fundamentals of systems engineering



... Engineering 1.1 Electrical Engineering 1.2 Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review 1.3 System of Units 1.4 Special Features of This Book PART I CIRCUITS Chapter Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 2.1 ... Issues of the IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine, and of Control Engineering Practice; Dr Rizzoni is a past Chair of the ASME Dynamic Systems ... FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING First Edition Giorgio Rizzoni The Ohio State University January 11, 2008 19:13 fm Sheet number Page number ii magenta black FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

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... Copyright – Melikon 2004 FUNDAMENTALS OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 SOFTWARE’S GROWING IMPORTANCE 1.2 MANAGING SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ... PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS BOOK • Merging the application of structured engineering with that of disciplined project management for software development, results in the concept software engineering ... software development Chapter 1: Introduction 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT Their own roles in a software development project Management techniques for improved software...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

15 498 1
engineering information security the application of systems engineering concepts to achieve information assurance

engineering information security the application of systems engineering concepts to achieve information assurance

... Kartalopoulos Engineering Information Security: The Application of Systems Engineering Concepts to Achieve Information Assurance Stuart Jacobs ENGINEERING INFORMATION SECURITY The Application of Systems Engineering ... for compliance evaluation of deployed systems and how these systems are used Another critical aspect of the systems methodology is the necessity to consider all aspects of a system, not just the ... mastering systems engineering concepts WHAT IS SECURITY? 1.1 INTRODUCTION The central role of computer security for the working of the economy, the defense of the country, and the protection of our...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:49

728 2K 0


... thought of as having a distribution of the degrees of polymerization (DPs), which is given by a histogram, as shown in Figure 1.2 In this representation, Wn is the weight of a species of degree of ... distributions of molecular weight If Nn is the total number of moles of a polymer of chain length * equal to n in a given sample, one can write t Nn ¼ W* n Mn ð1:4:6Þ The total number of moles of polymer, ... molecular structure of the graft copolymer and the number of grafts formed In addition, the length of the graft may vary, and the graft copolymer often carries a fair amount of homopolymer The...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20

702 573 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 1 pdf

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 1 pdf

... coverage of the essentials of polymers After an introduction to polymers as materials in the first two chapters, the mechanisms of polymerization and their effect on the engineering design of reactors ... STATES OF AMERICA Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc PLASTICS ENGINEERING Founding Editor Donald E Hudgin Professor Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina Plastics Waste Recovery of Economic ... Jacques Verdu, and Roberto J J Williams Prediction of Polymer Properties Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Jozef Bicerano Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

17 1,3K 1
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 2 pdf

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 2 pdf

... thought of as having a distribution of the degrees of polymerization (DPs), which is given by a histogram, as shown in Figure 1.2 In this representation, Wn is the weight of a species of degree of ... distributions of molecular weight If Nn is the total number of moles of a polymer of chain length * equal to n in a given sample, one can write t Nn ¼ W* n Mn ð1:4:6Þ The total number of moles of polymer, ... the double bond of the GMA reacts Write down the structure of the polymer at the end of each stage 1.5 A small amount of grafting of polyethylene (PE) changes the properties of the polymer The...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

44 305 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 3 ppsx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 3 ppsx

... hydrogen of the neighboring molecules in various ways, as shown in the mechanism of the auto-oxidation process of Table 2.2 The formation of hydroperoxide in step C of the sequence of reactions ... surface Diffusion of reactants to the active sites of the resin Adsorption of reactants to the active sites of the resin Chemical reaction at the active sites of the resin Desorption of the products ... molecule can have all or some of the following four categories of motion: Translational motion of the entire molecule Long cooperative wriggling motion of 40–50 CÀC bonds of the molecule, permitting...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

58 272 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 4 docx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 4 docx

... know the total number of moles of unreacted A and B functional groups, the total number of moles of polymer is simply half of this In other words, the total number of moles of polymer, N , at time ... independent of the chain length of the polymer molecule on which it is situated As a result [e.g., in Eq (3) of Table 3.2], the rate of formation of Z would be k3 ½COOHŠ2 À k3 ½ZŠ½GŠ=K The analysis of ... Principles of Polymerization Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1983 Kumar, A., and S K Gupta, Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1978 Flory, P J., Principles of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

50 225 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 5 ppsx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 5 ppsx

... distribution (MWD) of the polymer, as given by Eqs (4.2.1) and (4.2.2), we must know the volume, V , of the liquid phase of the reactor and the rate of vaporization, Qw The rate of change of volume V ... Extension of the Reaction Diffusion Model of Melt Polycondensation, Acta Polym 31, 732–733, 1980 Amon, M., and C D Denson, A Study of the Dynamics of Foam Growth: Analysis of the Growth of Closely ... performance of semibatch reactors and examine the effect of flashing of the condensation product on it 4.2 ANALYSIS OF SEMIBATCH REACTORS [1,3] We have already observed in earlier chapters that engineering...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

35 264 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 8 pot

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 8 pot

... number of latex particles per liter H2O N0 ¼ number of latex particles having no radicals N1 ¼ number of particles having one radical N2 ¼ number of particles having two radicals Nt ¼ sum of the ... Formation of branched polymer in the emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride could If Vp is the total volume of polymer particles within the reaction mass, the rate of formation of ... has been suggested: 19.9 g of methyl methacrylate, 3.5 g of methacrylic acid, 10.5 g of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, 1.1 g of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, and 0.1 g of emulsifier sodium dodecyl...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

