generating xml data from the database oracle 10g

Tài liệu Module 6: Manipulating XML Data on the Client Using DOM doc

Tài liệu Module 6: Manipulating XML Data on the Client Using DOM doc

... data island or from an external XML document file. Accessing a data island You can access an XML data island by using the ID attribute of the data island. The XMLDocument property of the data ... transforms the XML data through the TransformBookDetails.xsl style sheet. 3. View the page in the browser. Click the Data button. The first message box displays the original form of the XML data, ... Manipulating XML Data on the Client Using DOM Accessing XML Data ! Access an XML data island ! Access an external XML document < ;XML ID="dsoDetails" src="Books .xml& quot;>< /XML& gt; Set...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

80 502 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Posting XML Data from Client to Server docx

Tài liệu Module 7: Posting XML Data from Client to Server docx

... executes the ASP page. The ASP creates a server-side XMLDOM object that is ready to receive the XML data from the client. 5. The ASP loads the XML data packet into the XMLDOM object at the server. ... Server 29 Updating the database by using XML data The first step in updating the database with information in the XML document is to open an ADO connection to the database. For a reminder ... an XML document from this data and sends the XML to the client. 3. The client builds an XML data packet, for example, a list of books the user would like to order from the catalog. 4. The...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

62 465 0
Tài liệu Module 1: Displaying Data from a Database docx

Tài liệu Module 1: Displaying Data from a Database docx

... Displaying Data from a Database # ## # Retrieving Data from a Database ! Demonstration: Importing a Database to the Current Web ! Demonstration: Connecting to a Database by Using Database ... students the procedure for retrieving records from a database by importing the database to the current Web and establishing a connection with a database by using the Database Results Wizard. The ... Importing the database to the current Web. 2. Establishing a connection with the database. 3. Displaying data from the database. FrontPage 2000 provides an easy way to create the Web pages...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

40 540 0
Tài liệu Using Stored Procedures to Add, Modify, and Remove Rows from the Database phần 1 pdf

Tài liệu Using Stored Procedures to Add, Modify, and Remove Rows from the Database phần 1 pdf

... modify, or remove DataRow objects from your DataSet, and then call the Update() method of your DataAdapter, the appropriate stored procedure is run to push your changes to the database. Let's ... when you call the mySqlDataAdapter object's Fill() method to retrieve rows from the Products table into a DataSet. Before you can push changes to the database, you must set the InsertCommand, ... the Products table and returned the ProductID. In this section, you'll see how to • Create the required stored procedures in the Northwind database. • Set up a DataAdapter to call the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

6 565 1
Tài liệu Using Stored Procedures to Add, Modify, and Remove Rows from the Database phần 2 doc

Tài liệu Using Stored Procedures to Add, Modify, and Remove Rows from the Database phần 2 doc

... 2: use the Find() method to locate the DataRow // in the DataTable using the primary key value DataRow myEditDataRow = myDataTable.Rows.Find(productID); // step 3: change the DataColumn ... is because the ProductID is automatically generated by the database when the new row is pushed to the database by the Update() method in step 4. When the Update() method is called, the AddProduct4() ... to add the new row to the Products table. The database then generates a new ProductID for the row, which is then returned by the AddProduct4() stored procedure. You can then read the new ProductID...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

8 476 0
Tài liệu Module 11: Accessing Data from the Outlook 2000 Client ppt

Tài liệu Module 11: Accessing Data from the Outlook 2000 Client ppt

... Accessing Data from the Outlook 2000 Client Using the Data Source Control  Function of the Data Source Control  Used as the reporting engine  Manages the connection to the underlying data ... list from a relational data source, the PivotTable Service is used to create a multidimensional data cube from the relational data bound to the Data Source control. This data cube is then used ... manipulate data from the data source, and disconnect from the data source when you finish using the data. One of the major benefits of ADO is that it requires fewer calls to achieve the same...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:15

62 398 0
Tài liệu Module 1: Displaying Data from a Database ppt

Tài liệu Module 1: Displaying Data from a Database ppt

... students the procedure for retrieving records from a database by importing the database to the current Web and establishing a connection with a database by using the Database Results Wizard. The ... to Database, and then click Results. The Database Results Wizard appears. 3. In step 1 of the Database Results Wizard, select Use an existing database connection. 4. Select Inventory from the ... connection. The name that you specify for the database is added to the list of available databases. 6. Name the database connection as Inventory, and then click Yes. When you import a database...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

