... Globin ⁄ DHP Ar marina A2 Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron ... marina Hb Intra Mb G dibranchiata mIV A ornata DHP CDS Intron Intron CDS Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron CDS Intron Intron CDS Intron Intron Intron Intron Intron ... globins, Ar marina Mb and intracellular globin from Al pompejana and G dibranchiata The conserved intron positions between the three annelid globin types and DHP, the DHP globin fold and the amino-acid...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20
... four -repeat microtubule-binding domain (MBD) moiety in the entire human tau protein (A) and the amino acid sequence of each repeat (B) The regions from the first to the fourth repeat fragments in ... fluorescence intensity, indicating that the intermolecular disulfide bond formation between the Cys residues of neighboring R3 is a major step for initiating filament formation In contrast, the increase in ... dynamic simulated annealing calculations [13] using the CNS program [14] After randomizing the peptide into extended strands, corresponding to each disjointed molecular entity, the initial structures...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20
The long run relationships and short term linkages in international securitized real estate markets
... and Background For decades, researchers in economics and finance have been interested in testing structural breaks in macroeconomic and financial time series and identifying the substantial influence ... Bertero and Mayer (1990), King and Wadhwani (1990) and King, Sentana and Wadhwani (1994) find greater 12 integration of world stock markets in the period surrounding the crash of 1987 Longin and ... other hand, understanding the short- term lead/lag interactions and comovements is also critical to investors and portfolio managers who intend to gain diversification benefits in international markets...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:34
GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase1 gene promoter and the risk of carotid atherosclerosis related to arsenic exposure ppt
... GT repeats in patients having carotid atherosclerosis index (Black) and in controls none the index (Grey) in (A) Lanyang cohort and (B) LMN cohort a cutoff to classify study subjects in the genetic ... rate-limiting enzyme in heme degradation, decomposing heme into free iron, biliverdin, and carbon monoxide (CO) Biliverdin is subsequently converted into bilirubin Recent studies showed that HO-1, an inducible ... HO-1 GT repeat polymorphism and the carotid atherosclerosis index The number of GT repeats in the HO-1 gene promoter of the participants ranged 16-38 (Figure 1) In both cohorts, 23 and 30 GT repeats...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học:" Short-term effects of amelogenin gene splice products A+4 and A-4 implanted in the exposed rat molar pulp" pptx
... sialoprotein-induced reparative dentinogenesis in the pulp of rat's molar Clin Oral Invest 2000, 4:110-119 Denhardt DT, Giachelli CM, Rittling SR: Role of osteopontin in cellular signaling and toxicant ... capacity to be involved simultaneously in each of the three facets Altogether, they are prominently involved in the formation, structure and mineralization of dentin and bone In addition, some ... Similarly, RP59 labeling was increased between days and but had declined at day (Fig 2c) For the short periods of time studied here, OPN labeling was increasing between days 1–3, and reinforced at day...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo y học: "The role of transposable element clusters in genome evolution and loss of synteny in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae" pdf
... 5SrRNA 595 (0.01%) MGSR2 8,315 (0.21%) *Includes full-length elements as well as fragments LINE, long Interspersed repeat element; SINE, short interspersed repeat element that the centromere would ... assembly, and gene cloning Fungal Genet Biol 1997, 21:337-347 Thon MR, Martin SL, Goff S, Wing RA, Dean RA: BAC end sequences and a physical map reveal transposable element content and clustering patterns ... proteins from chromosome and proteins from the N crassa and F graminearum Number of genes N crassa Number of proteins with orthologs F graminearum D* Number of proteins with orthologs D* Within...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: "Recurrent insertion and duplication generate networks of transposable element sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster genome." pps
... HDR1 showing tandem arrays of clustered jockey+Rt1c and Stalker4+invader3 elements interrupted by invader2, F -element and mdg3 insertions This region also generates eight CG32821-like gene duplicates ... transcripts is elevated in mutations for genes involved in RNA silencing, including spn-E, aubergine and piwi [81-84] The capacity of telomeric P -element insertions to induce the repressive Pcytotype ... not be obtained for both flanking regions for HDRs at the tip or base of chromosome arms Numbers of genes include coding and non-coding genes, with numbers of pseudogenes indicated in parentheses...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Developmental temperature and somatic excision rate of mariner transposable element in three natural populations of Drosophila simulans" pps
