gender based barriers for male students in nursing education programs

Tài liệu Evidence-Based Guidelines for Migraine Headache in the Primary Care Setting: Pharmacological Management of Acute Attacks doc

Tài liệu Evidence-Based Guidelines for Migraine Headache in the Primary Care Setting: Pharmacological Management of Acute Attacks doc

... variety of oral codeinecontaining agents, including acetaminophen plus codeine and proprietary combinations of ∗ ∗ acetaminophen, codeine, and doxylamine (Mersyndol® ) or buclizine (Migraleve® ) ... therapy for patients with status migrainosus (Grade C) • Lidocaine— Intranasal Findings: Limited studies reported lidocaine superior to placebo in relieving acute migraine headache at 15 minutes ... ergotamine-containing compounds, and ergostine-containing compounds were inconsistent and difficult to interpret This is in part because many of these trials are older and used different dosing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

58 535 0
Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

... hereafter: Remembering: Recalling information Understanding: Explaining ideas or concepts Applying: Using information in another familiar situation Analyzing: Breaking information into parts to explore ... Understanding the meaning of remembered information, usually demonstrated by explaining in one’s own words or citing examples - Explain in one’s own words or language - Paraphrasing/Translating - ... design in reading class has primarily involved recalling and understanding the provided information (lower-level of cognitive domain, Bo-Linn [1]) and left a large gap on applying, analyzing, synthesizing,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

9 744 3
Challenges and Opportunities for Male Involvement in Reproductive Health in Cambodia pdf

Challenges and Opportunities for Male Involvement in Reproductive Health in Cambodia pdf

... scheduling male- only clinics and improving the privacy of male clients Existing service providers need further training in counseling male clients and couples Service providers must be trained ... involving men in addressing SRH issues The methodology for this research consisted of a literature review of documents referring to male involvement in reproductive health programs in general and in ... of carrying out quality midwifery care including a review of the distribution of male/ female admissions to nursing training” (MoH, 1997) The lack of financial and technical resources in Cambodia...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

23 371 0
Investing in Nursing Education to Advance Global Health: A position of the Global Alliance for Leadership in Nursing Education and Science pptx

Investing in Nursing Education to Advance Global Health: A position of the Global Alliance for Leadership in Nursing Education and Science pptx

... Position Statement on Investing in Nursing Education to Advance Global Health The following is a snapshot of nursing education developments, including funding concerns, raised by individual GANES ... nurses is strengthened before a crisis emerges Maintaining a viable nursing workforce will not be possible without consistent and continuing financial support for educational programs that prepare ... growth in these programs Early findings also point to an impressive 21.6% growth in enrollments in RN-to-baccalaureate programs, a 10.8% increase in master’s programs, a 10.4% increase in research-focused...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

6 563 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Feature-based Method for Document Alignment in Comparable News Corpora" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Feature-based Method for Document Alignment in Comparable News Corpora" ppt

... baseline method of Tao and Zhai are compared against the results of the following list of incremental approaches: the baseline (A); the baseline using term instead of word (B); replacing , by , for ... Using the Multilingual Thesaurus EUROVOC Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing Tao Tao and ChengXiang Zhai 2005 Mining Comparable Bilingual Text Corpora for CrossLanguage Information ... agency in Singapore Source © Singapore Press Holdings Ltd a Malay news agency in Singapore Source © Singapore Press Holdings Ltd Related Common Word: we also investigate...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

9 352 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning In Context" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning In Context" pptx

... are more informative and noisier, while syntax -based representations deliver sparser and less noisy information Following the hypothesis that richer, topical information is more suitable for exemplar ... al., 1999) In the current paper, we use an exemplar model for computing distributional representations for word meaning in context, using the context to activate relevant exemplars Comparing representations ... significance testing W Daelemans, A van den Bosch, and J Zavrel 1999 Forgetting exceptions is harmful in language learning Machine Learning, 34(1/3):11–43 Special Issue on Natural Language Learning K Erk...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 21:20

6 416 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Tree Based Protocol for Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Tree Based Protocol for Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks" pptx

... are Tiny Public Key (TinyPK) [4] and Tiny Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (TinyECC) [5] With symmetric cryptography, the simplest idea is to load a secret information in the sensor nodes before their ... key For example in [6], the authors focus on developing cost-saving mechanisms while weakening the threat model They propose Key Infection, a lightweight security protocol suitable for use in ... existing key management solutions proposed for WSNs in the literature, for a detailed state of the art see [3] Most existing key management solutions are based on symmetric cryptography mainly...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

10 544 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Practical Network-Based Techniques for Mobile Positioning in UMTS" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Practical Network-Based Techniques for Mobile Positioning in UMTS" pdf

... accuracy of 100 m for 67% of calls and 300 m for 95% of calls [5] In turn, the minimum required accuracy for mobile -based positioning solutions is 50 m for 67% of calls and 150 m for 95% of calls ... network -based standardized positioning technique utilizing Cell ID information of the serving sector The accuracy of the Cell ID can be improved by incorporation of a single RTT [11] measurement performed ... exploited for combining RTT information measured by all NodeBs in the AS (active set), thus improving the overall Cell ID+RTT accuracy According to regular SHO procedure [35], the radio link is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

15 285 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "A New Pipelined Systolic Array-Based Architecture for Matrix Inversion in FPGAs with Kalman Filter Case Study" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: "A New Pipelined Systolic Array-Based Architecture for Matrix Inversion in FPGAs with Kalman Filter Case Study" docx