40 451 0
Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth pptx

... 19 nonvoluntaryintercourse.Onesetof questionswasintheinterviewer- administeredportionofthesurveyand thesecondwasintheself-administered portion(AudioCASI).Inthe interviewer-administeredseries,they wereaskedwhethertheirfirst intercoursewas‘‘voluntaryornot voluntary.’’Forabout8percentof women15–44yearsofagewhohave hadintercourse,theirfirstintercourse wasnotvoluntary(table21).Forthose whosefirstintercourseoccurredatage 15oryounger,thatfirstintercoursewas nonvoluntaryfor16percentcompared with7percentorlessforthosewhose firstintercourseoccurredatage16or older.Thepercentwhosefirst intercoursewasnonvoluntaryisnearly 10percentamongwomenwhosefirst intercoursewasbefore1975compared withabout6percentamongwomenwho firsthadintercourseinthe1990’s (table21). Intheself-administered(Audio CASI)portionoftheinterview,women wereaskedarelatedbutdifferent question:whethertheyhadeverbeen forcedbyamantohavesexual intercourseagainsttheirwill.About 20percentofwomenreportedthatthey hadbeenforcedbyamantohave intercourseagainsttheirwillatsome timeintheirlives(table22).Thus, table21showsthatfor8percentof women,theirfirstintercoursewas nonvoluntary;table22showsthat 20percenthadhadnonvoluntary intercourseatsometime—not necessarilyatfirstintercourse.Table22 alsoshowsthat6percentofwomen reportedthattheywereforcedtohave intercoursebeforetheywere15and another6percentbeforetheywere18.A fairlyhighpercentofformerlymarried (divorcedorseparated)women—about 35percent—reportedthattheyhadbeen forcedtohaveintercourse.Thisfinding deservesfurtherstudy. FirstSexualPartner Therehasbeenmuchpublic discussionaboutthepartnersofsexually activeteenagers.Table23profilesthe ageofmalepartnersatwomen’sfirst voluntaryintercourse.Abouttwo-thirds (66percent)ofwomenwhohadtheir firstvoluntaryintercoursebeforethey were16hadfirstpartnerswhowere under18yearsofage;21percenthad firstpartners18–19yearsofage; 7percenthadfirstpartners20–22years ofage,2percenthadfirstpartners 23–24yearsofage,and4percenthad firstpartners25yearsofageorolder (table23). Only3percentofwomenhadtheir firstintercoursewithamantheyjust met.About3outof5women (61percent)were‘‘goingsteady’’or ‘‘goingtogether’’withthemantheyhad intercoursewiththefirsttime,andabout 1in5wereengagedormarriedtohim. About12percentofallwomenwere marriedwhentheyhadtheirfirst intercourse.Amongwomen40–44years ofage(bornin1951–55),23percent weremarriedtotheirpartneratfirst intercoursewhileabout2percentof women15–19yearsofage(born 1971–75)weremarriedtotheirfirst partner.Womenwholivedwithbothof theirparentsthroughouttheirchildhood weremorelikelythanotherwomento havebeenmarriedtotheirpartnerat firstintercourse(table24). FirstIntercourseRelativeto FirstMarriage Amongever-marriedwomen15–44 yearsofage,82percenthadfirst intercoursebeforetheyweremarried. About69percentofthosefirstmarried in1965–74hadtheirfirstintercourse beforemarriagecomparedwith 89percentofthosefirstmarriedinthe 1990’s.Only2percentofthosefirst marriedin1965–74hadtheirfirst intercourse5yearsormorebefore marriagecomparedwith56percentof thosefirstmarriedinthe1990’s (table25). NumberofSexualPartners Asmentionedpreviously,some questionsonabortion,sexualpartners, andforcedsexualintercoursewere askedinboththeinterviewer- administeredandtheself-administered (AudioCASI)portionsoftheinterview. Responsestosensitivequestionsappear tohavebeenaffectedbythecomputer self-administeredmodeofinterviewing. Tables26–31showdataonthenumber ofsexualpartnersinthelast1year,5 years,andlifetime,usingboththe interviewer-administeredandself- administeredmethods.Presentingdata basedonbothmodesofinterviewing allowstheexaminationofdifferencesin reportingduetothemodeof interviewing(table26versus27, table28versus29,andtable30versus 31);andtheselectionoffindingsmost appropriateforcomparisontoother surveys. About3percentofunmarried womentoldtheinterviewerthatthey hadhadfourormoremalesexual partnersinthelast12months(table26), comparedwith9percentreportingfour ormorepartnersinAudioCASI (table27).Asimilardisparitywasfound whencomparingtheinterviewerresults withAudioCASIresultsforthenumber ofpartnerssinceJanuary1991(alittle lessthan5years,onaverage). Amongunmarriedwomen,14percent toldtheinterviewertheyhadfouror moremalesexualpartnerssinceJanuary 1991(table28)while18percent reportedinAudioCASIthattheyhad hadfourormorepartnersinthattime (table29). Thistopicdeservesmoredetailed study,butitappearsthatusingthemore privateinterviewtechniquegavea higherandpresumablymorecomplete estimateofthenumberofpartners amongunmarriedwomen(8,11). MarriageandCohabitation Tables32–37show1995dataon formalmarriageandunmarried cohabitation.About38percentof women15–44yearsofagehadnever beenmarriedwheninterviewedin1995 (table32).Thepercentnevermarried washigherineveryagegroupin1995 thanitwasin1982(24).Abouthalfof women25–39yearsofagehavehadan unmarriedcohabitationwithamanat