... pathogens from urine and stool were Escherichia coli (37.8% and 36.4% respec- tively) and Klebsiella pneumonia (31.6% and 17.5% respectively) (Table 1) A number of less-frequent gram negative bacteria ... Authors' contributions HMA and AE contributed to conception and design, provision of study materials or patients, collection and assembly of data, data analysis and interpretation and manuscript writing ... stream infections due to Candida species in the European SENTRY Program: species distribution and antifungal susceptibility including the investigational triazole and echinocandin agents SENTRY Participant...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
... cities, birth in winter and early spring, and viral infections in the mother during the second and third trimesters of gestation A strong association between hypofrontality and negative symptoms of ... item and sub-scores for positive, negative, and 16 global psychopathological symptoms: delusions, formal thought disorders, hallucinations, agitation, grandiosity, suspiciousness/persecution, and ... passivity and apathy, difficulty in abstract thinking, lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation, and stereotyped thinking (N1 to N7); and health concerns, anxiety, guilt, tension, mannerisms and...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12
Interrogative and negative sentences
... San Francisco a v Paired activity (a and b) (a) Objective – To practice use of the negative in sentences Method – A makes a statement and B puts it in the negative Examples A: B: A: B: A: B: Voy ... Estoy leyendo ii Change the following sentences into the negative There may be more than one possibility Example Anda por la calle > No/nunca anda por la calle a b c d e f Veo a alguien Trabajan ... going to the game They don’t understand Italian ii Other words which form a negative sentence are nadie (no one), nada (nothing), ninguno (none), nunca (never) and jamas (never) ´ When these words...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 06:20
Tài liệu Module 3: Designing a Software Distribution and Management Strategy ppt
... software distribution and management options based on business needs, and the current and planned environment Determining Current Software Distribution Strategy Determining Software Distribution and ... Current Software Distribution Strategy Determining Software Distribution and Management Needs Evaluating Software Distribution and Management Options Selecting Software Distribution and Management ... Software Distribution and Management Strategy 17 Selecting Software Distribution and Management Options Topic Objective To identify the appropriate options for software distribution and management...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 15:15
Tài liệu Positive and Negative Spaces doc
... between the shapes of the positive and negative spaces ILLUSTRATION 01-O4 ILLUSTRATION 01-O5 ILLUSTRATION 01-O6 By referring to the shapes and sizes of the positive and negative spaces within the outline ... discussion and illustrations in this section focus on using both positive and negative spaces to render a contour drawing of this cartoon boy With lots of practice, your drawing skills improve, and ... bhoddinott@hoddinott.com Web sites http://www.finearteducation.com and http://www.drawspace.com Positive and negative spaces assume distinctive shapes, and fit together like pieces of a puzzle Think of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Neuropeptide Y-family receptors Y6and Y7in chicken Cloning, pharmacological characterization, tissue distribution and conserved synteny with human chromosome region docx
... ligand affinity between Y7 and Y2 may prove very useful for studies of ligand–receptor interactions and 3D modeling, and we have previously been able to utilize differences between chicken and ... radioligand This radioligand had iodinated tyrosines at positions 21 and 27 and a specific activity of 4000 CiÆmmol)1 Saturation experiments were carried out with serial dilutions of radioligand, and ... tissue distribution and phylogeny of the chicken Y6 and Y7 receptors and performed the initial pharmacological characterization of the latter It is clear, from these studies, that the Y6 and Y7...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Growth, Distribution, and Tax Reform: Thoughts on the Romney Proposal pdf
... Gale, and Looney [2012a] See Cronin [1999] for a thorough discussion of the conventions used by the Treasury to estimate the distributional effects of tax policy 5 revenue collected and its distribution ... state and local taxes, I only include half the reported state and local taxes 9 Although both economic theory and historical experience suggest that a tax system with lower marginal rates and ... possible effects of the Romney proposal on See Brown, Gale, and Looney [2012a] See, for example, the critique by Feldstein [2012] and Brown, Gale and Looney’s[2012b] responses to their various critics...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20
The Geographic Distribution and Characteristics of U.S. Bank Failures, 2007-2010: Do Bank Failures Still Reflect Local Economic Conditions? pptx
... Rhode Island, and Vermont), four southeastern states (Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee), and two Great Plains states (Montana and North Dakota) Figure shows the distribution ... agricultural incomes and caused the failure of thousands of banks located in farm states and other rural areas States where farm land values and cultivated acreage had expanded the most during ... million and $204 million, respectively By comparison, among non-failing banks, mean total assets and deposits were $1.2 billion and $695 million, respectively, and median total assets and deposits...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A study on genomic distribution and sequence features of human long inverted repeats reveals species-specific intronic inverted repeats pptx
... similarity and a short internal spacer in the human genome They were termed as recombinogenic LIRs in our previous study on human chromosomes 21 and 22 [33], although their distribution and frequency ... orthologs Results Characters and distribution of LIRs in human autosomes We identified 2551 LIRs in human autosomes and approximately 87% of them have a short spacer (0–9 bp) and arm (31–59 bp) (Fig ... center, and was divided into five ranges We calculated the percentage of LIRs falling within the ranges and observed a small percentage difference between the ranges, suggesting a random distribution...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20
The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2010 potx