... Bryan (Bryan and Hartl, 1988), contains a single inactive element (the peach element) inserted in the white gene This element was introduced in D simulans from the white peach strain of D mauritiana, ... inactive element (the peach element inserted in the white gene) when induced by active elements present in isofemale lines of natural populations of D simulans The general occurrence of active mariner ... This could be an internal promoter of the transposase, included in the transposable element itself, or an external promoter, close to the insertion point of the transposable element In this respect,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Binding affinities and interactions among different heat shock element types and heat shock factors in rice (Oryza sativa L.) ppt
... sequence and the strand of a gene In totality, 953 genes contained P-type, 695 genes G-type and 1584 genes S-type HSEs in the rice genome (Fig 1A) In total 711, 476 and 1368 genes contained exclusively ... hetero-oligomers with HsfA4, thereby interfering in the HsfA4 DNA binding capacity and thus acting as a selective repressor [24] In addition to Hsf–Hsf interactions, a large body of information has been accumulated ... contained P-type, G-type or S-type in any combination, in totality P*, G* and S* indicate classes of genes showing exclusively P-type, G-type and S-type HSEs, respectively (B) Analysis of genes...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Nuclear actin and actin-binding proteins in the regulation of transcription and gene expression docx
... nuclear actin-binding proteins interacting with the androgen receptor AR, androgen receptor; LBD, ligand-binding domain Actin-binding protein Targeting sequence Gelsolin Direct or indirect association ... Direct a-actinin-2 ()) Bundling proteins Coactivator Supervillin NLS F-actin- and membraneassociated scaffolding protein Filamin NLS? Cross-linking proteins Filamin A NLS? Cross-linking proteins Transgelin ... central DNA-binding domain (DBD) and a C-terminal ligandbinding domain (LBD) containing activation function [67–70] Upon binding androgens, the AR LBD undergoes conformational changes leading to dissociation...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Short hydrogen bonds in proteins Sathyapriya Rajagopal and Saraswathi Vishveshwara pot
... strands moving away in different directions; (c) beginning of the sheet; (d) the end of the sheet; (e) between a strand and helix; and (f) between the side chains Arg452 and Glu437 of strands ... structural constraints in protein structures In the above sections we have examined the frequency of occurrence, the residue and environment preferences of SHBs in proteins In this section, we investigate ... SHBs in extended strands from copper amine oxidase The SHB-containing strands in different regions (a–f) of the protein are coloured orange The regions correspond to: (a) the strands bending together;...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Deadenylation of interferon-b mRNA is mediated by both the AU-rich element in the 3¢-untranslated region and an instability sequence in the coding region pot
... machinery is pre-existing in the cells and deadenylates IFN-b mRNA as soon as its synthesis is induced by stimulating agents The fact that the 65-kDa protein binds ARE and CRID in UV-crosslinking ... number, HTB-113) were maintained in DMEM containing 10% of fetal bovine serum (FBS; Myoclone Super Plus, Life Technologies) and 1% of penicillin/ streptomycin The cells were infected by addition ... both noninfected and infected cells [13], further supports the involvement of this protein in the deadenylation process of IFN-b mRNA Interestingly, IFN-b ARE does not recruit other ARE-binding factors...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Acute intermittent porphyria – impact of mutations found in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase gene on biochemical and enzymatic protein properties pdf
... porphobilinogen (PBG) deaminase gene mutations in acute intermittent porphyria: first study in patients of Slavic origin Scand J Clin Lab Invest 57, 217–224 24 Chen CH, Astrin KH, Lee G, Anderson ... (1989) A point mutation G-A in exon 12 of the porphobilinogen deam- Mutations found in the HMBS gene 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 inase gene results in exon skipping and is responsible for acute intermittent ... Brock A (2000) Determination of porphobilinogen deaminase activity in human erythrocytes: pertinent factors in obtaining optimal conditions for measurements Scand J Clin Lab Invest 60, 627–634...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Functional interplay between viral and cellular SR proteins in control of post-transcriptional gene regulation pptx