sometimeintheirlives;10to 11percentofwomenintheirtwenties arecurrentlycohabitingwithaman (table33). About30percentofwomen25–39 yearsofagelivedwithaman (cohabited)beforetheirfirstmarriage (table34).Overone-half(57percent)of Series23,No.19[Page5 Table ... thepopulation.Thenumberofwomen sherepresentsinthepopulationiscalled her‘‘samplingweight.’’Sampling weightsmayvaryconsiderablyfromthis averagevaluedependingonthe respondent’srace,theresponseratefor similarwomen,andotherfactors.As withanysamplesurvey,theestimatesin thisreportaresubjecttosampling variability.SignificancetestsonNSFG datashouldbedonetakingthesampling designintoaccount. Nonsamplingerrorswereminimized bystringentquality-controlprocedures thatincludedthoroughinterviewer training,checkingtheconsistencyof answersduringandaftertheinterview, imputingmissingdata,andadjustingthe samplingweightsfornonresponseand undercoveragetomatchnationaltotals. Estimatesofsamplingerrorsandother statisticalaspectsofthesurveyare describedinmoredetailinanother separatereport(13). Thisreportshowsfindingsby characteristicsofthewomaninterviewed, includingherage,maritalstatus, education,parity,householdincome dividedbythepovertylevel,andraceand Hispanicorigin.Ithasbeenshownthat blackandHispanicwomenhavemarkedly lowerlevelsofincome,education,and accesstohealthcareandhealthinsurance, thanwhitewomen(14).Theseandother factors,ratherthanraceororiginperse, probablyaccountfordifferencesinthe behaviorsandoutcomesstudiedinthis reportamongwhite,black,andHispanic women(15). TableBshowsafactorthatshould beconsideredininterpretingtrendsin pregnancy-relatedbehaviorintheUnited States:thechangingagecompositionof thereproductive-agepopulation.In 1982,therewere54.1millionwomenof reproductiveageintheUnitedStates;in 1988,57.9million;andin1995,60.2 million(16).Thelargebabyboom cohort,bornbetween1946and1964, was18–34yearsofagein1982,24–42 yearsofagein1988,and31–49years ofagein1995.Theselargebirthcohorts werepreceded(upto1945)and followed(1965–80)bysmallercohorts. Whiletheoverallnumberofwomen 15–44yearsofageroseby6million,or 11percentbetween1982and1995 ,the numberofteenagewomendroppedby about6percent,thenumberofwomen 20–24yearsofagedroppedby 15percent,andthenumberofwomen 25–29droppedby6percent(tableB).In contrast,thenumberofwomen30–44 yearsofageincreasedsharply—for example,thenumberofwomen40–44 yearsofageincreasedby59percent between1982and1995.Also,women 30–44yearsofageaccountedfor 54percentofwomen15–44yearsofage in1995comparedwith44percentin 1982.Thesedifferencesinage compositionmayberelevantwhenever timetrendsamongwomen15–44years ofagearebeingdiscussed. Publicusefilesbasedonthe1995 NSFGareavailableoncomputertape. TheywillalsobeavailableonCompact DiscRead-OnlyMemory(CD-ROM). Questionsaboutthecostandavailability ofthecomputertapesshouldbedirected totheNationalTechnicalInformation Service(NTIS),5285PortRoyalRoad, Springfield,VA22161,703–487-4650, or1–800-553-NTIS.Questionsregarding theCD-ROMfilesshouldbedirectedto NCHS’DataDisseminationBranchat 301–436-8500. Results T ables1–17containmeasuresof pregnancyandbirthintheUnited States. ChildrenEverBornandTotal BirthsExpected In1995,women15–44yearsof ageintheUnitedStateshadhadan averageof1.2birthsperwoman (table1).Thiscompareswith1.2in 1988and1.3in1982(17).In1995, women15–44yearsofageexpectedto finishtheirchildbearingwithan averageof2.2childrenperwoman (table1)comparedwith2.2in1988 and2.4in1982(17). Theproportionwhoreportthatthey haveneverbeenpregnantwasmarkedly higherforcollegegraduatesthanfor thosewhodidnotcompletehighschool (table3).Thissamepatternbyeducation isalsoseenwhendataforlivebirthsare examined(tables4–5):about49percent ofwomen22–44yearsofagewhohad graduatedfromcollegehadhadnolive birthsasofthedateofinterview comparedwithjust8percentofwomen 22–44yearsofagewithoutahigh schooldiploma(table4).Withinrace andHispanicorigingroups,thepattern wasthesame:collegegraduateshad markedlyhigherpercentschildlessthan womenwithlesseducation(table5). Table6showsacomparison betweenlivebirthsreportedinthe NSFGandlivebirthsregisteredonbirth certificatesintheyears1991–94.In eachindividualcalendaryearandfor thesumoftheyears1991–94 ,the NSFGestimateofthenumberofbirths isveryclosetothebirthcertificatetotal anddiffersfromitbylessthanthe NSFG’ssamplingerror.TheNSFG estimateisalsoverycloseforwhite women.TheNSFGestimateforblack womenisslightlylower,andthe estimateforotherracessomewhat higherthanthebirthcertificatedata.A discussionofthisdifferenceisgivenin thedefinitionof‘‘RaceandHispanic origin’’inthe‘‘DefinitionsofTerms.’’ Overall,andbycharacteristicsother thanrace,however,table6showsthat TableB.Numberofwomen,byage:UnitedStates,1982,1988,and1995 Age¬ ... Human Services. These organizations, along with leading researchers from outside the government, helped to design the survey. Further details on the planning and operation of the survey are given...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