... 1993-2009 (79%) A minimum of 70 banded females and 18 unbanded females nested and 84 banded males and unbanded males nested An additional 24 banded females and 17 banded males were present during ... banded adult plovers was 78%, above the 1994 – 2009 mean of 63% During the 2010 season, we captured and rebanded 33 banded adult plovers - 21 were males and 12 were females; we banded six unbanded ... violations and educate the public about plovers and dog related issues, and we recommend that these aspects of management continue and be funded At Siltcoos and Bandon Beach where parking lots and recreational...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2008 pptx
... 1993-2007 (80%) A minimum of 54 banded females and 12 unbanded females nested and 57 banded males and unbanded males nested An additional 17 banded females and 17 banded males were present during ... based on returning banded adult plovers was 62% During the 2008 season, we captured and rebanded 30 banded adult plovers - 18 were males and 12 were females; we banded 10 unbanded adult plovers ... Portland, OR Prepared for U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Lauten, D.J., K.A Castelein, B.V Smithers, K.C Jander, E Elliot-Smith, and E.P Gaines 2003 The Distribution...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Distribution and mobility of heavy metals
... (for A17) and Zn (for A18) A21 and A23 form a separate group due to the high content of Al, Fe, Pb, La, Zn and Zr (for A21), and Al, Fe, Cd, Ni, Ti, V and Zn (for A23) No significant distribution ... chromium and nickel contents at site B are above both limits in many samples, whereas lead and zinc, and in some cases cadmium, are between ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’ values All samples exceeding ‘‘A’’ and some ... sites and with Dutch intervention values (Ministry of Housing, 1994), formerly known as C values (Table 5) Italian limits depend on land use, and are lower for public and private green areas and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:56
Sputum cellularity in pulmonary tuberculosis: A comparative study between HIV-positive and -negative individuals pptx
... cases (3 HIV-positive and -negative) , atelectasis in (10%) of cases (1 HIV-positive and -negative) , nodules in (7.5%) of cases (HIV -negative) and pneumothorax, adenomegaly and mass in (2.5%) of ... cases (13 HIV-positive and 19 -negative) , interstitial lesion in 15 (37.5%) of cases (8 HIV-positive and -negative) , cavitation in 10 (25%) of cases (4 HIVpositive and -negative) , pleural effusion ... mediastinal and/ or hilar lymph nodes and in some cases, no radiographic alterations (Haramati and Jenny-Avital, 1998; Shah et al., 1997; Keiper et al., 1995; Naidich and McGuinness, 1991; Pitchenik and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Genomic organization, tissue distribution and deletion mutation of human pyridoxine 5¢-phosphate oxidase pptx
... (A) and mouse (B) PNPO gene Exons are designated by closed boxes, and introns by bold lines The ORF is marked black, and grey boxes denote the 5¢- and 3¢-UTR sequences The locations of CpG islands ... contains CpG islands with a CGobs/CGexp ratio in excess of 0.6 and a G + C content of 62% spanning two regions from )377 to )158 and from )137 to +136 of the start codon Such a CpG island is indicative ... gel, and the product band was extracted from the gel, purified, and ligated into the pGEM vector Then a BamHI digested fragment was subcloned into pET28a expression vector (pET28a/PNPOx) and used...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20
... Grammar," in Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, Dahl and Saint-Dizier ed., 1985 North Holland Amsterdam, The Netherlands 13 Maxwell, J T., III and R Kaplan "An Overview of Disjunctive ... feature structures, but instead uses standard first-order logic to axiomatize attribute-value structures and express constraints on them, including disjunctive and negative constraints The resulting ... disjunctive and negative feature constraints Example(continued): Suppose each variable xi denotes the corresponding ei,
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20
The Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Western Snowy Plover along the Oregon Coast - 2011 ppt
... 1993-2010 (78%) A minimum of 90 banded females and 17 unbanded females nested and 104 banded males and unbanded males nested An additional 11 banded females and banded males were present during ... breeding season we observed 107 banded females, 113 banded males, 15-17 unbanded females, and 12-13 unbanded males The totals include six banded male and two banded female plovers that were most ... banded adult plovers was 75%, above the 1994-2010 mean of 64% During the 2011 season, we captured and rebanded 33 banded adult plovers - 22 were males and 11 were females; we banded three unbanded...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20
... use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, antibiotics, certain food additives and processing aids Stages of production, preparation and distribution: Any stage from and including the primary ... import regimes, and meetings with the services of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and of the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers — Food and Veterinary Office ... processing, distribution and imports of organic products 38 61 The Commission’s analysis of annual reports is not standardised (e.g no checklists or standard report formats are used) and the analysis...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
Đề tài "Cyclic homology, cdhcohomology and negative K-theory" pot
... sequences and quasi-isomorphisms of mixed complexes yield short exact sequences and quasi-isomorphisms of HC, HP and HN complexes, respectively Of course, the cyclic, periodic cyclic and negative ... Thomason and Trobaugh in [34, Th 2.6.3], that the functors Lq ∗ and Rq∗ induce quasi-inverse equivalences on derived categories Dperf (X on Z) ∼ Dperf (V on Z) = As a consequence of 2.7 and 2.8, and ... proof of 1.5), and induce the usual projective space bundle and blow-up formulas: HC(Y ) = HC(Pd−1 ) Y HC(Y ), 0≤l≤d−1 and HC(X ) HC(X) ⊕ HC(Y ) 1≤l≤d−1 The case is similar for HP and HN in place...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20
... education in the United States; conduct, and~ ~ publish reports on specialized analses of the meaning and significance of such, statistics; and review and report on education activities in foreign, ... postsecondary education in the academic year 197273, (2) the distribution of Federal aid by various student and institutional characteristics, and (3) the distribution of non-Federal aid that students may ... "package" consisting of different types and sources of aid Such a package may result in funds from Federal and/ or non-Federal sources, and from grants, jobs, loans, and transfer benefits in various...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20