nutrients in crop plants (crc, 2009)

fageria - the use of nutrients in crop plants (crc, 2009)

... Prabhu, 20 04 Fageria and Baligar, 20 05b Fageria, 20 01 Fageria, 20 01 Fageria, 20 06 Fageria and Stone, 20 04 Fageria and Santos, 1998 Fageria, unpublished data Fageria, unpublished data and lower ... L Merrill Arachis hypogaea L Vigna radiata L Vicia faba L Vigna unguiculata L Walp Pisum sativum L Cicer arietinum L Lens culinaris Medikus Cajanus cajan L Millsp A A A A A A A A A A C3 C3 C3 ... Sesbania Crotalaria juncea L Sesbania aculeata Retz Poir Sesbania rostrata Bremek & Oberm Vigna unguiculata L Walp Glycine max L Merr Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Medicago sativa L Trifoliam alexandrium...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:10

448 759 0
the synthetic use of metals in organic chemistry

the synthetic use of metals in organic chemistry

... hexamethylene from the corresponding dibromide : SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CH3.CH2.CH2Br | + 2Na OH2.CH2.CH2Br - CH2.CH2.CHS | | + 2NaBr OH2.CH2.OH2 Cyclohexane Many polymethylene carboxylic acids can ... dibromide and mono-sodium-malonic ester: OHjBr CH(Na) (COOC2H6 )2 CH2.CH(COOC2H6 )2 I + I = | + 2NaBr CI 2Br !H CH(lSra) (COOC2H5 )2 CH2.CH(COOC2H5 )2 When the sodium derivative of butane tetracarboxylic ... preparing cyanide, by heating a mixture of potassium carbonate and carbon in ammonia Potassamide is probably an intermediate compound, and tho method corresponds to Castner's cyanide process: K a...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:02

180 382 0
a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

a systematic review of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and spelling

... as calculated by the reviewers (mean of word recognition and word attack measures; also mean of comprehension measures, mean of spelling measures, and synthetic versus analytic, where applicable), ...  Reading and spelling et al. Total instructional time = specific data not N/S – whether supplementary or additional or part replacement etc  available (reviewer estimate = approx ...   Table 2: Quality assessment of the included RCTs Author, date Reporting of method of allocation  Sample size justification  Intention to teach analysis  Blinded assessment...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:22

85 571 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Baseline severe anaemia should not preclude use of zidovudine in antiretroviral-eligible patients in resource-limited settings" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Baseline severe anaemia should not preclude use of zidovudine in antiretroviral-eligible patients in resource-limited settings" pptx

... was also associated with severe anaemia In this analysis, AZT was similarly not associated with early severe anaemia in both men and women Outcomes of patients with baseline anaemia Among patients ... developed severe anaemia [ 12] In the Treat Asia HIV Observational Database study in Asia, among patients started on an AZT-containing regimen, older age, lower BMI (

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

8 401 0