... in cell internal registers: “1” for enable and “0” for disable (iii) 1-bit multiplexer select signal: sel for controlling the input data sources selection in data path multiplexers: “1” for input ... Signal Processing MATRIX INVERSION Boundary cell Input Hardware implementation of matrix inversion has been discussed in many papers [3] In this section, a systolic-arraybased inversion is introduced ... is that input data has to be in skewed form before entering the array When the PSA interfaces with other processors, a data wrapping preprocessing stage may be required to pack the data in the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

12 437 0
management of national defence – security education for university students in the new context management

management of national defence – security education for university students in the new context management

... actions For students in universities, colleges Article 2, Law on amending and supplementing some articles of Law on Education (having come into effect since 01/7/2010) defines: Objective of education ... Council for National Defence – Security Education and agencies of Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education and Training, learning national defence – security education subject in the Centers for ... the Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Public Security in guiding and organizing implementation of the national defence- security education subject - Students...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:39

29 338 0
life skills education for minority students in northern mountainous region in vietnam (through natural and social subject, science subject)

life skills education for minority students in northern mountainous region in vietnam (through natural and social subject, science subject)

... skills education in general education in Vietnam, some programs, projects and other research documents regarding life skills education in continuing education Centers for life skills education ... skills education inherent in specific contexts of ethnic minority elementary pupils in Northern mountainous regions in Vietnam, and applying efficient teaching methods in the education - Designing ... school students and ethnic minorities are living 19 Way to implement: Step 1: Preparation: Identify objectives and content selection for training, plan for training activities of students, building...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:39

27 394 0
Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of SOFA-based models for predicting mortality in the ICU: A systematic review" docx

Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of SOFA-based models for predicting mortality in the ICU: A systematic review" docx

... a peak value Combining information of severity of illness at admission and information on the course of illness during treatment, in contrast to comparing them, seems promising and two strategies ... a model based on max SOFA alone with a model including max SOFA and infection, and a model including max SOFA, infection and age [7] The last model had very good calibration and discrimination, ... temporal SAPS II model including a weighted average of the SOFA scores Except for day the model including frequent IOF patterns performed best in terms of both discrimination and accuracy as...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:23

13 382 0
Building the exercises system of developing speaking skill for pedagogical students in practicing vietnamese modules

Building the exercises system of developing speaking skill for pedagogical students in practicing vietnamese modules

... listening, speaking, reading and writing for learners For pedagogical students, forming and developing these skills are essential because it will help pedagogical students when teaching, educate for ... ending of the lessons, ending presentation in workshop/conference, ending the meeting with pupils’ parents… Depending on the purpose of ending skill developing for students in teaching or education, ... pedagogical students in the future Therefore, our view: speaking skills developing for pedagogical students is process that creative certain change (increases in substance) in a activity form, based...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2014, 16:31

14 436 0
Constraint based method for finding motifs in DNA sequences

Constraint based method for finding motifs in DNA sequences

... Many factors form (or block formation of) protein complexes that contact the RNA polymerase directly, increasing or decreasing its affinity for binding to a gene’s promoter and initiating transcription ... Chapter Finding Motif using Constrain Based Method In this chapter, we present two novel algorithms for the planted (l,d)-motif problem, namely CMMF (constraint mechanism -based motif finding algorithm) ... scanned and tested Therefore the resulting center set should 33 CHAPTER FINDING MOTIF USING CONSTRAIN BASED METHOD Algorithm The refined instruction of D2 in Algorithm For every position i ∈ {p,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:58

80 310 0
Crafting an interests based framework for mediation advocacy in singapore

Crafting an interests based framework for mediation advocacy in singapore

... Page 35 Crafting An Interests -based Framework for Mediation Advocacy in Singapore bargaining Mediators invest time and effort in understanding the contexts of the parties, and helping them to ... Crafting An Interests -based Framework for Mediation Advocacy in Singapore 5.3 Conclusion PREPARING A CASE FOR MEDIATION 6.1 Reviewing The Relevant Documents Identifying Needs and Interest Ascertain ... Matric No.: HT 070880X Page Crafting An Interests -based Framework for Mediation Advocacy in Singapore CRAFTING AN INTERESTS -BASED FRAMEWORK FOR MEDIATION ADVOCACY IN SINGAPORE TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 08:00

164 395 0
Applied linguistics for BA students in english

Applied linguistics for BA students in english

... (1965) forming storming norming performing mourning/adjourning HADFIELD (1992) forming maintaining disbanding In: Stevick, E W (1980) In both models three stages of group life can be distinguished: ... others, organising, communicating, manipulating and mediating conflicts; they learn best by sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating, interviewing Learning styles according to Willing (1987) ... beginning, often by students working in language laboratories; - students are evaluated on the bases of distinguishing between words in a minimal pair or by supplying an appropriate word form in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2016, 14:29

192 696 0
Mental health of students in higher education: College Report CR166 September 2011 pot

Mental health of students in higher education: College Report CR166 September 2011 pot

... (2008) carried out an internet -based survey of mental distress in students in four UK higher education institutions Students were assessed using the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10-item ... regarding their contact with students who are causing concern The advisor can offer guidance, advice and training for staff in relation to supporting and responding to students presenting in distress ... Counselling Services, 1999) was very influential in alerting higher education institutions to the increasing levels of psychological disturbance among students In September 2002, the Special Educational...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

97 349 0

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