125 760 0
Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

Tài liệu Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data From the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth doc

... of the Data The data in this report come primarily from the most recent cycle of the NSFG conducted in 2002, and, as a result, they have several strengths: + Comparability over time The data ... particularly the female survey, has been to collect data on factors affecting pregnancy and reproductive health in the United States. The NSFG supplements and complements the data from the National ... attitudes toward the intendedness of pregnancies based on their own reports (13). + Of all births in the 5 years before interview, 55 percent were intended by both the mother and the father (as...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

174 933 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A DOM Tree Alignment Model for Mining Parallel Data from the Web" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A DOM Tree Alignment Model for Mining Parallel Data from the Web" doc

... performance on the web data, the similarity of the HTML tag struc- tures between the parallel web documents should be leveraged properly in the sentence alignment model. In order to improve the quality ... less data, the DOM tree based mining scheme increases the parallel data acquisition throughput by 32%. Furthermore, the ratio of downloaded page count per parallel pair is 2.26, which means the ... verification. Based on these mining results, the quality of the mined data, the mining coverage and mining efficiency are measured. First, we benchmarked the precision of the mined parallel...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 435 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Internal construct validity of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): a Rasch analysis using data from the Scottish Health Education Population Survey" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " Internal construct validity of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): a Rasch analysis using data from the Scottish Health Education Population Survey" potx

... population level. There are, therefore, arguments for continuing to gather data on the 14 item scale (given the seven item scale is embedded) to examine measurement of mental well-being at the ordinal ... design, coordinated the development of the instrument and drafted the manuscript. AT carried out all the statistical analyses and produced the first draft of the manuscript. RT designed and coordinated the study. ... every item. After extracting the 'Rasch factor' there should be no further pattern in the data. This is formally tested by allowing the factor loadings on the first residual component...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

8 462 0