41 379 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 9 doc

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 9 doc

... concentration of the solute in solution in the limit of infinite dilution Thus, beginning with a known mass of solute, a knowledge of any of these colligative properties reveals the total number of molecules ... the molar latent heat of vaporization of pure solvent A From the definition of the mole fraction, Moles of B Total moles in mixture Mass of B Mixture volume ¼ ðMol: wt: of BÞðTotal molesÞ Mixture ... hydroxide, required 35 mL of the Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc Measurement of Molecular Weight 343 alkali If a blank solution of the benzyl alcohol plus chloroform required mL of the base, how...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

34 277 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 10 docx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 10 docx

... ðn0 À jmÞm n0 ð9:3:2Þ The total number of ways of arranging all of the n2 polymer molecules, Op , is the product of the number of ways of arranging each of the n2 molecules in sequence This fact ... disordered, and composed of a series of segments the size of a solvent molecule The number of segments in each polymer molecule is m, which equals V2 =V1 , the ratio of the molar volume of the polymer ... the total number of ways Ojþ1 in which the ð j þ 1Þst polymer molecule can be arranged is the product of the number of ways of placing the first segment with the number of ways of placing the second...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

33 406 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 11 ppt

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 11 ppt

... steps out of n steps divided by the total number of ways of taking n steps The numerator, then, is the same as the number of ways of putting n objects (of which nþ are of one kind and nÀ are of another ... case of practical interest, we use the law of joint probability According to this law, the probability of a number of events happening simultaneously is the product of the probabilities of each of ... ratio of the number of possible ways in which that event can occur to the total number of events As a consequence, the probability, p(m), of obtaining an end-to-end distance of mlx is the number of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

30 271 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 12 pptx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 12 pptx

... can have a large degree of perfection and are ˚ usually in the form of lamellae or platelets having thickness of the order of 100 A and lateral dimensions of the order of microns The observed ... structure in order to get specified values of properties of interest This is the realm of engineered material properties and the subject of research of many industrial research laboratories Before ... average of the properties of the two phases We can expect the weighting function to be the fraction of the crystalline or amorphous phase, with the size and size distribution of the domains often...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

50 340 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 13 doc

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 13 doc

... in-phase component of the modulus and represents storage of energy, whereas G00 , the loss modulus, is the out -of- phase component and is a measure of energy loss The ratio of the loss to storage ... as the motion of side groups, effects related to crystal size, and different facets of multiphase systems such as miscibility of polymer blends and adhesion between components of a composite ... result of local stress concentrations arising from the presence of small cracks and other flaws The point of onset of failure can be predicted based on a modified Griffith criterion or, in the case of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

39 219 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 14 docx

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 14 docx

... one of creeping flow In addition, the size of the spheres has to be large in comparison to the size of the molecules of the suspending liquid Under these conditions, D is typically of the order of ... boiling point of the permeate and T is the temperature of interest Furthermore, the diffusivities of a number of gases in a variety of polymers can be found in the literature as a function of temperature ... ratio of critical volume of solvent to that of polymer segment ^0 V1 ð0Þ ¼ occupied volume per gram of solvent ^0 V2 ð0Þ ¼ occupied volume per gram of polymer ^ VFH ¼ hole free volume per gram of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

47 290 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 15 doc

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 15 doc

... component of the velocity vector If the shear rate is independent of position, the flow field is homogeneous and the components of the extra stress [see Eq (10.5.6) of Chap 10] are also independent of ... maximum value of the slope of the shear stress plot is unity Although all of the data discussed so far have been melt data, the shear behavior of polymer solutions is similar to that of polymer ... at the expense of greater complexity Note that the parameter lc determines the point of onset of shear thinning; the onset of shear thinning is found to move to larger values of the shear rate...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

57 252 0
Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 16 ppt

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering Part 16 ppt

... chapter has been a sort of capstone We have shown how it is possible to couple the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy with a knowledge of the fundamentals of polymer behavior to ... with fundamentals of transport phenomena to analytically relate X to z It is obviously quite restrictive Given the known behavior of polymeric fluids, we can immediately think of a number of modifications, ... consequence of this is a decoupling of the different parts of the extruder, and what happens in one portion of the extruder does not instantly affect what happens in another portion of the extruder...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 19:20

56 261 0
Fundamentals of earthquake engineering    amr s  elnashai  luigi di sarno

Fundamentals of earthquake engineering amr s elnashai luigi di sarno

... University of Sannio, Benvenuto, Italy A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Publication FUNDAMENTALS OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Amr S Elnashai Department of Civil and ... FUNDAMENTALS OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Amr S Elnashai Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, USA and Luigi Di Sarno Department of Structural ... Amr is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the United Kingdom (UKequivalent of the NAE), Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the UK Institution of Structural Engineers...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2016, 12:10

366 1,1K 0
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, 7th edition

Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, 7th edition

... welcome two new co-authors for the seventh edition of Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Dr Daisie D Boettner, PE, professor of mechanical engineering at the United States Military Academy ... independent of the particular way the change of state occurred That is, the change is independent of the details of the process Conversely, if the value of a quantity is independent of the process ... appropriate table, determine (a) the mass, in kg, of 20 kmol of each of the following: air, C, H2O, CO2 (b) the number of lbmol in 50 lb of each of the following: H2, N2, NH3, C3H8 1.10 In severe...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:33

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