... function in pre-mRNA splicing Indeed, an EV HPV E2 protein interacts with cellular splicing factors, including prototypical SR proteins and RS domain-containing small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) ... including SR proteins and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) proteins, which bind to the regulatory cis-elements of viral mRNAs In general, SR proteins bind to exonic splicing enhancers ... kinases, including cyclin-dependent kinases, GSK, casein kinase II, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and SRPKs, may phosphorylate coronavirus N proteins [11,12] We have Several viral proteins...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20
... baby boom generation moves inexorably toward retirement, immigrants and their children will play a critical role in sustaining US output and productivity against the backdrop of increasing competition ... territory However, since at least the late 19th century, growing public US investments in education have propelled a shift in labor demand toward skill-intensive industries.7 These investments helped ... Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States (Washington, DC: Economic Mobility Project, 2008) and Chapter in Ron Haskins and Isabel V Sawhill, Creating an Opportunity Society (Washington,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Gene duplication and separation of functions in aB-crystallin from zebrafish (Danio rerio) pptx
... lens protein The spots containing both zebrafish aA-crystallin and aB1-crystallin, zebrafish aB2-crystallin and modifications or truncations of a-crystallins are indicated Molecular mass in kDa is ... lens protein A single spot containing both zebrafish aB1 and aA-crystallin was identified by comparing its position with a sample of recombinant proteins run in parallel, as well as probing with ... contains two deletions and one insertion not found in the two other fish proteins but shares two of the three serine phosphorylation sites present in bovine aB-crystallin, while zebrafish aB1 contains...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Salt-inducible kinase-1 represses cAMP response element-binding protein activity both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm pdf
... SIK1 and Ser587 in SIK2, are indicated in bold The basic residues in domain 3B are indicated by underlines The similarity between SIK1 and SIK2 in domain 3A, the N-terminal half of domain 3, ... Calmodulin kinase II attenuation of gene transcription by preventing cAMP response 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 element- binding protein (CREB) dimerization and binding of the CREB-binding ... salt-inducible kinases (SIKs) on cAMPresponse element (CRE)/CRE-binding protein (CREB) activities The CRE-repressing activities of SIK1 and chimera (A) and of SIK2 and chimera (B) were examined...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo Y học: Molecular and biochemical characteristics of a gene encoding an alcohol acyl-transferase involved in the generation of aroma volatile esters during melon ripening pptx
... transformed following the instructions provided by the manufacturer (Invitrogen) The strain harbouring the correct construction was incubated in selecting liquid medium according to Invitrogen recommendations, ... X-ray films and developed a few hours later Expression of CM-AAT1 and CM-AAT2 in yeast Both CM-AAT1 and CM-AAT2 cDNAs were cloned in the pYES1.2 TOPO-TA cloning vector and yeasts (strain INVSc1) ... on a trellis in a greenhouse under standard cultural practices for fertilization and pesticide treatments Flower tagging on the day of hand pollination and daily measurements of internal ethylene...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:21
metal and alloy bonding an experimental analysis ; charge density in metals and alloys
... composition and composition of overlying layers Stress-induced grain boundary movement in aluminium lines used as connections in integrated circuits are substantially avoided by doping aluminium with ... dashboards, elements of seats, steering wheels, elements of timer-distributors, air filters, wheel bands, oil sumps, elements and housings of the gearbox, framing of doors and sunroofs and others ... (Pawlikowski 1981) Zincprovidesimmunity,fertilityandthecapacityofsensesincludingsight,tasteand smell, notes the International Zinc Association Zinc can also be recycled indefinitely, withoutlosinganyofitsstructuralorfunctionalcharacteristics(http://www.livestrong...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 00:31
Báo cáo sinh học: "Alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and gene therapies decrease autoimmunity and delay arthritis development in mouse model" potx
... serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) It inhibits proteinase 3, neutrophil elastase, and cathepsin G These serine proteases are released by joint invading neutrophils following Page 11 of 13 inflammatory ... proteins, involved in proinflammatory cytokine expression and cell signaling [12] It also has been reported that neutrophil elastase inhibitors reduce incidence as well as severity of collagen-induced ... and inflammation [20] We have recently shown, that combination therapy using doxycycline and hAAT gene therapy reduces arthritis development in mice, suggesting a therapeutic effect of hAAT in...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20